Download - The Book of Basic Shia Religious for Children 2. 10 to 25

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9. Tawwalla loves the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Holy Imams (a.s) with all your heart. This includes praising of their qualities which are the reason for their being at the highest pinnacle of human spirituality. They are human yet NOOR (sublime light created by Allah Almighty before the creation of the universe)

10. Tabarra means showing annoyance with the enemies of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Holy Imams (a.s). This does not mean that one should go out and fight with everyone, but to explain to them why we love the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Holy Imams (a.s) and what their

teachings are. These are 10 in number:

Important for Shia’a01. Allah is one.02. Punjtan Pak is five. 03. Allah’s Wali is one.04. Imams (a.s) are twelve.05. Masooms are fourteen. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a) and 12 Imams (a.s). 06. Allah’s Messengers (Nabi) are 124,000.07. Prophets (Rasool) are 313.08. Great Prophets (Ulul-Azm) are five.09. Sacred Scriptures are four from Allah.10. The Martyrs of Kerbala (61 A.H) are 72.11. The Martyrs of different places (28 Rajab 60 TO 1st Muharram 61A.H & after 10 Muharram to 20 Safar 61A.H) are 72.

SIGN OF SHIA’A1. Allah is our God.2. Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) is our Prophet.3. Yaa Ali (a.s) Madad is our identity (Sunnat-e-Rasool).4. Matam is our religion sign. (Sunnat Imam Zain-ul-Abedin (a.s) and

Sunnat Hazrat Bib Zainub (s.a).5. Shia Islam is our religion. 6. Quran is our religion Book.7. Kabah is our Qiblah.8. Twelve Imams are our Guide.9. Alam (Flag) is our religions flag.

10. Love for Ahl-e-Bait (Household) of Prophet (pbuh) is our Identity. We are Isna-Ashari we believe in 12 Imam (a.s) & 14 Masoom (a.s).

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This saying of Lady Fatima (s.a) sums upI slam beauty fully.

Allah (swt) has made faith (Iman) [the means] to purify one from polytheism (Shirk); and [made] prayer (Salat) to guard one from arrogance; and [prescribed] alms (Zakat) to chasten one's self and increase one's sustenance; and [prescribed] the fast (Sawm) to strengthen sincere devotion [to Allah (swt)]; and [prescribed] the pilgrimage (Hajj) to elevate the religion (Deen); and [enjoined] justice (Adil) to harmonize the hearts; and [enjoined] obedience to us (Ahlul Bayt) to organize the Islamic community (Millah); and our Leadership (Imamah) as a trust to avoid disunity; and [prescribed] holy war (Jihad) to honour Islam and denounce the unbelievers and hypocrites; and the bidding of good (Amr-Bil-Maroof) and forbidding of evil (Nahi-anil-Munkar) for the benefit of the people in general; and kindness to parents as a shield against the anger [of Allah (swt)]; and strengthening one's ties with near kin to prolong [one's] life;... and the forbiddance of alcoholic drink to guardoneself from filth; and Allah (swt) has prohibited polytheism for the sincere devotion to His Divinity; so [O you who believe!] fear Allah (swt) as you should, and [see that] you die not but as Muslims.

Masooma Fatima Hussain (12 years old) Lahore

Kerbala! Oh Kerbala!

ASGAR(a.s) The infant -Took an arrow to his throat in Kerbala. 

SAKINA(s.a) The child -Lost her ear rings in Kerbala.

QASIM(a.s) The teen -Trampled by the horses in Kerbala.

AKBAR(a.s) The youth -Speared on his chest in Kerbala.

ABBAS(a.s) The warrior -Was not permitted to fight in Kerbala.

HUSSAIN(a.s) The Imam of the time -His head was raised on a spear in Kerbala.

DEATH With a smile they embraced in Kerbala.

ISLAM Dictated these sacrifices in Kerbala.

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ZAINAB(s.a) Completed the mission that started in Kerbala.

ISLAM Reborn with new vigour, once again in Kerbala.

KARBALA OH Kerbala! We will never forget Kerbala.



(1) Hazrat Noah (a.s). (2) Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s). (3) Hazrat Musa (a.s).(4) Hazrat Essa (a.s).(5) Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh).

نوح   حضرت ابراهم  حضرت ٭٭  موس��ى   حضرت عس�ى  حضرت ٭

٭  تمحمد٭  د�حضر


Many books were revealed (sent) to the Prophets by Allah. Four of them are important. They are 1ST. Taw-rat; 2ND. Zabur; 3RD. Injil; 4TH. Qur'an-e-Majid.

You should know that:1. Taw-rat was revealed to Hazrat Musa (a.s) D2.  Zabur was revealed to Hazrat Dawood (a.s) D 3.  Injil was revealed to Hazrat Essa (a.s) D 4. The Quran was revealed to our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh). A

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All previous books were cancelled by Allah when the Quran was sent. Now it is the only authentic and true book which is to be followed by all

men and women.

13 Mutahhiraat There is twelve things which make najis objects Pak: 1. Water 2. Earth 3. The Sun 4. Transformation (Istihala) 5. Change (Inqilab) 6. Transfer (Intiqal) 7. Islam 8. Subjection (Taba'iyat) 9. Removal of original najasat 10. Confining (Istibra) of animal which feeds on najasat 11. Disappearance of a Muslim 12. Draining of the usual quantity of blood from the slaughtered body of

an animal.

Najis Things:-The following ten things are essentially najis: Urine Faeces Semen Dead body Blood Dog Pig Kafir Alcoholic liquors The sweat of an animal that persistently eats najasat.

Ghusl (Obligatory Baths): There are seven obligatory baths: Bath for Janabat Bath for Hayz (for women only)

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Bath for Nifas (for women only) Bath for Istihaza (for women only) Bath for touching a dead body Bath for a dead body Bath which becomes obligatory on account of a vow or an oath to

perform it.

There are two methods of performing Ghusl's, both Wajib and Mustahab1. Tartibi (Sequential) 2. Irtimasi (By submerging the whole body).


Tartibi1st. In this method, a person should first make a niyyat for Ghusl. There after one should first wash one's head and neck, and there after the remaining parts of one's body. It is better that one washes the right part of the body first and then the left part. And if a person, while standing under the water, jerks each of these parts on one's body with an intention of performing Tartibi Ghusl, it will not be sufficient and the precaution is that one should not content oneself with it... And if a person washes the body before washing the head, either intentionally, or on account of forgetfulness or because of not knowing the rule, Ghusl is void.

2nd. If a person washed the body before the head it will not be necessary to repeat the bath. What one has to do is to wash the body again and Ghusl will then be correct.

3rd. In order to ensure that both the parts (head, neck and remaining parts of the body) have been washed thoroughly one should, while washing a part, also include some portion of the other part with it.

4th. After the Ghusl, if a person realises that certain parts of the body have been left out, not knowing which, it will not be necessary to wash the head again. One will wash only those parts of one's body which one feels had not been washed.

5th. If one realises after Ghusl that one has not washed a certain part of the body it is sufficient to wash only that part if it is the left side. However, if that part is the right side then the recommended precaution is that after washing that part of the body one should wash the left side again. And if the unwashed part is that of head and neck one should, after washing that part, wash the body once again.

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6th. If a person doubts before completing Ghusl whether one has washed a part on the left or right side it will be necessary to wash that part and if one doubts about having washed a part of the head and neck then, as an obligatory precaution, one would wash that part and then wash the right and the left side of the body again.


Irtimasi1st. Ghusl by way of Irtimasi is either carried out instantly or gradually. If the Ghusl of Irtimasi is to be done at one instance, then water must reach all parts of the body at one time. However, it is not necessary thatthe whole body is submerged in water from the very beginning of Ghusl. If a part of the body is outside, and is later submerged with the niyyat of Ghusl, it will be deemed in order.

2nd. If one wishes to perform Irtimasi Ghusl gradually, then it is necessary that the whole body is out of water before Ghusl commences. Then one would submerge one's body gradually in water with the intention of Ghusl.

3rd. If after performing Ghusl Irtimasi it becomes known that water has not reached some part of the body one should repeat the Ghusl, whether the part up to which water has not reached is determined or not.

4th. If one does not have sufficient time for Tartibi, one should perform Ghusl by way of Irtimasi.

5th. A person who has put on Ihram for Hajj and Umrah is not allowed performing Ghusl by way of Irtimasi. However, if one performs it forgetfully the Ghusl will be valid

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1st 2nd 3rd

Tayammum, i.e. purification by means of clean pure sand or clean dry dust or stone and whitewash mix with clay

Dry ablution (Tayammum)Tayammum is a substitute for Wazu or Ghusl. Sometimes we find our selves in a situation in which we do not have access to water, and we have entered a state of ritual impurity. For situations like these, Allah, theWise and Compassionate has commanded “. . . If you are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body, but if you are ill or on a

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journey, or one of you has come from offices of nature, or have been in contact with women, and you find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah does not wish to place on you difficulty, but to make you clean and to complete His favour to you, that you may be grateful. We can conclude from this verse that if you are travelling and no water is to be found, over you are ill and cannot perform ghusl, Tayammum is permissible. If water is not available and you feel that your prayers will be late) before water found, it is also sufficient to do Tayammum.

1· Rub the palm of your right hand on clean soil, sand, or stone. 2· Draw it across your forehead. 3· Rub your palms again on the soil, act. 4· Draw the left palm across the back of the right arm and hand. 5· Draw the right palm across the back of the left arm and hand.

What is WazuWazu is the special way to wash yourself before you pray and it was taught by our Holy Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), after he came back from Me'raj. In Me'raj the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) did Wazu with the water from the river in Heaven. Allah says in the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Maidah in verse 6: "O you who believe! When you get ready for Salaat, wash your faces, wash your hands up to (and including) the elbows, and wipe (a part of) your heads, and (a part of) your feet to the ankles.


Wazu is not only needed for Salaat but Wazu is also recommended to do: Wajib Tawaaf in Hajj Touching the writing of the Holy Quran Touching the names of Allah and the 14 Masoomeen Before you sleep Before you go to the Imambargah When you are angry (as it calms you down) In fact anytime at all.

Before doing Wazu you should make sure that the parts of Wazu (face, arms, head, and feet) are all Pak, and have nothing on. Them which would stop the water getting there. e.g. Plaster, nail varnish, rings, watch, socks…

WUZU ACTION IS DIVIDED INTO 2 PARTS SUNNAT AND WAJIB1. Sunnat actions - those actions which do not have to be done, but if done you get more Sawab (Reward from Allah).

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2. Wajib actions - those actions which have to be done, otherwise the Wazu is wrong. You should try to do Wazu with both the Sunnat and Wajib actions so that you get lots of Sawab

The Sunnat actions are:1. Washing your hands - This should be done two times. 2. Washing your mouth (gargling) - This should be done three times. 3. Washing your nose (taking water into the nostrils) - This should be don three times.

WUZU-WAJIB ACTIONS: Washing the face beforeyou start to Wash the face, you should do the first Wajib action of Wazu. This is Niyyat (what you are going to do and for whom).

Niyyat: You should say “I do Wazu "Qurbatan ilal-laah” for the pleasure of Allah. Now do the next Wajib action that is washing your face First get some water in your right hand and then pour it onto your forehead, where the hair grows. You have to wash the whole length of your face beginning from your forehead (where the hair grows) ending at the bottom of the


chin. You have to wash the whole width of your face. You do this by stretching your hand out (from your thumb to your middle finger) as shown in picture .To makes sure that the whole width has been washed, you should pass your wet hand on either side of your face. To wash your face once is enough but it is better to wash your face two times, but not more than twice.

WASHING THE ARMSThe next Wajib action in Wazu is washing your arms: The washing of the arms is from the elbow to the fingertips. First the right arm is washed with the left hand, and then the left arm is washed with the right hand. This is done once, better twice but no more. The washing of the arms is little different for Male and Female.For Male: The water is poured above the back part of the elbow. >>>>>>

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For Female: The water is poured above the front part of the elbow. >>>>>>>

WAJIB MASAHMASAH: - After washing of the face and the arms come wiping, this is known as Masah. Masah is done of the head and of the feet. Masah of the head: - This is done by wiping the wet three fingers of the right hand from the middle of the head up to the edge of the hair, without touching the forehead. The water of the face and head should not mingle.

Masah of the head

Masah of the feet: - This is done by wiping the wet fingers of the right hand over the upper part of the right foot, from the tip of the toes to the ankle.

Masah of the feet Then the same is done with the left hand for the left foot



^Washing of hands ^Gargling ^Water into nostrils ^Washing the face 2times 3 times 3 times 1 time

Washing the arms one time

1 Time (For Female) 1 Time (For Male)

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Masah of the head Masah of the feet

Right foot Left foot



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Takbee-Ratul-Ihraam Qeam Ruku

Sajdah Ready for Sajdah Tashahud

Qunoot. Feet Position in Sajdah Salam



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Sajdah shokr22

The Wajib Namaz, Timing and Rakaat of the PrayersTHE WAJIB (OBLIGATORY) PRAYERS

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The Five Wajib (OBLIGATORY) Daily Prayers1st. The Morning Prayer (Fajr) 2 Rakaat. Fajr starts at Subhe Saadiq (about one hour and twenty minutes before sunrise) and ends at sunrise. At least one rakaat should be over before sunrise. 2nd. The Midday Prayer (Zohar) 4 Rakaat. Zohar starts at Zuwal (start of the sun’s decline from the apparent noon) and ends before sunset just enough time is left for four rakaat for (ASR 3rd. The Afternoon prayer (ASR) 4 Rakaat. ASR starts after Zohar is offered, and ends just before sunset. 4th. Maghrib starts 20 minutes after sunset and ends before midnight when just enough time is left for four rakaat for Isha.5th. The Evening Prayer (Isha) 4 Rakaat. Isha commences as soon as Maghrib is offered and ends at midnight.2 Namaz-e-Ayat.Prayers which are to be said when acts of Allah, like earthquakes, eclipses and cyclones take place and flood.3-Namaz-e-Mayyat4-Namaz-e-Tawaf.5-Namaz-e-Ahad.6-Namaz-e-Nazar.7-Namaz-e-Kasam.8-Namaz-e-Juma (somebody prays Sunnat)9-Namaz-e-Istejara.10-Namaz-e-Qaza.11-Namaz-e-Ehtiyat


1 The five daily prayers.

2 Namaz-e-Ayat.

3 Namaz-e-Mayyat 4 Namaz-e-Tawaaf.

5 Namaz-e-Ahad. 6 Namaz-e-Nazar.

7 Namaz-e-Kasam. 8 Namaz-e-Juma (somebody pray Sunnat)

9 Namaz-e-Istejara. 10 Namaz-e-Qaza.

11 Namaz-e-Ihtyat

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FAJR 2 2 -

ZUHAR - 4 8

ASR - 4 8


ISHA - 4 1



EID After sunrise - 2 KHUTBA=2

AYAAT when acts - 2 -

TAWAF between Fajr & Maghrib

- 2 -

QAZA any time - 2 -

AHAD any time - 2 -

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ISTEJARA any time - 2 -

NAZAR any time - 2 -

MAYYAT any time - 1 -

QASAM any time - 2 -

EHTIYAT between Maghrib & Isha

- 2 -


The timings given here are almost the beginning of the respective prayers. The time of FAJR ends at sunrise. The time of ZOHAR ends 4 rakaat before sunset. The time of ASR ends before sunset. The MAGHRIB ends 4 Rakaat before midnight. The ISHA ends before midnight. The Namaz-e-Shaab started midnight to ends 11 rakaat before FAJR. The Friday programme starts at (Zuwal time. midday) noon all the year. Eid Namaz starts after sunrise ends before noon and other FARZ Namaz not fixed time.



AZAAN is recited immediately before beginning the NAMAZ BISMIL LA HIR-RAHMAA-NIR-RAHEEM

ALLAHO AKBAR (Allah is Great) 4 TIMES

ا�هللاا�ك�ب�ر�ASH-HADO AL-LAA ILAAHA-ILLALLAH 2 TIMES (I bear witness that there is no God but Allah )

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ASH-HADO ANNA MOHAMMADAR-RASOO-LULLAAH 2 TIMES (I bear witness that Mohammad(S.W.) is the Messenger of Allah)

ASH-HADO ANNA ALIYAN WALI-YULLAH 2 TIMES WASIY-YO-RASUL ILLAAH; WA KHALIFATUH BILA FASL (I bear witness that Ali is the(Vali) representative of Allah and Wasi of Prophet)

HAYYA A'LASSALAAH (Hasten towards prayer) 2 TIMES

HAYYA A'LALFALAAH (Hasten towards prosperity) 2 TIMES


(Hasten towards the best of action)

ALLAHO AKBAR (Allah is Great) 2 TIMES

ا�هللاا�ك�ب�ر� LAA ILAAHA IL-LALLAH(There is no God except Allah) 2 TIMES



Eqamat is recited immediately before beginning the NAMAZALLAHO AKBAR ( Allah is Great) 2 TIMES

ا�هللاا�ك�ب�ر�ASH-HADO AL-LAA ILAAHA-ILLALLAH 2 TIMES (I bear witness that there is no God but Allah )


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(I bear witness that Mohammad (S.W.) is the Messenger of Allah)

ASH-HADO ANNA ALIYAN WALI-YULLAH 2 TIMES WASIY-YO-RASUL ILLAAH WA KHALIFATUH BILA FASL (I bear witness that Ali is the (Vali) representative of Allah an Wasi of Prophet)

HAYYA A'LASSALAAH (Hasten towards prayer) 2 TIMES

HAYYA A'LALFALAAH (Hasten towards prosperity) 2 TIMES


(Hasten towards the best of action )

QAD QAA-MATIS-SALAAH (Lo, Prayer has established) 2 TIMES

ALLAHO AKBAR ( Allah is Great) 2 TIMES

ا�هللاا�ك�ب�ر�LAA ILAAHA IL-LALLAH (There is no God except Allah) 1 TIME