Download - THE BODLEY HEAD · Dali, Salvador 424 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor 392 Hampden Club 258 Soft COlISlruccioll with

Page 1: THE BODLEY HEAD · Dali, Salvador 424 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor 392 Hampden Club 258 Soft COlISlruccioll with




Page 2: THE BODLEY HEAD · Dali, Salvador 424 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor 392 Hampden Club 258 Soft COlISlruccioll with

Introduction 6









Acknowledgements 440

Credits 441

Further Reading 442

Index 444

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Page IIl/mbers ill italics refa to illustrations

abstraction 32 1, 361 , 363, 394,398,400,4 15,426

Adriaensdr, Aliljdr 150 Aguirre, Jose 374 Albers,Joseph 418, 422 Alberr, Prince 240 Alexander VII, Pope 121 Alfonso XlII, King 366 Americ::tll Revolution 201 Amsterdam 128, 131, 138-9,

142, 143,154, 158, 159, 162,1 67, 169, 176

Town Hall 169,170, 171, 175; Baravian p::tintings 169,171-8,174,176-7

Amsterdam, N e\v 169 Angelico, Fra 430 d'Angivil1ers, Marquis 187- 8,

193, 212 Amognetti, Lena 58, 62 Appelles of Cos 65 , 160 ApoHinairc, Guillaume 356,

361 Apollo and ApeHes Society

164 Apollo Belvedere 94 AI'1 Uuion 240 d'Anois, Comtc 202, 217,

227 d'Auch, Martin 210 Aurier, Mbert 298, 303, 332,

346 Avcry, Milton and Sally 403

Dacon, Francis 400 Baglione, Giovanni 18,61-2 Bailly, Sylvain (Mayor of

Paris) 197,207,210,214 Baldinucci, FiIippo 82, 89, 92,

99, 100, 103, 109, 11 7 Banning Cocq, Captain Frans

155, 156, 158-9 Dara, Joseph 226 Barbaroux, Charles 216, 218 Barbcrini, Cardinal Francesco

106 Barberini, Cardinal Maffeo

85, 86,92, 99 Barberini Palano 103 Barnave, Antoine 210, 214,

226 Beaumont, Sir George 266,

281 Begmann, Margot 312


Beistie, Mary 411 , 413 , 431, 435

Belisarius 190 llellori, Giovan Pierro 30 Bcrckleyde, Gerrit, Amsterdam

TowlI Hall 170 l3ergami n, Jose 387-8 Bcrnard, Emile 303, 320, 32 1,

323 Bernini, Angelina (mother)

100, 106-7 Bemini, Caterina (wife) 147 Bernini, Domenico (so n) 103 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 9,

78-125,147,437 Aelleas and Allchises 84, 85 Apof{o and Daplll1r: 88, 92, 94,96-8,99, lOO, 102, III

Bacchallal: FaUN 'leased by Childreu 83

Blessed LudmJica Albmolli 124, 125

Blessed SOll186 Borghese, Cardinal Seipiolle 88-9, 91,102,105

Bonarelli, Costal/za, Bust of 104, 105, 106

COllsfantine, Emperor 121 Cornaro Chapel, altar J 18 Damned Soul 86, 87, 190 David 88, 90, 92 , 93 Ecstasy of St Theresa 78, 79, 80,86,111-2 1, 115, 116, 118, 125

Floodillg of tile 1i"ber (plar) 100

FOl/main of Ihe Four R it't1I'S 120-1

Longinus, Sf 111 /vrartyrdom of Sail l..l) rC11z0 85-6,87, III

,Hedma 107 Rape of Pmserpille 77, 88, 93, 94,95

Sama Andrea al Quirinale 123

Self-Portrait 100, 101 St Peter's 110, 121 baldacchino 100, 102, 103,

121 campanile 107-10, 108 Triton fountain 111, 120 Truth Ullveiled by Timr: 11 0 , 12 1, 125

Bernini, Luigi (brother) 107, 125

Bernini, PietrO (father) 82, 85, 106

Bianr.:hini, Anna 39 Biard, Fran~ois-Augus[e 240

S[m.'t! Tradl' 240-2 passim, 291

big paintings 421 - 2 Blake , Peter 400 Blake, William 249 Blunt, Anthony 389,390 Bol, Ferdinand 167 Bonarelli, Cosranza 103- 7

passim, 104 Bonarelli, Maneo 103, 105 Banger, Johanna 319, 339 Booth , Sophia 258, 282 Borghese , Cardinal Sdpione

71,75,86,88-90,91,100, 102

Borghcsc Villa 88, 90, 99 Borromeo, Carlo 23 I3orromino, Prancesco 102-3,

109-11 passim, 120, 121 San Carlo alle Quanro Fontane, Rome J 22

lloucher, Franc:ois 184, 186 Mile O'Mmphy 184, 185

Bramante, D omno 102 Braquc, G!.!orges 359, 361 Breughel 147,291 Britain 184, 371, 439 de I3rosses, Chevalier 80 Brown, Capability 247,273 BrO\\'nc, Lewis 402-3

Graphic Bible 402 ter llrugghen, Hcndrick 140 Bruna, Prudenzia 63 Bruno, Giordano 38 bullfights 366-8, 369-70 llunyan, John 301 llurdett, Francis 257 Burke, Edmund 244 Buxton, Thomas Powell 240,


Calleon, Sir Ailgusrus Wall 280 ;

Campi, Anlonio 23 Caravaggio, Mkhelango

Merisi da 9, 12, 16-75,19, 85, 88, 92, 136, 140, 190, 383,437

Adoration of rile S lteplw'ds 70

Allegory of M usic 33, 34, 35 Amor Villcil Ol/lIIia 51, 54 Beheading ofJ ol11l the B aptisl


9, 16, 18,65,66-7,68-70, 72,76,380

Boy Biuen by A L izard 20, 26,27,30

Bllrial of Sf LllCY 70 Calling of Sf M auhew 42, 43, 46, 47,52,58

Cord Sharps 28, 31, 32, 42 Conversion of SI Paul 49, 51, 52, 54

C1"Ucijixion of Se Peter 49, 50, 52,69

David with Head of GOiiallz 16, 17,20,72-5 passim, 73

Death of Ihe ViJ;gin 58, 59, 60 Doubtillg S I Tlwmas 54, 55, 56, 155

F1agellatioll of Christ 64,65 Geth s~mane 20 Head of Mcdusa 20, 36, 37, 38, 41 ,69, 74

Mado1ll1a oJ Loreto 56, 57, 58

in Maha 65- 9 Martyrdom of St Andrew 72 M artyrdom of Sf kIallhew 41-2, 44-5,46- 7,68

in Naples 63, 65, 71-4 Pala27.0 Madama 33,38 Ralsing oJ l..llzarus 70 self-dramatization 20, 61 Seven It:'Orks of A1ercy 65 in Sicily 70-1 Sick Bacclllls 20, 27-8, 29 Se Catherille of Alexandria 39, 40

Supper Ql ElIIlIlalls 18 Caravaggio, Marchcse and

Marchesa da 25, 63,65,71 Cariylc, T homas 244 Carracci, Agostino 23, 33 Carracci, Annibale 23, 33,

48-9, 60,88 A ssllmptioll afVirgin 49

Casrigl ione, Baldassari, The COlmier 3 1

Catholic Church 21-3, 56, 61 see also individllal elltries

Council ofTrcOl 21-3 passim Caulfield, Patrick 400 Cellini, Benvenuto 10-1 2

passim Persetls alld M edusa 10-12 passim

Cenci 38 Cerasi, Tiberio 48

Cerasi Chapcl49

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Cesari, Giuiio (Cavalierc David , Charlotte (wife) 228, Dillan, Joscphine 402, 426 Gainsborough, T homas 247 d'Arpino) 25,4 1,49,58, 23 1 Jisegno 30 Gauguin. Paul 303, 319-2 1, 62, 65 David, Jacqucs-Louis 12, 147, Donalcllo 92 323,330-2, 337, 347

Cezannc, Paul 6. 10,298,340, 182-235,258,378,383, Davld 90 at Aries 323, 330-2 346,359, 402 437 Donnc, John 78 111 the Fill! H eat of the Day

Chamberlain, Ncvillc 389 A ,\.1aral 182,219-224,220, Dubois-Crance, Edmond 207 330 C harles 1, King 1 I 1, 138 226,227, 233,235,244 Duchamp, Marce1 3 15 Self-Portrait 323 Chartists 276 Bara, ]osepli 226 OGrer, Albrecht J 47 Gcer, Margaretha de 179 de Chavannes, Puvis 340 BeJisarills Begging /01- Alms Duu.:h 138-55, 162, 164, Gentilcschi, Orazio 61-2 de Chirico, Giorgio 406 190, 191, 193 171 - 8,411 Gcorge III, King 224, 260 Chrislianiry 299- 30 I in Brussels 233 George IV, King 260 Christina, Queen 121 Deafh 0/ Lepelletiu 213, 214, Eagles, Re\'. John 240, 282 Genrge V, King 238 Civilis, Claudius 130, 171- 3 219, 226,233,235 Egremont, Earl of 8,258,273, Gcrard, Pere 207

passim Death of S eneC{l 188, 189 274,276 Gericauit, Thcodore, R aft of Claesdochter, Aechje 143, 145 Demit of Socrates 197, 198, El Greeo 371 tlte Medllsa 283, 378 Clarence, Duke of (Ialer 227 Eluard, Paul 387 Germany/Germans 354, 363,

William IV) 260 Distribution of rhe Hag/es Elty, WiIliam 280 371,394, 4 11 Clarkson, T homas 286-7 231, 233 Evrard, Simone 217- 19 Giorgione 20, 30, 72 Claude Lorraine 247, 261, Grief of Andromache 192, 193 passim Girtin, John 249, 250

266,270 MIle Gui mard as 'JepsicllOre Expressionism 405 , 415 Girondins 214,216-27 Clement VIII, Pope 4 1 186 eyes 89-90 Giustiniani, Marche Vincenzo Clouzot, Henri-Gcorges, !Jlfervcntion of fhe Subille 54

Mysrery of Picasso (film) Women 231, 232 Fair faxiana 258, 260, 276 Gladi(J[or 90 392 !AVOlsiel~ Altloi"e-Lmll,(!1lf aud Fawkes, Hawkcy 260- 1 G oethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Cointrel, Mathieu 4 1, 46 M arie Anne 197, 199, 200, Fawkcs, Walter 257-8, 260, 269 Collingwood, Luke (master of 202 266, 267,270,276,286 Golctman, Emma 402, 405

Zong) 287 Lie/on Bringillg Brt/llIs the Finelli, Giuliano 94, 100 Gonzaga, Cardinal Franccsco Colnaro, Cardinal Fcderigo Bodies of his SOf/S 202-6, Fiorentino, Rosso 22 71

111 , 117 204-5,2 13,222,228,23 1 Fischer, John 428 Gottlieb, Adolph 42 1 Colonna famil y 63 Louis XVI Teaching H IS SOil Flinck, Qovert 128, 167, 169, G oupil & Co. 300, 301 colour 299-300, 313, 315, tilt: Dauphin tlte Consriwlioll 171,173 Goya y Luciemes, Francisco

321,324,347 (SOld)') 225 Oath-Swearing of Claudilts Jose de 178,265,366,371 , Constable, John, \Va tcrfoo lHaric-AllIoinettc 011 Her Ittly Civilis 171, 173, 174 377,381,383

Bridge 280 10 fIer R'<ecwion (sketch) Solomon Prayillg for Wisdom Dcath of a Toreudor 357 Constantine, Emperor 102, 224,225 169 Disasters o/Ifilr 265, 291

121 Napoleoll CrosslllR rite Alps at Porsler, E.M. 390 ExeClllioll of De/enders of ContareIli Chapel 39, 4 1-2, rhe S r Bem ard Pass 23 1, Fox, Charles James 257 M ddrid, 3rd M ay 1808378,

44-5, 46-7, 49,58 232, 265 Fragonard, Jean-Honore 186 381,383,386 Corday d'AumolH , Charlotte Oath of the Hom/ii 193-6 , France 142, 162, 178, lvtajas 011 a Balcolty 37 1

216-191,222 194-5,202,203,206,207, 182-235 passim, 276, 371 Tall rolJlllQllia prints 368, Cornaro family 117, 119 213,228,231 BaslilJe, storming of 20 1 370

Chapel 11 1, 11 7, 118-19, Paris and HcJell 202, 217 civil war 214, 226 Graeff, Andries de 159, 160 120, 125 in Rome 188, 193, 196 Commiuee of Public Safety Graeff, Cornelis de 159

Cozens, John Robert 240, 250 Self-Porll'llils 183, 187,2 12, 226, 227 Grammatica, Ameveduto 25 GI'OI/O ill lite Call1pugl1a 248 228,229 Estatcs-Gt!neral 197,200 Grecnbcrg, Clement 394 HaJmiba1 26 1 de 5;tlrizial, Mllle Emilie and Republic, declaration of 2 11, Guernika 374- 6, 379

Crashaw, Richard 78 Her ,)'011 230, 231 212 Guggenheim, Peggy 4 1 I , 41 2 Cubism 6, 355, 361, 363, 366, de Seriziat, M onsieu r 231 Revolution 200-31 Guimard, M11e 186

376,380,388,413 Tennis COIIl't Omit 207- 10, Tennis Cour~ Oath 197) 20O, Guirauh 219 Cuyp, Ac1bcn 164,265 208-9,2 14,222,231 207 1

View 0/ Lllxembourj( Gardens Franco, Gen. Francisco 355, H als, Franz 154 Dada 408 ill Paris 228 371,374,3 76,381,389, Hamilton, Richard 400 Dali, Salvador 424 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor 392 Hampden Club 258

Soft COlISlruccioll with Boiled Eugcne 178, 331 Frederick Hendrik, Prince of Hazlin , William 160,265 Beans 367 Human Miseries 33 1 Orange 138 historical paintings 128, 130,

Danby, H annah 266, 282, Den zen, M .K.L. 375 Fuller, Jack 258 140, 171-8,202- 3,23 1, 292 Dcsmoulins, CamiUe 200 Fusaccio, PicLro da 62 244, 253,260-1,265--6,

Danby, Sarah 253, 258, 270 Dcsvoges, AnatoJc, Demit of 278, 3% Damon, Georges 206, 212 !...epdlelier 21 3 Gachcl, Dr Paul 339, 340, Hockney, David 30, 400 Dawson, Geoffrey 375 Diderot, Denis 184, 190, 193 350 Hoffman, Hans 412


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Hogarth, WilIiam 242, 246 Honthorst, Gerrit van 140 Hoogstraten, Samuel van 155,

159 Hoornik, Claesina (Sien) 304,

305,306 Hopper, Edward 406 Huygens, Constantijn 132,

136, 138, 159

Hive, Elizabeth 274 Impressionists 313, 315, 319,

320 see also individual entries

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 186

Innocent X, Pope 109-11, 120--1

Italy 162,371

Jacobins 207, 210, 212, 216, 221

Janis, Sidney 420, 430 Japanese prints 313, 315, 319 Jesus 299 Jews 401-3 passim, 408 Johns, Jasper 400 Johnson, Philip 428,430 Jones, George 265 Julius 11, Pope 81

Kahmveiler, Daniel-Henry 355,359,361-3 passim, 362

Kline, Franz 412,415,422, 424

Knights HospitalIer of St John 65,68,70

Kooning, Willem de 390, 412, 422,424

Kunitz, Stanley 413

Lafayette, Marquis de 201, 202,206,209

Lagrenee brothers 186 Latly-Tollendal, Count 190 landscapes 246-7, 313-15,

314,321-3,322,328,329, 336,339-50,339,342-5, 348-9

Landseer, Edwin 238 Laying down the Law (or Trial by Jury) 238, 24 1

Lastman, Pieter 146, 167 Launay, Louis de 201 Lavoisier,Antoine 197, 199,

200, 202, 226,227 League of Nadons 371 Leger, Fernand 412, 424 Leiden, Lucas van 147,167

Tobias 167


Leitch, William Leighton 292 Leonardo da Vinci 23,27,36

Lnsr Supper, The 172 Leoni, Onavio, Portrait of

Caravaggio /9, 20 Leopold, Emperor 211 Lepelletier, Michel 213-14,

215,219,220 Lepelletier, Suzanne 233, 235 Lichtenstein, Roy 400 Lievens,jan 132, 138, 167,

171 light 253, 269, 270, 368, 383,

387 Longhi, Onorio 24, 60 Lorca, Federico Garcia 366,

368 Lotto, Lorenzo 30 Louis XlV 121 Louis XV 184, 187 Louis XVI 187-8,200,201,

206,212-13,233 Louis XVIII 233 Louis, Morris 422 Loutherbourg, Philippe de

246 Loyer, Eugenie 301, 304 Luea, San, Academy of 30,

48,62 Ludovisi, Prince Niccolo 120 Luigi, San, church of see

Contarelli Chapel Lutherans 21

Maar, Dora 354, 376-7, 380, 381,387,389,390

Maderno, Carlo 102, 103, 107 Malton, Thomas 246 Mancini, Giulio 18,20,24,

28,30 Mander, Karel van 47 Mantegna 147, 167 Marat,Jean-PauI206- 7,210,

21 t, 214, 216-24, 220, 226, 235

lvlarie-Antoinette, Queen 200, 202,206,211,224,225

Marino, Francesco 25 Marino, Giambattista 80 Marmontel, Jean-Franois ] 90 Marseillaise 211, 212 Matisse, Henri 10,274,359,

361,363,413 Red Studio 413,414,424

Mattei, Ciriaco 54 Mauve, Anton 304, 306 MayalI, John 293 McCoubrey, John 287 McPhee, Sarah 106 de Medici, Ferdinando 31, 36

Melandroni, Fillide 35, 38- 9 Menageot, Franr;:ois­

Guillaume, Death of Leonardo 193

de Menil, Dominique and John 435

Merisi, Fermo (famer of Caravaggio) 24

Merisi, Giovanni Battista (brother) 24, 38

Merisi, Lucia (mother) 24 Michelangelo 10-12 passim,

20,22,46, 72, 89, 90, 92, 102,103,107,203,431

David 11, 12, 72,80,90,92 Laurentian Library 431 PielQ 22, 81

Michelet,Jules 306 Millet, Jean-Franr;:ois 321

17ze Sower 321 Minniti, Mario 24, 25, 33, 70 Mirabeau, Comte de 201,

206,210 Miro,Joan 368, 372, 411, 412 modernism 303, 351 403,

405,411,424 Mola, Gen. Emilio 374 Mondrian, Piet 367, 408, 412 Monet, Claude 313, 315 Monro, DrThomas 247, 249 MontaTro, Cardinal 88 del Monte, Cardinal

Francesco Maria 31, 33-41 passim, 48, 54

Monteverdi 33 Monticelli, Adolphe 320 Moore, Henry 387, 390 Munch, Edvard 405 Munich Agreement 389 Munro, Hugh 282

Napoleon 231, 233, 265, 293 Narraways 247 Nelson, Horatio 254 Neri, Filippo 31 Newman, Barnett 408, 418,

424 Nietzche, Friedrich Wilhelm

40 , I

Order of the Oratorians 31 Orsi, Prospero 24 Ovens, Juriaan 130 Ovid, Metamorphoses 94 Owen Goch 245

Pamfili, Cardinal Camillo 110 Paravicino, Cardinal Ottavio

58 Parrotr, William, Tttrner


at [he Royal Academy, Ulrnishing Day 279

Parsons, Betty 412, 430 Pasqualone, Mariano 62-3, 71 Paul V, Pope 65, 71, 85, 102 Peterloo massacre 266 Peterzano, Simone 23, 24 Petworth House 8, 273-6

passim, 275,291 photography 293, 359 Picasso, Maya (daughter) 377,

378,390 Picasso, Olga (wife) 363, 365,

372 Picasso,Pablo 12,13,147,

258,354-95,398,408, 412, 424,437

Boy Leading a Horse 356, 358,367

Bulfjighr: Death of the Toreador 369

Bust of a Woman with Self­Porlrail 365

Charnel House 392, 393 Demo-isel/es d'Avignon, Les 359,360,363,390

Dream, The 364, 365 Dreams and !.ies of Franco 372,373

Figure 365 Girl before a Mirror 364 Guernica 354, 355, 368, 377- 80,379,382,384-5, 387- 90,392,394-5,408, 434

Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry 361,362

Minotauromachy 368, 370, 377

Seated Bather 364, 365 Self-Portrait 357 Sheep 's Head 390, 391 in Spain 367, 368 Stalin 392 Vbllard Suite 367 Woman rl/eeping 390, 391

Pissarro, Lucien 313, 339, 351

PHny the Elder 133 pointillisme 313 Potlock, Jackson 10, 390, 394,

412,413,415, 418,422, 424,426

Pompadour, Madame de 184 Pompeii 431 Ponte Sant'Angelo, Rome 81,

121 Polltormo, ]acopo 22 Porcellis, Jan 146 Porson, Richard 245

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portraits 140,142-55,186 the Parable of the Prodigal Umilled (String Quarter) 404, Spain 140,142, 158, 162, group 154-9,156-7,171-9, Son 148, 151 405 169,178,354,355,394-5, 174 Sheet of Sketches, with a Untit/cd (Subway) 406-8, 411

POllssin, Nicolas 186, 190, Portrait oJ Saskia 149 407 Atocha bombs 395 253,261 Simeon with the Christ Child in Untitlcd (1941-2) 409 Civil War 365-7, 371-6,

Powell, Cecilia 286 the Jell/pie 179 Untilled (1947) 414 389-40 Powell, Colin 395 Six,Jan 162 Umitled (1949) 418, 419 Spata, Constantino 31 Protestantism 21, 139, 143 Slaughtered Ox 161, 164 Untitled (1955) 423, 424 Speer, Albert 389 Prussians 211, 212 1hp, l\1a1'ia 150, 153 Untitled (1969) 436, 438 Stalin,Joseph 371, 392 Pued, Pandolfo 25 Rembrandt, Cornelia Rothko, Morse (brother) 401 Stanfield, Clarkson 238

(daughter) 167 Rouault, Georges 405 stare 35 Raphael22, 23, 28, 128, 188, Rembrandt, Maddalena Roulin family 324-9, 326-7 Steer, George Lowther 375- 6

190 (Thus's \vife) 178 Roulin, Armand 326, 329 Stein, Leo 359 Rappard, Anton 303, 308 Rembrandt, Saskia (wife) RouJin, Augustine 324, 327, Still, Clyfford 412, 418 Ravel, Maurice 356 147-50,149, lS2, 160 329 Stoffels, Hendrikje 162,163, Reformation 21, 139 Rembrandt, Titus (son) 167, Roulin, Joseph 324. 326, 332 167, 178 Rembrandt van Rijn 6, 12,85, 178 Rowlandson, Thomas 246 Stokes, Rev. 301

89,128-79,223,244,250, Repton, Humphry 247 Rubens, Peter Paul 60, 133, Stone, David 68 267,281,306,383, 390, resemblance 359, 361 138, 140, 159, 160, 186, Stone, Nicholas 110 418,424,426 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 81-2, 190,377 Srrozzi, Giulio 39

Andn'aellsdr,Alil/dt 150 249- 50,291 Horrors of War 380 Aristotle Contemplating Bust Richelieu, Cardinal 111 Ruffo, Signor 164, 166 Tacitus 169, 171, 172

oJ Homer 131,164-6,165 Richthofen, Wolfram van 375 Ruskin, John 253, 282, 293, Tanguy, Pere 315, 317, 340, ArTist in the Studio 132-3, Riley, Bridget 400 295 351

134-S Rippingille, E. V. 280 Ruisdael, Jacob van 282 Tanguy, Yves 406 Claesdoc/uer,Aech/e 143, 145 Robert, Hubert 226 Russia 363, 401, 402, 415 Tarquins 203, 206 Conspiracy of the Batavians Robespierre, Maximilian 206, Ruts, Nicolaes 143, 144, 146 'Ten, T he' 405 Under Claudius Civilis 130, 210,213,214,226,227 Ruytenburgh, Willem van textiles 140, 142 13 1,171- 9,176-7,244 Rohe, Mies van de 428 159 Tczio, Caterina 107

Study for 173, 174 Romantics 250 Thackeray, William Death Appearing to a l~dded Rome 99, 109, 120-1, 188, Sabarres, Jaime 366 Makepeace 242, 274 Couple 150 190,193,196 Sacher, Edith 405, 406, 408, Theresa, St of Avila 111- 14

de Graeff,Andries 159 Roosevelt, EO. 406, 408 413 Titian 6, 30, 128, 147 Hendrick/e Bathing in a Rh'er Rosenberg, Harold 4 12 Saint-Just, Louis Antoine 213 TO!SlOY, Leo 329,350 162,163 Rosenquist, James 400 Salini, Tommaso 61 Tomassoni family 63, 71

NightWatch 131, 154-9, Rossetti, Christina 301 Santa Maria, T rastevere 58, 60 Tomassoni, Gian Francesco 156-7,172,178 Rothko, Anna/Kate (mother) Satie, Eric 356 63

portraits 142-51, 144-5 see 401 sculpture 78-125 Tomassoni, Ranuccio 63, 74 also individual enrries Rothko Jacob (father) 401 seascapes 242-6, 243, 265, trade 138-9

Ruins of Old Town Hall 169, Rothko, Mark 122, 13, 266,282-6,284-5,288-90, Trafalgar, battle of 254 170 398-439,397 291-3,294 Trimmer, Rev. H.S. 242

Ruts, Nicolaes 143, 144, 146 Birth of Ceplwlopods 410 Seagram's Four Seasons Trip, Elias 150 Sacrifice of Jsaac 140, 141 Black on Maroon (1958) 432; Restaurant 398, 400, Trip, Jacob 179 Sampling Officials oJ Cloth (1959) 433 428-31,429,434 Trip, Maria 150 Drapers' Guild 178- 9 chapel 435, 436 Segatori, Agostino 316, 319 T rollope, Anthony 274

Samsou and Delilah 136-8, Emrance to Subway 406,407 Seghers, Hercules 146 Troppa, Petronio 63 137 Family Rothkowitz 401 Sert,Josep Luis 368, 372, 434 Trudaine, Monsieur 227

Saskia in a Red Hat 152, 160 ui:!hl Red over Black 427 Seurat, Georges 313, 315 Tulp, Dr 155 Saskia in a ,)'traw Ha! 149, No.14 15,416 Shakespeare, William 245, Turner, Evelina and 150 No.l (1957) 425, 426 337,408 , Georgiana (daughters) 253,

Satire on Art Criticism No.3/No.13 418,419 Sieyes, Abbe Emmanuel 208 270 159-60,161 No. 11/No.20 417 Signac, Paul 313, 324 Turner, Joseph Mallard

Self-PorlraitI67, 168, 175 Red on Afaroon 399 Silverman, Deborah 312, 323, William 7-9 passim, 12, Self-Portrait Aged Thirty-four Saturday Evening Pest 402 330 147,238-95,300,301,329,

128,129,146 Seagram 'Murals' 398, 399, Six,Jan 162 351,418,420,424,437 Self-Portrait in a Cap wiTh 400,428,429,430- 1, Sixrus V, Pope 22 Battle of Trafalgar 244,254, Eyes Wide Open 134 432-3,434,437,439 slaving 238-42, 239, 241, 244, 256,257,266

Self-Portrail wirh Saskia 148, Self-Portrait 404, 405 260,286-92 Burning of tlte House of Lnrds 149 Slow Swirl at the Edge of the abolition 240, 257, 286-7 and Commons 244, 276,

Self-Portrait with Saskia ill Sea 410,411 Soutinc, Chain 405 277,278- 81,283,291


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Chicitester CanalS, 273-4, 242,244,260,286-7, in Annvcrp 313 Thunderclouds 299, 338, 275 288-9,291- 2,295 at Arles 303, 320- 32 347

CO/OUT Wash Underpuillfillg,A Snow Storm: Humdbal and at Auvcrs 298, 340-51 1\70111(111 (Agostina Seguton) in 267,268 his Army Crossing lite ALps Bcrceuse, La (AIIKlIstine the Caje li.zmbolJrille 316

Crossing the Brook 266 260-1,262-3,265,266, Roulil1j 324,327 ZOlluve 329 Da'{lJ1I after {he Wreck 290, 292 ChUTeh 0.1 NI/even 337 Van Gogh, Vincent Wilhelm 293 SnolV Storm: Suam-Boal Of! Corridor il/ all Asyllll1l,A 333 (deceased brother) 300

Death 011 a Pale H orse 270, A Harbour's Mouth 293, 294 Cypresses 334, 336 Van Gogh, Wilhelmina (sister) 272 Sluffil: Pingal's Cave 268, Dr Palll Gachef 340 298,339

Desrrtlcriol/ of Sodom 253, 269 Field oJ .Spri1/g Wheat III Vnsari, Giorgio 10, 11 255 SlIIdy for (It I.' .)'ack of u Grelll SUI/rise 338, 341 , 347 Velazquez, Diego 133, 356,

Dido Building Ca.rfhagc 266, Hot/se (Pctt,'orthj 275, 276, and Gauguin 303,319-2 1, 371 292 291 323,330-2 Venetians 30, 31

Dimsw' at Sea:W1'I..'Ck of 1111.' Uiysses DeridillJ! Polyphemus Gallgllin 's Chair 330 Vermccr, Jan 130 'A11Iphitrile'244,283-6, 270 in London 300-1 Veronese 3 1 284-5,291 in Venice 267, 292 J\tfmgllel'jlc Gaclll!l 340 Victoria, Queen 238

Dolblldem Castle 245, 252 Victory ill Three POSilions A1emories of Ihe Norlll 339 Vien, Joseph-Marie 187,190 Dart Packel B OIl/ 245-6, 265, 257 Memory of the Gardell {JI de Vl iegcr, Simon 146 266 I\far alld Peace 265 Elle" 330 Vas, Kee 304

'Fallacies of Hope' 261, 292 wan:rcoiours 249, 250, 267, Night Cafe ill Aries 324, 325 F(Jr1Icy Hall 258, 260 269,295 Old Tou.'!!r, The 339 Waiter, Marie-ThcfI!se 363, Field o/ifflterloo 244-5, 264, Whalers (Boiling ntllbbel~ PairoJ Shoes,A 318, 319, 365,372,377,378,390 265-6,291 Entangled in Flaw Ice 293, 320 war

Fighting lemeraire 242-5, 294 Pere 7'lI/gllY 3 15, 31 7 Cold 394,412 243,295 Turner, Mary (mother) 240, Potato &l1CI'S, The 308, Dutch with Spain 41 1

First Rllle Taking in Scores 249 310-11,312,3 15,339 French Revolutionary 211, 259,260 Turner, WilIiam (father) 245, Red Vineyard, The 298 212

gallery 266, 282, 292 246,250,266,270 ROlllin, Arll/()1Id 326, 329 Korean 4 12 Jessica 28 1 ROlllifl,Joseph 324, 326 Napoleonic 253, 254, 267 JlIliel and her Nllrse 281 - 2 U nited States 390,392, 394, SchC1.:el1il1gclI 306 Spanish Ci\,il 365-7, 371-6, J..uke Ruflamere 'with Pm't oJ 395,398-439 passim 5;el!-Porrmil 297, 323, 334, 389-90 Cromackwarer 250, 251 Art Union 405 335 Vietnam 394

Landing o/William o/Oral1ge Urban VIII, Pope 99, 100, Sorrow (Siell) 305, 306 World, First 361, 363; m 7brbay 283 103,106-7,109, III Sower al SlIlIsel 32 1) 322, Second 408

in Margatc 282-3 Uylenburgh, H cndrick van 323 Warhol, Andy 400 iWessiell rs les Passagers 269 139-40,146 at St Remy 332, 334, 337 washes 249 Mortlake Terrace 281 UyJcnburgh, Saskia 147 Starry Night over (/te Rhone watercolours 247, 249, 250, in Netherlands 265 328,329 266- 7,269 at Petwonh House 273-6, Vallena 8-9 suicide 299, 346, 350 Waneau, Jean-Antoi nc 186 275,29 1 St John's Cathedral 68-9 TI-ee Roots uml TrlfIlks 7, 299, Weber, Max (Rothko's

PCl'U'Orlh on a Deu.y Morni11g Van Dyke, Sir Anthony 138, 344---5,346, 347 teacher) 402,412 273 159, 190, 273 lillf HillS 307 \Vcstminstcr, Palace of 276,

PCl'{l)orrh State Bed 274 Van Gogh, Anna (sister) 312 318, 319, 320 277 Radley Hall 247, 248 Van Gogh, Johanna (Theo's Undergrowth with 1v.'o Figures Wignacourr, Alof de 65 Rain, Steam and Speed 245 \'life) 339-40, 347, 350 341,342-3,346 Wilberforce, William 257 Reguflls 270, 271, 291 Van Gogh, T heo (brother) weavers 308, 312 Wilkie, Sir Oa\'id 238 Richmond Hill on Ihe Prince 298,299,301 ,3 13,314, I~a'l!er, 'with Baby ill A High Winckelmann,Johann 187 Regelll>s BirrluJay 259, 260 3 16,318,310,313,3 15, Chair 309 Woolf, Leonard and Virginia

River Scene 'U.'ilh Rainbow 319,323,331,332,334, Wheulfield wilh Crows 299, 390 254, 255 339,347,350,35 1 347, 341l-9, 350 Wordworth , WilIiam 281

Rockets and Blue LigJus 295 Van Gogh, Rev, Theodorus Wheat/kid with a Lark in Rome 290 (father) 300, 306, 308, 312 313-15,314 Zoia, Emile 301, 304 Seascape wirh Buoy 290 Van Gogh, Unde Cent 300 IVheuifie!d wi(1I Reaper 336, ZOllg slaver 287 Self-Portrait 250, 251 Van Gogh, Vincent 7, 9, 10, 337, 339 Zuccaro, Federigo 24-5, 62 Sluve Ship 238, 239, 240, 298-351,359,437 Plhear/ields ullder Zurbaran, Francisco 371