Download - The Billings gazette (Billings, Mont.) 1899-04-11 [p ] · 2013-04-18 · "melon" on or about April 15. It will consist of

Page 1: The Billings gazette (Billings, Mont.) 1899-04-11 [p ] · 2013-04-18 · "melon" on or about April 15. It will consist of

Railroad BriefsThe weighing of mails on all west-

ern railways commenced last week todetermine the compensation to be paidthe roads during the next term of con-tracts. If the Northern Pacific is towrest the mail contract from the GreatNorthern it will be known when themail weighing is completed, which willbe in thirty days.

"It is understood that the GreatNorthern railway will cut its promised"melon" on or about April 15. It willconsist of a distribution of $5,000,000of surplus in the treasury by a stockdividend of about five'shares of stock toeach 100 shares. It is also reportedthat negotiations are on foot for closerrelations between the Great Northernand the Northern Pacific companies, ifnot an actual merger.

A committee of the United Commer-cial Travelers has asked the roads run-ning to Sioux Falls, S. D., to grantthem reduced rates for their annualconvention to be held in that city. Itis expected that between two and threethousand delegates will be in attend-ance.

* * *

Contracts have been let for the ship-ment over the line of the Cheyenne &Northern of 1,500 cars of southern cat-tle to the ranges of northern Wyomingand southern Montana, shipments tobegin on May 1.

"How the Greyhounds of the Bur-lington Beat the Rising Moon" is thestory of a fast run by one of its speedytrains, recently issued by the Burling-ton company. The story is written byWill B. Hunter, railroad' editor of theChicago Times-Herald, and is beauti-fully illustrated.

The Order of Railway conductors ofSt. Paul will make a strong effort tocapture the national convention of 1901for that city. Assurances have beenreceived from members throughout thecountry indicating that St. Paul willbe warmly supported.

The Soo road is experimenting withelectric headlights. One or two of itslarger engines have been equipped withelectric lights. The experiment is pro-nounced a decided success. There areno engines in the country, as far asknown, similarly equipped. The bril-liancy of the headlight enables the en-gineer to discern any object on thetrack full 700 feet in advance, and thereflection of the engine, electricallyequipped, can be descried nearly twomiles distant. The road contemplatesequipping all its passenger engineswith electric headlights.

The postal department has issued anorder forbidding the presence of rail-road employes in postal cars during theperiod of mail weighing now in pro-gress, and which will occupy two orthree weeks more. The station agentsand baggage men do the weighing onbehalf of the roads just before deliveryin the cars, after which it is weighedby the postal agents.

The report comes from Lincoln thatthe B. & M. will soon send out anotherlocating party to survey a new routewest from some point on the Billingsline to tap the Big Horn country innorthwestern Wyoming. Preparationsare rapidly going on to fit out the newexpedition as soon as possible. Whilenothing definite is known as to whetherthe Burlington will build a road intothat country, the survey has beenordered, and Superintendent Calvert isnow on this line.

It is reported that James J. Hill ofthe Great Northern road has boughtthe works of the Minnesota Car com-pany, at Duluth, and the rolling mills,foundries, etc., in connection therewithand will operate the plant for the GreatNorthern road.

General Manager Holdredge of theBurlington announced in Omaha lastweek that' the Nebraska, Woyming &Western Railroad company was a line from Alliance south to thePlatte valley and that it woul, con-tinue south connecting with the Bur-lington's Cheyenne and Denver lines.From the Platte valley, some place inthe neighborhood of Camp Clarke, theroad will build another line to thewestward, following near the river toHartville, in Laramie county, Wyom-ing. Hartville is thirty miles fromthe Nebraska state line. The companywill build more than 200 miles of road,probably completing a large part of itthis season. Graders are now in thefield and work on the eighty-five milesalready surveyed in Nebraska is nowbeing commenced. It is said that thegrading out of Alliance has already be-gun. Graders are also at work inWyoming. The company, according toMr. Holdredge, is not in any way con-nected with the Burlington, but the as-surance is given out by him that it"may be controlled by us some day."He further stated that 120 teams werenow working on the right of way,which has been secured through Ne-brasaka. The completion of this linewill give the Burlington direct connec-tion from Deadwood to Denver and beof great service to the people livingalo-• t.blinoe in western Nebraska.The •i il be built in a first-classma p ,st. lls laid will be of seventy-SvoPu asteel and the roadbed willbe uiltf.frthe use of the heaviestequipment.

et•, 1 a ndw railroad story. ItaMest:lmn the east and tells of a gi-

pgant~io sobeheme of oonsolidation. Theis that a .geeral shaking up in

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Milwauke~'iystems get control of theUnion Pacifi. Railroad men say theyhave absolute knowledge that theUnion Pacific is in the hands of a syn.dicate representing $100,00,0000 andthat this syndicate has put up thihamount. The Illinois Central is a con.trolling factor in Union Pacific affairs,as is shown by the heed given to allsuggstions from E. H. Harriman, chair-man of the executive committee of boththe Illinois Central and the UnionPacific directories. The Milwau-kee is represented on the UnionPacific directory by its presi-dent, Roswell Miller and it i-said on good authority that when theIllinois Central completes its line fromOmaha to Chicago, which is now underconstruction, it will combined with theMilwaukee to demand from the UnionPacific a share of the through easternbusiness now given to the Northwest-ern, and there is no doubt that thiswill be done, and through trains fromthe Union Pacific will no longer beturned over to the Northwestern. It issaid that the Milwaukee would havemade this demand some time ago, butPresident Miller thought it best to waittill he should be joined by the IllinoisCentral on the completion of its newline to Omaha. All matters of policyfor the Union Pacific are now deter-mined by Mr. Harriman of the IllinoisCentral, or by X. T. Jefferson Coolidgeof the Burlington, Roswell Miller ofthe Milwaukee and George Gould of theMissouri Pacific. The change thus tobe wrought will seriously affect theGreat Northern and Northern Pacific,and it will give the Illinois Central,Burlington and Milwaukee lines athrough route to the Pacific coast fromthe Twin Cities, which they do notnow enjoy. By the time the IllinoisCentral shall have completed its Omahaextension it will also have finished itsFort Dodge extension to St. Paul.

The Union Pacific has let the con-tract to Kilpatrick Bros. of Beatrice forthe contsruction of forty-eight miles ofroad in Wyoming. This is divided intothree stretches, twenty-four, sixteenand eight miles long, respectively, andis being built to shorten the line andalso to avoid some very heavy grade.When constructed they will lessen thedistance from Omaha to Ogden bytwenty miles. The work is all veryheavy, the cut and fills. being extensivealong the entire route. Work will com-mence as soon as the frost is out of theground, and it is the expectation tocomplete it within the year.


The Hi Henry Minstrels Gave Entire Sat-

isfaction to a Billings Audience.

Hi. Henry's minstrels gave an excel-lent entertainment at the Billings operahouse Friday evening to a very largeand appreciative audience. In theearly part of the evening the band ren-dered a concert on the street which wasthe finest thing ever heard in Billingsand the west.

The first part at the opera house,"The American Navy," introduced thecompany as the crew of the flagshipBrooklyn, before the harbor of Santi-ago, and was composed by Hi. Henry.It included songs by different membersof the crew, accompanied by a fineorchestra. The last number in thefirst part was the patriotic song, "FreeAmerica," sung by the whole com-pany. It was splendidly given, andthe appearance of Admiral Schley,Uncle Sam and the Goddess of Libertymade a very pretty finale.

The second part consisted of somefine specialties. The cornet solo by Hi.Henry and his miliatry bnad was some-thing grand, and all enjoyed the suc-cessful imitation of the Scotch bag-pipes; at the request of the audiencethis was repeated several times. Ray-mond Teal and Robert Baker, as "TheTramp and Black Venus," were good.Dan Allman amused the people withhis new and witty jokes. Morton andElliott with the guitar and mouth harpgave some fine imitations of differentchimes and showed what wonderfulthings could be made by folding andtearing papers, while the Coutureborthers performed some marvelous anddifficult acrobatic feati. Altogetherthis was without doubt one of the mostinteresting and pleasing entertainmentsof the season. Hi. Henry and his gen-tlemanly company deserve much praisefor the easy manner in which the per-formance was given.


To Iie Given for the Parlnly Iillings

Memorial Library.

J. B. Fulton, late of John Griffith'scompany, arrived in Billings Fridayand will remain here a few weeks inthe interest of producing a home talentcomedy opera. The writer is personal-ly acquainted with Mr. Fulton and hisability in this line. He has traveledconsiderably with some of the leadingopera companies and our people areguaranteed some thing fine under Mr.Fulton's management. There is suffi-cient home talent to give a very credit-able production and it will merit thepatronage of our people. Mr. Fultonhas decided to give the opera "Pina-fore," which is one of the most popularproductions. It will be given as abenefit for the Parmly Billings Mem-orial Library to assist the city in pro-curing the books and this should insurea crowded house, which we believe itwill do. The G~.ette will continue tokeep its readers apprised of the pro-gress and wishes Mr. Fulton success inhis benevolent undertaking.

Tell Your Sslter

A beautiful complexion is an impossibili-ty without good pure blood, the sortthat only exists in connection with gooddigestion, a healthy liver and bowels.Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly onthe bowels, liver and kidneys keepingthem in perfect health. Price 25 cta.and 50 ets. Sold by 'Chapple Drug Co.


At the Grand.

Friday, April 7.-J. W. Kinsley,Helena; C. B. Boyle, Gebo; J. B.Latty, Livingston; A. P. Hatfield. LoiAngeles; E. T. Barnes, Passadena; M.L. O'Brien, Glendive; J. M. Hoey, F.A. Dones, Anaconda; P. F. Bryal,Helena; P. F. Keck, New York; D.Fitzgerald, Liviligston; E. H. Becker,Crow Agency; J. W: Speariugton, Oakland; Miss Petrio, Chicago; MissBowman, Spearfish; T. A. Blackwon,Milfred; W. J. Haynes and wife, E. L.Fenton and wife and Miss Moots,Laurel; J. H. Hay, Missoula; N. S.Crump, Omaha: J. W. Greenwood,Laurel; H. D. Curtis, Omaha; G. P.Dier, Bozeman; W. H. Butler, St.Paul; G. M. Bertram, New York; A.C. Davenport, St. Paul; H. E. Martin,Livingston; G. M. Hays, city; J. W.Dodds, Helena.

Saturday, April 8.-T. E. Bowlby,Marysville; C. C. Graham and wife,New York; H. E. Marrin, Livingston;J. W. Spearington, Oakland; E. C.Talyor, Petersburg; E. M. Westinett.Grahd Island; F. A. Jones, Anaconda;G. Halzell, Minneapolis; C. Laughey,Sheridan; H. Kieser. St. Xavier; J. A.Martin, D. Dickie, Thermopolis; D.Fitzgerlad, Livingston; W. A. Keller,Butte; G. M. Penuoyer, Chicago; A.M. Somerfield, Boston; D. N. Hume,Chicago; W. J. Cruse, Helena; M.Nicholas, Minneapolis; J. M. M. Gil-ser. Kansas City; A. W. Smith, St.Paul; C. E. Montgomery, Kansas City;A. E. Taylor, Red Lodge; J. M.Greener, Laurel; Bert Shorey, Merrill.

Sunday, April 9.-W. W. Beasley,Big Timber; A. M. Somerfield, Bos-ton; I. F. Swarthout, Minneapolis; W.J. Glass, Butte; J. M. Penuoyer, R. H.Thompson, Chicago; Mrs. Shorey,Maine; Otta Fantt, Chicago; E. H.Round, Cincinnati; G. N. Sheperd,Lincoln; E. A. Richardson, CrowAgency; J. T. Murphy, Helena; C. J.Rowley, Chicago; J. M. Vale, Wash-ington, D. C.; T. W. Keepal, N. R.Wessel, Helena; W. H. Strader, B.Huntman, St. Paul; J. A. Johnson,Bozeman; A. J. Friel, Gebo; W. H.Keller, Butte; C. E. Montgomery,Kansas City; G. M. Hays, city.

Monday, April 10.-J. W. Chandler,Oakland; Miss M. M. Dyer, Butte; F.E. Krause, C. H. Alexander, J. T.Murphy, Wm. Gahen and wife, Hel-ena; D. J. Galvin, St. Paul; T. Mc-Girl, Huntley; H. Keiser, St. Xavier;P. Lavelle, Columbus; S. K. Deverill,Laurel; O. W. Hall, San Francisco; G.H. Bowman, Cleveland; H. C. Dess-ton, Philadelphia; F. W. Wagner, St.Paul; A. G. Grant, Detroit; E. E.Crawford, Shawmut; Mrs. L. D.Shorey, Belford; J. C. Auld, Helena;L. V. Wertheimer, Butte; J. W.Dodds, Helena; Otto Frantt, Chicago;W. H. Selvidge, Helena; R. S. Beattie,Joliet; J. R. Haynie, St. Paul.


A Traveler's Experience With theMan Eaters of Went Africa.

Mr. P. A. McCann has had 19 yearsactual residence in west Africa. MrMcCann's seven years' trading and resi-dence with the cannibal tribes of theFrench Gaboon probably form the mostexciting part of his experiences. He gotfriendly with them and thoroughlystudied their habits and customs. Theyquite believed'that the white men atewhite men as they themselves eat theirfellow blacks. A big chief offered MrMcCann the smoked thigh of a native.This was considered a gracious act. Torefuse it would be unfriendly. Mr. Mc-Cann was in a dilemma.

But he feigned illness, said he wasnot eating just then. The chief eventu-ally put the matter off good naturedlyby saying he supposed the white manpreferred white man to eat instead ofblack man. "The Mpongwes, " said Mr.McCann, "are in ferocious and pugna-cious qualities second to no other tribein Africa. Their villages mostly consistof a single street from 600 to 1,500yards long, on each side of which arethe houses. In these houses they and sleep and keep their store ofprovisions, the chief of which is smokedgame and smoked human flesh, hungup to the rafters.

"Although ferocious and quarrelsometo a degree, they are very industrious.They show considerable skill in themanufacture of pottery, and the designsof their cooking pots, water jars, to-bacco pipes and palm wine bottles areextremely. artistic. "In ironwork theyare also skillful workers. Although theykill game for food, they much preferhuman meat to any other. "-LondonGlobe.

lamnlese Magic.

Siamese magicians profess to be ableto destroy your enemy for you. Theyfirst bewitch part of a buffalo till it be-comes as small as a pea. When yourenefny has been induced to swallow it,they make it return to its original size.and after suffering great agonies hesuffocates. Pig's flesh and fish are alsoused When these people die, the rea-$Dn can be detected, because at theircremation some part of their body re-fuses to burn, and when it is cut openit contains fish or meat of some animal.A small boy died recently and was cre-mated. A certain part of the child'schest refused to burn, and they got itexamined and found it to be a piecg ofsalt pork!

Not Quite Permuaded.

"We like the idea of simplified spell-ing. says the editor of the PerkineJunction Palladium. 'But we don'tthink we could ever become used towriting it 'He wawkt down the ile.leeving the trax of his larj and muddee

hbuez on the flore. The marx ar vizziblyet. "-Chicago Tribune.

Dyspepsia can' be cured by usingAoker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One littleTablet will give immediate relief ormoney refunded. Sold in handsome tinboxes at 25 cents. Sold by ChappleDrum Co.

Masddein. -

"I happen to have a dress coat. " saida man about town, "that was made byPoole. the famous London tailor, andI've preserved it with a good deal ofcare. To tell the truth, I attached lessvalue to the garmnent itself than I didto the sign manual of the house, em-blazoned on a strip cf white silk andstitched inside the collar. It was a triflesnobbish. I dare say. but if so I've re-ceived my punishment.

S'A few weeks ago I took the coatalong with me on a trip to Florida, andwhile at a small coast rescrt I noticedthe buttons nwre getting worn. Theonly tailor in town was a Chinaman.and I gave him the coat with instruc-tions'to repair the damages, which hedid very neatly. I had. forgotten allabout the incident, and one eveningduring carnival was at the club chat-ting with some visitors from Detroitwhen somehow or other the conversa-tion turned on high art tailoring.

S'One of the strangers sang thepraises of a chap at his home. and a fool, couldn't resist the tempta-tion of remarking that my suit wasmade by Poole. Thereupon the otherfellow expressed curiosity as to how theEnglish tailors inserted the shoulder re-enforcements of dress coats, and I oblig-ingly slipped mine off to allow him toexamine it. He looked it over, andwhen he handed it back I noticed thathe wore a peculiar smile. It was nowonder, for, by Jove. in place of thesigned silk strip below the collar was agreat hideous pink tab bearing thelegend. 'Charley One- Lung, MerchantTailor, Wayback. Fla.!' "-New Or-leans Times-Democrat.

Force of Habit.

"Of course you can't imagine whatcurious experiences we have with sickpeople." confided a trained nurse. "Ihave just come from a very interestingcase-a dear old lady. lovely in everyway, but utterly unmanageable and un-reasonable on the subject of early rising.1 he dear woman cannot turn over inher bed or put her hand to her head-she is fatally ill, poor creature-but shewakes me every morning at 5 o'clock tohave her face and hands bathed andher cap tChanged. 'Oh.' I groan, 'it isonly 5 o'clock, Mrs. Lorrimer: that istoo early for sick people to get awake!Let us have another little nap.

"'No. no.' she always answers; 'myfather reared me to get up at 5 o'clock.I can't disobey my training You mustmake my toilet. I mustn't sleep anylonger.

"So I have to get awake, prepare thedear old lady for the day-80 years oldshe is. and weak and sick-just becauseshe was reared by a father with abnor-mal ideas of rising time. "-Indianapo-lis Journal.

A Wonderful Appetite.

The digestive power of the heron isremarkable. as well as its capacity andability to swallow large fish. says For-est and Stream. The neck seems to ex-pand as if made of india rubber-thefish slips down, and the bird is ready foranother In eating beef, large bones areswallowed intact. On one or two occa-sions after feeding beef this way, greatalarm was felt, as the birds showedsigns of great distress, but the uneasi-ness was soon calmed when the birdthrew up a large bone, clean and white.the meat having been thoroughly digest-ed.

In eating catfish they instinctivelypierce it with their strong beaks, untilthere is no question in their simpleminds but that 'lt is harmless. If intheir hurry to swallow their food, itgoes down the throat covered with sandor trash, they immediately eject it,carry it to the water and, having rinsedit well. swallow it again

Experience is the best teacher. UseAcker's English Remedy in any case ofcoughs, colds or croup. Should it fail togive immediate relief money refunded.25 cents and 50 cents. Sold by ChappleDrug Co.

EGGS FOR _IIATClIiGThere Are None Better to Be flad

Than Ours.

Our breeding pens were se-lected and mated by I. K.Felch, President of the Amer-ican Poultry Association.

Light Brahmas (strain),B. P. Rocks,White Leghorns,White Wyandottes.

Eggs $2.50 per settingTwo settings for $4.00

A limited amount of stockfor sale. Address

Riverside Poultry Co.TOSTON, 1IONT.



Mixed Drinks,Fine Liquors

and Cigars.

A Quiet Place for Business Menand Courteous Treatment.

Montana Avenue, Center of Main Block

Does This Strike You ?.Muddy complexions, nauseating

breaths come from chronic constipation.Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolutecure and has been sold for fifty years onan absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts,and 50 cts. Sold by Chapple Drug Co.

Notice of Hearing.

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THESeventh Judicial District of the

State of Montana, in and for the Coun-ty of Yellowstone.

In the matter of the estate of Clar-ence Durbin, deceased.-Notice of timeof hearing petition for probate of will.

Notice is hereby given that Aglies Y.Soule has filed with the clerk of thiscourt a petition praying for the probateof what purports to be the last will andtestament of Clarence Durbin, deceased,and that Friday, 14th day of April, A.D. 1899, at 10 o'clock in the forenoonof said day, that being a day of a regun-lar term of said court, before the judgeof said court, at the court room, at thecourt house, in the city of Billings, insaid county and state, has been set asthe time and place for hearing the saidpetition, when and where any personinterested may appear and show causewhy said will should not be admittedto probate and why said,petition shouldnot be granted.

Dated this 3rd day of April, A. D.1899. T. A. WILLIAMS,

Clerk of Said Court.O. F. Goddard,

Attorney for Petitioner. 99-3


Cures Impotency, Night Emissions andwasting diseases, all effects of self-

abuse, or excess and indis-cretion. Anervetonicanblood builder. Brings thepink glow to pale cheeks andrestores the fire of youth.By mail 5O0 per box; 6 boxes

ror $2.50; with a written guaran-tee to cure or refund the money.


For Sale byLieberg, Holmes & Calhoun. Druggists,

1-10-ly Billings, Montana.

Mott's Nerverine BillsThe great

remedy fornervous pros-tration andall nervousdiseases of thegenerative or-

BEFORE AD AFTER USING. Og f eithesex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing orlost Manhood, Imnpoteny, Nig4htly Emis-sions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex-cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whichlead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00per box by mail; 6 boxes for $5.00.MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio-

For Sale by Chapple Drug Co.



Z a


Shoe DepartmentSAGENCY

John Kelly's Rochester, N. Y.,

Fine Shoes for Ladies.

Special Sizes made to measure and delivered in

two weeks.

Dry Goods and Notion ad. will appear next week.

YEGEN BROS.n i mfl ul rain d nu ii l ClI U __ l ln ii l n



... IIVERY STABIE...T'wsentjy-Seventh St.

INS: ,JNoUT" P. H. SMITH, Prop


Saloon and Sample Rooms

The Best Goods in


Billiard and Club Rooms

Old Stand, Opposite Depot


SCALLY & CO., Proprietors

Liquors and Cigars,

Billiards and Pool,

Fine Club Rooms.

Next to Yellowstone National Bank.

PROTEC'TION. Send model, sketch,orphoto.for free examination and advice. ,

BOOK ON PATENTS 0f... o . ,. '`'Wvc.A.SNOW& 00. CPatent ]awyers. WASH I NGTON, D.C.