Download - The big fat sales guide

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The Beginners Guide to SALES!!!

The different types of Prospects and How to Tackle them!!!

EBook by SQuare Consulting and Management Services

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Always Remember This...

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We have all faced different types of prospects in the due course of our work and the only thing we are definitely not comfortable with is letting any particular type of prospect getting lost due to our inability to handle them well.

This publication / presentation tries to sort the different types of prospects broadly and determine the solutions to their effective management.

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Answer in Advance

Sell What the Product Does - Not the Product

Cost is NEVER the determining Factor

Objections are Consistent - Objectors are not.

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Always Remember the Math's Approach to SELLING!!!

ADD : BENEFITS (Quality; What the product or service does..)



DIVIDE : COST, over period of time

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There are as many different kind of objections as there are kinds of prospects, so there are many approaches and variations in the way you handle each one of them.

It is very necessary to Identify the Type of prospect so that there can be a basic guideline as to how to handle them.

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The Antagonistic Prospect The Skeptical The Gullible The Egotistical The Know-it-all The Procrastinator The Conservative penny-

pincher The Critical Prospect The Bargain Hunter The Good-time Charlie The Stone-face

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the animal prospect who is going to “bear” it in mind…

the insomniac prospect who is going to “sleep on it”….

the musical prospect who will make a “note” of it…

the playful prospect who is just “feeling out the market”...

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The Gullible

He is the easy prospect, bless his heart, he

believes what we say..

You deal with him in an open &

straightforward manner

Tell him lots of human interest stories

He is more likely to buy because he likes and

trusts you than for any other reason

Deal with him gently but confidently..

He responds to persuasion but is offended

with speed and pressure

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The Skeptical

She is the skeptical and argumentative prospect.. Wants to be always right.. Raises dogmatic doubts with sarcasm, cynicism underlying it..

Tell her “She has raised a very important issue, would he mind repeating it”

This ensures two things… Firstly, that you are giving her importance, Secondly, she rephrases the whole thing

toning down the objection

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The Skeptical

In dealing with this prospect, do not argue or contradict, let her blow off her steam

example…when the prospect brings up a dogmatic or strong statement in objection form, you pleasantly say, ”Your question pleases me, Ms. Prospect, because it gets to the very heart of the matter and since that is what I like to do, it indicates we are on the same plane”.. (Even if the prospect is outright stupid about the questions raised)

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The Hostile

Is same to the skeptical one in type, but one important thing to remember is that he is hostile for a reason… it could be because he’s been abused or misled by a salesperson in the past, maybe a salesperson did not hear his complaint…

This is the prospect with whom to use the age old ‘3-F FORMULA’◦ Compliment him for being ‘FRANK’, make him talk◦ Understand the logic behind her problems and try to

establish a ‘FOCUS’ on his queries◦ Establish a communication level and cliché for a

common ‘FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTION’ for his problem

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The Indecisive One

He wanted to start a procrastinator’s club but decided to wait till later. He simply can’t make a decision.

He went to the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist said to him “ I understand you have trouble making decisions”, the fellow responded “well, yes - and no.”

Win his confidence by being the right kind of person, demonstrate empathy.

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The Indecisive One

Your belief and conviction in your product and that it will best meet his needs will be the determining factor.

Remember, he is having trouble deciding if he should buy. If you have any doubts that you should sell, you can rest assured that he won’t buy. Push him - be firm.

Inner pressure is the key factor. Pressurize him by asking him a lot of questions.

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The Bargain Hunter

She’s got to feel she is a ’winner’ and she won’t feel happy unless she gains some kind of a concession.

You can handle this in three ways – Giving her an assurance while pitching

a solution that she is getting your best offer..

Showing her that you are taking a personal interest in her - “one thing I will do for you which I normally don’t do for others is..I will personally ...”

Best of all, Increase the package price and then offer discounts.

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The Obnoxious One

He is the loud-mouthed ‘Mr. Obnoxious’…

Attention is what he craves, so give him attention but in a firm and positive way. You also challenge that individual.

Inside, he wants to be understood and appreciated..

Challenge him with a lot of facts - “experts suggest that… research indicates that..” etc.

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The One in a Hurry

Doesn’t want to be bothered with details - wants “facts, just the facts, I’ve got things to do, I’m in a hurry!”..

Be brief, to the point, be business-like assure him that you can handle the details.

Make it clear that you will take personal interest, take care that he gets exactly what he wants, then make sure you follow through.

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The Jolly Guy

‘Jolly Jimmy’ is the playful, good natured prospect who in many ways can be the most frustrating of all because on occasion he is impulsive and indecisive.

He is far more likely to buy from someone he likes and enjoys being around.

Make friends with him - laugh with him - be casual.

Then - as a friend - encourage him to go ahead and take action now so that he can enjoy maximum benefits.

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The Big Shot

He wants to feel important, so by all means, make him feel important. He wants to be on center stage, so let the spotlight be on him.

By the same token, he likes to know he is not dealing with “one of the boys”, but rather someone who is qualified to handle his account.

If you have set a few sales records or if you have accomplished something significant at work, let him know it in a non-threatening way.

Mr. Big will know that he is dealing with someone who is qualified to handle such an important person.

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Mr. Know-It-All

‘Mr. Know-it-all’ is out to impress you, so let him. You’ve got nothing to lose.

You might let him impress you by paying cash for the order and get impressed by such a wonderful kind of a client as he is

Other than this, he is mostly like Mr Big Shot.

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The Dirty Dozen

The toughest prospect of all, the one who doesn’t object at all. He yeses you all through the interview, smiles, nods and agrees with everything.

The problem with him is that he is a very bad mix between Gullible and Jolly but has significant influence of Indecisiveness.

The best solution here would be to be able to switch over roles from Professional to Friend to Professional through the different phases of the Sale Closure

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The Essence of SALES

The true essence of Sales is The Customer and the importance of the customer is not to be forgotten at any cost.

All the above types of customers are important to our Business as we are trying hard to do one thing and that is SALES.

We can not afford to lose the rarest resource for our act to go on well. The Customer

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In the Words of Mahatma Gandhi

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Customer is always Right… Till he says what we want him to say!!!

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Thank You!!!

Rohan Bhatt SQuare Consulting & Management Services

(W): +919974485505 / +919426685505(Email): [email protected]