Download - The Benefits and Impacts of Facebook By Kidest Araya March 15, 2012.


The Benefits and Impacts of Facebook

By Kidest ArayaMarch 15, 2012

Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, facebook( is a famous social network.

“ Social networking websites, such as facebook and My space allow us to stay in contact with current friends or to reestablish contact with old ones”( Floyd, 2011,p.263).

It has more than 500 million active users world wide presently.

Facts about Facebook

“Facebook is available in 70 different languages”( Floyd, 2011, p.39).


Provides an interface for people to communicate with friends, family and coworkers

Provides newsfeeds, friend’s updates, videos and so on.

Educators have used the site as interface to promote communication and as a tool interact with students and parents.

Helps some adopted children reunite with their birth parents

The Communication Benefits of Facebook

Means for gathering information.“More than 3.5 billion pieces of Content are

shared on facebook every week” ( Floyd, 2011, p.39).

Educational organizations publish pages on Facebook.

Police are using facebook to find criminals.Allows users to become transmitters of


Informative Role of Facebook

Assists students to become accustomed to college life (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011).

Help kids build positive connections.Gives benefit for kids who find it hard to

make friends at school.Shy individuals spent more time on Facebook

and conveyed constructive attitudes towards facebook but had few facebook friends.

Facebook as a “ social glue” for Students

Facebook Fan Pages

Companies use social media identity( Facebook fan pages) to enhance brand attractiveness( Kuan-Yu, 2011)

Facebook fan pages help businesses to build online social communities and establish closer ties with their customers.

Shared values are an important factor influencing trust

Liking a Page on Facebook

Liking a page is a rapid rising use of social networks.

Facebook users can like any post.

Once Facebook users click on the thumps up , they will begin receiving news feeds posted by the website to their Facebook account.

Impact of Facebook on Students

“Facebook uses a significant amount of internet bandwidth”( Doug, 2009).

Using facebook requires lots of time

Average time used on facebook is 30 minutes to over 2 hrs daily.

Students on facebook have a false sense of privacy

results in lack of privacy, identity thefts, arrest , loss of ownership for the content they have created.


About 60-70% of 7th graders have accounts.

Many students post embarrassing contents

“Hackers, scammers, reporters, police, high school and college admissions officers …adults are looking and kids do not get it.”( Doug, 2009)

Security and software flaws are exposed.

Software is hacked.

“Provides a platform for people to manage other’s impressions of them” ( Hui-Tzu Grace, 2012).

People tend to present themselves in a positive way on their facebook profile.

Brings the impression they are happier and having better Lives than I am.

Impact of Facebook on Perceptions of Others’ lives

Bulling on Facebook

Rude comments and insensitive jokes have always been part of middle school”( Scholastic choices, 2012).

Facebook and other forms of online communication make the problem worse.

Unable to see the impact of what you write.

“Young doctors are active members of facebook”( Joanna, Sangsu,& Pete, 2010).

There might be personal information that might cause distress to patients

There might be information that might alter the professional boundary between patient and practitioner.

There might be information that brings the profession into disgrace.

Privacy, Professionalism and Facebook: complicatedness for young doctors

Facebook motivates social interaction, but it transfers time from establishing emotionally pleasing relationships.

It can enhance the wellbeing of people who are extroverts or use internet for communication purposes.

Influence psychological well-being negatively for non- communicative ( Introverted) use of it, as it reduces social integration.

Facebook and the Psychological Well being

Facebook is tightly incorporated into the daily media practices of its users.

Facebook use has advantages and disadvantages.

Facebook is not working to protect our children so parents and teachers need to teach children the risk of private information exposure.


Chou, H., &Edge, N.( 2012, Feb). ‘They are happier and having better Lives than I am’: The impact of using facebook on perceptions of others’ lives. Cyber psychology, behavior &social networking, 15(2), 117-121. Retrieved from

Floyd.(2011). Interpersonal Communication. ( 2nd ed) New York, NY: McGraw –Hill.

Fodeman, D. ( 2009, June). The impact of Facebook on our students. Teacher Librarian, 36( 5), 36-40. Retrieved from

Kalpidou, M., Costin, D., &Morris, J.( 2011, April). The relationship between facebook and the well being of Undergraduate students. Cyber psychology, behavior &social networking,20( 4), 183-189. Retrieved from


Lin, K., &Lu, H.( 2011, October). Intention to continue using Facebook fan pages from the perspective of social capital Theory. Cyber psychology, behavior &social networking, 14( 10), 565-570. Retrieved from

Macdonald, J., Sohn, S., & Ellis, P.( 2010, August). Privacy, professionalism and facebook: a dilemma for young doctors. Medical education, 44( 8), 805-813. Retrieved from

Scholastic choices( 2012, Feb/Mar), Bullying/debate. 27( 5), 10-13. Retrieved from
