Download - The Beacon - Lois yers 5 arb rown 6 Philip urns Mike Rosenberry Jason Mester 7 Lana Pine 11 etty Daniels

  • The Newsletter of

    St. Paul’s UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST McConnellsburg, PA

    Trinity UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Fort Loudon, PA

    The Beacon

    FEBRUARY 2017

    “Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not in-sist on it’s own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong…...Love never ends…

    I Corinthians 13:4-8

    Trinity’s Social Side

    Trinity invites everyone to attend the annual Valen-tine’s Day dinner on Saturday, February 11, at 6:00 PM. Bring a dessert to share. Everything else will be provided. Call Lana at 717-552-9419 to make your

    reservations by February 7.

    The Fort Loudon-McConnellsburg Charge STAMP

    of the

    United Church of Christ

    228 North 2nd Street

    McConnellsburg, PA 17233

    RESCHEDULED Potpie Supper

    Trinity will be holding an All-You-Can-Eat Potpie Sup-per at the Fort Loudon Community Center on Satur-day, FEBRUARY 4, from 3:30-6:30 PM. The menu in-cludes ham, beef and chicken slippery potpie, ap-plesauce, pepper slaw, pickles, onions and vinegar, bread, cake, coffee, and punch. Cost is $8.50 for adults, $5.50 for 7-12 year olds, and FREE for children under age 7. Eat in buffet, takeout dinners, and quarts of potpie are availa-ble.



    January 27, 2017

    Dear Christian Friends,

    The churches of the Mercersburg Association face a geographical challenge. It is hard for us to get to know each

    other because we are so far-flung. Even though we meet twice a year as a body, many of us have little contact. We

    are not aware of all the exciting things our friends and colleagues are doing to further God’s work in our communi-


    Earlier in 2016, as your Executive Board faced decisions on the 2017 Association budget, limited funds forced us to

    eliminate some of our traditional budget items for mission outreach. Now, as we begin 2017, we find ourselves in

    the happy position of having sufficient funds to plan intentional generosity. While we have not put specific missions

    back into the budget, we have approximately $3,500 in monies from 2016 to allocate to outreach in 2017. We are

    asking for help in planning how to use these monies.

    So many of you are engaged in mission activities in your communities. We would like to plan ways in which church-

    es could work together to provide services or financial support as it is needed, multiplying our existing funds

    through this mutual assistance. We suspect this can best be done through projects in various geographic locations

    rather than a single Association-wide project.

    I will be working on this endeavor, and I am asking for a few volunteers to help me plan outreach to spend this

    money. I am hoping for both clergy and lay assistance,

    from different areas of the Association. I believe this

    opportunity to act generously will benefit all our

    churches and the communities in which we live.

    If you are interested in being part of this project,

    please contact me by email at [email protected]

    or phone 582-2602. I look forward to hearing from



    Pastor Gloria McPherson

    Mercersburg Clergy Rep. to PCC Board


    Month Received Budget to Date Expended

    Jan./Nov. $56,466.66 $66,066.00 $48,605.11

    December $ 5,802.29 $ 6,006.00 $ 6,516.46

    2016 Totals $52,268.95 $72,072.00 $55,121.57

    Note: A combination of regular giving and numerous fundrais-ers throughout 2016 enabled Trinity to meet all of its financial commitments.

    Secretary - Pam Carmack

    [email protected] (717)-485-4795

    St. Paul’s UCC

    228 N Second Street, McConnellsburg, PA 17233

    (717)-485-5554***[email protected]

    Facebook &

    Trinity UCC

    P.O. Box 253

    13189 Main Street, Fort Loudon, PA 17224

    (717)-369-4773*** (Penn Central Conference)

    Thinking Ahead for Trinity

    Trinity’s annual congregational meeting was conducted on January 15 following a shortened worship service.

    Rosie Shives, Kathy Hess, and Jerry Arm-strong were elected to serve three-year terms on the consistory.

    The 2016 treasurer’s report was present-ed. Total receipts were $62,291.29, and expenditures were $55,319.61. The origi-nal 2016 budget, however, anticipated re-ceipts of $72, 070. Expenses were de-creased in 2016 by having an interim pas-tor, since health insurance and pension payments have been minimal during this period.

    It is important to note that over $18,000 of the money received in 2016 came from scheduled fundraising events – activities that require everyone’s support, until

    regular offerings rebound.

    The 2017 budget was increased to $75,558.50, on the premise that the possible acquisition of a full-time pastor may occur. Note, however, that this will actually require an additional $13,000 in contributions and donations to fund fully, since the 2016 budget was underfunded by $10,000.

    Trinity and St. Paul’s deserve full-time pastoral services, but everyone’s participation will be needed to make this possible. Please give these matters your serious prayerful consideration.

  • Dr. Chapman has over 30 years of experience in marriage counseling. He is an author, speaker and counselor. His books address the love language of married couples, teenagers, children and family relationships.

    Words of Affirmation: Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment”. Words of appreciation are powerful and help a person to feel that they are being loved. Besides offering verbal compliments, another way to communicate Words of Affirmation is to offer encouragement to a loved one who is facing difficult decisions. Words of encouragement help a person to overcome insecurities and develop great-er self-confidence.

    Quality Time: This means focusing all your energy on your loved one. Quality Time with a loved means: sincerely sharing experiences and personal feelings without interruptions. It means listening carefully to what the other person is saying. Our loved ones need a sympathetic listener. People feel loved when they are doing things together. It brings people closer.

    Giving & Receiving Gifts: Many loved ones respond well to physical symbols of love. A gift (if ap-propriately selected) becomes a special expression of love and devotion. These gifts need not be expensive. They can be small. Perhaps a flower. Maybe a card on the kitchen table. Perhaps a photo of a special moment or place.

    Acts of Service: Sometimes simple chores around the house can be an undeniable expression of love. Doing the laundry, preparing a meal, taking out the trash. Doing humble chores can be a very powerful expression of love and devotion to our loved ones.

    Physical Touch: This means hugs and kisses, plus lots more. Holding hands. Putting your arm around a family member who is facing a let-down or a difficult disappointment. A handshake friendly greeting. Holding

    someone close when they are scared. You can help to heal broken hearts and relationships by reaching out and

    touching someone in your family.

    The Five Love Languages By

    Dr. Gary Chapman

  • 1 Cayla Richards

    3 Lois Byers

    5 Barb Brown

    6 Philip Burns

    Mike Rosenberry

    Jason Mester

    7 Lana Pine

    11 Betty Daniels

    12 Jamie Hess

    14 Jordon Strait

    16 Wade Kulp

    18 Joyce Washabaugh

    19 Amy Gress

    22 Morgan Barclay

    Corinna Rotz

    23 Jason Fox, Sr.

    25 Linda Best

    26 Renee Baker Early

    Floyd Peck

    Cathy Buterbaugh

    Betty Daniels

    Dorothy Stevens

    Gary Stevens

    Gene and Barb Bricker

    Joyce and Thurman Hassler

    John Hornbaker

    Military and families

    Zeis family

    Jean McLucas

    Diane Baxter

    Tom Hamil

    Nancy Barmont

    Darlene Hannon

    Anna Rotz

    Korbyn Rotz

    Nancy Lawyer

    Sawyer Bye and Family

    Meril Fetters

    All individuals and families affected by can-cer

    All Sunday school classes

    Our Church & ministries

    If you have any additions or corrections to the pray-er list or the birthday list, please contact the church office.

    Trinity’s Ushers:

    Eileen and Roy Hornbaker

    St. Paul’s Ushers:

    Kirk Cover and John Glazier

    St. Paul’s Flowers:

    Pam Carmack

  • Wednesday, February 1 Trinity’s Choir Practice. 6:30 PM

    Saturday, February 4 Trinity’s Potpie Supper at the Community Center, 3:30-6:30 PM, please

    distribute flyers and complete updated signup sheets on hall table

    Sunday, February 5 Trinity Blended Worship, 9:00 AM, Super Bowl of Caring Offering – to be used for Trinity Food and Clothing Giveaway, Sunday School, 10:30 AM

    Saturday, February 11 Trinity Family Valentine’s Dinner & Party at church, 6:00 PM, please bring a dessert to share and sign up on the hall table

    Sunday, February 12 Trinity Blended Worship, 9:00 AM, Elder Care Collection, Sunday School 10:30 AM

    Tuesday, February 14 Trinity’s Consistory meeting, 7:00 PM


    Sunday, February19 St. Paul’s $100.00 of the offering plate collection will be sent to Lancaster Theological Seminary

    Tuesday, February 21 St. Paul’s Consistory meeting, 7:00 PM

    Sunday, February 26 Lenten materials will be distributed


    Topic: To Be Announced Sundays in Lent at 6:30 p.m., alternating between St. Paul’s and Trinity. Starting, March 5, at Trinity. Following dates March, 12, 19, 26 and April 2. Please watch for in-formation on our Joint Lenten Study. This time together has been well attended and valuable the last several years.

  • St. Paul’s & Trinity’s Calendar of Special Events for 2017


    Occasion Date Method

    New Year’s January 1 Altar

    First Sunday in Lent March 5 Pew

    Maundy Thursday April 13 Tables

    Easter Sunday April 16 Circle

    Spring May 7 Pew

    Pentecost Season June 4 Pew

    Mid-Summer August 13 Altar

    World Wide Communion October 1 Circle

    Thanksgiving November 19 Pew

    Christmas Eve December 24 Pew

    New Year’s 2018 January 7 Altar


    Offering Date Occasion

    Elder Care Offering Second Sunday of each month

    Building Fund Third Sunday of each month

    Souper Bowl of Caring Trinity February 5 Super Bowl Sunday

    Lancaster Theological Seminary February 19

    Lenten Folders distributed February 26 Sunday before Ash Wed

    One Great Hour of Sharing March 26

    Homewood Retirement Homes May 14 Mother’s Day

    Church World Services June 4

    Truck Stop Ministry August 13

    Scholarship Funds September 24

    Neighbors in Need October 1 World Wide Communion

    Thank Offering November 19 Thanksgiving Sunday

    Advent envelopes distributed December 3 First Sunday of Advent

    Hoffman Homes for Youth December 24 Christmas Eve

    Christmas Fund January 7, 2018 First Sunday after Christmas


    Date Event/Place Time

    March 1 Fort Loudon Community Ash Wednesday Service 7 p.m.

    April 13 Maundy Thursday Service at St. Paul’s 7 p.m.

    April 14 Community Good Friday Service at St. Paul’s UCC 12-1 p.m.

    April 14 Good Friday Service at Trinity 7 p.m.

    April 16 Community Easter Sunrise Service (to be announced) 6:30 a.m.

    June 8 & 9 McConnellsburg Strawberry Festival

    June 11 Trinity’s Picnic at Cowan’s Gap

    Conference Annual Meeting (to be announced)

    July 17-22 Trinity Vacation Bible School

    August (tba) Trinity Peach Festival

    September 10 Joint Worship and Picnic at the Garber’s’ 11 a.m.

    September (tba) Free Food and clothing give away

    October (tba) Women’s Retreat

    November 22 Community Thanksgiving Service (to be announced) 5:30 p.m.

    November (tba) Trin-i-tea

    December 24 Christmas Eve Service St. Paul’s 6p.m. Trinity 8 p.m.