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The battle of Shiloh

The battle of Shiloh by: Sadie Daley the north and the south face off in the battle of Shiloh

introduction in the early 1800s conflicts occurred between the north and the south of the united states. The north and south were one country at first but, the south seceded from the north. The north thought that slavery was wrong and that it should be abolished from the USA. The south disagreed so they decided to form a country on there own. There new country was called the confederate states of America were slavery existed. Thats when it all began!! There was one vey important battle in the civil war this battle was called the battle of Shiloh. This battle took place on April 6th to April 7th 1862 in Cumberland near the Tennessee river. Gen. Ulysses s. grant was a union commander , and gen. Albert Sidney Johnston was commander of the confederate soldiers. During the battle some surprises occurred giving the union a boost to victory!


The battle took place on April 6th- 7th 1862

battle took place in Cumberland near the Tennessee river

Who were the officers in charge of the north and the south?

Union: a well known solider Ulysses s. grant and gen. Don Carlos Buell.

Confederate: gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and later on gen. P.G.T Beaugard

What happened during the battle?Union: 1,754 casualties , 8,408 hurt of wounded , and 2,885 soldiers went missing.Confederacy: 1,728 killed, 8,012 wounded and 959 went missing. The confederate commander was shot in the fighting and his replacement gen. P.G.T Beaugard took over and lead the south on his own.On the south's attack the union surrendered. Then on the north's counterattack the union won the battle.

How did the battle impact the war overall?

Got the union closer to controlling the land of the Mississippi river The union now controlled and owned the state of Tennessee which was originally controlled by the confederate states.The battles march to sea and the battle of Fredericksburg would have never happened if the union did not win the battle of Shiloh.

Conclusion To summarize, the battle of Shiloh was critical to the whole civil war in this battle many soldiers suffered and some didnt even survive. In result of this battle , the north was very confident now and were taking opportunities to win the civil war. overall, When the war came to an end the union ended up wining which meant the slaves were free!!! Bibliography
