Download - The Arcadian Court, Toronto ON – June 7-8, 2016 …...3 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW Conference – June 7-8, 2016 – The Arcadian Court, Toronto, ON Senior Canadian and international leaders

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Innovation :: June 7-8, 2016

2016 Sponsorship Prospectus

The Arcadian Court, Toronto ON – June 7-8, 2016

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Conference – June 7-8, 2016 – The Arcadian Court, Toronto, ONSenior Canadian and international leaders from business, healthcare, government and academia. Approximately 150 senior-level decision makers, international and Canadian plenary speakers, collaborative plenary hypothesis – testing session, four strategy content stream sessions.

Queen’s Roundtable Dinner – June 6, 2016 Held the night before the conference – invitation only – speakers, sponsors and invited VIPs.

“When you look at any great changes in the world they’ve all started with ambition. The Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series is really important to this country because it has brought together leaders from across the country and around the world to imagine a vision of what is possible and how we can create a tipping point of change.”

Georgina BlackPartner and National Healthcare Lead

KPMG Canada

“Moving healthcare reform forward will require all parties - governments, providers, and others - to set aside their interest in the status quo and commit to new ways of operating.”

Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy Closing Panel – from 2015 Conference Summary

Canadian healthcare is one of the most pressing public policy concerns of our generation. From 2012-2015, the Queen’s Health

Policy Change Conference Series addressed the fragmented nature of Canadian healthcare by asking the question: If Canada had a system-wide healthcare strategy, what form could it take?

Over three annual conferences (2013-2015), Queen’s University brought together 385 senior Canadian and international leaders from business, healthcare delivery, government and academia to explore mobilizing change and how to manage and govern a pan-Canadian approach to healthcare.

The Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series (2016-2019) now enters its next phase: Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation, a new three-part conference series to tackle the essential issue of a Canadian healthcare innovation agenda. How should we bring together entrepreneurship, systems thinking, technology, integration, and strategic alliances between the public and private sectors to create the Canadian healthcare system of the future?

You are invited to sponsor the opening conference, Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation-The Agenda, in Toronto, June 7-8, 2016.

This conference will examine: the current state of healthcare innovation in Canada, including the role of industry as an innovation driver; what can be learned from leading international examples; and next steps for positioning Canada as a global health innovation leader.

As a sponsor, you will promote these outcomes, which have major implications for the health of Canadians and Canada’s economy.

The new Queen’s healthcare innovation conferences are designed to build upon the previous series and emerging policy frameworks from the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. This includes, Health Canada’s Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation (2015), the Council of the Federation’s Health Care Innovation Working Group (2012), and the Ontario Health Innovation Council (2014).

The subsequent conferences will focus on systems and structures that can foster innovation in healthcare (Spring 2017), and potential governance and collaboration models in a new Canadian healthcare landscape (Spring 2018). :: June 7-8, 2016

Simon Kennedy, Deputy Minister, Health Canada; Doug Hughes, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health, British Columbia; Dr. Bob Bell, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Ontario; and Dr. Peter Vaughan, Deputy Minister, Department of Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia.

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“Business has a lot to teach us about innovation, and I think in a universal healthcare system one of the things maybe lacking historically, is the sense of innovation and efficiencies that the business mind brings to the enterprise.”

Dr. Chris SimpsonChief of Cardiology, Queen’s University

Past–President, Canadian Medical Association


The July 2015 report by Health Canada’s Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation points out that, “Pockets of extraordinary creativity and innovation dot the Canadian healthcare landscape. Local regional and even provincial programs have simply not been scaled up across the nation.”

This is not new. Our pursuit of national healthcare strategies dates back to the populist movements of the CCF and Social Credit parties, in Saskatchewan (1946) and Alberta (1950), respectively. Combined with the Emmett Hall Royal Commission report of 1964, they became the architectural foundations of Canadian healthcare. National reports by Romanow and Kirby released in 2002 took broad national perspectives, the former having a great impact on funding. Yet, the innovation landscape within provincial and territorial and myriad regional healthcare systems remains fragmented and inefficient.

As a highly respected public research-intensive university, Queen’s is providing a national forum for an exploration of this crucially important Canadian policy issue. Healthcare comprises over 11% of Canadian Gross National Product and almost 40% of provincial budgets. As Canadians demand more from healthcare, costs rise and productivity comparisons wane by international comparisons. The issue has grown in both importance and urgency. The status quo is not an option.

Sponsorship of Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation: The Agenda, is a dual opportunity to augment your firm’s business objectives and while contributing to Canada’s future. It is rare for sponsors to be able to contribute directly to an issue of such national scope and magnitude. You can have an impact.


Professor Peter C. Smith, Emeritus Professor, School of Business, Imperial College London; Dr. Diane Watson, Chief Executive Officer, Australian National Health Performance Authority; Dr. Else Smith, former Director General, Danish Health and Medicines Authority

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“As the association of the leading Canadian research-based pharmaceutical companies, Rx&D is proud to be a major sponsor of this exciting conference series devoted to finding healthcare sustainability solutions in our country.”

Russell Williams, (May 2014)President, Rx&D

This innovation-themed conference series will again create a forum for a unique, targeted audience of top-level policy makers, practitioners, and private sector leaders, along with leading academics and international contributors, to discuss practical ways forward for healthcare change. The events are Canadian in scope and seek ways that best practices and new models can be shared nationwide to the benefit of all Canadians.

The Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference series is a joint project of the Queen’s School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University Faculty of Health Sciences and the Smith School of Business. It is a unique opportunity for senior leaders from healthcare, government, academe and industry to envision an efficient and effective Canadian healthcare system.

Connect with Senior Canadian Healthcare Leaders

The conference is large enough to bring diversity and scope of talent, but small enough to encourage personal connection and discussion. The conference is specifically structured to promote interaction through networking breaks and a collaborative session facilitated by the Queen’s Executive Decision Centre. The conference will generate a forward- thinking examination of this major public policy issue and, by drawing on international and cross-sectoral perspectives, identify ways forward for Canadian healthcare innovation. Further, Queen’s brings together its senior academic leaders and researchers in the healthcare field in three of its major academic units: School of Policy Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences and the Smith School of Business.

The Right Honourable Paul Martin, former Prime Minister of Canada, Don Drummond, Matthews Fellow in Public Policy, Queen’s University, Michael Decter, President & CEO, LDIC Inc., former Deputy Minister of Health, Ontario

Ongoing Profile

Sponsors at all levels receive significant visibility by their association with this high-profile event. Following the conference, outcomes will fuel the development of policy-oriented research, whitepapers and speaker series. The result is continued exposure through ongoing work coordinated by the Queen’s School of Policy Studies Centre for Innovation in Healthcare Policy.

Janet Davidson, Deputy Minister, Alberta Health, Government of Alberta

Nigel Edwards, Chief Executive, The Nuffield Trust

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“In order to move forward to meet the challenges that are ahead, we need continued innovation. It is important in every segment of the economy, but perhaps not more than in healthcare, because doing so will pay enormous dividends for the health of the population and the strength of the economy.”

Dr. David Dodge O.C.Senior Advisor

Canada and International Economic AdvisorBennett Jones

Chancellor Emeritus, Queen’s UniversityFormer Governor, Bank of Canada

Who Should Attend:

The Queen’s Health Policy Change conferences are geared to creating dialogue between executives, leaders and decision makers from industry, government, healthcare and medical associations and academe from across Canada.

Invited delegates will include:

• Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Health from all 10 Canadian provinces, 3 territories and Health Canada

• Executives from private-sector and non-profit healthcare corporations• Senior executives from healthcare and medical associations

Conference One

The Agenda (June 7-8, 2016): Exciting new policy frameworks are emerging for the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, allowing for new ways of thinking about healthcare. Major reports have been developed by: Health Canada’s Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation (2015), the Ontario Health Innovation Council (2014), and the Council of the Federation’s Health Care Innovation Working Group (2012). The first conference will explore the current state of healthcare innovation in Canada, what can be learned from leading international examples, and next steps for positioning Canada as a global health innovation leader.

Conference Two

Integrated Systems and Structures (Spring 2017): The second conference in the series will look to systems and structures that can foster innovation in healthcare.

How do we overcome institutional and organizational barriers to spread new solutions across healthcare systems? What data solutions are needed to facilitate the transfer of learning across systems? How can organizational design create innovation-focused institutional cultures? What approaches to the management and organization of healthcare workers will spark creativity? How can healthcare leadership shift from top-down models to system-wide empowerment?

Conference Three

Innovation and Collaboration (Spring 2018): The final installment in the conference series looks to governance models in the new Canadian healthcare landscape. Healthcare is experiencing a shift from traditional top-down ministry leadership to collaborative governance models. How can policy makers accomplish provincial and national goals while also empowering regional and local leadership? What governance models are needed to encourage ground-up innovation while also ensuring system accountability?

Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation:

The Agenda

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:Integrated Systems & Structures

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

Innovation & Collaboration

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

The Agenda

Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation:Integrated Systems & Structures

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

Innovation & Collaboration

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

The Agenda

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:Integrated Systems & Structures

Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation:

Innovation & Collaboration

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By the Numbers

• 385 participants from 8 countries and 13 Canadian provinces and territories









Hospitals & Healthcare Associations (22%) Queen’s University (18%)

Private Sector (28%) Government/Policy (31%)

Academic Researchers (18%) Speakers/Panelists (31%)







* percentages add up to greater than 100 because of multiple roles of some delegates


The Honourable Michael Kirby, former Canadian Senator and Chair, Partners for Mental Health

Chris Ham, Chief Executive, King’s Fund and Mark Britnell, Chairman & Partner, Global Centre of Excellence, Global Health Practice KPMG, UK

Richard Waugh, Past President and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia :: June 7-8, 2016

The Right Honourable Paul Martin, former Prime Minister of Canada, and The Honourable Deb Matthews, former Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario

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By the Numbers

• 30 Conference Publications


Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians – McGill/Queen’s Press (2015) – Edited by Carson, Dixon, Nossal

Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy conference book (in production for McGill/Queen’s Press, 2016) – Edited by Carson, Nossal

Pre-conference whitepapers

• Healthcare Reform in Canada – Dixon • What is the Meaning of Strategy in the Context of Canadian

Healthcare? – Carson • Canadian Healthcare Policy since Romanow: Easy to Call for Change,

Hard to Do – Lewis • If Canada had a System-Wide Healthcare Strategy, What Form Could

It Take? – Carson • The Need for a Pan-Canadian Health Human Resources Strategy –

Bourgeault, Demers, James & Bray• Toward a Coordinated Electronic Health Record (HER) Strategy for

Canada – Lau, Price, Bassi• Integrating Care for Persons With Chronic Health and Social Needs –

Wodchis, Williams, Mery• Health Policy Reform in Canada: Bridging Policy and Politics – Drummond • Evaluating Health Policy and System Performance: Are We Moving to

a Network Model? – Marchildon• Politics and the Healthcare Policy Arena in Canada: Diagnosing the

Situation, Evaluating Solutions – Maioni• Using Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Performance

Improvement – Veillard, Denny, Tipper, Klazinga• Harnessing Patients’ Voices for Improving the Healthcare System – Wong• Harnessing Patient Engagement for Healthcare System Change –

LaBarge, Handelman, Mitchell• The Role of the Private Sector in Canadian Healthcare: Strategic

Alliances, Accountability and Governance – Carson• Health Policy Advocacy: The Role of Professional Associations –

Simpson, Velji• An Action Plan for Reforming Healthcare in Canada – Drummond

Other publications

• Queen’s Roundtable on Healthcare Summary (2013, 2014, 2015)• QHPCC Conference Summary (2013, 2014, 2015)• Facilitated Discussion Summary – Queen’s Executive Decision Centre

(2014, 2015)• Video – International Perspectives on Healthcare Strategies: Germany,

Sweden and Denmark • Video – Creating National Change: Lessons for Canada from Australia• Video – How Can Measurement and Leadership Drive System Change?• Video – Perspectives from the Healthcare Professions on Leading Change

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Karsten Vrangbaek, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Lena Hellberg, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Division for Public Health and Healthcare, Government of Sweden, Dr. Norbert Schmacke, Deputy Chair, Gemeinsamer; Bundesausshcuss Associate Fellow, Instituts für Public Health und Pflegeforschung

Divya Srivastava, Health Economist, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, France :: June 7-8, 2016

Jane Farnham, Chair, Canadian Pharmacists Association; Dr. Chris Simpson, Past–President, Canadian Medical Association, Chief of Cardiology, Queen’s University; Dr. Karima Velji, President, Canadian Nurses Association; and Michael Brennan, CEO, Canadian Physiotherapists Association

Dr. Brian Postl, Chair, Canadian Institute for Health Information; Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba; Dr. Irfan Dhalla, Vice-President, Evidence Development and Standards, Health Quality Ontario; Stephane Robichaud, Chief Executive Officer, New Brunswick Health Council; and Dr. Jeremy Veillard, Vice-President, Canadian Institute for Health Information

Dr. Jay Handelman, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Research and PhD/MSc Programs, Smith School of Business; Dr. Réjean Hébert, Professor, Department of Health Administration, School of Public Health, Université de Montréal; former Minister of Health and Social Services, Quebec; Dr. Sabrina Wong, Director, Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia; Dr. David Walker, Professor, Emergency Medicine and Policy Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University; and Brian Clark, Advisor, Patients Canada; and Peter MacLeod, Principal and Co–Founder, MASS LBP

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Package Support Level Logo Name Usage Other

Platinum $35,000 » Prominent display on front cover of

conference program

» Prominent display on all other

print and web conference


» Recognition in related follow-up

publications (e.g., whitepapers)

» Named sponsorship of Queen’s

Roundtable Reception*

» Named sponsorship of lunchtime

keynote with speaking opportunity

(speaker introduction)

» Named sponsorship of Day 1

evening reception

» Sponsor category exclusivity

» Involvement in conference planning

» Recognition in opening and closing comments

» Two seats at the VIP pre-conference

Queen’s Roundtable Dinner*

» Three free conference registrations

» Special registration fee for clients and key contacts

» On-site exhibit display opportunity

» Partner on complimentary series activities, i.e.,

whitepapers, speaker series, workshops

Gold $25,000 » Large logo in all print and web

conference communications

» Full page ad in conference program

» Recognition in related follow-up

publications (e.g., whitepapers)

» Named sponsorship of conference

keynote address with speaking


» Named sponsorship of event meal

(Continental Breakfast (2) or Buffet

Lunch (1)

» Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker

» On-site Exhibit Display opportunity

» Recognition in opening and closing comments

» Two free conference registrations

» Special registration fee for clients and key contacts

Silver $15,000 » Logo in all print and web

conference communications

» Half-page ad in conference


» Recognition in related follow-up

publications (e.g., whitepapers)

» Named sponsorship of conference

plenary session

» Recognition in opening and closing comments

» On-site exhibit display opportunity

» One free conference registration

Bronze $7,500 » Logo in all print and web

conference communications

» Named sponsorship of concurrent

discussion panel

» Recognition in opening and closing comments

» One free conference registration


* The Queen’s Roundtable Dinner, taking place on June 6th, is an invitation-only, pre-conference event that will include senior leaders, international guests, speakers and sponsors

The Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series is a joint initiative of:

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Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation:

The Agenda

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:Integrated Systems & Structures

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

Innovation & Collaboration

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

The Agenda

Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation:Integrated Systems & Structures

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

Innovation & Collaboration

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:

The Agenda

Transforming CanadianHealthcare Through Innovation:Integrated Systems & Structures

Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation:

Innovation & Collaboration