Download - The Angel of Independence

  • 8/14/2019 The Angel of Independence


    NAME: Tene Oana Georgiana


    The Angel of Independence

    The Angel of Independence, mostcommonly known as El ngel and officiallyknown as Columna de la Independencia, is avictory column located on a roundaout over!aseo de la "eforma in downtown of #e$icoCity%

    It was uilt to commemorate thecentennial of the eginning of #e$ico&s 'ar ofIndependence, celerated in ()(*% After severalyears it was transformed into a mausoleum forthe most important heroes of that war% It is one of

    the most recogni+ale landmarks in #e$ico City%It is uite similar to the -ictory Column from.erlin%

    The ase of the column is uadrangular, each verte$ having a ron+esculpture symoli+ing /aw, 'ar, 0ustice and !eace% 1riginally there werenine steps leading to the ase, ut due to the sinking of the ground fourteenmore steps were added% 1n the main face of the ase, which faces downtown#e$ico City, there is the following inscription2 3The 4ation to the 5eroes ofIndependence3% In front of this inscription is a ron+e statue of a giant lionled y a child, representing strength and the innocence of youth during 'ar

    ut docility during !eace%4e$t to the column there is a group of marle statues representing

    some of the heroes from the 'ar of Independence%The column itself is 67 meters high% The structure is made of steel

    covered with uarried stone decorated with garlands, palms and rings withthe names of Independence figures% Inside thecolumn is a two8hundred step staircase whichleads to a viewpoint aove the capital% TheCorinthian8style capital is adorned y four

    eagles with e$tended wings from the #e$icancoat of armsused at the time% Crowning the column there is a 7%9 meterstatue y Enriue Alciati of 4ike, the :reekgoddess of victory ;'inged -ictory?gold andweighs 9 tons% In her right hand the Angel holdsa laurel crown aove #iguel 5idalgo&s head,
  • 8/14/2019 The Angel of Independence


    symoli+ing -ictory, while in her left she holds a roken chain, symoli+ing@reedom%

    The construction of the monument was ordered in ()*= y !resident!orfirio Ba+% The architect Antonio "ivas #ercadowas in charge with thedesign of the monument, while the actual construction was supervised y#e$ican engineers :on+alo :arita and #anuel :oro+pe% All the sculptureswere made y the Italianartist Enriue Alciati%

    An eternal flamehonoring these heroes was installed in the ase of the

    column at the order of !resident Emilio !ortes :ilin ()=)%The monument suffered some damages during an earthuake on 0uly

    =th, ()D9 when the sculpture of the 'inged -ictory fell to the ground androke into several pieces% The sculptor 0os @ernFnde+ Grinawas in chargewith the restoration, which lasted more than one year% The monument wasreopened on Heptemer (7th, ()D% It survived, undamaged, the devastatingearthuakeof Heptemer ()th, ()D%