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Page 1: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

Experiences, limitations and suggested improvements

The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

ROOT Users WorkshopBarthelemy von Haller & Adriana Telesca

for the ALICE DAQ Collaboration

Page 2: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

• ALICE : A Large Ion Collider Experiment 18 detectors Trigger rate : 10 KHz (max) Bandwidth to mass storage : 1.25 GB/s

• Online usage of ROOT « ROOTification » Detector algorithms Data Quality Monitoring

ROOT in ALICE Online

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 2

Page 3: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

• Online feedback on the quality of data

• Make sure to take and record high quality data

• Identify and solve problem(s) early• Data Quality Monitoring (DQM)

involves- Online gathering of data- Analysis by user-defined algorithm- Storage of monitoring data- Visualization

Data Quality Monitoring

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 3

Page 4: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

• AMORE : Automatic MOnitoring Environment

• A DQM framework for the ALICE experiment

The AMORE framework

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 4

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• Publisher – Subscriber paradigm• Database used for the data pool• Published objects are encapsulated into

« MonitorObject » structure

Design & Architecture

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 5

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11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 6

• Dictionaries allow introspection in the client

• Standard ROOT interfaces Easier for users, e.g. call Draw() blindly

• MOTObject allows embedding custom types

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• Data pool implemented as a database TMessage used to serialize MonitorObjects TMySQLServer et al.

• Plugin architecture using ROOT reflection Modules are dynamic libraries loaded at

runtime• Custom and generic GUI (see next

slides)• Macro for quick post-processing

without releasing new version of a module


11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 7

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• Detectors custom GUI Expert view of the data their agent


User interfaces (1)

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 8

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• Generic User Interface Based on TRootBrowser, custom

TGListTree TXMLEngine for layouts and preferences


User interfaces (2)

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• Web access to images of the plots via the ALICE eLogbook

Web access

Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 10

Page 11: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

• ROOT provided key features C++ database interface Plugin mechanism GUI Macros XML

• We could have done the same with a palette of tools, here we got it all at once

• Quick, kind and effective support• Still, anything can always be improved…


11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 11

Page 12: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

• ROOT not web friendly (Bertrand gives us hope!) View and manipulate ROOT objects like in a TCanvas/GUI Others are working on solutions, lack of concertations ?

• Axes are not easy to manipulate Responsibilities are unclear (histo, pad, axis) Time-based axes should be far easier to use

• Objects ownership E.g. TH1 with « functions » encapsulated in a MOTObject E.g. THStack (main histo is destroyed, not the others)

• CMake: missing FindROOT.cmake or ROOTConfig.cmake• Using ROOT as a simple library (no TApplication)

We want our core files and stack traces

Difficulties (1)

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 12

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• Histograms hierarchy is wrong• Sometimes obscure or inconsistent class

interfaces E.g. TMessage::EnableSchemaEvolution() does actually

nothing if not used in conjunction with TSocket E.g. Zoom is a property of TH1 != draw option and log

scale are properties of TPad• GUI: powerful but writing them is tough, error

prone and pretty verbose• Support

Too often the answer is « Why don’t you do it this way? » instead of fixing the issue

• C++ standard or ROOT standard ? STL, Boost, Collections and types

Difficulties (2)

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Code name « redemption »1. No major new features2. Fix the (base) classes inheritance and

interfaceso Hopefully it can even be backward compatible

3. Make ROOT web friendly4. Make ROOT looks nice

o GUI and graphics need a modern look and feelo Simplify GUI programming while you are at it

Prepare ROOT for the next 20 years and protect future users from mistakes made 20 years ago.

My ideal ROOT 7

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Page 15: The ALICE DQM Software and ROOT

• The ALICE DQM uses and relies on many features of ROOT

• ROOT provided a very complete toolbox which helped us develop effectively AMORE

• ROOT is going to be used for many more years and, today, there is an opportunity to fix long-standing issues

• Thank you for all the good work !


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Backup slides

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TMessage and objects evolution

11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 17

ProducerROOT v. X

ConsumerROOT v.

Y>XTMessage Databa






Incompatible and no Streamer


EnableSchemaEvolutiondoesn’t actually help.It only raises a flag in Tmessage that is used byTSocket

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An event (click) means a histo must be drawn 1. Get histo1

2. Use a special printer or method on the object

3. Send back the JSON or HTML5+JS or SVG+SMIL

myDiv.content = JSROOT.Draw(json)

Another approach

HTTP request (AJAX)Ask for data of histo1

JSON data



myDiv.content = data


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• JSON : close to what BB is doing, still people can easily use the js lib alone.

• Need for a performant and complete histograming JS library

• Adding DrawWeb() to classes seems a reasonably important effort (?)

• Creating a specific printer might even be simpler

• If no printer/method available for a certain type, simply degrade to generate an image.

• HTML or SWIG is lighter for the client but today clients (browsers) are powerful


11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 19

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• To be done in the JSON option: Client

oOptionally develop a facility js library to handle the request to server and the drawing in a div

Server / ROOToFind the best way of generating JSON for any

object (new Printer or addition method in TObject). If not defined fall back to an image ?

ClientoDevelop an efficient and complete

histograming javascript library (drawing and manipulation). Usable without ROOT.


11/03/2013 Barthélémy von Haller & Adriana Telesca, ALICE, PH department, CERN 20