Download - The Alamo and Goliad. A clash of armies When Cos surrendered the Alamo, Santa Anna furious Santa Anna determined to punish them Texans wasted time at.


The Alamo and Goliad

A clash of armiesWhen Cos surrendered the Alamo , Santa Anna furious

Santa Anna determined to punish them

Texans wasted time at San Antonio, army grew small - Santa Anna en route

Many volunteers were Americans

Davy Crockett - congressman from Tennessee

Texans are divided1835 no single leader led the texans

Sam Houston had the authority to unite but no one wanted to follow him

Johnson( San Patricio), Grant (san patricio) and Fannin (Goliad -450 men)were sent to attack Matamoros

Col. Neill commanded troops at Alamo, 100

Santa Anna moves north6000 soldiers moved north with Santa


Army was recruited quickly and most were poorly clothed and trained

Most thought Santa Anna would begin his march in springtime

Instead he marched thru the winter

Split army - Santa Anna commanded his to the Alamo , general Urrea moved towards Goliad

Texans occupy the Alamo 104 soldiers at Alamo when Santa Anna

began march

1836, January Sam Houston sends Jim Bowie with 25 texans to the Alamo

Bowie was well known as a fighter - Bowie knife

Bowie came to Texas 1828 and met SFA- eventually annoying him with his land activities

Travis arrives at the AlamoFeb 1836 Travis arrives at Alamo -30 soldiers

David Crockett arrives with 12 more men

Crockett was well known for his shooting and hunting on the frontier

Tejanos fought as well- Juan Seguin

Colonel Neill left Alamo and Bowie in charge of the volunteers

Travis would take command when Bowie got sick- thought he had lots of time before Santa Anna attacked

Section 2Texans defend the


Defending the Alamo Alamo had to be strengthened

Feb 23 Santa Anna was in San Antonio

Alamo was a solid defense. Walls 2-3 feet thick, 12 ft high, 21 cannons fortified .

Enough food and water

Weaknesses.. Walls had gaps in the south, Alamo was too big for the # of troops present

Victory or death !!!

Many letters were sent by Travis for aid.

Letter sent February 24,1836 declared he was outnumbered and knew his fate. Victory or death!

Reinforcements came from Gonzales-32

One last plea to Houston ..

Facing certain death

March 5 Travis tells troops that to fight is to face death

All but one man chose to stay and fight..

Texans had survived bombardment since February 23.

Long range Kentucky rifles helped kill troops

Texan troops give ground March 5, 1836 battle began

1500 Mexican troops assaulted the Alamo

Played "el deguello" no mercy!

First and second wave of Mexicans were fought won success

3 rd wave pushed the texans back allowing Santa Anna's men to storm the walls

By 8:00, March 6 am the battle of the Alamo was over.

More than 200 texans died defending the Alamo

Bowie and Travis died

It is said that Davy Crockett survived and was executed after the battle

Santa Anna lost at least 600 men

Battle cry for victory

Santa Anna allowed some to leave Alamo. Women and children and one slave. Their duty was to carry the word of what happened to Gonzales.

The Alamo served as an inspiration to texans to join the fight

Inspired Americans to fight too

Defeat in south Texas

Urrea sweeps north to Refugio

Urrea had 1000 troops on way to Refugio

Fannin will send aid from Goliad

Urrea will surround town and texans will divide their troops

One party will be caught and killed by Urrea

Losses here would dampen Texans spirits

Fannin delays departure

Fannin was hesitant to retreat from Goliad

Slow movement allowed the Mexican army to attack his army

Battle of Coleto ensued and Texan army lost

Terms if surrender- unconditionally .. At the mercy of the Mexicans

Urrea takes Fannin and his men to Goliad as prisoners

Cruel necessity

Urrera wrote to santa Anna asking that the prisoners be spared

Santa Anna ordered execution

350 texans were executed on the prairie

Lessons of the Alamo and Goliad

The Alamo cost sant Anna professional soldiers and was inspiration to Texans

The Alamo also delayed the Mexicans long enough for Sam Houston to get more troops

Money and people poured into Texas to help