Download - The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

Page 1: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

The Age of NapoleonThe French Empire

Page 2: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

6.3 Review1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy?

2. What is suffrage?

3. What was Louis XVI put on trial for? What was the verdict?

4. Describe the Committee of Public Safety and what their responsibility was.

5. Who was Robespierre? Describe how his nickname related to his beliefs and him as a person.

6. Describe why Robespierre fell from power in France.

7. What method of execution was used during the Reign of Terror? Describe why this form of execution was seen as “fair”.

Page 3: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

After Robespierre?Governments during the Revolution?1. National Assembly 2. Legislative Assembly3. The Convention4. The Directory 5. The Consulate 6. Napoleonic Empire

Following Robespierre’s execution:The Radical Phase ends and we enter into the last phase, Rule of Napoleon.

Page 4: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

The DirectoryHow was the Directory Formed?- Moderates from the National Convention drafted a new constitution in 1795 (the third since 1789)

- Called for a two-house legislature and an executive body above them of five men known as the Directory.

What did the Directory accomplish?- Not much, but found a new general for their struggling army:

Fourth Government of the French Revolution

Napoleon Bonaparte.

Page 5: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Mini-Bio: Napoleon

"If you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog.

But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight like a lion.”

Page 6: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

Analyze:How does this painting of Napoleon show power?

Page 7: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

Napoleon BonaparteBackgroundBorn in Corsica (considered an outsider!), he was sent to military school in France.

Became a lieutenant at 16.

At 26, he defended the National Convention’s meeting place from Royalists. Many called him “the savior of the republic”.

At 27, he led the French army against Austria and conquered Italy.

Did he ever fail?Of course!Ok. So, how did he become Emperor?

He hid the facts, like any good tyrant in the making!

Page 8: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

The Rise of Napoleon“In the weakness of authority… some popular general shall draw the eyes of all men upon himself… Armies will obey him on his personal account… The person who really commands the army is your master.”

In time, the Directory lost credibility.

In 1799, Napoleon led a coup (an uprising)

The second chamber, out of fear, dissolved the Directory and left power to the Consulate (fifth government).

So, who is in charge of the Consulate?Napoleon is!

Page 9: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

The Rise of NapoleonWhat problems were still ongoing?France was still at war with…Britain, Austria, and Russia

How do you celebrate a major victory?

Another constitution!A plebiscite (individual direct vote) was taken to choose which Consul would bear sole power in France.

Napoleon was voted, legally, First Consul… then Consul for Life a few years later.

So, what does this mean?France has another absolute monarch:

Emperor Napoleon I (sixth government)

Page 10: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

What did Napoleon Accomplish?1. Restored economic order2. Restored social order3. Restored religious order4. Restored legal order

Would extend French power and dominate Europe.

Page 11: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

What led to Napoleon’s fall?1. The establishment of the Continental SystemEconomic warfare where Napoleon sought to blockade all of Europe from Britain. Britain retaliated by blockading all of ships bound for Europe… from Europe. This weakened economies in Europe.

2. Rebellion in SpainNapoleon made his brother, Joseph, king of Spain. Spaniards were outraged at this outsider in charge. Fighting through guerilla warfare, Spain cost France 300,000 troops. Italy and Germany soon turned against France.

3. The Invasion of Russia400,000 French soldiers invaded Russia.

Would Russia fight?No. They used the scorched earth policy to defeat the French.100,000 French Troops make it to Moscow. Winter hits…10,000 would make it back to France.

Page 12: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.


St. Helena

Aftermath of Napoleon’s Rule

Page 13: The Age of Napoleon The French Empire. 6.3 Review 1. What events in Europe finally led to France abolishing the monarchy? 2. What is suffrage? 3. What.

Aftermath of Napoleon’s RuleWhat did Napoleon’s Actions do to Europe and the World?1. Fall of France led to US expansion (Louisiana Purchase).

2. New nations were created in Europe.

3. Monarchies returned in several nations.

4. Nationalism is now widespread throughout the world.