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Let compassion rule!

Anti Bullying • 2016


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Turtle Club Kids anti bullying message .................Page 4Ontario Regional Chief’s message.........................Page 54 ways to stop bullying .............................................Page 7Keeping your digital footprint clean........................Page 93 ways to raise socially conscious kids................. Page11Social Workers... helping with life’s issues................ .Page 13 A C T i v i T i e S Word search ...............................................................Page 15Spot the difference .....................................................Page 17Cartoons ..................................................................... Page 19 Activity... random acts of kindness ............................Page 19Maze ............................................................................ Page 22R e S O u R C e Anti bullying online support .................................. Page 22

ContentsTurtle Club KidsT h e A d v e n T u R e S O f

Turtle Club Kids is produced by Turtle island news Publications.2208 Chiefswood Road, Oshweken, Ontario, n0A 1M0 519.445.0868

Turtle Island News

• 47% of Canadian parents

report having a child victim of bullying

• At least 1 in 3 adolescent students

in Canada have reported being bullied recently

• Bullying parents are often overbearing and


• 40% of Canadian workers

experience bullying on a

weekly basis

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Anti Bullying MessageTurtle Club Kids

Cruel behavior online impacts people of all ages - whether as the victim, aggressor,

bystander, family member or friend.

Six Nations

Child & Family

1 Sunrise Ct,

Ohsweken, ON

N0A 1M0


Let’s all work towards

a kinder gentler world!

Six NatioNS


ild aNd Family ServiCeS

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Ontario Regional Chief Day

Bullying is not a new problemMore people are talking about

bullying these days but it is not a new


if you or someone you know is being

bullied remember our sacred teachings

of bravery and courage.

To be brave is to not stay silent. if

you are being bullied, the best approach

is to know you aren’t alone and to not

be afraid to talk to someone. if you see

your friend bullying someone, call them

out on it. Tell them to stop.

Think about why the person is

bulling. usually the problem is not

yours; it’s the

bullies. Maybe they

are having trouble

at home, or are

jealous, or maybe

they are doing it to

feel more popular or in control. Or

they are treating you the way they have

been treated and think that behaviour

is normal.

have courage not to play the bully;s

game. Maybe your reaction is to get

angry or upset. i suggest holding back

those emotions because bullies thrive

on it. Practice your ‘poker face’. have

the courage to walk away and ignore

the bully.

Bullying is unkind, hurtful and

crosses the line. it is when people are

mean in physical, verbal or psychological

ways on purpose. Always

remember there

is a difference

between teasing and

bullying. Remember

our sacred teachings.

To be brave is to not stay silent.Chief Isodore Day

Treat each other with kindness

168 Copernicus Blvd., Brantford ON519.758.2635

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ContaCt turtle Island news519.445.0868

2208 Chiefswood Road, Ohsweken ON N0A 1M0

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(nC) did you know that 42 per cent of Canadian youth have been targets of cyberbullying? A joint study by child safety or-ganizations MediaSmarts, Prevnet, and Telus also found that 60 per cent of youth online have witnessed bullying attacks.Here are four ways that parents can work with their kids to halt cyberbullying and make the Internet safer:

1. Listen & Engage“Talking to your kids about cyberbullying is essential,” says Shelly Smith, director of Telus Wise. “Thirty-three per cent of children say they don’t feel like they’re getting good enough advice from adults. There’s a real opportunity to change that.” This means having regular conversations about their internet activities and what they witness online. Be ready to listen to your teen and be their advocate. Cyber-bullying can quickly escalate and requires swift adult intervention.inevitably, your child will interact with peers online, most of-ten through a smartphone. Ask them to do so in common spaces so you can keep an open dialogue.

2. Stay InformedCyberbullying evolves quickly so your best weapon is informa-tion. To stay current, regularly check information from the Pre-vnet, MediaSmarts, and Telus Wise organizations, all of which have a large database of resources that you can share with your children.

3. Keep Recordsif you do need to confront a cyberbullying issue, thorough records will help. encourage kids to save threatening emails, social media postings, and other hostile chats. Also, regularly check browser history and save anything that raises an alarm.

4. Understand the Options for InterveningTalk to your children about their choices for addressing cy-berbullying. Teens especially can reach out to comfort a target, or talk to school administrators, like teachers or principals, and in extreme cases, bring the issue to the police. Parents are always encouraged to offer guidance along the way. Growing up has never been easy, but the threat of cyberbul-lying makes it even more tricky. You can help your child feel safe by providing the tools and support to safely connect with others.

Anti Bullying 2016 • Turtle Club Kids Page 7

for parents to stop cyberbullying4 Ways

We all need

to work together

to stop bullying!

Dave LevacM.P.P. Brant

Constituency office: 96 Nelson St., Unit 101, Brantford ON

519. 759.0361TTY:

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Anything we post, tweet, or text leaves a trail we can’t erase. Just Google your name and see if anything comes up — this is your digital footprint — and it grows over time.Just like real life, in our digital world, there are things we need to know when it comes to respecting and protect ourselves and others — it’s all about keeping our digital footprint clean.

Here are some tips for you to remember when you go online.• Treat your password like your toothbrush don’t share it with anyone and change it often.• Don’t post or say anything online that you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see. Remember, what you say and do online matters — anything you say or post might end up getting spread around or seen by people you didn’t think would see it.• Think carefully about how you want people to see you before you pick a name and a profile picture or avatar. Think twice about names and pictures that are misleading, rude or just silly — they could come back to haunt you.• Never share personal information about yourself, like where you live, with someone you don’t know online.• When you send someone a picture or post a picture on-

line they can do anything they want to it, and so can anybody else who sees the picture.

That’s why it’s important to think about how you’d feel if any of those things

happened before you send or post a picture.

• Don’t share stuff that makes other people look bad, but you shouldn’t

hold onto it either. Somebody else might get at your phone or

your computer and make a copy. Better to delete it right away!• If someone says or does something mean to you online, don’t try to argue with them or get back at them: just stop talking to them. Then block them from contacting you anymore (you may need to talk to a website moderator to do this). Save evidence of what they did and talk to your parents or another adult that you trust. They’ll help you figure out if you need to do anything else.

Keep their digital footprint cleantips & help

TeLuS WiSe footprint was created to provide tweens and teens a fun and engaging way to learn about their digital footprint and how to keep it clean. On top of on line activi-ties, the program also offers a great way for tweens and teens to learn how to give back via the contests offered on TeLuS WiSe footprint

T u R T L e C L u B K i d S L e A R n h O W T O . . .

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Educators Local 00128 Union of National Employees Public Service Alliance of Canada

Kindness begins with me.

We’re a box of crayons each of us unique,

But when we get togetherThe picture is complete

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Raising responsible kids starts early. Encouraging them to give back to their communities, whether through volunteering or charitable donations, can be a great way to teach them about compassion. (NC) You’ll be hard-pressed to find a counter-argument to the popular adage that says parenting is the most difficult job in the world. Ensuring your child has the basic necessities like food, water and education is hard enough. But raising a child who is responsible, cares for their fellow human beings and has a sense of compassion for others — that’s an even tougher challenge. How can you encourage your child to care about the world around them? Take advantage of your ability to spend more time with them this summer and try out these three simple but rewarding ways to teach your kids important life skills and social responsibility.

1. Teach them with tasks. Assigning children small, easy-to-accomplish chores is a great way to help them understand responsibility, accept obligations and learn the consequences of failing to do something. Take time showing your child how something is done, and accept that they may make mistakes while emphasizing that it’s the effort that counts. Most of all,

make sure your child understands why a task is important. If the task is to walk the dog, explain that regular walks help keep the dog happy and healthy and your home clean and tidy.

2. Jump-start their savings: Financial responsibility should start young. Encourage your child to keep a piggy bank with savings from any money they receive or earn from their allowance. Talk to them about the importance of not spending everything right away, of prioritizing their needs and wants, and of thinking of others when they plan their budgets.

3. Keep kindness in mind: In order to raise empathetic and compassionate children, it’s important to start talking to them early on about the world around them and their role in it. Lead by example and show your children the importance of giving back, whether it’s through donating time or money. Volunteer together at your local service club, teach them about the need to help the less fortunate or pick a charitable cause you can both support. Organizations with specific programs that help mothers and children — like UNICEF which is working alongside Kiwanis and the Government of Canada to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus, a disease that strikes rapidly and kills newborns soon after birth — may have extra resonance with your child and inspire them to give back.

3 ways socially-conscious, responsible kids

T u R T L e C L u B K i d S C A n B e

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Social workers... helping with life’s issues(nC) We all experience the affect of social issues at some

point in our lives. divorce, bullying, grief, stress, addictions, and abuse can impact people of all ages. issues like these range in severity and can be debilitating for those suffering. it is important that Canadians know there are professionally trained consulta-tion options that can help.

Social workers are trained to provide a variety of services that include counseling and psychotherapy related to such issues as relationship problems, managing stress, anxiety and depression, addictions, and adjusting to life crises.

“People see social workers when they are going through a difficult period in their personal, family or work life,” explains Joan MacKenzie davies from the Ontario Association of Social Workers. “Social workers help people identify and understand the source of stress or difficulty in their lives. They help people develop coping skills and find effective solutions to their prob-lems.”

There are more than 16,000 social workers in Ontario work-ing with people of all ages, backgrounds and income levels. The practice of social work is regulated by the provincial government and only registered social workers (RSWs) can call themselves a “social worker”. They are highly-skilled professionals who have a

university degree in social work. They may also have additional training in specialized areas of practice.

for those experiencing social issues in rural communities across the country, social workers may be the only mental health care provider in the area.

Making a differenceSocial work is unique among the helping professions because

it looks at peoples’ problems within the context of their fami-lies, workplace and communities. it considers the connection be-tween personal problems and larger social issues.

Social work as a career offers many possibilities to people who want to make a difference in the quality of life for individuals in the community. People considering a career in social work may be interested in working with children hurt by bullying or with couples who are having trouble in their relationship. They may want to help persons with drug or alcohol problems or assist people with disabilities to realize their potential. Social workers help groups organize to get better housing, improve health care for older adults and create safer neighbourhoods. They use their knowledge and skills to help shape better social policies. You can learn more about the practice of social work and careers in the profession at

T u R T L e C L u B K i d S L e A R n A B O u T

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Be Cool in our Schools Stop bullying and be the difference.5 tips to Help Parents Prevent BullyingParents and Guardians are among a Schools best allies in bullying prevention:

1. Talk with and Listen to Your Children. Everyday Ask ques-tions about their school day, including experiences on the way to and from school, lunch, and recess. Ask about their peers. Children who feel comfortable talking to their parents about these matters before they are involved in bullying are more likely to get them involved after.

2. Spend Time at School and Recess Schools can lack the resources to provide all stu-dents individualized atten-tion during free time like re-

cess. Volunteer to coordinate games and activities that en-courage children to interact with peers aside from their best friends.

3. Be a Good Example. When you get angry at waiters, oth-er drivers or others, model ef-fective communication tech-niques. Any time you speak to another person in a mean or abusive way, you’re teaching your child that bullying is ok.

4. Create Healthy Anti-Bully-ing Habit. Starting as young as possible, coach your chil-

dren on both what not to do (push, tease, and be mean to others) as well as what to do (be kind, empathize, and take turns). Also coach your child on what to do if someone is mean to him or to another (get an adult, tell the bully to stop, walk away and ignore the bully)

5. Make sure your child Un-derstands Bullying Explicitly explain what it is and that it’s not normal or tolerable for them to bully, be bullied, or stand by and watch other kids be bullied.


CyberbullyingIs your Child Safe on Social Media?If you are a parent and do not know what cyber bullying is you need to inform yourself. Your children know what it is and are using Social media every day.

• Talk with your Child about Cyberbullying• Learn about what your Child does Online• Set Ground Rules for your Child’s Online activity• Teach Your child safe Online behavior• Teach your child how to respond to Cyberbullying• Be available to help your child• There is a range of Websites and Apps your child may be using; Flicker, YouTube, twitter, tumbler, yelp, instagram, skype, myspace ...

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Hazel Johnson Councillor District 5

Let’s work together to

help stop bullying!

Forwards, backwards, overlapping. See if you can locate all 28 words which are related to anti-bullying in the puzzle. Good Luck!

Word Search

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Spot the difference

Answer: there are ten differences. 1. added sun, 2. message sign, 3. rain, 4. puddles, 5. longer sign handle, 6. cloud shadein 7. eyes coloured in, 8. left foot missing stitches, 9. background horizon, 10. butterfly

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Let’s all support Anti Bullying


Chambers &Friends

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The most important step to take against bullying is increasing awareness and encouraging children and students to speak up when they hear or are a victim of bullying. Spread the word and say no to bullying.

Word ScramblepRSUpTOUnscamble the capital letters to display the word associated with antibullying


The answer is: support

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Being a Turtle Club Kid...

Visit this website for an interactive antibullying game.

3361 Sour Springs Rd. Hagerville ON

Six Nations Band Councillor

Bob Johnson

Let’s treat each other with respect!

Wray MaracleCouncillor District 4

Support Anti Bullying

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Open 7 Days a WeekFor More Information Visit

519-753-8573 2585 Chiefswood Rd. Ohsweken, ON

Bully’s never win. We all play together at Six Nations Bingo!

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Doors Open at 10 am

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Random acts of kindness ... feel good cards. Set them up, cut them out and make someone’s day!

You could hand them out personally or place them in places people will come across them. Tape them to lockers, slip them in desks, put them in mail boxes, use your imagination.

What you need:1. a piece of letter size paper that you divide into four or six shapes.

2. draw out the various card shapes, you may want to fold the paper first ( to define shapes ) then open up and get to work.

3. colour, paint, or cut, paste and glue shapes and images on to the panels.

4. add messages.

5. spread the kindness!

Random acts of kindness

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support onlineNeed somewhere to turn for support?Try these online resources.


MazeI know anger is not the

right path. I need help to find the way

through this.


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Caledonia Auto Supply269 Argyle St. N Caledonia ON905.765.5880

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RespectLets’ treat

each other with