Download - The ABB global employer brand - AmCham Switzerland · The ABB global employer brand A better world begins with you ... employer: The sum of the ... Our creativity and innovation spring


© ABB03 December 2012 | Slide 1

Gary Steel, Head of HR, November 2012

People. Partnership. Performance.

The ABB global employer brand

A better world begins with you

© ABB03 December 2012 | Slide 2

“As companies mutate into global coalitions with fluidmanagement structures, shifting borders, alliances andbusiness activities, brands increasingly emerge as themost significant spiritual and cultural glue.”

Wally Olins, On Brand 2003

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Why we did this

� To hire & retain the best employees, by:

� Defining - and consistently communicating - ‘the deal’: our global employee value proposition

� Developing a framework for global recruitment communications

� Providing effective recruitment marketing tools

� Ensuring alignment with the corporate brand

Discovering the ABB DNA – what makes us what we are?

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EVP & Brand

Our employee value proposition (EVP) describes ‘the deal’:

� The qualities and attributes that make us attractive to both prospective and current employees, and differentiate us from our competitors for talent

� The skills and capabilities needed to be successful in ABB

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EVP & Brand

Our employee value proposition (EVP) describes ‘the deal’:

� The qualities and attributes that make us attractive to both prospective and current employees, and differentiate us from our competitors for talent

� The skills and capabilities needed to be successful in ABB

Our employer brand is what people think of us as an employer:

� The sum of the perceptions of our target audience - both potential employees and current employees

� Impacted by the reality of ABB life: do we deliver the promise?

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EVP & Brand

Our employee value proposition (EVP) describes ‘the deal’:

� The qualities and attributes that make us attractive to both prospective and current employees, and differentiate us from our competitors for talent

� The skills and capabilities needed to be successful in ABB

Our employer brand is what people think of us as an employer:

� The sum of the perceptions of our target audience - both potential employees and current employees

� Impacted by the reality of ABB life: do we deliver the promise?

Communicating the EVP influences the employer brand

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The process

� Face to face interviews with 1300 employees in 25 countries

� Identified key success factors – the ABB DNA

� Defined the EVP

� Alignment of corporate brand and employee proposition

� Benchmarking against our competitors for talent

� Development of employer brand management toolkit

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ABB as an animal India


� Fearless and aggressive

� Big and strong

� Team centered and stable

� Intelligent, quick decisions and good memory


� Focused, steady and fast

� Strong and powerful

� Sense of pride

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ABB as an animalIndia


� Market leader

� Strong, astute, aggressive and royal

� Opportunist


� Global leader

� Majestic and charismatic

� Strong and powerful

� Sense of pride


� Fast

� Aggressive and determined

� Spirit of pursuit / market acquisitions

� Achiever

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ABB as an animalIndia


� Freedom swift


� Always on the move

� No work life balance


� Adaptable to any environment


� Huge and slow


� Huge

� Astuteness


� Strong networking


� Rises from its own ashes



� Excellent domestic market presence

� Value for money

� Good performance and quality

� Comfortable and good service network


� Aristocratic

� Safe

� Brand value

� Comfort and good features

ABB as a car India

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� Value for money, customer focus


� Market leader, global recognition, fast, quality



� Customer delight

� Respectful


� In line with times


� Manoeuvrable Adaptable

ABB as a carIndia

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Honda Civic

� Luxurious


� Multipurpose

� Adaptable


ABB brand strong in industryCustomer focusCSR/Green credentialsTechnological leader on a global scale; reliable solutionsSolid & secure

Employee feedback

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Corporate reputation & brands

Reward & recognition

Feeling valued & empoweredGood benefitsAdequate payFlexible working

strong perceptions negative perceptionsmixed perceptions

Culture & environmentPassionate, proud and intelligentSmart & open leadersMulti-cultural & team orientedTrustworthy, ethicalNetworked & non-hierarchicalCumbersome organisation structureCross business comms not great


Global projectsBig responsibilitiesFreedom to make decisionsCareer development opportunitiesTechnical career paths


� ‘We’ culture

� Innovative minds

� Integrity and ethics

� Multicultural

� Solutions focused


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� ‘We’ culture By working together, we set ourselves apart. We combine thetalents of an empowered 145 000 - strong global team, and in sharing skills,insight and expertise, take pride in offering our customers the benefits of ateam-based, multi-disciplinary approach

� Innovative minds We find new ways around complex problems by lookingat the familiar from unfamiliar angles. Our creativity and innovation springfrom challenging convention, overturning orthodoxy and questioningaccepted practices

� Integrity and ethics We believe in a competitive, free enterprise systemand compete openly and independently in every market, with zero tolerancefor unethical behaviour. We share a sense of responsibility for the customersand communities we serve and the world we work in

� Multicultural We encourage diversity, value difference and promoteindividuality. By proactively seeking experience of different cultures, wecreate an environment founded on inclusivity and respect, and by drawingtalent from every community around the world, we are able to bring newperspectives to every challenge we face

� Solutions focused We believe that solving customers’ problems beginswith in-depth understanding, exceptional insight and a partnership approach.We remain ahead in our thinking and that helps our customers remainahead in their sectors


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� ‘We’ culture By working together we set ourselves apart. We combine thetalents of an empowered 145 000 - strong global team, and in sharing skills,insight and expertise, take pride in offering our customers the benefits of ateam-based, multi-disciplinary approach

� Innovative minds We find new ways around complex problems by lookingat the familiar from unfamiliar angles. Our creativity and innovation springfrom challenging convention, overturning orthodoxy and questioningaccepted practices

� Integrity and ethics We believe in a competitive, free enterprise systemand compete openly and independently in every market, with zero tolerancefor unethical behaviour. We share a sense of responsibility for the customersand communities we serve and the world we work in

� Multicultural We encourage diversity, value difference and promoteindividuality. By proactively seeking experience of different cultures, wecreate an environment founded on inclusivity and respect, and by drawingtalent from every community around the world, we are able to bring newperspectives to every challenge we face

� Solutions focused We believe that solving customers’ problems beginswith in-depth understanding, exceptional insight and a partnership approach.We remain ahead in our thinking and that helps our customers remainahead in their sectors


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� We offer the compelling opportunity to touch lives and improve communities, by shaping projects that leave a lasting impression. There is a constant focus on your development, together with the freedom and support to make your mark on a truly multicultural, global business that combines leading technologies with the latest thinking.

The ABB employee value proposition

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� We offer the compelling opportunity to touch lives and improve communities, by shaping projects that leave a lasting impression. There is a constant focus on your development, together with the freedom and support to make your mark on a truly multicultural, global business that combines leading technologies with the latest thinking.

� The condition, of course, is that you will need the intelligence, integrity, global mobility and passion for different cultures to make that mark. We have the ability and ambition to create a better world, so you will need drive, commitment and sense of purpose. As well as having exceptional individual energy, you will realise that all great results are accomplished collaboratively.

The ABB employee value proposition

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Distilled version:

� You will have the scope and freedom to build a legacy by helping to create a better world, so you will need to combine intelligence, integrity, mobility and energy.

The ABB employee value proposition

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Alignment with the corporate brand

� Our corporate brand position:

Power and productivity for a better world

� Our employer brand complements and supports the corporate brand, whilst addressing a different audience:

A better world begins with you

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Our project Our solution Our business

Your legacy Your legacy Your legacy

Our vision …

Your legacy …

Supporting tags

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