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Dear Teachers:

Thank you for downloading my Liberty’s Kids Video Guides! This pack contains a two-page episode guide for all 40 episodes of the show Liberty’s Kids. For each episode, students will give prior knowledge of the episode’s topic, answer 9 quick questions during the episode, one extended response question after the episode, and fill in a 3-2-1 chart showing new facts they’ve learned.

A few notes from one teacher to another: Please preview each episode before showing your students, especially if watching on Youtube! Some of the names may be confusing for students to recognize in writing due to their pronunciations on the show (Henri, Marquis de Lafayette, and Comte de Vergennes are a few that come to mind) Additionally, make sure the subject matter of the episode is appropriate for the age of the students you are teaching and the region in which you teach (Episodes 35-37 and 39-40 all use the word ‘negro’ several times)

An answer key is provided for the first nine questions in each episode, but the answers to the final question will vary widely. By previewing the episode, you’ll know what kinds of responses will be acceptable!

Please contact me with questions or errors I might have missed!

[email protected]

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Liberty’s Kids Episode 1: The Boston Tea Party


Write something you already know about the Boston Tea Party.

1. Which of these things are the men in the pub in Boston angry about?

a. The Sugar Act raised taxes

b. The Stamp Act nearly drove them to ruins

c. At the Boston Massacre, their brothers lost their lives

d. All of the above

2. Sarah Phillips was waiting on board the ship called the ________________

(Dartmouth) for Moses to pick her up.

3. What did the men dress like before they boarded the Dartmouth? Native


Why? To make the British think the Native Americans had done it

4. After boarding the Dartmouth, what did the men do?

Threw tea overboard

5. Henri cried “No Taxation without Representation”

6. What does Sarah think about the Boston Tea Party? Loyal subjects should

obey the king whether they have representation or not. Sarah probably feels

this way because her home is in London, England

7. What nickname do the colonists call the British soldiers? Redcoats.

8. The town of Boston is under curfew. No one can be out of their homes after


9. Phyllis Wheatley is a slave who writes poetry. She helped Moses & the children

hide from the redcoats.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 2: Intolerable Acts


Write something you already know about the Intolerable Acts.

1. Who is the poet and slave helping take care of the children & Moses? Phillis


2. Parliament reacted to the Boston Tea Party by closing the Port/Harbor of


3. Dr. Franklin has been delayed in England because he has been accused of

causing the Boston Tea Party through his speeches and writings in the

Pennsylvania Gazette.

4. Who does James find in the barn when he returns from the harbor?


5. Why are they there? Quartering Acts/Coercive Acts

6. Do they soldiers have to pay for living in citizens housing? No

7. What invention of Dr. Franklins’ could have saved James’s parents? lightning


8. Ben Franklin says his country is no longer England but America

9. What was his punishment for saying this? He is no longer the Postmaster

General for the colonies.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 3: United We Stand


Write something you already know about the First Continental Congress.

1. What is the captain of the ship warning the men about? The colonies’

dispute with England

2. The colonies sent representatives to Philadelphia to attend a Continental


3. Parliament demands that Boston pay for the tea they destroyed so they

raise taxes.

4. What’s a Tori? Colonists who defend Parliament

5. Samuel Adams and John Adams want to distribute pamphlets to the

colonists to encourage them to oppose the British.

6. At the First Continental Congress, the representatives find out that the

British ships have fired upon Boston and some people have died.

7. John Adams’s wife, Abigail, helps sneak the pamphlets into Boston. They

have to hide the pamphlets or they could go to jail.

8. James heard the two sides of the Continental Congress arguing about the

Intolerable Acts. One side wants them to be repealed while the other

wants to ask the King for help.

9. What is the terrible thing that happens to the sailor that the doctor tells

James about? He was tarred and feathered


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 4: Liberty or Death


Write something you already know about the colony of Virginia.

1. How does Sarah describe the mood in the colonies ugly since the Boston

harbor has closed?

2. The group is headed to Williamsburg, Virginia to pick up a new printing

press. Virginia is different than Boston and Pennsylvania because there

is slavery.

3. Dr. Franklin always says “ A penny saved is a penny earned”

4. Patrick Henry is a lawyer from Virginia. He was a delegate to the 1st

continental congress. He is a Patriot who wants the Southern colonies to

join the common cause with new England.

5. What is life like for the Africans in Virginia?

They are slaves, they are bought and sold at auctions

6. Why did Earle of Dunmore close down Virginia’s house of Burgesses? He

was mad because the assembly and Patrick Henry said Virginia should

raise an army to fight with the Boston people.

7. When Patrick Henry speaks, he encourages the colony of Virginia to

fight, and he gives his famous quote “Give me liberty or Give me death.”

8. Why doesn’t Cato want to escape to the North with Moses?

Too dangerous and he has a plan to fight for the British to earn his


9. The convention voted to pay for weapons, uniforms, and hire officers

for a military after Patrick Henry’s speech.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 5: Midnight Ride


Write something you already know about Paul Revere’s Ride.

1. The Mechanics are a secret group of patriots, so are the Sons of

Liberty. They disagree with the British rule over the colonies.

2. According to Moses, The British are leaving Boston and heading to New


3. On April 18, 1775 The British soldiers who James and Sarah hide from say

they are headed to Lexington and Concord tomorrow

4. Why is the Doctor wary of the children? There are spies everywhere

5. The British are after Samuel Adams and John Hancock and will try to

take the colonists guns & ammunition

6. Paul Revere and William Dawes ride through the night to awake the

volunteers and warn them that the British soldiers are coming by sea.

7. At the Old North Church, the group hangs 2 lanterns to represent that

the British are coming by sea.

8. Samuel Prescott comes to join Revere and Dawes to help warn the

British are coming

9. Ben Franklin writes from the ship that “no man can remain neutral.” What

does he mean? Everyone must pick a side in the war between Britain

and America.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 6: The Shot Heard Round the World


Write something you already know about the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

1. What is the date when Sarah begins to write? April 19,1775

2. Sarah points out in her letter that the colonists are fighting the Redcoats,

who just 12 years ago helped them to win the French and Indian War.

3. Who does James say has the real power to fix the conflict between Britain

and American Colonists? The King

4. Sarah’s cousin Tom is a British soldier. He and his men believe that the

colonists don’t really want to fight.

5. When the British soldiers meet the colonists at Lexington , they demand

that the colonists lay down their weapons. What do the colonists do? They


6. According to the video, which side fired the first shot? No one knows.

7. Captain John Parker says that no matter who fired the first shot, it has

brought them to war.

8. What is the problem with the muskets the colonists use? They aren’t very


9. The colonists were told not to fire on the British unless the British fire



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Liberty’s Kids Episode 7: Green Mountain Boys


Write something you already know about the Green Mountain Boys.

1. Ethan Allen wrote that the people were upset of the approaching

tyranny in the newspaper that came from the Green Mountains.

2. Ethan Allen and his men are upset that the British are trying to take

their land/property/homes.

3. What do the Green Mountain Boys do to the home that was taken from

Tom by the British ? burn it down

4. Ethan Allen quotes 3 inalienable rights: life liberty property

5. What natural resource does Henri try to get from the tree? Maple


6. Ethan Allen says he got his ideas from John Locke

7. Why is Ethan Allen upset with Benedict Arnold (he is trying to take

command of the Green Mountain boys from Allen)

8. A victory at Ticonderoga would give the Americans cannons and

control of the waterway from the colonies to Canada.

9. The colonists approach Fort Ticonderoga at night/day by water/land


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 8: The Second Continental Congress


Write something you already know about the Second Continental Congress.

1. In the letter to her mother, Sarah says that the colonists are feeling

a. Nervous

b. Angry

c. Frightened

d. All of the above

2. The Second Continental Congress is coming to Philadelphia and each

member of the group has a job!

3. John Adams, a lawyer, is going to nominate George Washington to

head the continental army.

4. Who isn’t allowed inside the Second Continental Congress? journalists

5. Members of congress are arguing over whether the war for all the

colonies or just Massachusetts.

6. Moses tells Sarah that there may be spies at the Second Continental

Congress. Who do you think might be one?

7. Who is nominated to lead the army, John Hancock, Charles Henry Lee,

and George Washington

8. Mr. Wentworth is probably a friend of King George, so, James gives

him fake information!

9. Who is elected as the general of the army? George Washington


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 9: Bunker Hill


Write something you already know about the Battles of Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill.

1. What are the colonists building at Breed’s Hill? A fort.

2. The Americans call the British troops redcoats and lobsterbacks

while the British call colonists rebels.

3. Even though they are supposed to be fighting the British , some

of the colonists are fighting each other.

4. Are the continental soldiers paid? No

5. Dr. Warren wants James to tell the world that the continental

army are willing to die for their freedom

6. What musician do the British take with them into battle? A


7. Why do the colonists wait to shoot until they can “see the whites

of their eyes”? They only have five musket balls each.

8. Why did Henri need a pass? To get through checkpoints

9. Why do the colonists lose Breed’s Hill? They ran out of

ammunition. The British had problems too. Almost half their men

were killed or wounded.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 10: Postmaster General Franklin


Write something you already know about Ben Franklin and the beginning of the US Postal Service.

1. What does Henri find in the street? A letter

2. What is special about the letter from the fox? It is a secret message

written in invisible ink

3. What is happening to all the mail in the colonies? Tories loyal to the

British are going through it and reading it

4. Who designed the colonial postal service at request o f the king? Ben


5. How will Sarah and James know the way to NY? Milestones on the

postal road

6. Who kidnapped Sarah and James and took them to the house? The

New Jersey Committee of Correspondence

7. Who is named postmaster general for the colonies? Ben Franklin

8. Ben Franklin hopes to make King George mad/happy by accepting the


9. Ben Franklin’s first official act is to establish a postal line between

New England and Savannah, Georgia and to hire trustworthy postmen


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 11: Washington Takes Command


Write something you already know about General George Washington before he became president.

1. What animal do the children use to send a message to Philadelphia? Pigeon

2. What are some of the problems with the army that George Washington has

begun to lead? Disorganized, lazy, not trained soldiers, not much food, not

united-only interested in their colony

3. Sarah meets with a nurse in a church turned hospital. What problems are the

colonial hospitals facing? Only one doctor, many medical issues, high fevers,

many wounded, no ice…

4. Sarah mentions General Washington’s new worry. What was it? The enlistment

of half of the men is up and many are going home.

5. What idea does George Washington use to unite the men?

A. Fighting for freedom

B. Give me liberty or give me death

C. Long live King George

D. Protecting their land

6. The army is headed to fort Ticonderoga to get cannons/artillery that the

Green Mountain boys had captured

7. What song are the British singing that was written to make fun of colonial

troops? Yankee doodle

8. The colonists decide to attack bunker hill while the British are performing a


9. George Washington was said to inspire CONFIDENCE and OBEDIENCE in his

troops just with his presence.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 12: Common Sense


Write something you already know about Thomas Paine and the Common Sense pamphlet he wrote.

1. Some colonists feel the only way to truly have rights is to break away from


2. Who bursts through the door of the print shop saying terrible things about the

king? Thomas Paine

3. How does Thomas Paine feel about slavery? He is against it.

4. What’s the name of Thomas Paine’s newest published work? Common Sense

5. What does Common Sense encourage the people to do (MC)

A. Throw tea into the harbor

B. Cut ties with the king & England

C. Join forces with the lobsterbacks

D. Burn the barns of the Tories

6. Who does Common Sense say America really belongs to? Not England but


7. Do all the colonists agree with common sense? No What was the response of

the Tories to Common Sense? They called him a traitor, hung signs against

him, and threated to tar and feather him.

8. George Washington made the troops read, study and learn Common Sense.

9. Thomas Paine donated all his earnings to the soldiers


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 13: The First Fourth of July


Why is the date July 4th so important in America?

1. Who are the Hessians? German soldiers. Whose side are they

on? Britain's

2. James and Henri hurry to tell Dr. Franklin that the Hessians have

come so he can persuade the congress to help!

3. At the Pennsylvania state house, the congressmen argue about

declaring independence from Great Britain

4. According to Mr. Dickinson, only New England and the South

want freedom from Britain.

5. Who wrote Common Sense, the pamphlet that changed many

peoples minds? Thomas Paine

6. Who writes the declaration of independence? Thomas Jefferson

7. Where does the Reverend John Witherspoon come from? New


8. Why isn’t the delegate from Delaware tat the meeting? He is sick

in bed

9. How does the congress vote on Jefferson’s Declaration? Circle

one: They pass it/They veto it.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 14: New York, New York


Write something you already know about New York during the Revolution.

1. Where has the British fleet arrived? New York

2. The reading of the __declaration of independence__ made

the city “go mad” according to Sarah’s letter

3. What were the soldiers turning the statue of King George

into? Cannonballs

4. Sarah is writing about the thoughts of those loyal to the King.

Mrs. Radcliffe thinks that could be dangerous.

5. The redcoats surprise the colonist army in the swamp!

6. Lord Sterling and General Putnam were captured by the


7. The Hessian (German solider) thinks Henri is a spy.

8. The British think that instead of retreating, Washington should

have surrendered

9. The Americans lost again at Kips Bay!


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 15: The Turtle


Write something you already know about the weapons and machines used during the American Revolution.

1. What does the old fisherman claim to have seen in NY harbor? Sea


2. Since the colonists’ navy can’t beat the British on top of the sea, they

want to strike from beneath.

3. What does Mr. Bushnell call his underwater boat? A turtle

4. What do the children pretend to be doing to avoid the British soldiers’

suspicion? They pretend they are fishing

5. General Howe’s ship is the HMS

A. Sparrow

B. Hawk

C. Eagle

D. Vulture

6. Sarah is furious when she finds out the turtle is going to attack the


7. The foxfire moss inside the turtle provides light.

8. What happened to Mr. Bushnell’s brother that kept him from running

the turtle? He had a fever

9. Is the turtle successful in its mission? yes


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 16: One Life to Lose


Write something you already know about spies during the American Revolution.

1. At the beginning of this episode, how long does Sarah say the

rebellion (Revolution) has been going on? One year.

2. Which three men from Congress are meeting with the British Admiral?

Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Edward Rutledge

3. Ben Franklin thinks the cure for the cold is (circle one): cold/ warm


4. Why were British soldiers taking a man from the harbor?

Impressment. They were forcing him to serve in the military

5. What is the name of the school teacher the children meet? Nathan


6. Who does he REALLY work for? George Washington

7. Do the congress members and the admiral reach a peaceful

agreement between the colonies and Britain? NO

8. What is Nathan’s punishment for spying? Death by hanging

9. Nathan Hale’s last words have become quite famous. What were they?

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 17: Captain Molly


Write something you already know about the role of women during the American Revolution.

1. Where is Ben Franklin going? France Why? to get support for the

American cause

2. Women and children who live in tents and follow the army around are

called camp followers.

3. What is Molly’s husband’s job? He cleans and loads the cannons.

4. How old is Ben Franklin when he begins his voyage to France? 70

5. The British are planning to attack Fort Washington. It is important to

both sides.

6. It is surprising to Sarah that Molly helps

A. load and clean the cannons

B. washes clothes

C. drinks coffee

7. Does Washington decide to abandon or defend fort Washington?


8. What happens to Molly’s husband? He dies

9. What does she do then? Continues fighting


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 18: American Crisis


Write something you already know about the difficulties colonists faced during the Revolution.

1. After losing at Fort Washington and Fort Lee, many have given up


2. Where does the continental congress go in December 1776?


3. Where is Ben Franklin headed? France. Why? To get help from them

for the revolution

4. What were the conditions like for the soldiers in Washington's camp?

They were cold, sick, had to stay in tents and many had no shoes.

5. Who might begetting command of the forces in New Jersey? General


6. A rider comes with an urgent dispatch. What has happened to

General Lee? He has been captured.

7. Thomas Paine writes a famous piece for George Washington. The

first line reads “these are the times that try men’s souls”

8. After the children find Moses, Thomas Paine says that the battle is

everywhere. It is a citizen’s war.

9. What important tool was broken? Printing press. Without it, Thomas

Paine can’t publish his writing.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 19: Across the Delaware


Write something you already know about the battles of Trenton and Princeton.

1. What season has forced both sides to make camp? Winter

2. Mr. Honeyman is a spy for British and Hessian armies.

3. What are some of the complaints of the colonial troops? They are too

cold, have no shoes, and no food.

4. The troops think Mr. Honeyman escaped from colonial custody. What

really happened? He was working for Washington and Washington

gave him a key

5. Ben Franklin finally arrived in France.

6. Who’s tactics is Washington using? The Indians

7. Washington’s sneak attack on the Hessians calls for three regiments

to cross the Delaware at three different points.On what important

day does this happen? Christmas

8. What does Colonel Rall do with the important note he is given instead

of reading it? Puts it in his pocket

9. What important note does Washington get? He has all the power to

run the military as he sees fit


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 20: American in Paris


Write something you already know about the France during the American Revolution.

1. Which American is in Paris? Ben Franklin

2. Who runs a mysterious advertisement in the newspaper? Washington

3. What sickness has come to Boston? Smallpox

4. Who was the secret advertisement written to? Capt. Alexander


5. What risky procedure does Abigail Adams want to try on her

children? Inoculation

6. What does Franklin ask Comte de Vergennes to let out of France…

A. Captured troops

B. Ships of supplies

C. Taxes

D. Tar and feathers

7. Who is said to be jealous of Ben Franklin’s popularity? King Louis of


8. Ben Franklin hopes to hear good news from America so that France

will consider becoming their ally.

9. Why did George Washington want to meet Alexander Hamilton? To

offer him a job with the continental army.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 21: Sybil Ludington


Write something you already know about Revolutionary War heroes.

1. Sybil thinks that James should be fighting instead of writing

about the war.

2. Who is having a ball thrown in his honor? Benedict Arnold

3. Why is Benedict Arnold angry at congress? He’s not being

promoted and others are

4. How do the colonists, like Sybil get the food they eat?


5. Benedict Arnold decides to resign/quit since he isn’t being


6. Who rides to summon the militia when the “lobsterbacks” are

coming? Sybil Ludington

7. What is happening in Danbury? It is on fire Who is responsible

for that? British

8. How have the Tories marked their homes? Painted stripes on

the chimney

9. After Danbury, the British headed to their headquarters,

located in New York, but who surprises them? Colonial

army/Benedict Arnold


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 22: Lafayette Arrives


Write something you already know about Lafayette’s role in the Revolution.

1. Benedict Arnold is resigning from the US Army

2. Even though France remains neutral in the conflict, The Marquis

de Lafayette has travelled to America to help the colonists fight


3. What is a commission? A letter that says you’re an officer in the


4. Is King Louis happy that the Marquis wants to help America? No

5. How does the Marquis sneak out of France? Dressed as woman

6. Congress wants Marquis to go back to France

7. Marquis de Lafayette believes so strongly in the American cause

that he will work as a volunteer, but the congress surprises him

by letting him be an officer

8. Do the American troops respond well to Marquis de Lafayette at

first? No

9. What city is going to be lost when Washington calls for retreat?

Philadelphia. That is a big deal because it is the capital of America

during the revolution.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 23: The Hessians are Coming


Write something you already know about the Hessians.

1. Major General Horatio Gates is over the American Northern


2. What sorts of delay tactics do the colonial soldiers use to slow

down the British? Flood swamps, destroy bridges

3. Who captures James? Hessian soldiers

4. A foraging party searches for food

5. Who won the battle of Freedman’s Farm? The British

6. Why are the Hessians fighting for the British? So their leader

(Duke) can make money to pay off his debts

7. Who is angry about his position in the colonial army? Benedict


8. What does the pamphlet James gives the Hessians say? Desert

and Live Free

9. In James’s letter to Dr. Franklin, he writes that the British had

to surrender at Saratoga. He hopes that the American victory

will help Ben Franklin in his talks with France.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 24: Valley Forge


Write something you already know about Winter in Valley Forge.

1. Why is the snow seen as appositive thing by Sarah? Stops the war

2. Valley Forge is where the Colonial Troops camped for the winter

3. What sorts of conditions are the soldiers dealing with at Valley

Forge? Cold, sickness, no warm clothes, food shortages

4. General Frederick Von Steuben is a Prussian who is helping to

train the Colonial troops to behave like an organized army

5. What was wrong with the money printed by the new American

government? Spelled Philadelphia wrong

6. Gates and Conway, officers in the army, are trying to turn

popular opinion against Washington so that they can have more


7. Are the troops responding well to General Von Stueben? No Why

or Why not? They think he’s too strict.

8. Even if he wasn’t a Baron, General Von Steuben gave Washington

a professional army.

9. Sarah seems to be changing her mind about the colonial army.

What changed her mind? (answers may vary)


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 25: Allies at Last


Write something you already know about the France’s contributions to the American Revolution.

1. Who occupies Philadelphia in winter 1778? General Howe and his

army (redcoats/British)

2. What happens every night in Philadelphia? A ball/party

3. Which American is back in France? Ben Franklin

4. Who does Moses meet to buy inks and paper? Moses Michael


5. Moses Michael Hayes moved to Rhode Island because they

guaranteed freedom of religion

6. The King of France’s brother-in-law is the King of Spain, and is

the reason that the French won’t help America.

7. Why is Moses Michael Hayes summoned to the state house? They

want him to sign an oath of loyalty to the American Revolution

8. How long does Ben Franklin say the Americans are willing to

fight for their freedom? 50 years

9. Why doesn’t Moses Michael Hayes want to sign the oath? He is as

patriotic as any other American, but since he is an

Israelite/Jewish, he doesn’t have the same rights as other



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Liberty’s Kids Episode 26: Honor and Compromise


Write something you already know about the Articles of Confederation.

1. Ben Franklin wants each of the thirteen colonies to behave as one

united country/nation

2. Congress is debating over the Articles of Confederation

3. The British washer women are spies for General Washington

4. Washington is working with another group too! Who are they? Native

Americans (Wappinger tribe)

5. General Lee does not want the American army to attack while the

British are retreating.

6. General Lee tells the Marquise he will (Circle one:) (improvise OR

draw up plans) to attack the British as they retreat.

7. Does that strategy work for him? No

8. The battle ended in a draw, meaning that neither the British nor the

Americans won.

9. Henri spent the whole episode chasing after which bird that Ben

Franklin wanted to be the national bird of the United States of

America? Turkey


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 27: The New Frontier


Write something you already know about the undiscovered frontier of the United States.

1. Sarah has gone on a mission to find her father. Where does she make camp?

Ohio Wilderness

2. Who rescues Sarah after she was left in the wilderness? Cornstalk/Native


3. Draw a quick sketch of the homes these Native Americans live in.

4. There is a feud between which types of people in Philadelphia?

A. Old & Young

B. Rich & Poor

C. Black & White

D. Men & Women

5. At the tribal council, what are the Native Americans concerned about? The

Americans attacking them or taking away their land

6. What do the men in Philadelphia decide to do to the richer Americans? Tar &

feather them

7. What is the name of the Shawnee’s deity (god)? Grandmother

8. In Ben Franklin’s letter, he says he has finally gotten a treaty with what

country? France

9. Where is Sarah going at the end of the episode? Back to England


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 28 Not Yet Begun to Fight


Write something you already know about the naval battles of the Revolutionary War.

1. What was a dangerous possibility for ships going between

America and England? Storms and high waves, shipwreck

2. Whose book did John Paul Jones name his ship after? Ben


3. Where did the English prisoners onboard John Paul Jones’s

ship come from? Captured English ships

4. What trick does John Paul Jones play on the approaching ship?

Pretends to be British (raises British flag)

5. Who does John Paul Jones hope to attack? England

6. What types of large guns are used to fire at other ships

during naval battles? Cannons

7. When Sarah asks John Paul Jones to “stop this madness,” he

replies with his famous quote “I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight”

8. Which ship was forced to lower its colors? English/Serapis

9. Sarah decides to face her mother to let her know she’s an



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Liberty’s Kids Episode 29: The Great Galvez


Write something you already know about Louisiana.

1. Colonel Clark wants to request help from Galvez, the

Governor of Louisiana

2. What country is Galvez from? Spain

3. Why does Colonel Clark burn up his money? It is counterfeit,

the British are printing it to make Colonial money worthless.

4. In France, Ben Franklin is giving money to help John Paul

Jones repair his ship

5. In England, leaders are debating whether they should

continue the war with America

6. Why are the boys going to risk travelling at night? They are

carrying a secret letter and don’t want the British to see them

7. Why does the soldier let them pass after seeing the letter? He

can’t read

8. What is unique about Galvez’s army? He has many different

types of people fighting with him (Native Americans, Cubans,

Africans, etc.)

9. How long is it going to take the boys to travel to New Orleans

upstream by rowboat? Four months!


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 30: In Praise of Ben


Write something you already know about Benjamin Franklin.

1. This is a Ben Franklin-centric episode. Tell a few MORE things you know about

him before the video starts!

2. Charles thinks that Dr. Franklin is a fraud

3. Ben Franklin is an inventor. Name one of his inventions. Glass harmonica,

lightning rod, students may know others.

4. Ben Franklin discovered electricity and tried many inventions to use it to make

life better

5. What was Ben Franklin’s education like? His family couldn’t afford to send him to

school at 9 years old, so he went to work in the family business. He taught


6. What places in Philadelphia did he found?

A. Library Company of Philadelphia

B. American Philosophical Society

C. Pennsylvania Hospital

D. All of the above

7. What publication does Ben Franklin write each year? Poor Richard’s Almanac

8. Fill in this popular phrase attributed to Benjamin Franklin: “A Penny Saved is a

Penny Earned!”

9. Mrs. Silence Dogood is really Ben Franklin


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 31: Bostonians


Write something you already know about the relationship between Native Americans and Colonists during the Revolution.

1. Who has finally returned home from France? John Adams

2. In upstate NY, James talks to General Sullivan because he is

about to fight the Iroquois/Native Americans

3. General Sullivan is especially interested in capturing their chief,

Joseph Brant

4. What is happening in Massachusetts? A new Constitution is being


5. What do the colonial troops do the Native Americans’ crops?

Burn them

6. What fun activity does Henri teach John Quincy Adams how to

do? Fly a kite

7. Who has been appointed to draft the constitution? John Adams

8. What do the Native Americans call the Revolutionaries?


9. What is the great sacrifice that Abigail Adams and her children

must make for liberty? Letting John Adams leave to write the



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Liberty’s Kids Episode 32: Benedict Arnold


Write something you already know about Benedict Arnold.

1. James believes the colonial army is having trouble with spies, which

are causing things to go badly for General Washington.

2. Benedict Arnold is upset that he was wounded in battle but never

rewarded by congress

3. Washington appointed Arnold as the commander of West Point

4. How do spies keep their messages secret?

A. Invisible ink

B. Paper with holes in it

C. Number codes

D. all of the above

5. James gets a pass to meet with the skinners, who help intercept

spies for the Americans

6. Oh, no! Who does Benedict Arnold become loyal to? The British

7. What does Arnold give the British? Plans to West Point

8. The skinners want to find his money to determine if “John

Anderson” is really telling the truth.

9. When Benedict Arnold hears that Washington is on his way, what

does he do? Packs a bag and runs away


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 33: Conflict in the South


Write something you already know about the South’s role in the Revolution.

1. Where is General Green headed? The south/Virginia/Thomas

Jefferson’s house

2. Thomas Jefferson wants to create free public schools for all

American children.

3. Thomas Jefferson cannot help General Green because there

are no soldiers/militia men left.

4. Sarah is shocked to learn that Thomas Jefferson owns slaves.

5. In camp, the American cook has to make meals out of

whatever he can catch!

6. General Green’s plan is to make Cornwallis chase the

continental army!

7. Benedict Arnold is attacking from the North, causing Sarah and

the Jeffersons to evacuate Richmond

8. Does General Green allow the colonial troops to take the man’s

barn by force? No

9. What do the British do when they get to the farm? Take what

they need by force.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 34: Deborah Samson: Soldier of the Revolution


Write something you already know about female soldiers during the Revolutionary War.

1. Troops from which country have come to help the Americans? France

2. General Rochambeau is not impressed by the America he has seen. What are

some of the reasons? No centralized government, congress can only

“suggest”, treasury empty, military supplies exhausted, local citizens are


3. Comte de Vergennes plans to betray the Americans by going behind their

backs to end the war.

4. What happens to Robert, the soldier who rescued Sarah? He was shot in the

battle with the Tories.

5. George Washington wants Rochambeau and the French fleet to capture which

American traitor? Benedict Arnold

6. What surprise does Sarah receive about her new friend Robert? Robert is

actually a woman.

7. Why does Deborah Samson enlist in the continental army? She wanted to fight

for her country and was strong from hard work.

8. What happened to the private letter Washington wrote to his nephew? It was

published in a Tory newspaper.

9. Will France be having a peace conference with Britain? No. why? Britain

doesn’t think France is part of the fight.


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 35: James Armistead


Write something you already know about the role of African Americans in the Revolution.

1. What does James ask his master for permission to do? Join

with General Lafayette

2. James tells Lafayette that his special skill is that he is


3. James also offers his services to Benedict Arnold.

4. What weather extreme are the troops on both sides dealing

with? Heat

5. Because James is ignored, he is able to find out from

Cornwallis that the British fleet has arrived at Chesapeake


6. Cornwallis wants James to act as a spy for the British.

7. Who is the other African American fighting for the British?

Cato. Sarah and Henri believe he could be Moses’s brother.

8. Where will Cornwallis be? Yorktown, Virginia.

9. What does James dream of on his walks between the two

sides’ camps? Gaining his freedom


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 36: Yorktown


Write something you already know about the Battle of Yorktown.

1. Where are the British troops stationed? Yorktown, Virginia

2. The Colonial Army is getting information on Cornwallis’s

movements from an African American spy.

3. Do the Americans intend to attack the British in New York or

Virginia? Virginia.

4. Who do the British soldiers send to dig when they think too

many of their own troops are dying? African Americans

5. What is James’s friend Joseph’s job? He is in the mining corps,

he digs trenches for the soldiers

6. Which fleet is forced to flee in the skirmish between the

French and British ships? British

7. October 9, 1781 begins the battle at Yorktown, Virginia.

8. At the end of the battle, who sends their troops with a white

flag to surrender? British/Cornwallis

9. What will the Americans do with the slaves who fought for the

British? Return them to their masters


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 37: Born Free & Equal


Write something you already know about the beginnings of the fight for equal rights for everyone during the time of the Revolution.

1. Betty is yelled at because there is dust on the vase.

2. At the beginning of the meeting, the men read from the

Declaration of Independence.

3. Sarah is writing to her mother about the surrender of

Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown.

4. Even though Cornwallis has surrendered, is the war over

according to King George? No

5. Sarah would like to be the first female lawyer.

6. Betty believes that the Declaration of Independence

guarantees her freedom just like the American Colonists’


7. Betty gets lawyers in order to sue her master, Colonel Ashley,

for her freedom.

8. Ben Franklin gets a very exciting note while in Versailles. King

George has finally agreed to negotiate peace with the United

States of America.

9. It is very likely that slavery will become outlawed in the state

of Massachusetts!


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 38: The Man Who Wouldn’t Be King


Write something you already know about the end of the Revolutionary War.

1. On November 30, in Paris, France, Americans signed a

preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain

2. The high ranking officers from the Continental Army are upset

because they have not been paid for their service during the


3. Why can’t congress pay the officers? They have no money and

no power to raise taxes.

4. The army officers would like for George Washington to

declare himself King of America.

5. The officers are surprised to learn that George Washington

needs to wear eye glasses.

6. In New York Harbor, the British troops are evacuating once

and for all!

7. The children will write that Washington was strong in war but

even stronger in peace!

8. Washington leaves the tavern to address Congress in Maryland.

9. Where will Washington go? Home to his farm


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 39: Going Home


Write something you already know about life after the American Revolution.

1. What does Sarah notice about New York City when her ship

arrives? Many of the buildings are falling down

2. Where is Ben Franklin finally going? Back to the USA

3. Why didn’t Cato get his freedom even though he was

promised it by the British? The British lost the war

4. Where will the Marquis de Lafayette go now that the war is

over? Back home to France

5. Where is Mrs. Radcliffe moving? Nova Scotia, Canada

6. Who has been helping Cato remain free? White people

7. Many of the soldiers who helped win America’s freedom are

losing their homes because they are in too much debt.

8. What did Britain supply the Loyalists, like Mrs. Radcliffe, with

after the war? Heavy clothes for the cold climate of Nova

Scotia and farming supplies.

9. Cato will finally be free if he can make it to Canada with Mrs.

Radcliffe without being seen!


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Liberty’s Kids Episode 40: We the People


Write something you already know about the United States Constitution.

1. The government may take the land of the former Colonial soldiers

because they’re in too much debt.

2. How do the farmers respond? They attacked a federal arsenal,

mobbed a courthouse & destroyed another courthouse

3. In Philadelphia, a convention is meeting to rebuild the republic based

on a central government.

4. How many states are in the USA in 1787? 13

5. Who becomes president of the convention? George Washington

6. The country is currently governed by the Articles of Confederation.

7. How many branches will the new proposed government have? 3

8. What solution does Ben Franklin have for the small states vs. large

states issue? The upper house is one state: one vote, the lower

house is based on proportion.

9. A huge issue threatening to put an end to the new government is

A. Transportation

B. Military

C. Slavery

D. taxes


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