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Masses Daily Tuesday thru Friday/Martes a Viernes 8:00am Wednesday & Thursday /Miércoles y Jueves 6:30pm(Spanish) Saturday/Sábado 4:00pm (English), 6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday/Domingo: 8:00am, 11:00am (English), 9:30am, 12:30pm(Spanish)

Office Phone: 785-232-5088

Office Fax: 785-232-8834

Emergency Eve : 785-215-6113

Parish Office Email:

[email protected]

“The Love of Christ moves us to spiritual growth, through prayer, faith formation and stewardship.”


Office Hours/ Horas De Oficina: Monday– Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm, Friday-9am-12pm Office Closed for Lunch; 1:00pm-1:30pm

Pastor Fr. Gerardo (Jerry) Arano-Ponce

Associate Pastor Fr. Jesus Rene Perez

Deacon Ray Delgado

Office Manager Mary Ann Pickering

Secretary Nadia Colorado

School of Religion Director Andrea Valdez

Ministry Scheduler Gina Gutierrez Bookkeeper Alicia Florez

May 19th, 2019


MONDAY, May 20th

MCBAC-MTR-Legion of Mary, 5:30pm

SCHOOL– Spanish Bible Study, 7-9pm

SCHOOL-GED classes , 6:00pm

MCBAC-PPR Parish Council Meeting 5:30pm

TUESDAY, May 21st


SCHOOL– GED classes, 6-8pm

CHURCH– Charismatic Prayer Group 7pm WEDNESDAY, May 22nd

MCBAC GYM-Royalty Food Sales, 11am-7pm

MCBAC– BR&KIT 3rd Order Augustinians Feast of St. Rita 5:30-7:30pm

THURSDAY, May 23rd

MCBAC GYM-Royalty Food Sales, 11am-7pm

MCBAC-PPR K of C Chaper Meeting 7:30pm

FRIDAY, May 24th

MCBAC PPR & MTR-MEV, 7pm MCBAC GYM-Royalty Food Sales, 11am-

7pm SCHOOL- Cursillo Escuela de Dirigentes

7pm SATURDAY, May 25th

CHURCH-Confession , 2:30pm

MCBAC GYM-Royalty Food Sales, 11am-7pm

SUNDAY, May 26th

SCHOOL– 3rd Order Agustine 9-10:30am

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Our Lord gives us peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with having our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Please contact! Angel & Mary Valdivia at 273-1629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00pm and Monica & Marcus Ramirez at 273-8448 for hours from 12:00pm to 6:00pm & mid-night -6:00am, and John and Lupe Jaramillo, from 6:00pm-midnight, Hours currently Open: Mon-day:11pm, Tuesday: 3am, Wednesday 3am, Thursday: 3am, Saturday: 1am, 3am.

Please Remember Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in your will. Our legal title is : Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Topeka, 201 NE Chandler St., Topeka KS 66616


ATTENTION: We are in need of Ushers for all the 8am Masses for the months of January, May and September. If you are interested please call Gina Gutierrez at (785)608-0638. Thank You!

Please pray for the sick of the Parish/ Por favor orar por los enfermos de la parroquia Charlotte Barck Cruz Chavez Pana Chavez Molly Corona Mary Frances Dallen Jennifer Delci Steve Dominguez Irene Escobar Andrea C. Florez Jerome Gutierrez Jessie Jaramillo David Martinez Lola Martinez Maria Mendoza Severina Padilla Isabel Simecka Augustina Tetuan Mary Linda Trimble Amelia Cervantez Ernestina Sandate Virginia Ferrero Marcelina Juarez Mary Blancas Mary Dominguez Stephanie Rocha Garcia Molly Cervantes Leon Hernandez Rose Lopez

Masses For the Week

Sat 05/18 4:00pm †Ramona Perez

†Sal Barranco

†Stella Vargas Florez

6:00pm †Norman Negrete

Sun 05/19 8:00am †John Ramirez

†Ramona Perez

†Henry Florez

9:30am Por Las Familias de OLG

11:00am †Jose Cuevas

†Socorro & Julia Perez

12:30pm †Daniel Negrete

Tue 05/21 8:00am †J.D Sexton

Wed 05/22 8:00am †Socorro Perez

6:30pm Thanksgiving

Thu 05/23 8:00am †Armina Guerrero

6:30pm Holy Souls in Purgatory

Fri 05/24 8:00am In Reparation

Sat 05/25 4:00pm †Mary Alonzo

†Trinidad & Rachel Chavez

6:00pm †Thomas & Jenny Lopez

Sun 05/26 8:00am †Jose Cuevas

†Ramona Perez

†Connie Obregon

9:30am †Socorro & Julia Perez

11:00am †Macario & Guadalupe Torrez

12:30pm Por Las Familias de OLG

Saturday 4:00pm Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am Sunday 9:30am Sunday 11:00am Sunday 12:30pm

Lectors Raul Guevara, Becky Cruz

Alexia Mojica, Ramona Herrera, Miguel Ramirez

Sister Rebecca, Marisol Marcelo

Cruz E. Sanchez, Maria Stever, Israel Cortes

Gina Barron Jara-millo, Stefana


Maria Vargas, Aracely Parra, Bernarda Reyes

Communion Ministers Deacon Ray Ventura Morales Sister Juanita

Margarita Flores Margaret Vasquez Jose Luis Martinez

Mass Servers K of C TBA

Lucicano & Mirella Marcelo, Susana Mosqueda TBA TBA TBA

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Confessions Wednesday 5:30pm SPANISH Saturday 2:30pm to 3:30 pm, or anytime by appointment if needed. Marriages Arrangements must be made with the pastor at least 6 Months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matrimonio lla-me al Sacerdote. Quinceañeras Arrangements need to be made with the church office 6 Months prior to planned date. Baptism Preparation Session English classes will be May13th, at 7:00pm in the Church or if necessary call the parish office for an appointment Spanish Baptism classes are May 19th, at 2:15pm inside the MCBAC in the MTR. Anointing of the Sick For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office. Communion Calls If anyone is sick at home for a period of time please notify the parish office. Declaration of Nullity Please call the parish office at 785-232-5088 School Information School Website: East: K-8, 1725 NE Seward Ave. School Phone: 785-234-8980 School Fax: 785-234-6778 Email: [email protected] West: Pre-School, 210 NE Branner School Phone: 785-234-8980 Email: [email protected]

May 11th & 12th Weekly Total Envelope: $6,970.00 Plate: $1,816.11 Memorials: $170.00 First Communion Mass $523.20 Faith Direct $2,910.00 TOTAL: $12,389.31 Budgeted Collections $10,653.51 Income Over (Under) Budget $1,735.80 MCBAC Loan Balance: $720,636.09

Bulletin Deadline

For June 2nd Bulletin…Turn in articles May 20th. Thank you, the Office

PARISH LIFE Cross Catholic Outreach

Father Carlos Chavez of Cross Catholic Outreach will be visiting our parish next weekend to speak at all the Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries. Cross Catholic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priest and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean , Africa, Asia, Central and South America.

GERMANFEST- June 1 &2-Brat Trot 5k walk/run,

outdoor Mass, German food, snack bar, games, Si-

lent & Oral Auctions, Cash drawing for 10,000.00,

WOW drawing, handmade quilts. The outstanding

Chardon Polka Band.


Daughters of Isabella Little Flower Circle On May 26th at 12:30pm in Yadrich Hall at Christ the King Church, 5973 S. W. 29th St. Topeka, Ks. will have Mother-Daughter Banquet and Birthright Baby Shower. There will be a covered dish lunch-eon, bring a dish to share. Bring a baby gift for do-nation to Mary’s Choice. Business Meeting to fol-low. If anyone knows of member or family in need of circle's prayers call Theresa Smith-Lawton at (785)640-1403 If you are interested in or would like more information about Daughters of Isabella, call Cindy Keen at (785) 228-9863.

Memorial Day Mass, May 27

Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas will host a Memorial Day Mass on Monday, May 27, at Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 801 S.W. Westchester Rd., Topeka, Kan., at 10 a.m. Rev. Tim Haberkorn will celebrate the Mass. Spirit & Fire will provide music at the outdoor observance. (In case of rain, Mass will be in the chapel of Holy Trinity Mausole-um.) For more information, call 785-272-0820; email [email protected] ; or visit

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Guardián Del Santísimo: Nuestro Sen or nos da paz y dones del Espí ritu San-to mientras oramos y pasamos tiempo con e l. Te-nemos la bendicio n de tener nuestra Capilla de Adoracio n Perpetua. ¡Por favor contactar! Angel & Mary Valdivia al 273-1629 para el horario de guardia de 6:00am a 12:00pm, y Monica y Marcus Ramirez al 273-8448 de 12:00pm a 6:00pm y ho-rarios de 12:00am-6:00am, y a John y Lupe Jara-millo, de 6:00pm a medianoche. Horario Actualmente abiertas: Lunes-11pm; Martes-3am; Miercoles-3am Jueves-3am; Saba-do-1am,3am.

Frases de familia dichas por el Papa Francisco I

1.“En su camino familiar, ustedes comparten tantos momen-tos inolvidables: las comidas, el descanso, las tareas de la ca-sa, la diversio n, la oracio n, las excursiones y peregrinaciones, la solidaridad con los necesitados… Sin embargo, si falta el amor, falta la alegrí a, y el amor aute ntico nos lo da Jesu s” 2."Cuando nos preocupamos por nuestras familias y sus nece-sidades, cuando entendemos sus problemas y esperanzas... cuando sostienen la familia, sus esfuerzos repercuten no so lo en beneficio de la Iglesia; tambie n ayudan a la sociedad ente-ra" 3.“Todos sabemos que no existe la familia perfecta, ni el mari-do o la mujer perfectos. No digamos la suegra perfec-ta ...Existimos nosotros, los pecadores. Jesu s, que nos conoce bien, nos ensen a un secreto: que un dí a no termine nunca sin pedir perdo n”. 4.“Tener un lugar a donde ir, se llama Hogar. Tener personas a quien amar, se llama Familia, y tener ambas se llama Bendi-cio n.” 5.“Educar en la solidaridad significa entonces educarnos en la humanidad. Apoyar y proteger a la familia para que eduque a la solidaridad y al respeto es un paso decisivo para caminar hacia una sociedad ma s equitativa y humana.” 6."¡Que precioso es el valor de la familia, como lugar privile-giado para transmitir la fe!” 7.“Preocuparse por todos, por cada uno, con amor, especial-mente por los nin os, los ancianos, quienes son ma s fra giles y a que a menudo se quedan en la periferia de nuestro corazo n. Es preocuparse uno del otro en la familia: los co nyuges se guardan recí procamente y luego, como padres, cuidan de sus hijos, y con el tiempo, tambie n los hijos se convertira n en cui-dadores de los padres”. 8.“En la vida, la familia experimenta tantos momentos bellos. El descanso, los almuerzos juntos, las salidas al parque, al campo, la visita a los abuelos, la visita a una persona enferma, pero si falta el amor, falta la alegrí a, la fiesta, y el amor siem-pre nos los da Jesu s. E l es la fuente inacabable.” 9."El matrimonio tiende a ser visto como una mera forma de gratificacio n afectiva. Pero su aporte a la sociedad supera el nivel de emotividad. El matrimonio no procede del senti-miento amoroso efí mero, sino de una unio n de vida total”.

10."El matrimonio es un trabajo de todos los dí as, se puede decir que artesanal, un trabajo de orfebrerí a porque el mari-do tiene la tarea de hacer ma s mujer a la mujer y la mujer tiene la tarea de hacer ma s hombre al marido. Crecer tam-bie n en humanidad, como hombre y mujer”. 11.“Todos nos equivocamos, y a veces alguno se ofende en la familia, en la pareja; fuerte algunas veces… Yo digo “vuelan los platos”, ¿eh? Se dicen palabras fuertes, pero escuchen este consejo: no terminen el dí a sin hacer las paces. La paz se rehace cada dí a en la familia. Pidiendo perdo n: “perdo name” y se recomienza de nuevo.” 12.“Un matrimonio no tiene e xito so lo si dura, es importante su calidad. Estar juntos y saberse amar para siempre es el desafí o de los esposos cristianos.” 13"Veo la santidad en una mujer que crí a a sus hijos. En un hombre que trabaja para llevar a casa el pan. En los enfer-mos. En las religiosas... Esta es la santidad comu n". 14."Aquello que pesa ma s que todas las cosas es la falta de amor. Pesa no recibir una sonrisa, no ser recibidos. Pesan ciertos silencios. A veces, tambie n en familia, entre marido y mujer, entre padres e hijos, entre hermanos. Sin amor, el es-fuerzo se hace ma s pesado, intolerable" 15.“En el Padrenuestro decimos: 'Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada dí a”. El matrimonio puede aprender a rezar así : 'Danos hoy nuestro amor de cada dí a'”. 16."El verdadero ví nculo es siempre con el Sen or. Todas las familias, tienen necesidad de Dios: todas, ¡todas! Necesidad de su ayuda, de su fuerza, de su bendicio n, de su misericor-dia, de su perdo n. Y se requiere sencillez. ¡Para rezar en fami-lia se requiere sencillez! Cuando la familia reza unida, el ví nculo se hace fuerte" 17.“El amor de dos esposos es una realizacio n, una realidad que crece, y podemos decir que es como construir una casa, y esa casa se construye juntos, no solos”. 18."La verdadera alegrí a viene de la armoní a profunda entre las personas, que todos experimentan en su corazo n y que nos hace sentir la belleza de estar juntos, de sostenerse mu-tuamente en el camino de la vida" 19.“La vida se acrecienta da ndola y se debilita en el aisla-miento y la comodidad. Madura a la vez que nos damos a los otros”. 20."La familia es la fuente de toda fraternidad, y por eso es tambie n el fundamento y el camino primordial para la paz, pues, por vocacio n, deberí a contagiar al mundo con su amor". 21.“Hoy, la familia es despreciada, es maltratada, y lo que se nos pide es reconocer lo bello, aute ntico y bueno que es for-mar una familia, ser familia hoy; lo indispensable que es esto para la vida del mundo, para el futuro de la humanidad"

MISA DE GRADUACIÓN para aquellos que se gra-du en de la Escuela Secundaria, Escuela Te cnica o de la Universidad, sera el domingo 26 de Mayo a las 11:00 a.m. Los invitamos a todos a e sta celebra-cio n especial en su honor. Favor de llamar a Rita Bennett al 232-5202 ha ma s tardar el mie rcoles 22 de Mayo si planea asistir.

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FIESTA FOOD NEEDS YOUR HELP! We are looking for Spanish, English, and bilingual speaking parishion-ers to help with fiesta food within the kitchen and out-side running church stands. It takes all of us to achieve the goal of keeping our school running year after year. Please consider stepping forward to dedicate your time and talent. You may leave your name and number with the church office or call me directly at 630-636-8983. Thank you and God bless. Jackie Rangel, Fiesta Food Chair

ROYALTY FOOD SALES Monserrat Lopez food sale begins on Wednesday, May 22nd, 11am—7pm. And will continue through Saturday, May 25th. Please show your support and go help in the kitchen. Any time is appreciated!

Thinking outside the box

How many times have you heard this phrase? It is very well known. It means being creative and hav-ing vision. Now that the Archbishop has launched his capital campaign we are invited to think outside the OLG box. The Archbishop plans to build a retirement home for elderly priests, to renovate the Savior of the World retreat center and to purchase a nursing home, Villa San Francis, in Olathe. While you may agree or disagree with the Arch-bishop's plans and vision for the Archdiocese, we are part of the Archdiocesan Catholic Family and we care for it with vision. Each parish priest had to put together a team to work along with the pastor in educating people about the Capital Campaign called One Faith, One Family, One Future. I am very thankful to Monica and Marcus Ramirez and Richard and Margaret Vasquez for accepting the invitation to work with me in this effort. You will be hearing from them soon. Since we have a large number of families at OLG, we have divided the families in different blocks to be contacted at different times from May to Octo-ber. So please be open and ready to hear from them on by behalf. At the informational meeting on May 13, Marcus quoted parishioner Mark Ramos as saying: "Do whatever you can." We are invited to think outside the OLG box and to pray and considerer participating in the One Faith, One Family, One Future capital campaign support-ing Archbishop Naumann in these plans and vision for the Archdiocese doing "whatever we can do" depending our particular circumstances with a grateful heart recognizing everything we have is a gift from God.

Fr. Jerry

GRADUATION MASS for all those graduating from High School, Technical School, or College will be Sunday, May 26 at the 11:00 Mass. We invite all to attend this special celebration in your honor. Please call Rita Bennett at 232-5202 by Wednes-day, May 22 if you plan to attend.

2019 Holy Family Graduation Class

Daisy Angel Israel Cortes-Rojas Carmelo Foy Mirella Marcelo Ailin Morales Lizbeth Orantes Edgard Reyes-Lopez Fredy Sanchez Vicki Sims Yania Soto Victor Tavares Erick Villa JR Villega