Download - Tezpur full throttle-oct2014.finals



By Ramanand | Choose To Thinq

Rules • 5 rounds

• Common• Passing 1: 13 questions• Connect• Passing 2: 13 questions• Common

• Thanks to: Harish, Suraj, Niranjan

Round 1 • written• 5 questions• 10 points each

What was offered to Prime Minister Robert Walpole in 1732 by King George II, which he then enlarged by joining some neighbouring property?

On the occasion of what ‘first’ was this photo taken?

A character in the folk tales of Sheikh Chilli, some stories have it that his name is a reference to him accidentally scaring or killing away a band of thieves. The name has become a local idiom in parts of North India with negative connotations.

What term?

This is the only integer number which, when written in Roman letters, the letters are in alphabetical order.

Which number?

What denomination is this from?


10, Downing Street1st T20 internationalTees Maar Khan40!50 Rupee Note

Round 2 • 13 questions• 10 points each• Infinite Bounce

Inigo Lopez was a Spanishman born in 1491. He was in the army and later became a Catholic saint. From which place in Spain did he come from, which is now known to us in India in an educational context?

St. Ignatius of Loyola

The Western concept of this phrase came with Queen Victoria's celebrations in 1897.

Queen Elizabeth II celebrated this in 2012.

What concept?

Diamond Jubilee

This question is about an interesting medical syndrome. People who have this problem suddenly see objects around them going out of proportion - too big or too small.

What is this called?

Alice in Wonderland syndrome

Hunnarbaaz is a reality show, now airing on DD National, which has brought two iconic presenters from the golden days of DD back again.

What did India Post specifically create as a result of their previous show?

“Surabhi”, competition postcards

This term is supposed to have originated during the American Civil War. It essentially meant the boundary beyond which prisoners were not allowed to go, day or night, with the penalty of being shot down. Now we use this word in a different context.



The Hindu version has five fragrant flowers:Ashoka tree flowers, white and blue lotus flowers, Jasmine and the flowers from the Mango trees.

The Roman and Greek versions have golden with dove feathers and lead tipped ones.

What are we talking about?

Kamadeva's arrows and Cupid and Eros' arrows

International Women’s Day is a holiday in countries such as Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, Nepal, Russia, etc.

What is different about the holiday in countries such as China, Nepal, and Madagascar?

Holiday only for women

What term for a type of motorcycle comes from bikes that were modified by cutting down parts, usually manually?


In an article published in Sept 2014, noted economist (and IIT-B alumnus) Ajit Ranade wrote about an important and impending decision:

•Such proposed decisions inevitably cause ‘real estate frenzy’

•To avoid such problems, in this case, perhaps this should be located in the middle of nowhere (such as Timbaktu, for there is such a place)

•Or perhaps this should be ‘virtual’ as there is no real need for this to be located in an actual place.

What decision, which will come into play latest by 2024?

What should be the new capital of Andhra Pradesh.

Despite what happened to their sides at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Argentine Pablo Silva and Brazilian Heine Allemagne have been hailed as being two of the major winners of the tournament.

Silva said: We have played together and won as “brothers”, referring to the otherwise traditional rivalry between the two countries.

They are co-founders of the company BRA.AR which produces what in the world of sport?

The 915 Fairplay vanishing spray used for marking free-kick walls.

Which taunt in the world of video games and internet culture is most likely to have originated because of the confusing proximity of the two rightmost letters on top of a QWERTY keyboard?

“PWN” from “OWN” as “P” & “O” are QWERTY neighbours.

This is a 4 letter word. On a Scrabble board, you would have got a score of 29 for this word, but since you can’t have more than 1 of the last letter, so you will have to use a blank (making your score 19).

It was voted the word of the 20th century. What word?


About a decade ago, this organisation ran a campaign called "Got Beer", claiming (somewhat correctly) that it was healthier to drink beer than milk.

Opposition from anti-alcohol campaignersforced them to eventually withdraw the campaign. One spokesperson for the org said their campaign was against milk and if they had compared milk to orange juice, they would have got no publicity at all.

Which org is this?


Round 3 • Connection common to all these elements• written• Points on slide





• Connection: Salman Rushdie

• Slide 1: studied at Cathedral & John Connon; characters Goopy & Bagha the guppyfish in Haroon & The Sea of Stories; cameo in the film version of “Bridget Jones’ Diary”

• Slide 2: Shalimar Gardens -> Shalimar the Clown; Parvati & Padma Patil -> names from Midnight’s Children

• Slide 3: U2 wrote a song “The Ground Beneath Her Feet” based on his book & lyrics; Kathasaritsagara inspired “The Sea of Stories”

• Slide 4: Still from the movie version of Midnight’s Children; won Booker of Bookers for it.

Round 4 • 13 questions• 10 points each• Infinite Bounce• Reverse order of passing

This was the codename of the first ever nuclear bomb tested by the Manhattan Project in New Mexico. Now something that most of us here would like to have, but in the 19th century, a synonym for words such as “thingamajig” or “gizmo”.

What word?


Nine hours long, the only Indian cast member was Mallika Sarabhai. What?

Image: The Guardian

Image: The Guardian

The Mahabharata – a play by Peter Brooks

What is this list about?


India (’99), India (’99), India (’01), Czech Rep (’06), Czech Rep (’09), Czech Rep (’09), Czech Rep (’12), Czech Rep (’13)


USA (’99), USA (’03), USA (’03), Zimbabwe (’09), Zimbabwe (’10), Zimbabwe (’10),

Nationalities of the partners of Leander Paes’s Grand Slam titles

Bhupati, Damm, Dlouhy, Stepanek

Raymond, Navratilova, Black …

A picture from inventor and engineer Dave Warren’s funeral. His invention though somewhat misnamed is also used in tech circles to describe a way of compartmentalising technology.What did he invent?

Airplane Black Box

“Red Alert: Israel” is a 2014 app that warns Israelis of possible missile attacks based on sirens. It also uses which other, more infamous, 2014 app to deliver these warnings?


The most recent members of this list are associated with these places:


•Bolpur, WB

•Sasaram, Bihar

•Indore, MP (most recent)

What do these people have in common?

Speakers of the Lok Sabha, and their constituencies

From pre-independence India – British soldiers who waited for the ships back to England used to be stationed at a transit camp.

Sometimes they would wait for the whole of the Indian summer and monsoons to get over before they could leave.

Because of this wait, they’d go crazy and this led to the term camp-fever.

Where was this transition camp located in Maharashtra?

Deolali, resulting in the term “Doolally”

The producer of the film Paperman, which won the Oscar for Best Animated Short in 2013, celebrated in what unique way, resulting in her being thrown out of the Academy Awards ceremony?

She started throwing paper airplanes!

Quoting from an article on the Press Information Bureau site:

“The Anna Series was introduced on 15th August 1950 and represented the first coinage of Republic India. The Lion Capital of the Ashoka Pillar replaced the King’s Portrait. A _______ replaced the Tiger on the one Rupee coin. In some ways this symbolised a shift in focus to progress and prosperity.”

What is the blank?

Sheaf of corn

In 2011, a musician named Jonathan Mann posted a duet on his website. The lyrics went like this:

"Hey, ___""What can I help you with?"

"Do you love me?""How can I tell?“

“Hey ___, you're very beautiful.""OK, can we get back to work now?“

And so on. Who was he singing with?

This basic gentleman is said to have been inspired by someone from India.

He learnt of that Indian from an Indologist named Otto von Bohtlingk.

Who is this person, who is the Indian, and explain the inspiration.

Mendeleev. Conjecture is that Panini’s work on Sanskrit grammar was an inspiration for his early work on creating the periodic table. Of course, Mendeleev also used prefixes from Sanskrit for predicted elements.

He was editor of “India Ink”, New York Times’s India-centric blog

A writing collaboration of his came out on Oct 2, 2014

Who, and what collaboration?

Basharat Peer, Haider

Two of the less believable claims of how this piece of equipment got its name are:

Because of the aviator A E GeorgeBecause of the author of Ulysses

Which equipment?

Joystick (“George Stick” and “Joyce Stick”)

Round 5 • “Capital Punishment”• Each answer is a place, which is an Indian

administrative, legislative, or judicial state/UT capital• 5 points each• Take the first letters of all the answers, rearrange

them to find another such capital (+10)

Stadium named after Kumar Digvijay Singh

• Imphal

• Hyderabad

• Shillong

• Ahmedabad

• Lucknow

• Mumbai


Thank you!

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