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Page 2: Textual analysis and representation

The area we will be covering is Textual Analysis and Representation.

You need to familiarise yourselves with the 7 areas of representation and the 4 areas of analysis. These are the areas we will be covering in class over the next

17 weeks.

As a starting point I want you to think about how you construct your own representation.

• Use UK Tribes to find the group or groups (there can be crossover) that you think you belong to. Why do you belong to this group(s).

• What media figures (actors, musicians, sportspeople, celebrities) do you identify with? What are the reasons for this?

• Do you consciously 'model' (copy modes of dress, style yourself, act like) yourself on any of these media figures? Why is that?

Construct a representation of yourself using the above information. Add images of the type of clothes, accessories and gadgets you prefer. Add images and

descriptions from UK Tribes to further illustrate your self representation. Post directly to your blog, or if using word embed in Scribd before uploading.

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What UK tribe do I think that I am in?Looking at all of the UK tribes I have to say that I am most likely a townie. Townies are as Mainstream as you can get – high street fashion, pop chart music, Saturday night TV and a night on the town. As the rest of the Tribal map is becoming more fashion-forward and fast-moving, the Townies are still in the local Wetherspoons or on the bus to college – they are likely to be friends with Blingers and other Tribes, but prefer to go with the flow and don’t want to stand out. I think I am a townie because I do allow myself not to stand out and just follow other trends really. I enjoy listening to most of the music in the top 40 music chart and buy my clothes from high street shops. I also spend most of my time on busses, but overall I belive that I am just following other people in what trends they set.

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Ed Sheeran- I look to Ed Sheeran because he just goes with the

flow and doesn't stand out by the way

he dresses.

Emma Watson- She is simple and does not

stand out but still looks stunning all of

the time.

Jessica Ennis- Works hard to get where she wants to be but does

this by following others leads.

Shani Grimmond- She is real and true to

herself and her fashion is simple and


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I don’t like to think that I copy people in the way that they dress and act but in reality it is most likely that I do. With the social media being constantly around us it is hard not to be influenced by certain people we like the look off and how they act. I think that there are very few people who copy no one but most people try to hide it as they don’t like to admit it. I personally look at down to earth celebrities because they by reasonably priced clothes and are most like middle class people. I look at people such as the slide before for all different reasons including attitude, style and personality towards others. I try to interpret different things from each one of them and then influence them on my self to become a better person.

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