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A production from


inspiratonal textiles

Thomas Hinchliffe

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Textile project

• We were asked to promote the uses of the Bradford college textile archive.• I have chosen to demonstrate this by creating an animation using the textile patterns.

• My concept was to create some-thing that left a visual impression rather than a contextual one•I had a rough idea of what I want, due to the vast amount of textiles I decided the best way for me to work was just trial and error.• I kept in mind the phase: There’s a world of textiles to explorev

• As I had been told hat Dudley Ed-wards was judging the work I took part of my inspiration from his work and ‘The Yellow Submarine’.

There’s a world of textiles to explore

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• My next stage was to storyboard•I wanted it to be playful and concentrate on exposing the textile patterns•I purposly didn’t think to much about what patterns to use at this stage as I had chosen to do this by sight as I went along


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• I momenterily considered having my character as stop motion•These are my plans for the ar-mature and how I would build the model•I planned on using latex to create the shape and then has plastercine arm for easier movement.•I decided that, with the textiles in mind i would be best going for something a little simpler

• I chose to do a 2D character which textiles could easily be ap-plied to.• In my plans I have thourght about what the different parts I would need to animate the character.

•As I thought about my character I had Yellow Submarine playing.•I belive this might have contributed, only slightly in the creation process.• I like the shape of the character, it also makes it easier to animate when the character already looks out of proportion.

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• I created a vector image of the outline of my character in Ai• This was then imported into photoshop and filled with one of the textiles• I only needed to make one leg and one arm as the character was intended to be simple

• This was then the end result •I gave him a human foot just to break it up a bit.•I also lightened his arm so that you could tel it apart from the rst of him.•Really I should have made it darker as this arm is in the shade!

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• I created the clouds the same way as the character, creating a vector, import to photoshop and fill.• I used a similar method to create the bird and tree/flower but choose to use the detail in the pattern to create the over all shape.

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• One thing I have learnt about pyschadelia is that its hard to see whats going on all of the time. I wanted this to get through in my animation but not so much that it ruins it.•Things always flow with out you knowing whats happen-ing until its happened. •These are just a few artists/graphic designers that have influenced me.

• Peter max, a german graphic design who came around in the 60’s peych-adelic prints. I love his simple use of colour that makes his working bliss-fully chaotic

•Tom Masse is fairly new on the scene and is only really known for his post-ers but I love him even if he isn’t quite established yet.•He always has so much detail in his work, you can look for hours and keep finding new things.


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• Heinz Eldermann. One of the main directors and in charge of character design for yellow submarine his genius speaks for itself. His colours are bold and bright rather than pastel and his charaters are real but out of propotion.

• Alan Aldrigde and Tom Masse have a similar style when theres so much go-ing on you don’t know ehre to look. This seems to be an occuring property in pysc-adelia

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• I knew that I wanted to create a ka-lidoscope somewhere with in the ani-mation as I had been told that I should keep pyschedelia in mind• This is my practise run of creating one ( obviously this is only a still!)• I thought this would be good for texturising the sun and planets

• Afetr working out which textiles I would use for my hills and ground I started working on the sun (kalido-scope)

• For a brief moment i considered making the landscape in 3D but found my creativity was limited as 3D is new to me

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• I wanted to add some depth but, with all the different patterns shad-ows would have made it even more chaotic( I did want it to almost play with your eyes but not so you couldn’t see what was going on)•I later decided to just add an over all glow which created the illusion of depth

• I use the same kalidoscope technique for the planets but made them sphere like

There’s a world of textiles to explore

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• I originally wanted to hand draw the opening title but wasn’t sure after I had finished.•I needed something simple as I felt this was crossing the line, it was too much


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inspiratonal textiles

•After browsing through the archive for inspiration I settled on this as It was still making use of the patterns but gave structure which was needed•I then lit it up and concluded with my final decision

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• The music I originally choose for my animation was one of my acoustic pieces but, after re-cording and then watching it back it didn’t seem to give enough. It was too chilled and made the animation seem even slower.•I ended up choosing a piece by Lemin Jelly which I thought up lifted the whole thing. With copyright and everything else I realise that using their music wasn’t really an option but what i could do is write something that sound similar which is what I did using Logic.
