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Reg istration:User can register into the system by clicking the register link. The fields required for registration are given bellow.

User name.Email address.Password.First name.Last name.Country.State.City.Postal code.Gender.Date of birth.Select your profile

Log in:User can log in into the system by providing user name and password. The required fields for log in are given bellow.

User name.Password.

Password Recovery:User can recover his/her password by clicking the link Forgot Password?. The required fields for password recovery are given bellow.

Email address.Oruser name.

After Log in:After log in into the system user will be placed in his/her home page.

Home Page: In home page user can see his/her all activities date wise.

Edit Profile:From home page user can go to change his/her profile information by clicking the edit

profile link. The fields are in the edit profile given bellow.

Profile NamegendercountryState.City.Postal code.Date of birth.

My media favourites :Here user can see his/her favourite videos and photos.

Mail*****:User can use full functionality of mailling system. The functionality of mailling system are

given bellow.

Inboxnew messagessent messagestrashAddress bookfriend requestspending requestsevent invites.Join requestsgroup invites

Blocked Users :User can block users and can see the blocked users list in Blocked users page.

Contact Us:User can contact to system administrator by useing contact us form.the required fields are

given bellow.

nameemail addressmessages

People:User can search for other users, can check who are online, invite others. All these things can be done in people module.

Search:User can search for other user. The searching parameters are

profile namegenderageCountry.State.City.Postal code.

Advanced search includes

Band Details:InfluencesRecord Label

Question:Will the system have multiple profile types? Currently the system allows three profile types of which film maker will not be required. Do we require musician profile type?

Who is Online:User can search for online users. The seraching parameters are


Invite:User can invites other people. The required fields are

email addressoptional messages

Music:User can search for music,view featured musicians, artists, featured videos, top artists etc here.

Music Home:In this page user can see featured musicians list and artists list.

Directory:Here user can search for music videos alphabaticaly.

Music Videos:Here user can see list of featured videos.

Top Artis ts :User can search for top artists. The searching parameters are


Blog:User can create/edit/delete/view blogs, change the blog settings here.

Blog control Panel:Here user can search for blogs those are created by his/her. The search result blogs can be view/edit/delete.

New Blog Post:User can create new blogs. The required fields are given bellow

Blog Entry TitleBlog Entry Text

View Blog:User can see list of blogs here.

Blog Settings :Here user can change the settings of blog. The attributes those can be changed are given


Comments enabledwho can commentsenable comment e mail notificationshow profile images in commentno of entries per page

Groups:Here user can create/delete/view/edit group, search groups category wise, can recieve invites from other groups.

Groups Home: Here user can see the groups category wise. User can also search for groups. The

searching parameters are

keywordscategory (advanced search parameter)country (advanced search parameter)

state (advanced search parameter)zip (advanced search parameter)

My groups:Here users can view the created groups.

Create group:Here user can create groups. The fields are given bellow

Group NameCategoryCountrycitystatezip codeshort descriptionlong descriptiongroup url

Search Groups:User can also search for groups. The searching parameters are

keywordscategory (advanced search parameter)country (advanced search parameter)state (advanced search parameter)zip (advanced search parameter)

Group Invites :Here user can see the list of group invitations.

Events :Here user can create/view events, search for events also.

Events Home:Here user can see featured events.user can search for events. The searching parameters



The search results will be displayed in the same page.

Create Event:User can create event here. The fields are given bellow

Event TitleEvent OrganizerTypeEvent CategoryBrief DescriptionDetailed DescriptionEvent VenueEvent CountryEvent AddressEvent City


Postal CodeDate & Time

My Calendar:Here user can see the events day/week/month/year wise.

Calendar Options:Here user can update the settings of calendar. The fields that can be updated are given


Default viewShare calendar withReminder settings

Videos:Here user can view/upload videos.

Videos Home:Here user can see top rated/most viewed/most recent/featured videos.

Upload Videos:Here user can upload a video by providing the youtube url of the video.

Video Category:Here user can see the category list of videos.

My Videos:Here user can see the all uploaded videos list by him/her.

Photos :Here user can view/upload photos.

Photos Home:Here user can see top rated/most viewed/most recent/featured photos.

Photo: UploadHere user can upload photos. The fields are

Album NameDescriptionVisibility

My Album:Here user can see photos of all albums.Here he/she can edit the album.

Edit Album:Here user can edit the album. The fields are

Album NameDescriptionVisibility

Photo Category:Here user can see the category list of photos.