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Test questions and answers

question 1

Who carries out the analysis of the possible dangers and risks of the proposed facility ?


Section 1.2.14 . [1 ] In the development of project documentation for the construction of wells , construction and

development of oil and gas exploration project organization should carry out a risk analysis and risk facilities

designed in accordance with the Russian State Technical Supervision .

question 2

How is the training of workers in the field of industrial safety ?


Section 1.7.5 . [1 ] The preparation and certification in the field of industrial safety major workers is carried out in

accordance with the Russian State Technical Supervision .

question 3

What needs to be set in the workplace, where possible harmful effects on human and ( or) hazardous working

environments ?


Section 1.4.11 . [1 ] In the workplace , as well as in all areas of hazardous production facilities , where possible

harmful effects on human and ( or) safety hazards should be warning signs and labels.

question 4

Specify the height of the railing , which are equipped F LOATING ?answer:

Section 1.4.16 . [1 ] Open staircases shall have a slope of 60 ° (y tanks - no more than 50 °), the width of stairways

shall be not less than 65 cm, the stairs to carry heavy loads - at least 1 m distance between the stages of adjustment

should not be more than 25 cm steps should be sloped inward 2-5 °.

Both sides must have the stage side bars or s ide plate having a minimum height of 15 cm, eliminating the possibility

of slippage of human legs . Ladders shall be equipped with handrails on both sides height of 1 m

question 5

Which of the above conditions is not necessary for the admission of the worker to work independently ?


Section 1.7.6 . [1 ] To work at hazardous production facilities allowed workers after learning safe methods of work ,

training in the workplace, testing the knowledge and practical skills , briefing on safety in the workplace and in the

presence of identity , eligibility for admission to a certain type of work.

Term internship established by the employer , but may not be less than two weeks.

question 6

What parameters should match the working platforms which are located on the thickness of boards , railing height ,

distance between the longitudinal bars and railing height of the lower side ?


Section 1.4.18 . [1 ] working platform at the height of laminate should be made of a metal sheet with a surface

excluding the possibility of sliding or boards with a minimum thickness of 40 mm and from a height of 0 .75 m , height

1.25 m rails with longitudinal bars disposed at a distance of no more than 40 inches apart , and the board with a

minimum height of 15 cm, forming a flooring clearance of more than 1 cm to drain the fluid.

question 7What information must be indicated on the load mechanism ?


Section 1.5.5 . [1 ] used at hazardous production facilities lifting tech devices in prominent places should be clearly

marked capacity and the date of the next technical inspection . On vessels operating under pressure , steam boilers

should be designated permitted pressure , the date of the next technical inspection and registration number .

question 8

How often is the test of knowledge of safe operation of the workers ?


1.7.3 . [1 ] All employees of the organization , including their managers must be trained in the field of industrial

safety and knowledge tests . Test your knowledge of the workers should be held annually, with managers and

professionals - at least once e very three years.


question 9


How tall mesh fence with moving parts ?


Section 1.4.24 . [1 ] The height of a mesh fence moving parts of equipment shall not be less than 1.8 meters in height

Mechanisms of less than 1.8 m shield completely. Mesh size of nets shall not exceed 30x30 mm . Mesh fence should

have a metal frame ( frame ) .

question 10

What documents establishes maximum safe operating parameters of pumps for pumping of flammable and

combustible liquids ?


Section 1.5.20 . [1 ] The pumps used for pumping flammable or combustible liquids shall be equipped with a means

of warning on violations of operating parameters that affect security . Limit values for the parameters of safe

operation should be established production schedules and instructions of the equipment.

question 11

Which document provides operational personnel actions for the prevention of accidents at hazardous facilities ?


Section 1.2.5 . [1 ] For all the hazardous production facilities need to be worked out measures for containment and

mitigation of accidents . In the emergency response plans (PLA ) , which are developed in accordance with the

recommendations (Annex 5) and should include :

operational personnel actions for the prevention and containment of accidents; 

ways and methods of elimination of accidents and their consequences;  procedure to eliminate ( minimize) the possibility of fires and explosions , reduce the severity of the possible

consequences of accidents;

evacuation of people not involved in the liquidation of the accident, from the danger zone.  

question 12

How is an industrial safety declaration designed object ?


Section 1.2.11 . [1 ] Declaration of industrial safety of the proposed facility is developed as part of project



question 13

What document is attached to the actual location of u nderground utilities companies ( cable lines, oil and gas ) ?


Section 1.4.5 . [1 ] In companies that have underground utilities ( cable lines , and oil and gas pipelines , etc. ) must

be approved by the executive management of the organization scheme of the actual location of these

communications. Deviation of the actual location of the communication of the project should be agreed with the

developer .

question 14

Who establishes the criteria for the decommissioning of equipment ?


Section 1.5.26 . [1 ] The decision to withdraw from the operation of the equipment , tools, test equipment should be

made taking into account t he parameters of the physical wear and tear , corrosion, or the results of inspection. The

criteria for the decommissioning of the organization are defined by the developer or by the manufacturer and areincluded in the instruction manual .

question 15

What must be submitted for each type of explosion-proof electrical equipment of foreign manufacture of its

conformity to the relevant requirements of the Russian Federation in terms of its operation in hazardous areas ?


§ [1 ] For each type of explosion-proof electrical equipment of foreign manufacture must be submitted

certificate ( certificate ) of the Russian test of his organization acting in accordance with regulations of the Russian

Federation in terms of its operation in hazardous areas . The use of such equipment must have permission

Gosgortechnadzor Russia .

uestion 16

What is the minimum working height at which the object is equipped with a stair railing ?



Section 1.4.15 . [1 ] The objects for the service that you want to rise to the height of the working up to 0.75 m,

equipped with steps and a height of 0.75 m above - stairs with railings . In places where people pass over the pipes

located at a height of 0.25 m above the ground surface , a platform or floor area shall be arranged catwalks , which

are equipped with handrails , if the height of the pipeline of more than 0.75 m


question 17

How is the commissioning of ne wly installed equipment ?


Section 1.5.8 . [1 ] Set up the newly assembled , upgraded , capitally repaired equipment shall be in accordance with

regulations established by the organization .

question 18

What the execution should be electric (cars, machines , devices ) , instrumentation, electrical fixtures that are

installed in Class 0,1,2 ?


§ [1 ] Electrical equipment (machinery , apparatus, devices), instrumentation , electrical fixtures, locking

means , telephones and signaling devices to them that are installed in hazardous zones 0 , 1 and 2 shall be explosion-

proof and have a level of Ex meets the requirements of SAE - 00, the type of protection - the category and group

explosive mixture. Wiring, conductors and cable lines , grounding electrical equipment must be carried out in

accordance with the requirements of SAE -02.

question 19

In accordance with the requirements of any regulatory act is organized and implemented production control over

compliance with industrial safety ?


Section 1.2.6 . [1 ] in the framework of the established system of safety management should organize and carry out

the production control of industrial safety in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation

from 10.03.99 N 263 ( Laws of the Russian Federation, 1999 , N 11 , st.1305 ) .

question 20

Who approves a list of works, the production of which is or may be an increased risk of production ?


Section 1.2.17 . [1 ] Manufacturing jobs in areas where there is or may be an increased risk of production , should be

subject to the permit .

The list of such works , the procedure for registration of the permit and a list of professional positions with the right

to manage these works are approved by the employer ( the head of the organization). Production of hazardous work

should be carried out in accordance with the instruction that sets the requirements for the organization and the safe

conduct of work approved by the employers ( the head of the organization).

question 21

Who is allowed to lead work on t he repair of wells , as well as the extraction and preparation of oil and gas ?


Section 1.7.9 . [1 ] To guide the work of the construction, development , repair of wells , conducting geophysical

surveys in wells , as well as the extraction and preparation of oil and gas allowed to persons who have professional

education in the past and validation of knowledge in the field of industrial safety. The frequency and the procedure

for verification of knowledge on industrial safety at the heads of the organizations , as well as supervisors

established regulations Gosgortechnadzor Russia .

question 22

Whether to allow the use of hazardous facilities on wood decks ?


Section 1.4.21 . [1 ] For a fire and explosion hazard industries ( oil treatment , tank farms , etc.) prohibits the use of

wood decks .

question 23

According to what documents should be maintenance of imported equipment and tools ?


§ 1.5.2 . [1 ] The engineering units must be in accordance with the operating instructions given by the manufact urer .

Imported equipment and tools are operated in accordance with the manufacturer's technical documentation

provided in Russian .

question 24


Where an organization has to make changes in the event of changes in the business or industrial safety requirements

of the organization?


Section 1.2.15 . [1 ] If you change the industrial safety requirements or changing conditions in the project

documentation , industrial safety declaration should be a mended accordingly in due course.


question 25

Can the Manager to allow for independent work in the field of oil and gas workers specialists with higher and

secondary special education , including trainees higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of oil and

gas without approval for trades ?


Section 1.7.10 . [1 ] The number of university and secondary vocational education , including working on working

specialties , as well as trainees in higher and secondary professional educational institutions for admission to the

independent work must be certified with the issuance of the relevant certificate for trades . When issuing such a

certificate for theoretical training diploma counts confirmed the theoretical course in the relevant specialty in the

educational program ( for interns - help) and for the production - training on the job in the manner prescribed by the


question 26

What is the connection equipped production facilities , where the wait staff is constantly ?


Section 1.4.10 . [1 ] Staff of production facilities , depending on the operating conditions and the adopted technology

should be provided with appropriate means of collective protection . Each production facility , where the wait staff is

constantly necessary to equip hour phone ( radio ) communication with the control station or the leadership of the

site, shop or organization.

question 27

What are the warning equipment should be required to be equipped with pumps used for pumping flammable and

combustible liquids ?


Section 1.5.20 . [1 ] The pumps used for pumping flammable or combustible liquids shall be equipped with a means

of warning on violations of operating parameters that affect security . Limit values for the parameters of safe

operation should be established production schedules and instructions of t he equipment.


question 28

What document is determined by the organization and production work while working on t he same site several units

of one company ?


Section 1.2.16 . [1 ] When you work on a single object of several companies the organization and production

operations shall be determined by the position of the interaction between organizations , approved jointly by

employers ( the leaders of these organizations) , and when multiple units of the same organization - t he regulations

set by the employer ( the head of the organization).

question 29

Terms testing of safety belts and tethers .


Section 1.4.20 . [1 ] Safety belts and tethers should be tested at least twice a year the static load indicated in the

operating instructions of the manufacturer, a special commission with registration act. In the absence of such data in

the instruction manual testing should be performed static load 225 kg for five minutes.

question 30

Specify the frequency of certification in the field of industrial safety at executives and professionals:


1.7.3 . [1 ] All employees of the organization , including their managers must be trained in the field of industrial

safety and knowledge tests . Test your knowledge of the workers should be held annually, with managers and

professionals - at least once e very three years.

question 31

What is the minimum distance should be provided between the individual mechanisms , and what should be the

width of the Aisle ?

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Section 1.4.14 . [1 ] The distance between the individual mechanisms must be at least 1 m and a width of cut s - 0,75

m for mobile and modular units and units of the width of passes allowed at least 0.5 m

question 32

Allowed to use the equipment does not meet the class climate ?


Section 1.5.12 . [1 ] Operated by technical devices must comply with the class of the climatic conditions in places

where hazardous production facilities.

question 33

Who is responsible for providing a safe working environment, natural resources development ?


Section 1.8.2 . [1 ] The direct responsibility for providing a safe working environment, natural resources development

, are the leaders of organizations, regardless of whether those organizations working within the framework of the

license granted to them by or engaged to perform certain work under the contract in accordance with the legislation

of the Russian Federation and the requirements of these rules.

question 34

Who should be agreed amendment to the equipment ?


Section 1.5.10 . [1 ] Changes in the design of the equipment may be made by agreement with the developer of thisequipment and territorial authority Gosgortechnadzor Russia . Using the upgraded equipment is subject to the

positive conclusion of the examination of industrial safety .

question 35

What is the slope , width, distance between the steps and into t he slope should be FLOATING to carry heavy loads ?


Section 1.4.16 . [1 ] Open staircases shall have a slope of 60 ° (y tanks - no more than 50 °), the width of stairways

shall be not less than 65 cm, the stairs to carry heavy loads - at least 1 m distance between the stages of adjustment

should not be more than 25 cm steps should be sloped inward 2-5 °.

question 36

What parameters should match the staircase tunnel type in width, radius of the safety of the arc , the distance

between the arcs and the distance between the steps ?


Section 1.4.17 . [1 ] Stairs tunnel type must be metal with a minimum width of 60 cm and have , from a height of 2 m

, the safety of the arc radius of 35-40 cm, fastened together strips. Arcs are spaced no more than 80 cm from one

another . Distance from the outermost point of t he arc to the speed should be between 70-80 cm Stairs be equipped

intermediate pads mounted on a distance of not more than 6 m vertically from one another .

The distance between the stages of tunnel-type ladders and stairs , ladders should not be more than 35 cm


question 37

Who is the category of buildings on fire and explosion hazard ?


Section 1.4.8 . [ 1] Class designed buildings and premises for fire and explosion hazards established projectorganization at the design stage , and placed in service before the release of this Regulation - in accordance with the

requirements NPB 107-97 ( VNIIPO Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs , 1997). Ventilation and heating of buildings

and facilities should be in accordance with the requirements of health and building codes.

question 38

In no case have conducted measurements of the light level jobs ?


Section 1.4.12 . [1 ] Artificial light shall be performed in accordance with established standards and , except in special

cases specified in this Regulation , to ensure the health standards set by the level of lighting. Light level

measurements should be carried out prior to entering the facility , after the reconstruction of facilities, lighting

systems, as well as annually in the workplace

question 39

What is to be fitted with t echnology systems and their individual components and equipment for the safe operation




1.5.3 . [1 ] The process systems and their individual components , equipment must be equipped with the necessary

locking devices, means for controlling and blocking, ensuring safe op eration.

question 40

Who defines the need and type of devices to mounting assemblies and machine parts and equipment ?


Section 1.5.23 . [ 1] In fixing units and parts of machines and equipment should be provided for the tool ( lock nuts ,

cotter pins , wedges , etc.), while working to prevent unintentional disconnection and unfastening . The need and

type of devices are defined project and design documentation.


question 41

Can be used in constructing wells foreign equipment , technology and d evices ?


2.1.3 . [1 ] Foreign equipment and technologies, technical devices made by foreign standards , can be used in the

construction of wells , if they meet the requirements of this Regulation or national standards harmonized with the

relevant foreign standards are included in the project or supplements thereto , and in the presence of technical

documentation developing companies , as well as permits Gosgortechnadzor Russia on the use of such equipment

and technologies in the t erritory of the Russian Federation.

question 42Where it is not permitted to lay well ?


2.1.1 [1 ] Well any category should be laid outside the protected zones of power lines, oil and gas pipelines , water

intake , and other industrial and civil projects

question 43

Performing any optional conditions before starting work on the construction of wells ?


2.1.4 [1 ] The construction of wells may be initiated if the fo llowing conditions are met:

availability of construction documents developed and approved in the prescribed manner ;  

the presence of highways , roads, providing year-round communication with databases of logistics and deployment

sites of industrial services organization;

the presence of matching routes of transportation of drilling equipment , including the intersections of lines with

transmission lines , railways, main pipelines and the like ;

an act of removal of the well location on the terrain ;

contracts for works with contractors ( subcontractors ) , security services blowout .  

question 44

Who carries out the start- built drilling rig job ?


§ 2.1.5 [1 ] Start-up rig can be made after the completion and verification of the quality of construction works,

equipment break-in at a drilling crew manned by decision of the Working Committee with a representative from the

territorial authority Gosgortechnadzor Russia .

question 45Who exercises control and supervision during construction of the well ?


2.1.8 [1 ] The control and supervision during construction of the well , the quality of work , level of technological

processes and operations , the quality of materials and equipment , compliance with safe working conditions must

be organization , the subsoil user (customer ) and other authorized entities in accordance with the requirements of

laws and regulations , regulations and guid elines developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

question 46

The generality of what factors should be taken when developing group work projects for the construction of wells ?


2.2.1 [1 ] Development of group projects can be carried out with common factors:

appointment wells ( prospecting, exploration , maintenance , special) ; 


design depth in t he wellbore . Allowed to include wells with deviation from the mean d epth on the working draft of

± 400 m (for directional drilling and horizontal wells - ± 500 m for the length of the horizontal section is not more

than 300 m) ;

well design - the same diameter casing and the number (without directions) . The deviation of the length of the

casing of the work provided for in the project must not exceed ± 400 m (for directional drilling and horizontal wells -

± 500 m) ;

mud density differs from that provided in the working draft within ± 0,2 g / cm; 

geological conditions of posting ;  

environmental conditions . 

question 47

Allowed to reuse individual work projects for the construction of the subsequent wells ?


2.2.3 [1 ] allowed the re- use of individual, group work projects for the construction of the subsequent wells.

Procedure for re-use development projects specified by the customer . Moreover, for each new locat ion of wells


being bound project taking into account the geotechnical and environmental conditions.

question 48

Who carries out the supervision of construction of wells ?


2.2.10 [ 1 ] In the well c onstruction organization design documentation , shall in due course supervision.

question 49

Who agreed standards and specifications for the manufacture of casings ?


2.3.5 [1 ] The standards and specifications for the production casing must be coordinated with the Russian State

Technical Supervision

question 50

It allowed the use of imported casings ?


2.3.5 The use of imported casings is subject to the compliance of foreign standards , confirmed by certified

manufacturer .

question 51

What design should provide the wellhead , casing heads , sealing devices ?


Section 2.3.6 [1 ] Construction of the wellhead , casing heads , sealing devices must provide:

suspension with stretch design and intermediates production tubing with the compensation deformation

temperature at all stages of the wells (columns ), and suspension of drill pipes on the blowout preventer ;

monitoring for possible flyuidoproyavleniyami casings ;

enables emergency kill the well ;  

tightness of space between strings in the construction and operation of wells ; 

testing of casing and space between strings for leaks. 


question 52

Under any weather conditions permitted to work at height for installation towers ?


Section 2.4.6 [ 1] shall be prohibited at the height of the assembly, disassembly and repair of towers and masts, as

well as the movement of rigs in the upright position during the night, when the wind more than 8 m / s, during a

thunderstorm , rain and heavy snow, with black ice , fog with visibility of less than 20 horizontal meters , with an air

temperature below the limits set in the region.

question 53

Can be simultaneously at different heights rig workers are not busy doing general work ?


2.4.7 [1 ] Do not be simultaneously at different heights rig workers are not engaged in the implementation of the

overall work.

question 54

What regulations should guide the construction of ancillary facilities ?



2.4.10 [1 ] The construction of structures, buildings , facilities, support facilities must be in accordance with the

requirements of the regulations governing the conditions of saf ety in construction.

question 55

Drilling rig is not equipped with a top drive for ...


Section 2.5.8 [1 ] drilling rigs must be equipped with a t op drive at :

drilling at a depth of over 4,500 m; 

showdown with the expected recovery in the formation fluid containing hydrogen sulfide over 6 ( volume ) percent


set angle with a radius of curvature less than 30 m in de viated wells;

drilling of the horizontal section of the wellbore length of over 300 m in depth vertical wells more than 3000 m 

question 56

What technical devices can be used in the construction of wells ?


2.5.3 . [1 ] Technical devices used in the construction of wells , to be certified for compliance with the Industrial

safety in accordance with the Russian State Technical Supervision .

p.2.5.4 . [1 ] Technical devices used in the construction of wells , are subject to the examination of industrial safety.

The order of examination of industrial safety on the established list of technical devices must comply with the

requirements of regulations Gosgortechnadzor Russia .

question 57

Drilling rigs are well equipped with automatic t ripping ?


Section 2.5.7 [1 ] drilling rigs for drilling depth of over 4,000 meters at the request of the customer are equipped

with automatic tripping .

question 58

What should be the lighting rig rotary shaft ?


Section 2.5.10 [1 ] Lighting rig lights to provide illumination :

rotary barrel - 100 lux ;

the movement of the t raveling block - 30 lux ;

space derrick and pump units - 75 lux ;

Preventor unit - 75 lux ;

stairs , marches, gatherings , the reception of the bridge - 10 lux

question 59

What should be the illumination of premises derrick and pump units rig ?


Section 2.5.10 [1 ] Lighting rig lights to provide illumination :

rotary barrel - 100 lux ;

the movement of the t raveling block - 30 lux ;

space derrick and pump units - 75 lux ;

Preventor unit - 75 lux ;

stairs , marches, gatherings , the reception of the bridge - 10 lux

question 60

As indicated on the package travel block ?


Section 2.5.25 [1 ] in the unit , part of the block system ( crown block , traveling block , hook ) must be given their

permitted capacity.


question 61

What should be equipped with mud pumps ?


Section 2.6.5 [1 ] Mud pumps must be equipped with safety devices. The design of these devices must ensure their

safe operation set pressure irrespective of the time of contact with the drilling fluid and abrasive content of the solid

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phase , the duration of exposure , temperature differential . Safety devices when triggered should prevent

contamination of equipment and facilities pumping .

question 62

At what pressure should be act ivated diaphragm pump safety devices ?


Section 2.6.6 [ 1], Aperture , safety devices installed in the pump must operate at pressures in excess of 10% of the

operating pressure of the pump corresponding to the diameter of the cylinder liners installed .

question 63

What is not indicated on the metal plate tower ?


Section 2.6.15 [1 ] Each tower shall be provided with a metal plate affixed in a conspicuous place. The notice shall

contain the following:

- Date of manufacture of the tower ;

- The manufacturer ;

- Serial number of rigs ( rig ) ;

- Capacity (nominal) tower ;

- The date the next t est (checking the technical condition ) tower.

question 64

At what minimum load is calculated metal floor cradles Derrick ?

answer:Section 2.6.16 [1 ] The metal cradles derrick floor must be designed for the load of not less than 130 kg and have a

railing with a solid lining to the floor. Railing height should be at least 1 meter cradle should be safe from falling.


question 65

Is it possible to operate the rig damaged by security gates ?


Section 2.6.20 [1 ] Operation of the drilling rig in unknown or damaged protective fences are prohibited .

question 66

When checking the state of the winch load limiter ?


Section 2.6.19 [1 ] State winch and load limiter limiter lifting tackle block must be checked before the start of each

watch (shift) .

question 67

What should be the margin of safety drill string for drilling of turbine when subjected to bending load ?


Section 2.6.21 [1 ] margin of safety drill string when subjected to a static axial tensile load , torque and bending load

should be for rotary drilling of at least 1.5 for turbine drilling - 1.4 .

question 68

What determines the need to install protectors on the boring and conducting pipes?


Section 2.6.23 [1 ] need to install protectors on the boring and conducting pipes is determined by the project.

question 69What indicators should always be in sight of the driller ?


Section [ 1] In the process of sinking a borehole must be constantly monitored following parameters:

weight on the hook with the registration of the diagram ; 

density , structural , mechanical and rheological properties of the mud and log ; 

mud flow at the inlet and outlet of the well;

manifold pressure mud pumps with registration on the chart or in a magazine ; 

the solution level in the receiving tank in the process of deepening , with washes well and conduct round-trips ;

torque on the rotor at a rotary drilling process .


question 70

What should be monitored during the drilling of horizontal wells ?



Section [ 1] During the drilling of directional and horizontal wells should be monitored :

azimuth and zenith angle of the borehole ; 

the spatial arrangement of the well bore ; 

the relative position of drilled shafts and previously drilled wells nearby . 

question 71

Who is drafting emergency work to free the stuck drilling tools ?


Section [ 1] Emergency work to free the stuck drilling tools , casing with the use of explosives ( detonating

cords , torpedoes , etc.) must be carried out on a special project ( plan) , jointly developed and appro ved the drilling

organization and organization holding a license (the right ) to conduct this type of work (Uniform Rules blasting

safety , approved by Russian Gosgortechnadzor from 30.01.01 N 3 registered by Ministry of Justice Russia 07.06.01 ,

reg . N 2743 ) .

question 72

How is the procedure for change of watches on th e rig ?


Section [ 1] The organization and procedure changes watches are set by the organization in acc ordance with

applicable law.

question 73

When is forbidden to perform round trip ?

answer:Section [ 1] Do not perform round trip at :

absence or malfunction of the lift stop traveling block , limiting permissible load on the hook ;  

fault tripping equipment and tools ; 

unsettled watch for work on a particular installation ; 

wind speed exceeds 20 m / s;

losing sight of more than 20 meters in fog and snow .  

question 74

When do the drilling crew should carry out routine inspection of lifting equipment ?


Section [ 1 ] Drilling team every shift should carry out routine inspection of lifting equipment ( winches,

traveling block ,


hook , hook block , swivel bails , wireline and d evices for securing it , elevators, spiders , safety d evices , interlocks ,

etc.) with an entry in the log.

question 75

What is forbidden to do during tripping operations?


Section [ 1] When tripping operations are prohibited:

be within range ( zone ) and the operation of automatic machine keys , insurance workers and ropes ;  

open and close the elevator to a stop the traveling block ; 

feeding drill candles with candle holder and install them without the use of special tools ;  

use inverted elevator .  question 76

What properties must comply with the mud ?


Section [ 1 ] The type and properties of t he drilling fluid must meet the equipment design and in combination

with technological measures that regulate the process of penetration of the barrel, to ensure trouble-free drilling

conditions with high technical and economic performance and minimal damage to the environment.

question 77

How many degrees the temperature of the vapor hypergolic muds exceed the maximum expected temperature of

the solution at the wellhead ?


Section [ 1] The temperature of hypergolic vapor muds should be 50 ° C higher than the maximum expected

temperature of the solution at the wellhead.

question 78


What should be done with cement grout before the upcoming columns ?


Section [ 1] The use of cement without a preliminary laboratory analysis of the conditions for the upcoming

cement columns prohibited.


question 79

What can not be cemented in the underlying portion of the stratigraphic section ?


Section [ 1] Directions and conductor cemented to the mouth. In the lower part of the stratigraphic section

cementing subject :

productive horizons , except projected to use open hole ;  

productive deposits are not subject t o exploitation, including non-industrial stocks;

depleted horizons ;

permeable water-bearing horizons ;

horizons secondary ( man-made ) accumulations of oil and gas;

intervals , stacked plastic breeds prone to deformation ; 

intervals , which breed or pr oducts of their saturation can cause accelerated corrosion of the casing .

question 80

What should be the height of cement slurry above the roof of prod uctive horizons ?


Section [ 1] Stroke cement slurry above the roof of productive horizons , as well as the stage cementing

device or connection node sections of casing and casing shoe last in oil and gas wells shall be respectively at least

150 m and 500 m .

question 81

What should ensure the overall d esign height of cement slurry for the casings ?


Section [ 1] Total projected height of cement slurry behind the casing should provide:

excess hydrostatic pressure of the composite column of drilling fluid and cement mixing of the liquid reservoir

pressures flyuidosoderzhaschih overlapping horizons ;

exception fracturing of rocks or the development of intense absorption of the solution; 

ability to discharge casing cement sheath to install wellhead . 

question 82

How much pressure should be crimped cementing head before putting it into operation ?


Section [ 1] Cementing head before putting it into operation and then at intervals established by the

manufacturer's documentation shall be crimped pressure of 1.5 times the maximum rated working pressure for

cementing wells .

question 83

How much pressure should be pressure tested to cement pressure pipes to start the process ?


Section [ 1] Pressure pipes for cementing before the process must be pressure tested to polutorakratnoe

expected operating pressure . The order of cementing installed documentation developed backfill organization and

coordinated with the drilling organization

question 84

Who sets the terms and conditions of the test wells lining for leaks ?


Section [ 1] All conductors , intermediate and production strings bearing the blowout , after setting cement

plugs to isolate the tested object after the WOC must be leak tested and the quality of cement . The procedure and

test conditions are set in accordance with the requirements of Gosgortechnadzor Russia . All design parameters of

the tests are set based on the actual condition of t he well .

question 85

In which case, the test column for leaks it is sealed ?



Section [ 1] During the test, the columns for leaks crimping method to create internal pressure on the pipe

shall not be less than 10% of the possible pressure that occurs when the elimination gazoneftevodoproyavleny and

public fountains , as well as sampling and operation of the well . The column is sealed , if within 30 minutes, the

pressure molding is not decreased by more than 5 kgf / cm ( 0.5 MPa). The presence of a representative of the

customer on the pressure test is mandatory.


question 86

What crimped space between strings at the wellhead pressure tests ?


Section [ 1 ] The process parameters and technology crimping space between strings set the working project .

Space between strings at the wellhead crimped water or antifreeze to the pressure not exceeding the residual

strength of the previous column and the compressive strength of the cement annulus .

question 87

In accordance with what is assembling BOP ?


Section [ 1] Operation BOP equipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications .

question 88

Who selects the type blowout preventer ?


Section [ 1] Select the type of blowout preventer and wellhead is the project organization . The scheme of

installation and piping BOP , choke and kill blocks drilling organization developed on the basis of the established

requirements and approved by the Russian authorities Gosgortechnadzor , blowout and customer service .

question 89

Do you allow deviations from the requirements of the Rules of PB 08-624-03 in tying the mouth of wells being drilled

blowout preventer ?


Section [ 1] All deviations in tying the m outh of wells being drilled blowout preventer from the requirements

of this Regulation are permitted by special permission of the territorial bodies Gosgortechnadzor Russian

organization in the presentation of an exhaustive study, consistent with the blowout service.

question 90

What is the minimum distance from the ends of the manifold flick to communication, not related to objects rig set

rules PB 08-624-03 ?


Section [ 1] The distance from the ends of t he flowline to the manifold of all utilities and facilities not related

to the objects of the rig must be at least 100 m for all types of wells.


question 91

What is the upper limit of the measuring range should have a pressure gauge , mounted on blocks of throttling and

killing ?


Section [ 1] Pressure gauges mounted on the throttle blocks and kill should be the upper limit of the

measuring range, 30% higher than the pressure of co- molding the casing and the blowout preventer .

question 92

What additional requirements for admission to the professionals at work on wells with possible

gazoneftevodoproyavleniyami ?


Section [ 1] The works on wells with possible gazoneftevodoproyavleniyami allowed workers and specialists

who have been trained at the rate of " well control . gazoneftevodoproyavleniyah Well control for " specialized

training centers. Test your knowledge and retraining of personnel shall be held at least once every 3 years.

question 93

For which exceeds the volume of gas content in the mud above the background necessary to take measures for its

decontamination ?


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Section [ 1] If the volumetric gas content of the mud than 5% background , measures must be taken for its

degassing identify causes saturation of the solution with gas (working reservoir with gas flow cuttings , foaming etc. )

and remove them.

question 94

Who is working on the elimination of open water fountain ?


Section [ 1] The elimination of the open fountain should be done by the employees of the service blowout

special plan designed headquarters set up in due course.

question 95

At what length of the horizontal section of the upper wellbore necessarily use the top drive ?


Section 2.8.3 [1 ] With a l ength of horizontal section of the wellbore 300 m use the t op drive is mandatory.

question 96

What's in work projects for the construction of horizontal wells ?

2.8.1 [1 ] Work projects for the construction of horizontal wells should contain the following provisions and decisions


justification profile and intensity of curvature ( rad ius of curvature ) of t he wellbore according to the defined length

of the horizontal position in the reservoir ;

calculations of additional bending loads on the casing , drill pipe and tubing in the intervals of the sharp curvatureof the trunk;

measures to ensure trouble-free and trouble-free operation casing , drill pipe and tubing in a crooked hole

conditions in the zenith and azimuth directions;

safety factors to calculate the ca sing and conditions of their tightness of threaded connections; 

technical conditions to ensure the patency of columns inside the pipe tools and equipment for manufacturing

operations , instruments, fishing tools and downhole equipment ;

measures to minimize casing wear for tripping and other operations to prevent zheloboobrazovany in intervals of

curvature and the horizontal section ;

hydraulic program provides transport sludge from the horizontal portion of the wellbore and washing their gas

caps that are formed in the upper part of t he horizontal distance ;

mounting hole in the intervals of intense curvature and the horizontal section ( if necessary); 

permissible load on the bore wall of the pressing force of the drill pipes in areas of intensive set curvature.

question 97

What are the solutions contained in the working draft for the construction of horizontal wells ?


2.8.1 [1 ] Work projects for the construction of horizontal wells should contain the following provisions and decisions


justification profile and intensity of curvature ( rad ius of curvature ) of t he wellbore according to the defined length

of the horizontal position in the reservoir ;

calculations of  additional bending loads on the c asing , drill pipe and tubing in the intervals of the sharp curvature

of the trunk;

28 measures to ensure trouble-free and trouble-free operation casing , drill pipe and tubing in a crooked hole

conditions in the zenith and azimuth directions;

safety factors to calculate the ca sing and conditions of their tightness of threaded connections; 

technical conditions to ensure the patency of columns inside the pipe tools and equipment for manufacturing

operations , instruments, fishing tools and downhole equipment ;

measures to minimize casing wear for tripping and other operations to prevent zheloboobrazovany in intervals of

curvature and the horizontal section ;

hydraulic program provides transport sludge from the horizontal portion of the wellbore and washing their gas

caps that are formed in the upper part of t he horizontal distance ;

mounting hole in the intervals of intense curvature and the horizontal section ( if necessary);

permissible load on the bore wall of the pressing force of the drill pipes i n areas of intensive set curvature.  

question 98

What should be completed well before the production casing perforations ?



2.9.2 [1 ] The wellhead before punching the production casing shall be equipped with blowout preventer according

to the approved scheme, and the well is filled with drilling fluid ( liquid) , corresponding to the working project .

question 99

Who is agreed plan of perforation of the reservoir in an environment different from the specified requirements ?


2.9.2 [1 ] In the case of opening the perforations of gas, oil and water-bearing horizons with anomalously high

pressure blowout preventer must be submitted Preventor unit . In other cases, the pattern of blowout equipment

should be coordinated with the regional authorities and the Russian Gosgortechnadzor blowout service.

question 100

Who is not coordinated work plan for the test wells during drilling through formation testers ?



Section 2.9.11 [1 ] The test wells during drilling through formation testers carried out by a work plan activities for the

preparation of the wellbore , the processing solution protivoprihvatnymi additives , the amount of depression on t he

horizon of the test , the procedure for preparing the drill string and by the operation. The work plan is agreed with

the customer service and the blowout geophysical organization and approved by the technical manager of the

drilling organization.

question 101

To what depth is necessary to drill the barrel under the direction predominantly using air ?answer:

Section 2.10.5 [1 ] under the direction of the drilling hole to a depth of 20-30 m should lead mainly with air to

prevent caving and splitting of rocks. Formed by the borehole should be secured with cement mortar direction of the

formulation .

question 102

What should be the temperature of the cement slurry to ensure its rapid setting ?


Section 2.10.12 [ 1] The temperature of cement slurry should be at least 8-10 ° C to ensure its rapid setting , but does

not exceed the temperature of the drilling mud under the column.

Test Questions

1. What are the main reasons gazoneftevodoproyavleny and methods for early detection ?

2 . What are the organizational requirements for the Prevention of gazoneftevodoproyavleny ?

3 . What are the technical and technological requirements for the Prevention of gazoneftevodoproyavleny and

blowouts ?

4 . What are the priority actions of the production personnel in case of gazon eftevodoproyavleny and blowouts ?

5 . What is meant by the pad ? What are the requirements for the placement and layout of pads ?

6. What are the requirements for the organization of work on the w ell pad ?

7. What are the requirements for the construction of wells ?

8. What are the requirements to the development, operation and maintenance of wells ?


Appendix A

Instructions for the Prevention of gazoneftevodoproyavleny and blowouts in the construction and repair of wells inthe oil and gas industry (RD 08-254-98 )

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations apply to businesses and organizations of all kinds of activities ( manufacturing , engineering ,

research , design , etc.) and forms of ownership , including foreign , operating in the territory of the Russian

Federation, and has exploration and development of oil and gas fields.

1.2. The main objectives of these Regulations are to prevent gazoneftevodoproyavleny and outdoor fountains ,

enhancing security and stability of the emergency oil and gas production facilities .

1.3. When carrying out work related to the liquidation gazoneftevodoproyavleny and blowouts , should be guided by

the Regulations on the organization and safe operation on liquidation of open gas and oil fountains at oil industry ,

approved by the Russian State Technical Supervision and the Ministry of Energy , the Russia 22.06.95 , and

regulations governing selection of standard methods and procedures of liquidation gazoneftevodoproyavleny in

specific situations.


1.4. On the basis of the requirements of these Regulations and other regulatory documents enterprises develop the

necessary technical documentation to ensure the prevention of gazoneftevodoproyavleny and outdoor fountains in

the specific context -specific and application.

1.5. Businesses and organizations must develop and i mplement a system of production control operations to prevent

blowouts gazoneftevodoproyavleny and the whole cycle of works associated with the c onstruction and operation of

the well.

1.6. In accordance with the Federal Law "On industrial safety of the main production facilities" from 21.07.97 № 116-

FZ, businesses and organizations are required to enter into the oil and gas industry with professional blowout

services contracts for services , or create ( in the cases provided for by law) own professional emergency services (

formation ) .

Businesses and organizations can create emergency- response teams from among its employees.

1.7. The volume and range of professional services for the prevention and gazoneftevodoproyavleny blowouts

specified in a contract between the company (organization) and professional blowout Service ( formation ) .

1.8 The requirements and provisions of these Regulations shall come into force upon its entry into force .

After putting it in the Instructions for organizing and conducting efforts to prevent the emergence of an open

gushing wells in the oil industry , approved by the State Technical Supervision Russian city of 22.06.95 and 01.07.95 ,

the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation , is no longer effective .


2 . The main reasons gazoneftevodoproyavleny and methods of early detection. Phase control wells ( open line

protection release )

2.1. Causes of gazoneftevodoproyavleny

2.1.1 . One of the basic conditions of a gazoneftevodoproyavleny an inflow of formation fluid into the wellbore

reservoir pressure due to excessive mud . May experience gazoneftevodoproyavleny and with sufficient pressure on

the reservoir due to inflow of formation fluid into the wellbore as a result of diffusion or osmotic processes

gravitational substitution of contraction effects , high-speed gas-saturated rock drilling , etc.

2.1.2 . The emergence and development of gazoneftevodoproyavleny due to imbalance of reservoir pressure

hydrostatic pressure column of the solution in the well bore may be the result of :

errors in the prediction of reservoir pressure and determining the d esign of drilling mud ; 

tectonic disturbances in the area of drilling and opening of areas with abnormally high formation pressure;

drilling intervals incompatible drilling ( hydraulic , absorption - reducing the hydrostatic pressure of the mud

column to the productive horizon ) ;

errors in determining the depth of the productive deposits ;

lack of operational control over the ongoing changes of reservoir pressure due to aquifer water flooding and other


use mud or k illing fluid with low density ; 

reducing the hydrostatic column pressure drop due to the level of the solution in the well as a result of


reducing the hydrostatic pressure column of the solution due to incomplete filling of the well during the r ise of the

pipe string ;

lower mud density with its chemical treatment ;  

reducing the hydrostatic pressure column of the solution due to overflows caused by the difference in density of

the solution in the pipe and the annular spaces ;

reduce the bottomhole pressure during the installation of liquid baths with low density solution for eliminate

sticking ;

reducing bottom hole pressure due to t he manifestation of the effects swabbing at lifting the drill string from the

gland , excessive speeds, lifting pipes, increasing the structural and mechanical and rheological properties of the

drilling fluid;

degassing of the solution in t he bottom hole of the well due to long periods of inactivity without washing ; 

failure check valves or drill casing during their descent ; 

the integrity of casing or drill string during their descent into the well without filling their washing liquid ;

poor fixing technical columns that span gazoneftevodonasyschennye pressure horizons.

2.2. The causes of blowouts

2.2.1 . Inconsistency well design the actual geological conditions .

2.2.2 . Inconsistency strength characteristics established BOP actual pressures arising in the process of liquidation

gazoneftevodoproyavleny .


2.2.3 . Poor quality installation of blowout equipment, failure to comply with the conditions of its operation.

2.2.4 . Deviations from the planned construction of wells , faults makeup casing ( non-admission of columns to the

design marks , leakage of threaded connections , etc.).

2.2.5 . Size mismatch dies preventer diameter descent ( raised ) pipes. Disruption of reciprocating ram preventer

with the pipe string .

2.2.6 . Insufficient degassing of the solution when a gazoneftevodoproyavleny .

2.2.7 . Untimely discovery of a gazoneftevodoproyavleny .

2.2.8 . Decrease in the strength of casing due to wear and tear during tripping operations.

2.2.9 . Inadequate training of operating personnel , the mismatch of its qualification of the work undertaken and

decisions made.

2.2.10 . Low labor and production discipline .

2.2.11 . Poor-quality cementing casing .

2.2.12 . Absence arrangement drillstring ball valve or check valve.

2.3 . Early detection gazoneftevodoproyavleny .

Signs of the emergence and development gazoneftevodoproyavleny :

discrepancy amount injected into the well and out of it mud level change mud into the receptacle in the drilling

process ;

increase in the volume ( level ) of the solution in the receiving tanks for drilling or conducting round-trips ;

increase rate ( v elocity) of the exhaust hole mud flow ;  

mismatch volumes of metal raised ( lowered ) and then filled tubes ( displaced ) in the well ( the well ) of the liquid


increase in gas content in drilling fluid ; 

reducing the density of th e drilling fluid; 

flow of fluid from the well with the pump stopped ; 

a sharp increase in the penetration rate constant parameters drilling mode ; 

pressure change at the pumps , all other things b eing equal, their work; 

increase the torque on th e rotor ; 

reduction pillar of the solution in the w ell during grid outages or stops .

2.4. Phase control wells ( open line protection release )


2.4.1 . Work projects for the construction of wells , the instructions for types of work , installation and operation of

the blowout preventer , the duties of the production staff , shall establish procedures for normal operations , work

plans , emergency response plans , and other regulatory and technical documents related to the possibility

gazoneftevodoproyavleny should include clear , reliable solutions for their prevention and programs to address the

entire spectrum of possible causes of a gazoneftevodoproyavleny and outdoor fountains.

2.4.2 . The developed system of operational control of the production of the state of efforts to prevent blowouts

gazoneftevodoproyavleny and must provide verification of the reliability and effectiveness of actions to fight the

possible causes of accidents , including the use and registration of direct and indirect signs of the emergence and

development gazoneftevodoproyavleny .

2.4.3 . Well control should include three stages (lines ) protection:

first line of defense - to prevent the inflow of formation fluid into the well by maintaining a sufficient hydrostatic

pressure of the liquid column ;

second line of defense - prevent the entry of formation fluid into the well through the use of the hydrostatic

pressure of the liquid column and the blowout preventer ;

the third line of defense (protection from the open release ) - liquidation gazoneftevodoproyavleny standard

methods and allowing the resumption of the first line of defense.

3 . Organizational requirements for the Pr evention of gazoneftevodoproyavleny

3.1. To work on wells with possible gazoneftevodoproyavleniem allowed drillers and professionals who have been

trained in the course of " well control . Well control in gazoneftevodoproyavlenii "in special education centers ( m ills

) , equipped with special machines and appropriately licensed Gosgortechnadzor Russia . Retraining of personnel is

carried out in three years. If necessary, re-training periods should be reduced.

3.2. Training programs for drillers and specialists in the course " control wells . Well control in

gazoneftevodoproyavlenii "should include sections on the study of t heory and practical learning activities on t he use

of standard methods of elimination gazoneftevodoproyavlenii ( two-step method of killing the well , expectations

weighting method , etc.). Training programs should be coordinated with the Russian authorities Gosgortechnadzor .

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3.3. Training programs for skilled workers in specialized training centers ( mills ) must include training in practical

action for symptoms gazoneftevodoproyavlenii in drilling and workover operations .

3.4. Manufacturing instructions of personnel involved in the drilling or repair of oil and gas wells, must include

specific duties in the event of gazoneftevodoproyavlenii and blowouts .

3.5. Per well with the possibility of gazoneftevodoproyavlenii or outdoor fountain should be planned emergency

response , comprising:

types of possible accidents at the facility , measures to rescue the people responsible for carrying out these

activities , and specific artists , the location of the funds for the rescue and emergency response ;


distribution of duties among the employees participating in the liquidation gazoneftevodoproyavlenii ;

list of officials and agencies that need to be immediately notified of the accident; 

the instruments , personal protective equipment , materials , which are installed in the storage areas , including

their number and main characteristics ;

ways of alarm (siren , l ights , speakerphone , etc.), the way out people from dangerous places and sites; 

mode of ventilation in the event of gazoneftevodoproyavlenii ;

the need to turn off the power and consistency , stop the equipment , apparatus, overlapping sources of hazardous

and flammable substances;

priority actions of the production staff for symptoms gazoneftevodoproyavleny , conduct normal operations for

prevention of accidents .

3.6. Introduction of the production personnel with emergency response plans should be documented in a personalbriefing cards on receipt. The emergency plan must be posted in a conspicuous place accessible to every employee .

3.7. Emergency preparedness planning object to the possible emergence of gazoneftevodoproyavleny be conducted

in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of safety in the oil and gas industry. The volume and frequency of

monitoring emergency preparedness object to the appearance of gazoneftevodoproyavleny set of operational

production control system developed by the company.

3.8. Before opening the reservoir or multiple reservoirs with possible flyuidoproyavleniyami need to develop

interventions to prevent and gazoneftevodoproyavleny to :

briefing members of the drilling crew on practical actions for symptoms gazoneftevodoproyavleny and tolerance

parameters ( BOP test pressure , sp eed tripping , topping the procedure , etc.);

inspection of the rig b lowout equipment, tools and a ccessories ;

drill. Further training frequency alarm is set drilling contractor ; 

assessment of the operational readiness of the object to the weighting of mud replenish its reserves through

preparation and delivery of the rig .

3.9. To avoid collapses of the walls and gazoneftevodoproyavleny during the ascent of the drill string to be refilled in

the borehole mud .

Mode topping must ensure the maintenance of the level at the wellhead.

Properties of the mud hole is filled in , must meet the requirements of the project.

3.10 . Equipment, special tools , instruments , materials, clothing, tools and personal protection insurance required

for the elimination gazoneftevodoproyavleny and outdoor fountains, must always be in full Emergency preparedness

warehouses stock companies or specialized organizations (departments ) .

3.11 . Before starting the repair team should be well acquainted with the emergency response plan and the work

plan , which should include information on the structure and condition of the well, reservoir pressure , downholeequipment , the list of planned operations , anticipated technological parameters of their conduct. With artists works

to be carried out safety training with the appropriate registration in the journal briefings .

3.12 . Before starting any repair work must be well damped fluid required density . Jamming is r equired for all wells

with reservoir pressure above hydrostatic and wells, in which ( according to estimates ) conditions persist flow or

gazoneftevodoproyavleny at reservoir pressures below hydrostatic . The exception is the well where , in ac cordance

with the technology work is carried out without jamming on a special plan with strapping mouth Preventor unit and

lubricator .

Wells in products which contain hydrogen sulphide mu st be sealed fluid containing hydrogen sulfide converter .

On-going and well workovers without prior killing is allowed on d eposits with geological conditions that preclude the

possibility of spontaneous formation fluid inflow to the wellhead . A list of these fields (or their individual sites)

agreed with the territorial authorities Gosgortechnadzor Russia .


3.13 . Before dismantling the wellhead pressure in the well pipe and the annular spaces should be reduced to

atmospheric pressure. The well is equipped with downhole slam-shut valve in which the work plan does not provide

for pre- mute , stop , reduce the pressure to atmospheric, and sustain for at least three hours .

Disassembly wellhead made visually after cessation of gas evolution set of wells and test constant liquid level


3.14 . In conducting the current and capital repairs of the well must be equipped Preventor unit . BOP binding

scheme developed now and is coordinated with the territorial authorities Gosgortechnadzor Russia . One copy of the

scheme shall be addressed to the professional blowout service that maintains the object. After installing the BOP

well compacted to the maximum expected pressure , but not higher than the pressure crimping production casing .

3.15 . In order to prevent and eliminate possible gazoneftevodoproyavleny block topping is set and tied off to a

wellhead in such a way as to ensure the well samodoliv topping or forced by a pump . The rise of pipe from the well

done with topping and maintaining the level of the estuary. Slugging tank must be equipped with a level indicator

and have a grading.

Spring margin should be ensured in the liquid corresponding to the density of not less than two volumes of wells

located on the screed assembly , or directly to the well.


In terms of the continental shelf instead of double the amount of reserve fluid permitted on the property of

materials and technical means to ensure the preparation of the required volume of the solution in a timely manner.

3.16 . Before opening the horizon of the possible gazoneftevodoproyavleniem and in the presence of the context

reveals the neftegazosoderzhaschih beds in the facility shall be posted warning signs : "Attention ! The well opened adeveloping layer "," Underfill wells leads to the release , "" In the well control breaks are not allowed ! "Etc.

4 . Technical and t echnological requirements to prevent blowouts and gazoneftevodoproyavleny

4.1. Selection of well design should be in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of Safety in the oil and gas

industry. The well design is to provide safe working conditions for the elimination gazoneftevodoproyavleny ,

protection of mineral resources and the environment due to the strength and durability of the lining wells, casing

and sealing annular spaces flyuidosoderzhaschih horizons isolation from each other , from permeable rocks and the


4.2 . Select casing and payment casing held on the strength with the maximum expected excess internal and external

pressures at full replacement reservoir fluid solution or liquid-gas mixture , reducing and axial loads on the pipe and

the aggressiveness of the fluid during the construction and op eration of the well. Strength of technical columns and

set BOP should provide:

sealing the wellhead in cases gazoneftevodoproyavleny , emissions and open - spouting with the additional

pressure required to eliminate them ;

opposition to the pressure of the hydrostatic column of drilling fluid maximum density ; 

confrontation maximum impact crushes loads in cases of open flow or absorption with the fall in the mud , as well

as in the range of breeds that are prone t o stress.

4.3. Lift height above the roof cement slurry producing horizons , as well as the stage cementing device or a

connection node of the upper sections of t he casing in oil and gas wells must be at least 150 , respectively , and 500


4.4. By overlapping the conductor or the technical areas of the absorption column , passed without exiting the

circulation allowed the rise of cement slurries to the soles of the absorbing layer and then (after waiting on cement )

conducting counter cementing a space between strings . Forbidden to start the descent of the technical andproduction casing in the well, complicated acquisitions mud while flyuidoproyavleniem , talus , landslides , bo ngs and

planting hole assembly to eliminate complications.

4.5. The design of the wellhead , casing heads and sealing devices should provide:

suspension with stretch design engineering and production tubing with the compensation deformation

temperature at all stages of the wells (columns ), and suspension of drill pipes on the blowout preventer ;

monitoring for possible flyuidoproyavleniyami casings ;

enables emergency kill the well ;

tightness of space between strings in the construction and operation of wells ; 

leak test casing . 

4.6. During the test, the columns for leaks crimping method to create internal pressure on the pipe shall not be less

than 10% of the possible pressure that occurs when the elimination gazoneftevodoproyavleny and public fountains ,

as well as sampling and operation of the well . The column is sealed , if within 30 min, the pressure molding is not

decreased by more than 5 kg/cm2 (0.5 MPa).


4.7. The conductor and the tower together with the technical set them blowout preventer after drilling out cement

and glass out from under the shoe of 1-3 m repeatedly pressed together with the injection of water to the bottom

hole in the volume providing its finding of 10-20 m abo ve the shoe.

Proof pressure is determined by the need to ensure a tight seal under the thumb of the column at the close of the

wellhead during open spouting .

The results are drawn crimping act.

4.8 . Mud weight at autopsy gazoneftevodonasyschennyh layers must be determined to horizon with a maximum

gradient of the reservoir pressure in the range of compatible conditions.

4.9. Mud density at intervals compatible drilling conditions to be determined on the basis of creating a mud

hydrostatic pressure in the borehole exceeds the reservoir ( pore ) pressure value :

10-15% - for wells up to 1,200 m ( interval from 0 to 1200 m) but not more than 15 kgf/cm2 ( 1.5 MPa) ;

5-10% - for wells up to 2,500 m ( ranging from 1200 to 2500 m) but not more than 25 kgf/cm2 ( 2.5 MPa) ;

4-7% - for wells deeper than 2,500 meters ( ranges from 2500 m and to a depth ), but not more than 35 kgf/cm2 (

3.5 MPa).

4.10 . The maximum allowable repression (including hydrodynamic losses ) shall be designed to fracture or lost

circulation at any depth interval compatible drilling conditions .

4.11 . Not allowed deviation of the density of drilling fluid ( gas -exempt ), located in the circulation , more than 0.02

g/cm3 of the installed project value.

4.12 . Increasing the density of the drilling fluid located in the well by pumping separate weighted portions solution

is prohibited.

4.13 . On the jig and technical column for drilling below which may gazoneftevodoproyavleniya , as well as the

production tubing during it works with drilling- set blowout . Casing strapped together with the column head .

Instructions for installation and operation BOP and casing heads now developed in accordance with the

recommendations ( technical specifications ) manufacturers and approved by the technical director.


Operating pressure wellhead , BOP and manifold must be at least pressure molding casing leak , calculated at each

stage of the drilling conditions in the complete replacement of downhole drilling fluid reservoir fluid or gas-liquid

mixture and seal the mouth at the open blo wouts .

4.14 . Choosing Preventor assembly manifold ( line choke and kill ) , hydraulic control preventer , the remote throttle

control , separator or drain - flare is dependent on the specific geological characteristics of the section to perform

the following operations:

sealing the wellhead with run-flat drill pipe and without them ;

washing off the fluid from the well on the adopted technology ; 

suspension of the drill string on p lates preventer after it is closed ;

cutting the drill string ; 

monitoring of the wells during the k illing ; 

reciprocating the drill string to prevent it from sticking ; 

lower or recover part or all of the drill string in a sealed mouth . 

4.15 . The scheme of installation and piping BOP developed drilling contractor and approved by the customer ,

territorial authorities Gosgortechnadzor Russia , professional blowout service ( if the contract so provides ) and

approved by the company in the prescribed manner . One copy of the scheme shall be addressed to the professional

blowout service that maintains the object.

4.16 . Pressure gauges mounted on the throttle blocks and kill should be the upper limit of the measuring range, 30%

higher than the pressure of co- molding the casing and the blowout preventer .

Accumulator injection system shall include an automatic pump off when it reached the rated working pressure.

4.17 . To control preventer and hydraulic valves are set main and auxiliary control panels .

The main control unit - at a distance of not less than 10 m from the well in a comfortable and safe place.

Auxiliary - directly at the remote driller . It is included in the operational readiness mode at the opening of

productive and gazoneftevodoproyavlyayuschih recovery.

4.18 . Steering wheels for manual fixing plates preventers must be installed in an easily accessible place , to have

explosion-proof lighting and shelter. On the wall of the shelter should be applied in a counterclockwise direction of

rotation of steering wheels , reference marks and the number of revolutions required to close the blowout preventer

. In the gate valve upstream of the throttle plate to be fixed with acceptable pressure wellhead pressure permissible

for the weakest section of the well and the solution density at which the pressure is determined.


4.19 . With the opening of the collectors , rich in oil and gas drilling on the need to have two ball valves . One is

established between the working tube and its safety subs , the other is a spare .

With the opening of gas reservoirs with abnormally high pressure hydrogen sulphide formation on the drill should be

three cranes . One ball valve


established between the working tube and swivel , the second - between the working tube and its safety subs , the

third is a backup .

All ball valves must be open.

Besides ball valves on the rig must have two non-return valves with a device for their installation in the open

position , one of which is working , and th e second - redundant.

4.20 . Preventers along with crosses and indigenous valves to be installed on the well head pressed into the water at

the working pressure indicated in the passport. When multiple well drilling process time by pressing BOP operating

pressure determined in consultation with the territorial authorities Gosgortechnadzor Russia . After repairs

associated with welding and turning body preventers are pressed at the test pressure .

The preventer with shear rams must be pressed on the stand for a working pressure in closed dies , and the

performance preventer tested by opening and closing of the dice .

The results are drawn crimping act.

4.21 . After mounting Preventor installation or regular shutter casing , including countersunk to drill cement

Preventor cup attaching end to the high pressure manifold valves must be crimped water , nitrogen, or air pressure

molding to the casing.

Flow lines after the end valves are pressed on water pressure

50 kgf/cm2 (5 MPa ) - for blowout equipment designed for pressures up to 210 kg/cm2 (21 MPa) ;

100 kgf/cm2 (10 MPa ) - for blowout equipment designed for pressures above 210 kg/cm2 (21 MPa).

The results are drawn crimping act.

4.22 . After installation and pressure testing Preventor installation together with the casing , cement sheath crimping

behind casing further drilling may be resumed after a special permission technical head of the company , issued in

accordance with the procedures agreed upon with the territorial authorities and the Russian Gosgortechnadzor

blowout service ( if provided the contract).

4.23. Spot preventers should be periodically checked for opening and closing . The frequency of inspection is

established drilling contractor .

4.24. When replacing broken parts preventer or one of the nodes Preventor assembly , changing dies at the mouth

of the Preventor unit is subjected to additional pressure test on the pressure testing of the column.

The results are drawn crimping act.

4.25 . Dies preventer installed on the wellhead to the diameter of drill pipe used .

Blind rams mounted in the bottom preventer when the assembly is missing from the BOP shear rams .

4.26. When mixed- instrument on the catwalk , you must have a special compressed drill pipe with ball valve and

subs , the diameter and strength characteristics of the corresponding upper section of the drill string is used . Drill

pipe , ball valve and sub painted red .


4.27. When running casing in the well with the opening of high-pressure reservoirs (abnormal formation pressure )

and non installed blowout preventer expected wellhead pressure plate of one of the BOP rams are replaced by the

corresponding diameter of flushing the casing or on the catwalk should be receiving special (steel with

corresponding strength properties ) drill pipe under the casing sub and the ball valve in the open position ,

compressed at the appropriate pressure .

4.28 . For easy access to the assigned staff at the mouth of the BOP under the drill should be made solid flooring.

4.29 . All schemes blowout wellhead at the t op of the tailpiece should include and split hopper and chute to facilitate

work to eliminate blowouts .

4.30 . During the construction of wells on the continental shelf using floating rigs , semi-submersible drilling rigs ,

offshore fixed platforms , etc.:

flow lines must be firmly attached to the elements of the platform , the distance between supports sho uld not

exceed 4 m;

kill and choke lines can be made with twists. Rotations should be done with the use of forged elbows on the

threads , flanges or tees with buffer devices. Allowed the use of reinforced rubber hoses of high pressure built in

accordance with the strength characteristic Preventor unit , designed for the maximum pressure expected in the

mouth ;

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unit underwater blowout preventer must be tested at operating pressure . Immediately before the shutt er , after

the installation of the reservoir management is necessary to control procedures for the operation of each node of

the underwater blowout preventer .

4.31 . Subsea BOP unit and manifold must be pressed at the well -head to the column at a working pressure using a

press-fitting cork.

4.32 . Subsea BOP test for leaks should be carried out :

after its installation at the mouth and casing running - for a working pressure subsea wellhead ;

before opening th e productive horizon - the expected wellhead pressure .

Section of the steering column after each connection and disconnection from the BOP are pressed by the expected

wellhead pressure .

4.33 . Drilling of the upper intervals of wells with an underwater location mouth is made using a diverter to the alarm

of fault lines.

4.34 . Tying mud p umps must be capable of preparing , processing and weighting mud with simultaneous washing of

the well.

If the possible gazoneftevodoproyavleniem horizons opened when two pumps, it is necessary to envisage the

possibility of concurrent operation from a single container. In the piping between the vessels of the circulation

system must be shut off devices .

4.35 . On the rig should be measuring cup for topping controlled well equipped transmitter. Vessel shape and scale

of its calibration should be possible to fix the maximum allowable difference between the volumes topped up with a

solution and raised metal pipes.4.36 . The volume displaced by the descent of the well drilling pipes and topped up with a solution for their rise

should be controlled and matched with the volume raised or deflated metal drill pipe .

If the difference between the volume of drilling fluid topped up and the amount of metal pipes raised more than 0 .5

m3 rise should be discontinued and the measures contained instructions for gazoneftevodoproyavleniyah watch the

action .

4.37 . Before and after opening the seams with abnormally high pressure rinse well after the resumption of round-

trips , geophysical surveys , repairs and downtime to begin monitoring the density , viscosity, gas content of the

drilling fluid should be immediately after the restoration of circulation.

4.38 . When opening the gas-bearing horizons and further deepening of wells ( prior to running the next casing )

should be monitored mud gas saturation .

Do not make lifting the drill string to the alignment properties of the drilling fluid circulation through t he whole cycle


4.39 . When drilling in a productive gas reservoir mechanical speed must be limited to values , which provide a

complete degassing of the drilling fluid.

4.40 . When the volume fraction of gas in the drilling mud exceeds 5 %, it should be taken to its degassing

identification gas causes saturation of the solution (work layer, with the gas flow of cuttings , foaming , etc.) and

eliminate them.

4.41 . By lifting the drill string from the wellbore , wherein the drilling fluid was absorbed in the presence

gazoneftevodoproyavleniya is allowed to proceed only after the filling hole to the mouth and no overflow for a t ime

sufficient for lifting and lowering the drill string.

4.42 . Drilling of wells with partial or total lost circulation ( water) and possible flyuidoproyavleniem held on a special

plan that is coordinated with the designer and the customer.4.43 . When installing the baths ( oil , water , acid ) hydrostatic pressure of a column of drilling fluid and the fluid

bath exceed the reservoir pressure . If potential , or the need to reduce the hydrostatic pressure below the

formation of by reciprocating the drill string should be sealed with the annulus and drill pipe installed in the ball

valve , with the development and implementation of safety measures.

4.44 . The rise of the drill string in the presence of a siphon or swabbing is prohibited. When they appear rise should

stop by rinsing with rotation and reciprocation of the drill string .

If it is impossible to remove the siphon ( zashlamovannost turbo drill , chisel , other reasons ), the rise of pipes

should be done at the speed at which ensured equality extracted and then filled volumes.

If it is impossible to eliminate swabbing (presence seal on the bottom hole assembly or narrowing of the wellbore)

must rise to make a wash , spin the rotor and t he discharge pipe pipe through the hole on the dock .


4.45 . Work on the development and t esting of wells may be developed while ensuring the following conditions:


lift cement for the production string and t he quality of the formed lining project and meet the requirements of the

protection of natural resources ;

production string proshablonirovana , pressed together with a column head and Preventor unit , sealed at the

maximum expected pressure at the wellhead ;

mouth with Preventor unit , manifoldny block and flow lines equipped and tied in accordance with the approved

scheme .

4.46 . Wellhead to the production casing perforations should be equipped Preventor installation of an approved

scheme, and the well is filled with drilling fluid density , corresponding to the requirements of paragraph 4.9 of this


4.47 . During punching operations by the manufacturer to be monitored the liquid level at the wellhead. Its decline is

not allowed.

4.48 . Christmas tree to be installed on the wellhead should be crimped by the amount of the test pressure , and

after the installation - at a pressure equal to the pressure of t he production casing pressure test .

4.49 . The complex of the well completion must include measures to ensure :

prevention breakthroughs produced water and gas from the gas "cap" ; 

gazoneftevodoproyavleny and prevention of uncontrolled blowouts ;

protection of mineral resources and the environment. 

4.50 . The influx of fluid from the formation is caused by the creation of regulated depression due to:

replace mud density at a solution , the technical degassed water or oil . The difference in densities consistently

replacement fluids should not exceed 0.50-0.60 g/cm3 , with a greater difference of density shall be limited to therate of decline back pressure on the reservoir ;

the use of foam systems . 

4.51 . Reduce the liquid in the production casing through swabbing , the use of submersible pumps , injection of inert

gas or natural gas from nearby wells in accordance with the instructions for safe operation, developed by the

company. Using air to reduce fluid prohibited. When swabbing the well outfitted lubricator .

4.52 . In-depth measurements in wells with excess pressure on the estuary are allowed only with the use of

lubricators , the parameters of which must meet the conditions of the well . Lubricator is pressed on the test

pressure of the production string .

4.53 . For each well to be development , plan drawn up t aking into account the technological requirements for these

 jobs and the appointment of t he persons responsible for their implementation. The plan approved by the technical

manager of the drilling company and approved by the customer .


5 . Priority actions for the production staff in the event of gazoneftevodoproyavleny and blowouts

5.1. If signs of receipt of formation fluid into the well (excessive mud , increasing its volume in the tanks , the

discrepancy of calculated and actual volumes topped up ( displaced ) solution at ACT ) signal is " Release ". In this drill

watch obliged to seal the channel drill pipe , wellhead , inform and guide the drilling companies to act in accordance

with the emergency plan . Before sealing the channel drill pipe must be removed gauges on the riser and the annulus


5.2 . After closing the BOP at gazoneftevodoproyavleniyah need to install monitoring for possible griffins around the


5.3. Liquidation gazoneftevodoproyavleny performed using standard methods (taking into account the actual

conditions ), under the direction of a responsible person who has the necessary qualifications .5.4 . Priority actions for the production staff in the event of an open fountain :

stop the internal combustion engine ;  

turn off the po wer and lighting power supply line ; 

turn off the electricity in the polluted area ; 

put out a technical household furnaces, located near the well ; 

stop in gas hazardous area all hot work , smoking, and other actions that may cause sparks ;  

disconnect all facilities ( transformation substations , pumping units , gas distribution stations , etc. ), which can be

in gas hazardous area ;

inform the management of the enterprise , blowout and fire protection service of the origin of the open fountain ; 

stop movement in areas adjacent to the well access roads to t he site , install warning signs and guard posts ;

stop all work in t he danger zone and immediately retire abroad; 

if possible movement of gas contamination to other objects or localities to adopt measures for timely notification

of workers and the public .


5.5. If there is an open fountain at the facilities of the continental shelf ( offshore fixed platforms , floating rigs , etc.)

should be required to :

inform the company's management and related services ; 

run the emergency source of power ( emergency diesel generator) to drive the main fire pumps to create a water

spray tower , emergency mouth and estuary areas and irrigation jet fountain and creating water curtain between the

living and the well block , another storm and extractive wells in the collective life-saving appliances and the actuator

hydraulic movement of the portal ;

identify fumes residential premises and t echnological blocks escape routes and setting positions of collective life-

saving appliances ;

prepare collective life-saving equipment and personal protective equipment to evacuate .

4.35 . On the rig should be measuring cup for topping controlled well equipped transmitter. Vessel shape and scale

of its calibration should be possible to fix the maximum allowable difference between the volumes topped up with a

solution and raised metal pipes.

4.36 . The volume displaced by the descent of the well drilling pipes and topped up with a solution for their rise

should be controlled and matched with the volume raised or deflated metal drill pipe.

If the difference between the volume of drilling fluid topped up and the amount of metal pipes raised more than 0 .5

m3 rise should be discontinued and the measures contained instructions for gazoneftevodoproyavleniyah watch the


4.37 . Before and after opening the seams with abnormally high pressure rinse well after the resumption of round-

trips, geophysical surveys, repairs and downtime to begin monitoring the density, viscosity, gas content of the

drilling fluid should be immediately after the restoration of circulation.

4.38 . When opening the gas-bearing horizons and further deepening of wells (prior to running the next casing)

should be monitored mud gas saturation.

Do not make lifting the drill string to the alignment properties of the drilling fluid circulation through the whole


4.39 . When drilling in a productive gas reservoir mechanical speed must be limited to values, which provide a

complete degassing of the drilling fluid.

4.40 . When the volume fraction of gas in the drilling mud exceeds 5 %, it should be taken to its degassing

identification gas causes saturation of the solution (work layer, with the gas flow of cuttings, foaming, etc.) And

eliminate them.

4.41 . By lifting the drill string from the wellbore, wherein the drilling fluid was absorbed in the presence

gazoneftevodoproyavleniya is allowed to proceed only after the filling hole to the mouth and no overflow for a t ime

sufficient for lifting and lowering the drill string.

4.42 . Drilling of wells with partial or total lost circulation (water) and possible flyuidoproyavleniem held on a special

plan that is coordinated with the designer and the customer.

4.43 . When installing the baths (oil, wat er, acid) hydrostatic pressure of a column of drilling fluid and the fluid bath

exceed the reservoir pressure. If potential, or the need to reduce the hydrostatic pressure below the formation of by

reciprocating the drill string should be sealed with the annulus and drill pipe installed in the ball valve, with the

development and implementation of safety measures.

4.44 . The rise of the drill string in the presence of a siphon or swabbing is prohibited. When they appear rise should

stop by rinsing with rotation and reciprocation of the drill string.

If it is impossible to remove the siphon (zashlamovannost turbo drill, chisel, other reasons), the rise of pipes should

be done at the speed at w hich ensured equality extracted and then filled volumes.

If it is impossible to eliminate swabbing (presence seal on the bottom hole assembly or narrowing of the wellbore)

must rise to make a wash, spin the rotor and the discharge pipe pipe through the hole on the dock.


4.45 . Work on the development and t esting of wells may be developed while ensuring the following conditions:

lift cement for the production string and the quality of the formed lining project and meet the requirements of the

protection of natural resources;

production string proshablonirovana, pressed together with a column head and Preventor unit, sealed at the

maximum expected pressure at the wellhead;

mouth with Preventor unit, manifoldny block and flow lines equipped and tied in accordance with the approved



4.46 . Wellhead to the production casing perforations should be equipped Preventor installation of an approved

scheme, and the well is filled with drilling fluid density, corresponding to the requirements of paragraph 4.9 of this


4.47 . During punching operations by the manufacturer to be monitored the liquid level at the wellhead. Its decline is

not allowed.

4.48 . Christmas tree to be installed on the wellhead should be c rimped by the amount of the test pressure, and after

the installation - at a pressure equal to the pressure of t he production casing pressure test.

4.49 . The complex of the well completion must include measures to ensure:

prevention breakthroughs produced water and gas from the gas "cap"; 

gazoneftevodoproyavleny and prevention of uncontrolled blowouts;

protection of mineral resources and the environment. 

4.50 . The influx of fluid from the formation is caused by the creation of regulated depression due to:

replace mud density at a solution, the technical degassed water  or oil. The difference in densities consistently

replacement fluids should not exceed 0.50-0.60 g/cm3, with a greater difference of density shall be limited to the

rate of decline back pressure on the reservoir;

the use of foam systems. 

4.51 . Reduce the liquid in the production casing t hrough swabbing, the use of submersible pumps, injection of inert

gas or natural gas from nearby wells in accordance with the instructions for safe operation, developed by the

company. Using air to reduce fluid prohibited. When swabbing the well outfitted l ubricator.

4.52 . In-depth measurements in wells with excess pressure on the estuary are allowed only with the use of

lubricators, the parameters of which must meet the conditions of t he well. Lubricator is pressed on the test pressure

of the production string.

4.53 . For each well t o be development, plan drawn up taking into account the technological requirements for these

 jobs and the appointment of t he persons responsible for their implementation. The plan approved by the technical

manager of the drilling company and approved by the customer.


5 . Priority actions for the production staff in the event of gazoneftevodoproyavleny and blowouts

5.1. If signs of receipt of formation fluid into the well (excessive mud, increasing its volume in the tanks, the

discrepancy of calculated and actual volumes topped up (displaced) solution at ACT) signal is "Release". In this drill

watch obliged to seal the channel drill pipe, wellhead, inform and guide the drilling companies to act in accordance

with the emergency plan. Before sealing the channel drill pipe must be removed gauges on the riser and the annulus.

5.2 . After closing the BOP at gazoneftevodoproyavleniyah need to install monitoring for possible griffins around the


5.3. Liquidation gazoneftevodoproyavleny performed using standard methods (taking into account the actual

conditions), under the direction of a responsible person who has the n ecessary qualifications.

5.4 . Priority actions for the production staff in the event of an open fountain:

stop the internal combustion engine; 

turn off the po wer and lighting power supply line; 

turn off the electricity in the polluted area; 

put out a technical household furnaces, located near the well; 

stop in gas hazardous area all hot work, smoking, and other actions that may cause sparks;

disconnect all facilities (transformation substations, pumping units, gas distribution stations, etc.), Which can be in

gas hazardous area;

inform the management of the enterprise, blowout and fire protection service of the origin of the open fou ntain;

stop movement in areas adjacent to the well access roads to t he site, install warning signs and guard posts; 

stop all work in t he danger zone and immediately retire abroad; 

if possible movement of gas contamination to other objects or localities to adopt measures for timely notification

of workers and the public.

5.5. If there is an open fountain at the facilities of the continental shelf (offshore fixed platforms, floating rigs, etc.)

Should be required to:

inform the company's management and related services; 

run the emergency source of power (emergency diesel generator) to drive the main fire pumps to create a water

spray tower, emergency mouth and estuary areas and irrigation jet fountain and creating water curtain between the

living and the well block, another storm and extractive wells in the collective life-saving appliances and the actuator

hydraulic movement of the portal;

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identify fumes residential premises and technological blocks escape routes and setting positions of collective life-

saving appliances;

prepare collective life-saving equipment and personal protective equipment to evacuate.

3.14 . The exhaust pipes of internal combustion engines rig , mobile and cementing units , other special equipment

must be equipped with spark arresters .

3.15 . The order of movement of all modes of transport on the well pad defined by the Regulations (see paragraph

3.6 of this Instruction ) . Prohibits passage of transport (except of Technology ) for the territory , where the oilfield

equipment and communications.

3.16 . Professionals and workers, asking for drilling , development , operation and maintenance of wells , as well as

those related to the maintenance of production facilities at the well pad must undergo special training on safe

operation in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations and the Regulations (see paragraph 3.6 of this

instructions) and certification in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of

employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities under the control of Russian Gosgortechnadzor

(RD 04-265-99 ) , approved by the Gosgortechnadzor Russia from 11.01.99 N 2 .

For information: Regulations on the training and certification of employees of organizations operating hazardous

production facilities under the control of Russian Gosgortechnadzor (RD 04-265-99 ) . Status: Not Applicable -


Instead of RD 04-265-99 applies: 03-19-2007 RD Regulation on the organization of the training and certification of

organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Ecological , Technological and Nuclear Supervision

3.17 . The evacuation of people , transportation, special equipment with pads in case of emergency should beprovided SSNs .

3.18 . In the event of flooding of the pad above the flood waters of column flange drilling , development and

maintenance of wells are not allowed, and operation of wells using a special plan, approved by the subsoil user (his

representative) and agreed with the r elevant territorial authority Gosgortechnadzor Russia .

4 . well Construction

4.1. Construction of wells in the well pad is carried out in accordance with the project approved in the manner

prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation from 27.12.00 N 1008 " On the order of the state

examination and approval of urban planning , design and project documentation ."

For the record: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 27.12.00 N 1008 " On the order of the

state examination and approval of urban planning , design and project documentation ." Status: Not Applicable -


In return, the Resolution N 1008 applies: Government Decree of 05.03.2007 N 145 ( as amended on 31 .03.2012) "On

the organization and conduct of state expertise of project documentation and engineering research ."


4.2 . Construction of well pad , access roads , power lines, barns device , embankments , etc. must be completed

prior to drilling of the first well . The willingness of the pad to begin work on the construction of wells to be i nstalled

commission appointed by the customer, with the inclusion of the Commission, representatives of contractors ,

drilling companies , and to an operation of hazardous production facilities. When the number of wells in the well pad

in accordance with the changes made to the project in the prescribed manner , may be a combination of work for

the growth of the pad , the device further pits , installation of communications, etc. with drilling and other work

provided for the project.

4.3. The roads and entrances to the well pad should provide year-round passage of vehicles and special equipment.Entrances to the well pad is determined by the project.

4.4. When the content of gas in the mud , or more than 5% in the case of oil-based solutions should be sampled gas

environment during drilling rig on site , in the pump unit, a cleaning mud and capacitive system.

4.5. When traveling derrick - winch unit and other equipment units and to a new position in the test rig , as w ell as in

emergency operation associated with high loads on the tower, the work must be stopped to develop the adjacent

wells located in the danger zone. Out of the danger zone ( in a radius equal to the tower height plus 10 m) should be

deleted people than workers employed directly liquidation of the accident, the shifting - derrick winch unit.

4.6. In carrying out pressings of pipelines , manifolds high pressure blowdown of wells drilling , development and

repair of wells should be discontinued if they interfere for these types of jobs , and manufacturing operations .

4.7. Terms crimping preventers are installed on the operating pressure now in agreement with the regional agency

Gosgortechnadzor Russia . This period shall not exceed the t ime of drilling a group of wells .

4.8 . In accidents with open oil spills or the receipt of the gas into the air all the work on the bush , including oil ,

should be discontinued.


5 . The development, operation and maintenance of wells

5.1. At the time of doing prostrelochnyh work ( perforated production casing , repairs , etc.) around the well

established danger zone radius of not less than 10 m Prostrelochnye must be carried out in compliance with the

safety requirements.

5.2 . Development of wells on the bush , regardless of how they are subsequently used , shall be in accordance with

the work plan approved by the technical manager of the enterprise and agreed with the customer . Preparing to

work on the development of the wells , and t he process of development must meet the requirements of security.

5.3. Connecting well development to communications collecting oil should be strictly in accordance with the project.

The use of temporary schemes for the collection and transportation of oil is prohibited.

5.4 . Well development using inert gases using portable compressor , it must be located at least 25 meters from the



5.5. Wellheads on the bush must be equipped with (depending on the mode of operation) of the same type fittings ,

flanges and their tower should be located on the same level as t he surface of the pad .

5.6. The need and how to install on large producer , as well as in wells with high GOR shut-off valves and remote

controlled wellhead valves are determined on the basis of the draft terms of security work.

5.7. With the commissioning of the first well on t he bush should be set procedures for monitoring gas content of the

air environment throughout the pad . Scheduling and Place of sampling and monitoring procedures are carried out

by the representative of the subsoil user ( customer). The implementation of this control lies with the Executive

Director at work on the well pad .5.8. Upon completion of the drilling and completion of the pad should be released from the drilling equipment is not

used in construction materials, tools , drilling waste , etc. After delivery to the customer of the pad or by the act of

the contractor is not responsible for the incidents and accidents in this area [1]. Admission to the operation of each

hazardous facility on well pad is made in the prescribed manner . [2]

5.9 . Within the forbidden (hazardous ) areas have operated wells are not allowed the presence of persons and

vehicles not associated with actually executing the work .

5.10 . Repair work on the wells should be carried out by a specialized team to plan, approved by the technical

director. The work plan should include the necessary measures for safety and environmental protection.

5.11 . Workovers without stopping neighboring wells permitted subject to the development and implementation of

special events, excluding the possibility of harmful effects on working well. These measures should be provided for in

the work plan . Further opening of productive deposits adjacent wells should be stopped and if necessary sealed.

5.12 . Simultaneous operation of two specialized teams to repair or exploration wells on one well pad . Safety

instruction of doing such work now being developed and agreed with the relevant territorial authority

Gosgortechnadzor Russia .

5.13 . When repairing wells on gas lift equipment arrangement bushes before injecting gas into the hole repaired , as

well as in neighboring wells on the left and on the right for a period of equipment arrangement is terminated.

Installation of special equipment on the route of the pipeline gas lift is prohibited.

5.14 . Dismantling of the rig with the pad , its transportation units and assemblies are produced at a stop wells that

are in the danger zone . The size and boundaries of dangerous areas , depending on the type of work ( lowering of

the tower , from the point of withdrawal and transportation - derrick winch unit , etc.) , established by the

Regulation (see paragraph 3.6 of this Instruction ) .

References1. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2 . The Federal Law " On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities " from 21.07.97 N 116- FZ (as amended)

3 . Federal Law " On Subsoil " from 21.02.92 N 2395-1 ( as amended on 08/08/01 ) .

4 . Safety rules for the oil and gas industry (PB 08-200-98 ) . Approved by Decree Gosgortechnadzor Russia from

09.04.98 N 24.

5 . SNIP 11-01-95 . Instructions on the development, coordination , approval, and the design documentation for

construction of enterprises , buildings and structures. Approved by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

30.06.95 N 18-64.

For the record: SNIP 11-01-95 . Instructions on the development, coordination , approval, and the design

documentation for construction of enterprises , buildings and structures. Approved by Decree of the Ministry of

Construction of Russia 30.06.95 N 18-64. Status: Not Applicable - to cancel the decision of the State Construction

Committee of Russia 17.02.2003 , the number 18 and from 17.11.2003 № 190 . 

Instead SNIP 11-01-95 applies:


In the Russian Federation for the preparation of project documentation should be guided by the Town Planning Code

of the Russian Federation (Article 48, 49) and the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation № 87 dated

16 February 2008 "Regulations on the part of sections of project documentation and requirements to their content "

and the number 145 on the 05.03.2007 , "On the organization and conduct public examination of project

documentation and engineering research " ( as amended on 31.03.2012) .

Initial data for the preparation of project documentation shall be submitted in accordance with the resolutions of

the Government of the Russian Federation № 840 of 29.12.2005 "On the form of the urban p lan of the land », № 20

dated 19.01.2006 "On the engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction and

reconstruction of capital construction », № 83 dat ed 13.02.2006 " On approval of rules defining and providing

technical conditions for connecting the capital construction object to the network engineering and technical support

and the Rules of the connection object of capital construction to engineering and technical support . "

6. Changes and amendments to the Rules of safety in the oil and gas industry [ UPS 08-375 (200 ) -0 0 ] . Approved by

Decree Gosgortechnadzor Russia from 11.08.00 N 44.

7. Guidelines for the risk analysis of hazardous production facilities ( RD 03-418-01 ) . Approved by the State

Technical Supervision Russian Order of 10.07.2001 № 30 .  


* Spray Playground - limited territory deposit, which prepared a special area for a group of wells , oil and gas

equipment , residential and office premises, etc.

Position ** - a group of wells with the distance between their mouths , to 5 pm