
Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka (KSTA BAN 54451-001)



1. General background. Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, together with parts of the adjacent cities of Gazipur, Manikganj, Munshiganj, Narayanganj, and Narshindi districts, constitutes the jurisdiction of Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), the authority mandated to plan land use and implement urban development projects over an area of 1,528 square kilometers. This wider area surrounding Dhaka is the center of Bangladesh’s economic activity, contributing nearly 40% of its gross national product.1 Its population has increased rapidly to 15.9 million from 2001 to 2011, around 10% of the country’s entire population, and is projected to grow further to 26.3 million in 2035. Dhaka’s rate of population growth is 3.9%, well above the national growth rate of 1.4%.2 2. Transport challenges in Dhaka. Dhaka’s transport network still heavily relies on road transport. Of the 15 million daily trips per day, an estimated 47% are by bus and 14% by car. The number of vehicles in Dhaka has increased steadily with about 140,000 vehicles added in 2017, including about 20,000 private cars.3 Traffic volume in Dhaka already exceeds the road capacity by 20% on average during peak hours, and by more than 100% on particular sections in its center.4 While bus is the predominant mode of public transport in Dhaka, the bus system is inefficient, unreliable, and unsafe.5 The rail-based public transport is limited to the Bangladesh Railways within Dhaka, with two commuter service lines carrying about 25,000 passengers per day.6 The first mass rapid transit (MRT) network is still under development in Dhaka. Insufficient supply of transport services is compounded by lack of growth management and rapid, uncontrolled urbanization. Dhaka is among the most densely populated cities in the world, with 11,094 people living per square kilometer. It has witnessed more than 20% increase in the built-up area between 1989 and 2010, resulting in deteriorating living conditions in general, growth of slum areas, and increasing incidence of flash floods (footnote 2). 3. Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority. The Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) was established in 2012 and is tasked to oversee effective and efficient planning, development, and coordination among the growing number of transport projects, especially the new MRT and bus rapid transit (BRT) systems proposed in the Revised Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP). However, the DTCA faces serious challenges in fulfilling its mandate and functions as the apex agency in Dhaka’s urban transport sector. Firstly, the DTCA does not have sufficient staffing, and personnel require more adequate training in urban transport policy formulation or project planning. Secondly, it struggles in exercising its planning and coordination mandate effectively due to its highly polarized structure stemming from unclear delineation of authority

1 Hereafter, Dhaka refers to the area under the jurisdiction of the RAJUK since it is the authority responsible for

planning and regulating land use covering the entire area of Dhaka City. 2 Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority. 2016. Revised Strategic Transport Plan.

Dhaka. 3 Bangladesh Road Transport Authority. 2018. Number of Registered Motor Vehicles in Dhaka. Dhaka. 4 The average speed of travel by road is just 6.4 kilometers per hour during morning peak hours. 5 Major issues of the bus services in Dhaka include (i) the network is not well designed to match demand or to ensure

efficient connection among corridors; (ii) the drivers’ negligence of the designated routes and tendency to stop at locations of their choice, which disrupt traffic flows, create safety risks, and cause delays in the services; and (iii) badly maintained fleets without features for the elderly, women, children, and disabled persons.

6 The available commuter railway services between Dhaka and Narayanganj, and Dhaka and Joydevpur remain a minor traffic modality in Dhaka mainly because of the (i) limited capacity and number of stations, (ii) low frequency and unreliable timetables, and (iii) inconvenience of ticketing and intermodal functions.



among the large number of transport and land use planning agencies. This leads to inconsistency in transport planning and land use planning. Thirdly, the decision-making procedure in the urban transport sector of Dhaka is highly inefficient, with the project screening process taking months because of lack of an efficient screening framework. 4. Revised Strategic Transport Plan. The government formulated the RSTP in 2016 as an urban transport master plan for Dhaka with a 20-year planning horizon through support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency. The RSTP identifies six distinct public transport corridors with high passenger traffic demand to connect Dhaka’s central business district with surrounding satellite regional centers. To accommodate the projected high demand, the RSTP proposes five MRT lines and two BRT lines to be completed by 2035 along those corridors. 5. While the RSTP has provided a clear vision for the transport sector through the development of MRTs, it has started to reveal its limitation 5 years into implementation. First, its baseline survey data and information have gradually become outdated. The priority project list also requires updating as various agencies plan new projects, some of which may not be fully consistent with the current RSTP guiding policies or priorities. Second, the RSTP has limited considerations for multimodal integration, which is crucial for improving the efficiency of the overall urban transport network. Connectivity between intracity and intercity public transport services should also be given more attention to help disperse Dhaka’s population to adjacent regional centers. Third, the RSTP is heavily focused on physical infrastructure solutions and lacks strong proposals for effective short-term measures to manage or control traffic demand. It also fails to offer a concrete policy and analysis of opportunities for transit-oriented development and value capture financing as tools for sustainable infrastructure financing and for promoting integrated land and transport planning, or in-depth analysis on public–private partnerships. 6. Knowledge and support technical assistance. In October 2019, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was requested by the Government of Bangladesh to assist in updating the RSTP to accommodate the rapid changes that have taken place in Dhaka since 2016. Currently, a knowledge and support technical assistance (KSTA) is being prepared by the government and ADB. The Road Transport and Highways Division, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges (MORTB) will be the executing agency. The KSTA will aim to maintain the framework, target area, and methodology of the current RSTP in principle.

II. OBJECTIVES OF THE CONSULTING SERVICES 7. The objectives of the consulting services are the following:

(i) Update the travel demand forecast by using the updated baseline data on traffic,

economic, and social data as well as transport infrastructure inventory data. The model and the methodology for travel demand model shall be modified and/or updated, as needed.

(ii) Update the urban transport development strategy by (a) assessing present and future transport demand and constraints, and future land use and development scenarios; (b) preparing future modal split scenarios in Dhaka using the (modified) traffic demand projection model, and (c) emphasis on environmentally friendly transport considering climate change impact. In addition to the priorities in the current RSTP, focus should be also placed on the following issues: (a) enforcement of a trunk-feeder transport network with MRTs as the main modality; (b) assessing the appropriate integration of the projects not included in the RSTP; (c) multimodal integration; (d) traffic management measures; (e) road safety; (f)



integration of informal public transport modes; and (g) considerations for nonmotorized transit vehicles, alternative mobility solutions, and pedestrians.

(iii) Assess opportunities for transit-oriented development along the alignment of the updated MRT network corridors.

(iv) Assess the current project financing framework in Dhaka’s urban transport sector and propose alternative funding options such as public–private partnerships and value capture financing.

(v) Update the urban transport development road map including a list of indicative projects for each subsector of urban transport.

(vi) Update the implementation program based on an updated priority project list for short-term, medium-term, and long-term timeframes.

(vii) Prepare a list of output requirements for a maximum of three projects. (viii) Propose institutional reforms and a capacity development program for the DTCA

to increase efficiency in its urban transport planning process and capacity, after assessing the current institutional setup in the urban transport sector and the capacity of the relevant transport and land use planning agencies.

(ix) Propose a mechanism and/or framework to establish an updated RSTP as a project screening tool for urban transport projects in Dhaka, and assist the DTCA in obtaining government endorsement for such mechanism and/or framework, including formulation of guidelines and/or procedures for implementing such mechanism and/or framework based on the draft law prepared by the DTCA.


8. The consulting services will be carried out in three phases for a duration of 30 months: (i) phase 1 to review the current RSTP and update the baseline data for 12 months, (ii) phase 2 to update the urban transport road map for 12 months, and (iii) phase 3 to update the implementation program for 9 months.7 The last 6 months of the implementation period will be dedicated to consultation with the government for approval of an updated RSTP as an urban transport masterplan for Dhaka and the mandatory project screening criteria for future project proposals in Dhaka’s urban transport sector.

IV. DETAILED TASKS A. PHASE 1: Reviewing the current RSTP and updating the baseline data (12 months) 9. Task 1: Establish an implementation framework of the knowledge and support technical assistance. The consultants shall assist the DTCA in establishing an efficient and effective implementation framework for the KSTA. The framework shall be designed to ensure participation of all the key stakeholder agencies in major decision-making steps of the KSTA in a timely manner, and to enable other stakeholder agencies to be consulted for their views. Furthermore, strategies and procedures need to be formulated to effectively consult with civil society organizations, including groups of transport users in the planning area and people likely affected by projects included in an updated RSTP, as well as the public. Consultation with vulnerable people, including lower income group, elderly, women, children, and differently abled people shall be conducted during implementation. 10. The project steering committee chaired by the Secretary, Road Transport and Highways Division, will oversee all the projects under implementation by the DTCA. Also, the DTCA plans

7 There are overlapping periods between these three phases and therefore their sum does not equal to 24 months.



to establish two project-specific mechanisms—the technical working groups and the project implementation committee—to oversee technical details and day-to-day matters on TA implementation (refer attachment B). In addition, third party advisory group comprising concerned organizations/individuals will be consulted to secure comprehensiveness in consideration. These mechanisms will be established following approval of the Technical Assistance Project Proposal by the Planning Commission under the Ministry of Planning. The consultants shall assist the DTCA in establishing these mechanisms, including advising on selection of members (including those from civil society organizations such as transport user groups and those working on livable cities and public transport projects) and on clear and efficient delineation of their mandate and tasks, as well as regarding fulfilling reporting requirements. To ensure collaboration with and ownership of concerned agencies along with strong support by politics, workshops inviting high officials of the agencies will be explored and held during implementation as needed. The consultants is also tasked to support the DTCA in organizing workshops as well. 11. The consultants shall also seek close coordination with other development partners in providing assistance to Dhaka’s urban development and urban transport sector. Specifically, the consultants should ensure regular communication with other development partners, and that the outputs and findings of their assistance are effectively reflected, utilized, and aligned with an updated RSTP for better outcome. 12. Task 2: Define the scope of an updated RSTP. The consultants shall confirm the planning and the survey area of an updated RSTP. While an updated RSTP will in principle adopt the survey and planning area of the RSTP, i.e., RAJUK, confirmation on this shall be reached based on a rapid assessment of the traffic situation of the planning and survey area of the current RSTP as well as its adjacent areas, and through consultation with the DTCA and the key stakeholder agencies for transport development planning and land use planning in Dhaka. In this process, emphasis shall be placed on providing efficient transport access to growing regional centers within the Greater Dhaka Area. In this regard, the consultants should assess and consider incorporation of selected districts or other identified areas outside the current planning area into the planning area for improved connection between the RAJUK and areas outside, and for better alignment with the land use plans. The planning timeframe of an updated RSTP, including short-term and medium-term target years, shall be the same as that of the RSTP, which is the target year of 2035, but shall be confirmed in the similar manner. 13. Task 3: Review the current RSTP and other relevant information and data. The consultants shall collect all available data, information, materials, and documents necessary to update the socioeconomic, geographic, environmental, climatic, travel, traffic, and transport infrastructure baseline in the current RSTP. These include laws, guidelines, manuals, policy papers, plans, project pre- and feasibility studies, statistics, reports, research papers, etc., which are relevant to the confirmed planning and survey area. The consultants shall conduct a detailed review and assessment of the quality of the current RSTP, as well as the collected data, information, materials, and documents. 14. Task 4: Conduct surveys. The consultants shall conduct surveys in sufficient extent to update the various baseline projections in the RSTP. The consultants shall maintain, in principle, the survey framework adopted for the current RSTP and utilize the survey results for the current RSTP to the extent technically feasible. Any changes to the survey framework of the existing RSTP shall be consulted and agreed with ADB and the DTCA prior to making such changes. The consultants shall assess the need for any changes to the survey framework or for additional surveys, and discuss with ADB and DTCA before making such changes or conducting additional surveys. Furthermore, the consultants shall study applicable digital technologies for conducting



surveys while assuring sufficient coverage of the survey scope and accuracy of data and/or information collected. 15. Specifically, the consultants shall conduct the following surveys:

(i) household interview surveys including perception on Dhaka’s transport; (ii) traffic count surveys at major locations in an outer cordon, an inner cordon, and a

screen line; (iii) origin and destination surveys in an outer cordon, an inner cordon, and a screen line; (iv) vehicle occupancy surveys at traffic count locations; (v) travel time surveys for all major types of vehicles; (vi) pedestrian flow and surveys; (vii) mode choice stated preference surveys; (viii) bus and commuter rail surveys including route survey, bus operator survey,

frequency and/or occupancy and/or origin and destination surveys, passenger flow surveys, waiting time surveys, on-board passenger surveys;

(ix) freight operations survey including trip details and patterns, main goods carried by freight traffic and their origin and destinations, a list of major logistic infrastructure and its locations such as inland container depots, information on supply chains, etc.; and

(x) road crash data including locations, crash types, road user types, and severity, and impact of weather conditions on the frequency and/or severity of road accidents, among others.

16. In consideration of efficiency and safety under the prevailing pandemic condition, the consultants shall actively study digital technologies applicable to the above surveys. The consultants shall propose such technologies to ADB and the DTCA and discuss its application in the surveys before conducting them. 17. The consultants shall also conduct inventory surveys of the existing transport infrastructure and services in Dhaka. The survey should find out about all modes of transport infrastructure, motorized or nonmotorized, their breakup in terms of user intake, locations and conditions of the infrastructure, service levels including frequency, safety, availability, reliability, and fare structures, among others. The survey should also collect information on availability and quality of facilities and services for the elderly, women, children, and differently abled (EWCD) in the transport modes. The survey should also pay attention to emerging trends, if any, in response to the prevailing pandemic situation: emerging transport modes such as walking and (shared) bicycles and/or e-bicycles, introduction of social distancing on carriages, enhanced crowd control measures in services, among others. 18. Task 5: Update of baseline travel demand model. The transport demand model for the RSTP was developed using the System for Traffic Demand Analysis (STRADA). The DTCA also has a transport model built using the Transportation Computer Assisted Design or TransCAD for other various projects. The consultants shall review the existing transport demand model and assess the extent of updates required to enable sufficient representation of a regional travel demand model for accommodating regional transport systems. The consultants may use the data collected under Task 4 and additional data to provide sufficient details of the geographic profile of the subject regions and to refine such details for better functioning of the model. While reviewing and updating the model, the consultants shall ensure effective involvement of national consultants and the DTCA for technology transfer and local capacity development as well as efficiency of performing this task. The model update should aim to use the lowest administrative boundary (Mouza boundary) as the base to define the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) within the Dhaka city area



and within the RAJUK area. The TAZs could be up to union or ward level and those outside the RAJUK area could be considered if needed. The consultants need to specify the model update methodology in the inception report for DTCA and ADB approval. 19. As part of this task, if necessary, the consultants shall procure suitable software for updating the travel demand model. The consultants shall discuss with the DTCA and ADB in deciding on the modeling software and other specifications prior to placing an order. The consultants shall procure software following ADB’s Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and its associated regulations. 20. Task 6: Review and analyze future development scenarios. The consultants shall analyze future population growth projections, changes in the industry composition, changes in land use and urban development plans in the planning areas, as well as their adjacent areas to the extent relevant to such analysis, for the indicative target year of 2035 in accordance with the proposed masterplan. Accordingly, the consultants shall update the socioeconomic framework. 21. Task 7: Develop the forecast travel demand model. Based on the results of Task 6, the consultants shall develop the forecast model to facilitate the development of the masterplan. This is done by including, among others, updating the future origin and destination matrix for the planning area, and reviewing and updating the future transport modes and network in consideration of projected changes in the service levels of different modes of public transport. In the above process, the consultants shall conduct close consultation with the DTCA and other key stakeholders in Dhaka’s urban transport sector for better and realistic understanding of the applicable ground condition visions, priorities, and targets commonly shared among the leadership of Dhaka’s urban transport planning. At the end of this exercise, identify the priority areas of actions to be addressed through an updated urban development policy. 22. Task 8: Update the transport system database. The consultants shall review and update the transport system database developed through preparation of the RSTP. The database shall contain, but not limited to, the following data/information:

(i) travel demand model; (ii) traffic count data and accident data; (iii) transit routes within Dhaka and adjacent areas of all the transport modes; (iv) roadway functionality; (v) public transport facilities; (vi) key multimodal transit terminals; (vii) characteristics of freight traffic, supply chain facilities, and services; (viii) intermediate means of transport (IMT); (ix) nonmotorized transport (NMT) and pedestrian facilities; (x) locations of major public places; and (xi) socioeconomic and environmental data.

B. PHASE 2: Updating the urban transport masterplan (12 months) 23. Task 9: Update the urban transport policy. The consultants shall review and update the urban transport policy for Dhaka, including its goals, objectives, and strategies for addressing the congestion challenges and improving mobility. Strategies need to encompass all the transport subsectors and have sufficient details for the key subsectors. Specifically, focus should be placed on the following aspects:

(i) efficient and effective integration of land use plans and transport plans for enabling managed urban development of Dhaka;



(ii) promotion of public transport; (iii) parking policy and control of registered private vehicles; (iv) enforcement of a trunk-feeder transport network with MRTs as the main transit

modality; (v) better integration and/or connection between intracity and intercity transport

systems; (vi) strategies and necessary key actions for physical and non-physical multimodal

integration; (vii) traffic management and safety initiatives including promotion of transport safety; (viii) regulations on bus and/or taxi operators; (ix) promotion of green transport, including bicycle and pedestrian; (x) universal mobility improvement for all citizens including EWCD, with emphasis on

advanced convenience of transport users; and (xi) affordability and sustainability of urban transport services.

24. Task 10: Review and update the public transport network development plan. The consultants shall conduct further detailed analysis and assessment of the identified scenarios for future modal split, and consider assignment of various transport modes for key transit corridors and routes in the different target years. Key bottlenecks for achieving such ideal modal split should be identified and broad strategies developed for addressing this. 25. Task 11: Review and update the road network development plan. The consultants shall review and update the road network development plans through the following steps:

(i) identify major constraints and priorities in the current road network; (ii) review and update the hierarchical road network with road classifications,

attributes, and functions within the network; (iii) assess the needs for improving major intersections for safer and more efficient

traffic flow; (iv) consider the necessary features for the EWCD and accommodate nonmotorized

transit modes; (v) prepare a list of priority road projects. Projects that are already under

implementation shall be assessed and included in the list with proposals for necessary modifications to its plan and implementation, if any;

(vi) prepare action plans for implementation of the priority road projects; and (vii) forecast how the priority road projects could improve the performance of Dhaka’s

road network. 26. Task 12: Review and update the transport and traffic demand management plan. The consultants shall

(i) review the current transport and traffic management plan, which shall cover, but not be limited to, the following priority areas: (a) parking demand and supply management; (b) traffic control measures including congestion charges; (c) segregation of freight traffic and non-motorized transport; (d) intersection improvement projects; (e) other transport demand management measures including optimal timetabling

and peak hour fares in mass transit services, taxation policy on private vehicle ownership; and

(f) use of intelligent transport systems. (ii) identify physical, socioeconomic, technological, and institutional constraints in

enforcing the above transport and traffic management measures and assess their



implementability; (iii) develop strategies for addressing constraints and implementing the traffic

management measures; (iv) review and update previous parking policy of the government: and (v) prepare a list of short-term, medium-term, and long-term action plans for

implementing the above strategies. 27. Task 13: Review and update the mass transit network development plan. The consultants shall review the current mass transit network development plans, primarily consisting of MRTs, BRTs and subways8, through the following steps:

(i) assess the traffic demand for identified new and existing corridors against the capacity of the mass transit services considered/proposed, and/or planned for each corridor;

(ii) review the main attributes such as capacity, construction cost, key technical specifications of suitable mass transit options such as MRT, light rail transit, BRT, suburban rail services, etc.;

(iii) propose new mass transit lines and preferred modalities based on technical and economic feasibility assessment, and social and environmental impact assessment;

(iv) review the proposed mass transit lines under the current RSTP and its choice of modalities based on updated technical and economic feasibility assessment and social and environmental impact assessment. The efficacy of the BRT for the identified and/or proposed corridors should be critically reviewed, including its general design capacity, scope for future capacity enhancement, operational aspects, construction plans, in addition to the aforementioned perspectives;

(v) prepare action plans for implementation of the priority mass transit projects; and (vi) forecast how the updated mass transit network could improve the capacity of the

urban transport network in Dhaka, with consideration on TOD. 28. Task 14: Propose restructuring strategies and plans for the existing bus service network. The consultants shall

(i) coordinate with another consulting firm who is being mobilized by DTCA for a study regarding bus operation restructuring, and review and elaborate their proposals from perspectives of entire transport system for Dhaka area as summarized below;

(ii) review the policy, legal, regulatory, and institutional framework relevant to bus services in Dhaka;

(iii) update or conduct a detailed assessment of the current bus services network and identify key issues and constraints;

(iv) review and elaborate, if any, proposed restructuring plans for the bus services network which should cover, among others, reforms in the legal and regulatory frameworks as well as licensing and/or franchising systems, a revised network optimized on both route and network, key performance indicators, fleet modernization and procurement plans, measures for better integration with other transit modes, measures for improved safety and enhanced EWCD features, efficient and reliable fare collection systems, training requirements for operators and drivers, etc.; and

(v) based on the above measures, prepare a list of short-term, medium-term, and long-term action plans.

8 Bangladesh Bridge Authority completed a subway study.



29. Task 15: Assess the proposed bus terminal and depot project of the DTCA. The consultants shall review the feasibility study and conceptual design of the project, and consider an effective approach for its incorporation into the updated RSTP, proposing necessary modifications to project planning and/or design, if any. 30. Task 16: Propose a development and/or improvement plan for urban railway services. The consultants shall

(i) review the current railway services under the Bangladesh Railways within Dhaka and its adjacent areas and identify key bottlenecks in improving services and integrating with other transit modes in Dhaka from various perspectives such as policy, legal and regulatory, financial, technical, social, and/or environmental;

(ii) develop strategies for more efficient integration of the Bangladesh Railways services into the urban transport network; and

(iii) prepare a list of short-term, medium-term, and long-term action plans for implementing the above strategies.

31. Task 17: Propose strategies for effective multimodal integration. The consultants shall prepare strategies for implementing multimodal integration through the following steps:

(i) conduct a holistic analysis on constraints to implementing multimodal integration in Dhaka’s urban transport, covering legal and/or regulatory, institutional, and physical aspects as well as taking into consideration findings from the surveys and the modeling conducted under tasks 4 to 7;

(ii) study applicable international best practices of physical and non-physical multimodal integration;

(iii) develop a multimodal integration strategy for addressing the constraints identified (i) and create an enabling policy environment for multimodal integration. In this strategy, due attention should be paid to proposing workable mechanisms for initiating necessary coordination across concerned stakeholders early on while planning multimodal integration;

(iv) propose measures to improve convenience of multimodal transport users, including e-ticketing, common IC card for public transport, and integrated information platform of transport modes;

(v) based on the above strategy, develop action plans for implementing necessary changes for mainstreaming multimodal integration in the urban transport planning in Dhaka; and

(vi) identify three potential key transit hubs in the mass transit network to be proposed under task 13 and prepare a conceptual plan for physical integration at each of the hubs.

32. Task 18: Prepare strategies for optimal integration of the intermediate mode of transport and/or nonmotorized transport and pedestrian facilities. The consultants shall

(i) assess the types, demand, capacity, major routes and/or corridors, intermodal transit locations, passengers, and travel patterns of major IMT and NMT modes currently operating in Dhaka;

(ii) develop strategies for IMT and NMT reforms and optimal integration into the urban transport network by identifying desirable modes of IMT and NMT, assessing required capacity for achieving the envisaged future modal split, proposing locations of IMT and NMT facilities, and considering required measures for integration with other modes of transport to ensure first and/or last mile connectivity;

(iii) develop strategies for promoting improved walkability of Dhaka with adequate



facilities such as footpath, lighting, safety barriers, and consideration for improved accessibility to public spaces;

(iv) actively incorporate emerging alternative mobility solutions in the strategies such as e-taxis, on-demand transport services (e.g., Grab, Uber), autonomous cars, shared bikes and/or bicycles; and

(v) propose immediate and/or short-term, medium-term, and long-term action plans for the above reforms.

33. Task 19: Develop strategies for managing freight transport within Dhaka. The consultants shall

(i) study current freight-related land use and infrastructure in and around Dhaka, including warehouses, inland container depots, industrial zones, major factories, parking areas for freight vehicles, and inland waterway ports;

(ii) study and identify institutional constraints including customs and logistics regulations which impedes multimodal freight transport in Dhaka

(iii) study freight truck operators, with number, size, and type of fleet, and location of major facilities;

(iv) review the policy, legal, and institutional framework relevant to freight transport in Dhaka;

(v) assess different modes of freight transport available in Dhaka in terms of their split among different commodity types, capacity, network coverage, and constraints;

(vi) study applicable international good practices to help implement these strategies; (vii) identify suitable locations for multimodal transport facilities for freight to reduce

freight vehicle inflow toward the city center, alleviate congestion, and achieve optimal modal split;

(viii) study necessary parking places/facilities for freight fleets inside and around Dhaka to minimize adverse impact of illegal parking, with identification of suitable locations with parking capacity estimate;

(ix) prepare a succinct policy and/or interventions for more efficient freight transport integrated in the urban transport network in Dhaka, covering the following areas: (a) efficient and optimal freight transport network integrating different modes with the entire urban transport network in Dhaka; (b) promotion of modernization of freight trucks and logistic facilities; (c) reducing freight inflow toward the city center and multimodal integration; (d) promotion of environmentally friendly transport modes; (e) promotion of efficiency improvement of freight operations; (f) enhancement of safety including segregation of passenger and freight transport; (g) necessary regulation and deregulation for more efficient freight transport, including licensing; (h) necessary government financial support; and (i) applicable advanced and emerging technologies; and

(x) develop a list of priority actions for the short-term, medium-term, and long-term based on the above policy considerations.

34. Task 20: Develop strategies for managing inland waterway transport in Dhaka. The consultants shall

(i) review the policy, legal, and institutional framework relevant to waterway transport in Dhaka;

(ii) assess the current waterway transport network in Dhaka in terms of major routes, traffic demand, and its split across cargo and/or passenger, the situation and characteristic of operators of terminals and vessels, major cargo items transported, vehicle types and their conditions, a list of key inland waterway trans



(IWT) infrastructure such as ports, cargo terminals, integration with other modes of transport, and constraints;

(iii) study applicable international good practices, providing detailed case studies of some countries, regions, and/or municipalities where inland waterway transport is integrated in urban transport effectively;

(iv) prepare a succinct policy for more efficient IWT network and operation in Dhaka; and

(v) develop a list of priority actions based on the above policy covering the following areas: (a) an efficient IWT network well integrated with the urban transport network in Dhaka; (b) regulations and licensing; (c) needed reforms in operation; and (d) applicable advanced and emerging technologies.

35. Task 21: Explore the use of applicable advance and digital technologies. The consultants shall

(i) actively explore and propose the use of applicable advanced and digital technologies for the urban transport sector in Dhaka including, but not limited to, automated and/or driver-less vehicles, contact-less payment services, mobile-based transit planning applications encompassing booking and payment, electronic and hydrogen vehicle, and advanced signaling systems;

(ii) assess legal, regulatory, technical, institutional, social, and other constraints in introducing identified technologies in the urban transport services in Dhaka;

(iii) develop policies for promoting the use of digital technologies in delivery of urban transport services in Dhaka;

(iv) formulate action plans for implementing the above strategies; and (v) propose two pilot projects for introducing digital technologies.

36. Task 22: Develop strategies for providing safe public transport services under the prevailing pandemic situation. The consultants shall assess the impacts of the global pandemic on Dhaka’s urban transport sector in terms of ridership, mobility choices, incidence of positive cases on public transport, passenger behavior, etc. The consultants shall then study applicable international good practices of response, recovery, and/or adaptive measures, and develop strategies and action plans for safe public transport in Dhaka. 37. Task 23: Develop strategies for transit-oriented development for select MRT lines proposed in the priority project lists. This task shall be implemented with coordination with other initiatives including a TOD study to be implemented under RAJUK. The consultants shall

(i) support DTCA in establishing collaboration mechanism with other TOD initiatives; (ii) hold workshops and support concerned urban and transport sectors in Dhaka in

understanding TOD concept and international best practice; (iii) Assess current mobility and sustainability challenges in urban areas in Dhaka,

and develop diverse TOD concepts applicable to address the challenges above, especially at major MRT/BR stations;

(iv) assess the policy, legal, and institutional framework relevant to transit-oriented development (TOD) in Dhaka, as well as its geographic attributes, land use and urban development context, and development and densification opportunities;

(v) identify major constraints in planning and implementing TOD in Dhaka in the above perspectives;

(vi) besides measures to be taken by urban sectors, prepare measures to be taken by transport sectors to materialize TOD along public transit modes in Dhaka, including Value Capture Financing and Multimodal Integration;

(vii) collect and study applicable international good practices in TOD;



(viii) identify major constraints in planning and implementing TOD in Dhaka in the above perspectives;

(ix) prepare a succinct policy for mainstreaming TOD in Dhaka’s urban transport development planning and for formulating action plans to address the above constraints;

(x) identify TOD priorities areas along BR/MRT/Bus routes; (xi) through close consultation with ADB and the DTCA, choose two nodes along the

identified MRT corridors in task 13 and prepare concept plans for these nodes; and

(xii) prepare short implementation strategies and plans for the above two nodes.

38. Task 24: Propose optimal funding strategies for urban transport projects. The consultants shall

(i) review and compare various funding options considered to be available for urban transport projects in Dhaka, including funds from the government and development partners, public–private partnership (PPP), and private funding. The consultants shall include in the above review and comparison various options for land-based value capture financing (VCF);

(ii) develop a multi-criteria analysis tool for choosing optimal funding options for urban transport projects;

(iii) for PPP and private funding: (a) conduct a detailed assessment in terms of legal, regulatory, and/or

institutional aspects, and general market conditions including identification of the key stakeholders;

(b) study applicable international good practices; (c) propose key legal, regulatory, and/or institutional reforms including all

aspects of PPP ranging from policy level to transaction level, covering capacity gaps in the implementation agencies, understanding gaps between the key stakeholders for creating an enabling environment for PPP and private funding across key stakeholders including the Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Finance, MORTB, Public–Private Partnership Authority (PPPA), etc.;

(d) propose immediate and/or short-term, medium-term, and long-term implementation strategies for the above reform; and

(e) choose two model projects each for PPP and private funding and for preparing short project proposals;

(iv) For land-based VCF: (a) conduct a detailed assessment in terms of legal, regulatory, and/or

institutional aspects, and general market conditions including identification of the key stakeholders;

(b) study applicable international good practice; (c) propose key legal and/or regulatory and/or institutional reforms for creating

an enabling environment for planning and implementing VCF; (d) propose immediate and/or short-term, medium-term, and long-term

implementation strategies for the above reform; and (e) choose two model VCF projects and prepare short project proposals.

39. Task 25: Identify and propose key regulatory reforms required for planning and implementing the above strategies. The consultants shall

(i) identify key reform areas focusing on but not limited to (a) an integrated fare and ticketing structure across different urban transport



modes; (b) new business models and institutional, regulatory, licensing, and/or

franchising frameworks for public transport regulatory and operation agencies;

(c) required legislative changes; (d) recommended good governance reforms; and (e) taxation policy on private vehicles and fuels;

(ii) develop implementation strategies for each of the identified reform areas; and (iii) propose immediate, short-, medium-, and long-term action plans for the above


C. Phase 3: Updating the implementation program (9 months) 40. Task 26: Develop screening criteria for selecting priority projects. The consultants shall develop comprehensive screening criteria for priority projects from all the projects identified and proposed under the process of updating the RSTP. The criteria shall be also applicable to those projects that are not identified or proposed under the updated RSTP, but are being planned within the area. The criteria shall encompass all the relevant sub-criteria including:

(i) technical, economic, and/or financial, and environmental and social feasibility; (ii) urgency in terms of addressing the existing capacity constraints in urban

transport; (iii) impact in terms of improving the corridor and network capacity; (iv) consistency with the relevant land use and development plans and the impact in

terms of promoting sustainable and guided urban development in Dhaka; (v) the progress status of projects. All projects already under implementation should

be treated as priority projects in principle. In case of projects already under planning, the priority level assigned by the government, executing, and/or implementing agencies will be considered; and

(vi) assessment of the capacity of the executing and/or implementing agencies. 41. Task 27: Update the project list. The consultants shall update the list of the proposed projects under the RTSP, including physical and non-physical projects, which should include the following information for each project:

(i) current status (new, under planning, under implementation); (ii) key design specification; (iii) design capacity in the target year; (iv) estimated construction period; (v) preliminary cost estimate; (vi) estimate economic, financial, environment and other impacts of over all

projects, including reduction in greenhouse emission in long, medium, and short period; and

(vii) proposed financing strategies. 42. Task 28: Evaluate the proposed and/or identified projects and update the priority project list. The consultants shall evaluate the projects in the list updated under task 27 based on the priority project selection criteria developed under task 26. The consultants shall categorize the projects for (i) urgent or short-term implementation (priority), (ii) medium-term implementation, and (iii) long-term implementation. The consultants shall pay attention to the following:

(i) In preliminary cost estimates, operation and maintenance cost over the project life shall also be estimated. The consultants shall also aim to estimate realistic and optimal costs.



(ii) In conducting evaluation in terms of social and environmental safeguard requirements, the consultants shall refer to ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) if needed.

43. Task 29: Prepare actions plans for priority projects. The consultants shall conduct a more detailed assessment for the priority projects identified under task 28 and prepare action plans. Action plans shall cover the following areas:

(i) more detailed project features including the current site conditions, scope of works and/or activities, key design considerations, and a summary of challenges in project planning and/or implementation;

(ii) implementation schedule; (iii) key environmental and social safeguard concerns; (iv) preliminary economic and/or financial analysis; and (v) option analysis for financing strategies.

44. Task 30: Develop output requirements for priority projects. The consultants shall agree with ADB and the DTCA on a list of up to three priority projects from the priority project list for the short-term. Subsequently, the consultants shall conduct a more detailed assessment of technical, economic, social, and environmental safeguards feasibility of those projects and develop a list of their output requirements. 45. Task 31: Develop an institutional reform plan for the urban transport sector in Dhaka. The consultants shall review the current institutional structure of Dhaka’s urban transport sector and propose a reform plan for increased efficiency and quality in transport planning and service delivery. Specifically, the consultants shall

(i) identify stakeholder land use planning and transport agencies and review their mandate, functions, organizations, activities, interrelations, decision-making process, and capacity;

(ii) assess the efficiency and adequateness of the above against the implementation of urban transport projects under an updated RSTP;

(iii) identify areas of reforms based on the above assessment; and (iv) propose necessary institutional reforms for each of the agencies concerned.

46. Task 32: Propose a capacity development program for the DTCA. The consultants shall support the DTCA in formulating a program for (i) strengthening institutional capacity for urban transport, and (ii) implementing relevant trainings. Specifically, the consultants shall

(i) review the DTCA’s mandate and functions in the light of the findings from Task 31. Consider an optimal role of the DTCA as a unified urban transport agency for leading the efficient and effective urban transport planning of Dhaka for the next 10 years through implementation of an updated RSTP, and prepare corporate visions and strategies with a list of priority actions;

(ii) based on (i), identify areas of reforms related to the DTCA’s mandate, functions, and organization, and formulate a program for strengthening the DTCA’s institutional capacity for urban transport planning, which should include technical training modules on urban planning, transport modeling and simulation, participatory planning, traffic engineering, etc., as well as management and administration training modules on human resources planning and enhancing plans;

(iii) plan and arrange an overseas exposure visit for selected officials from the DTCA and other key stakeholder agencies, subject to significant improvement in the prevailing pandemic environment and applicable travel restrictions of the relevant



agencies including ADB. The selection of a host government and/or agency shall be selected carefully in the light of the objective of the assignment and the desired outcome of the updated RSTP, and determined in consultation with ADB;

(iv) implement the above training modules for DTCA officials. Number of trainees will be determined during implementation thru consultation with DTCA; and

(v) provide advisory services to DTCA on Transport policy and planning issues, projects screening/ evaluation etc. for greater Dhaka area as when necessary.

47. Task 33: Support the DTCA in establishing a framework for using the updated RSTP as the key project screening modality in Dhaka’s urban transport sector. The consultants shall

(i) review the current government process and/or framework for evaluating and selecting urban transport projects in Dhaka and understand how the RSTP is placed in the above process and/or framework;

(ii) propose reforms in the above process and/or framework through better use of the updated RSTP. In this activity, the consultants shall review the relevant draft law prepared by the DTCA, and help the DTCA draft guidelines and/or procedural rules for such law;

(iii) assist the DTCA in coordinating with the relevant key stakeholders for finalizing the above draft law and its guidelines and/or procedural rules; and

(iv) assist the DTCA in obtaining the necessary government approval for executing the proposed reforms, including the draft law and its guidelines and/or procedural rules.

48. Task 34: Prepare a public consultation program and assist the DTCA in its implementation. The consultants shall prepare a public consultation program for sharing the progress and outputs of the updated RSTP with wider stakeholder groups within the RAJUK and obtain feedback. The program shall identify core groups to be reached for consultation, prepare consultation strategies for each group, and develop consultation schedules consistent with the schedule of the consulting services. The consultants shall ensure that the strategy will adhere to visions and goals of the updated RSTP as well as explore various communication tools that are efficient, ensure a greater reach, and inclusive to different groups in the community including vulnerable groups. The consultants shall finalize deliverables by incorporating relevant comments and advices, including those raised during official public comment processes.

V. TEAM COMPOSITION AND QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 49. The consultants shall provide key personnel with an estimated 57.25 person-months of inputs of which 35.25 person-months are from international experts and 22.00 person-months from national experts. Total person-months required including non-key inputs are estimated at 114.00, of which 48.00 person-months are international and 66.00 person-months are national. In addition, the consultants shall provide support staff with an estimated total of 26.50 person-months. The distribution of the total inputs among the positions is indicative. However, the consultants should NOT revise the key expert positions. Table 1: Indicative Team Composition

SI. No. Positions

International/ National

Key/ Non-Key


Team Management 1 Team leader and/or transport planning expert International Key 10.75 2 Urban planning and/or development expert International Key 4.00



SI. No. Positions

International/ National

Key/ Non-Key


3 Deputy team leader and/or transport planning specialist National Key 13.00

Person-Months Subtotal 27.75

Survey 4 Traffic survey expert International Key 2.25 5 Traffic survey specialist National Non-key 6.00 6 Geographic information system and/or data specialist National Non-key 5.50

Person-Months Subtotal 13.75

Urban Transport Masterplan 7 Transport modeler International Key 8.50 8 Public transport planning expert International Key 5.00 9 Transit-oriented development (TOD) and/or value capture

financing (VCF) expert International

Key 1.75

10 Highway engineer International Non-key 1.50 11 Transport safety expert International Non-key 1.50 12 Logistics transport expert International Non-key 1.25 13 Transport economist International Non-key 1.50 14 Public–private partnership specialist International Non-key 1.50 15 Construction planning/cost estimate and/or procurement

expert International

Non-key 1.50

16 Communications specialist International Non-key 2.00 17 Land use planning specialist National Key 5.00 18 Legal and regulatory expert National Key 4.00 19 Hydrology and Drainage specialist National Non-key 1.00 20 Traffic Engineering and Management Specialist National Non-key 2.00 21 Inland water transport specialist National Non-key 1.25 22 Transport modeler (2 persons) National Non-key 13.00 23 Urban railway specialist National Non-key 3.25

Person-Months Subtotal 55.50

Safeguard 24 Environmental safeguard expert International Key 2.00 25 Environmental safeguard specialist National Non-key 2.00 26 Land acquisition and/or resettlement specialist National Non-key 2.00

Person-Months Subtotal 6.00

Capacity Development 27 Institutional development expert International Key 3.00 28 Institutional development specialist National Non-key 4.00 29 Training coordinator National Non-key 4.00

Person-Months Subtotal 11.00

Support Staff 30 Junior urban transport specialist and/or office manager National Non-key 17.25 31 AutoCAD engineer National Non-key 9.25

Person-Months Subtotal 26.50

Person-Months Total 140.50

50. Qualification requirements for key personnel are as follows:

Table 2: Qualification Requirements for Key Experts

SI. No. Positions Key Responsibilities Qualification Requirements

International Key Experts



SI. No. Positions Key Responsibilities Qualification Requirements

1. Team leader and/or transport planning expert

• Exercise oversight and quality control of all aspects of the assignment

• Chiefly responsible for coordination with ADB and the DTCA as well as other key stakeholders

• Together with the deputy team leader and the institutional development specialist, assist the DTCA in proposing reforms in the project screening process in the urban transport sector in Dhaka through establishing the updated RSTP as the key project screening tool

• Master’s degree in transport planning, transport engineering, civil engineering or relevant fields

• Relevant field experience in transport and/or urban transport and/or mass transit master planning, urban transport and/or mass transit project planning and/or implementation, with minimum of 20 years including at least 10 years of international experience

• Worked as team leader in a minimum of one project in the above relevant field in the last 10 years

• Worked in a senior position in at least one project in the above relevant field in a country and/or region with social and environmental conditions similar to Bangladesh

• Multidisciplinary experience of working on different transport modalities and/or projects requiring multimodal integration strongly preferred

• Worked as team leader for a minimum of 3 years on projects with funding from multilateral or bilateral development agencies required

2. Urban planning and/or development expert

• Assist the team leader in oversight and quality control of all aspects of the assignment, especially in ensuring integrated planning of urban transport and urban/land use planning

• Assist the urban transport expert in preparation of the updated urban transport policy and masterplan

• Master’s degree in urban planning and/or development, or other relevant fields

• Relevant field experience in integrated planning of transport and/or urban transport/mass transit and urban and/or land use planning and/or implementation, with minimum of 20 years including at least 10 years of international experience

• Worked in a middle to senior position in at least one project in the above relevant field in a country and/or region with social and environmental conditions similar to Bangladesh

• Work experience in projects with funding from multilateral or bilateral development agencies preferred.

3. Traffic survey expert • Review the baseline data of the RSTP, and through close consultation and coordination with the transport modeler, confirm the necessary

• Bachelor’s degree in transport planning or other relevant fields

• Preferably a master’s degree in transport planning or other relevant



SI. No. Positions Key Responsibilities Qualification Requirements

surveys including any additional surveys through consultation with the team management group, ADB, and the DTCA

• Lead all the required traffic surveys with the required level of coverage and accuracy by directing the relevant national specialist and subcontractors, if any

• Coordinate closely with the traffic survey specialist so as not to make limited physical presence in the survey site; if such becomes the case, this should not affect the quality or progress of the surveys


• Relevant field experience in conducting traffic surveys for masterplans or large-scale transport infrastructure projects preferably with multiple transit modes involved

• Worked in a similar position where required to act as a traffic survey team leader in at least one project in a country and/or region with social and environmental conditions similar to Bangladesh

• Experience in utilizing applicable digital technology for similar assignments a strong advantage

4. Transport modeler • Review and update the travel demand forecast model.

• Closely coordinate with the traffic survey expert and the traffic survey specialist to design the necessary surveys.

• Ensure that the model adequately reflects the current transport situation in Dhaka and is realistic.

• Bachelor’s degree in transport engineering and/or planning and/or modelling or other relevant fields.

• Master’s degree in the relevant field is strongly preferred.

• Relevant field experience in transport, urban transport, mass transit master planning and/or modelling, mass transit project planning and/or modelling and/or implementation), with minimum of 13 years including at least 5 years of international experience

• Work experience in a similar position in at least one project in the above relevant field in an ADB developing member country required, preferably in a country or region with social and environmental conditions similar to Bangladesh.

• Multidisciplinary experience of working on modelling and/or network analysis of multiple transport modalities and/or projects requiring multimodal integration is needed.

5. Public transport planning expert

• Review and update the development policy and plans of all modes of public transport except for those of inland water transport, for which public transport planning expert shall work with the inland water transport specialist

• Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, transport planning, railway engineering or other relevant fields

• Master’s degree in the relevant field is strongly preferred

• Relevant field experience in urban transport, public transport, urban railway and/or mass transit planning



SI. No. Positions Key Responsibilities Qualification Requirements

• Review and update the list of proposed and/or identified public transport projects.

and/or engineering design and/or implementation, with minimum of 15 years including at least 7 years of international experience.

• Work experience in more than one mode of urban public transport services such as metro, light rail transit, commuter rail, BRT, bus services, etc. is required.

• Work experience in a middle to senior position in at least one project in the above relevant field in a country and/or region with social and environmental conditions similar to Bangladesh required.

6. TOD and/or VCF expert

• Lead the team in preparation of TOD strategies under tasks 23 and 24.

• Lead the team in developing conceptual TOD plans for two nodes along the mass transit lines in the proposed and/or identified project lists.

• Master’s degree in urban design and/or urban planning, or other relevant fields

• Relevant field experience in integrated urban design and/or development and mass transit development, planning and/or implementation of TOD projects including both infrastructure and non-infrastructure aspects, etc., which should include substantial land-based VCF initiatives, with minimum of 20 years including at least 10 years of international experience

• Worked in a senior position in at least one project in the above relevant field in a country and/or region with social and environmental conditions similar to Bangladesh

7. Environmental safeguard expert

• Review all the relevant laws, regulations, reports, studies, etc. to understand the key environmental safeguard issues in the planning area.

• Based on the above, as well as referring to the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as needed, assist in developing the screening criteria for selection of priority projects from the environmental safeguard perspectives, as well as evaluating and preparing action plans for, priority projects, under Tasks 26 to 29.

• Master’s degree in environmental engineering, environmental science, or other relevant fields.

• Relevant field experience with minimum of 15 years in conducting environmental impact assessment for large-scale urban transport projects, road projects, or railway projects including at least 7 years of international experience.

• Experience of having assessed implications for environmental safeguard under a masterplaning or other types of upstream level planning project in one of the ADB’s DMCs strongly preferred.

• Work experience in a country and/or region with social and environmental



SI. No. Positions Key Responsibilities Qualification Requirements

• Assist in developing necessary capacity developing program for the DTCA under Task 46.

conditions similar to Bangladesh required.

8. Institutional development expert

• Lead the team in preparation of an institutional reform program for the DTCA

• Oversee implementation and evaluation of training modules included in the above program

• Together with the team leader and deputy team leader, assist the DTCA in proposing reforms in the project screening process in the urban transport sector in Dhaka through establishing the updated RSTP as the key project screening tool

• Bachelor’s degree in institutional and/or organizational designing and/or development, public administration and/or management, or other relevant fields

• Relevant field experience with minimum of 18 years including at least 5 years of international experience

• The above relevant field experience should preferably include work experience with public transport agencies, including providing advisory/consultancy services

• The above international experience should include work experience in the above relevant field in an ADB DMC or other developing countries or regions.

National Key Experts

8. Deputy team leader/transport planning specialist

• Assist the team leader in exercising oversight and quality control over all aspects of the assignment

• Assist the team leader in coordination with the DTCA as well as other key stakeholders

• Together with the team leader and the institutional development specialist, assist the DTCA in proposing reforms in the project screening process in the urban transport sector in Dhaka through establishing the updated RSTP as the key project screening tool

• Bachelor’s degree in transport planning, transport engineering, civil engineering or relevant fields

• Master’s degree in relevant fields is preferred

• Relevant field experience in transport and/or urban transport and/or mass transit master planning, urban transport and/or mass transit project planning and/or implementation, with minimum of 20 years

• Worked as the deputy team leader in at least one project in the above relevant field in the last 10 years work experience in a minimum of three projects with funding from multilateral or bilateral development agencies is required

9. Land use planning specialist

• Assess the relevant land use plans and other related plans and advise the team regarding their implications to the updated RSTP

• Together with the urban development expert, assist the team leader in ensuring the integrated planning of

• Bachelor’s degree in urban planning and/or development or relevant fields

• Master’s degree in relevant fields is preferred

• Relevant field experience in land use planning and/or design, urban development planning, integrated planning of transport and/or urban



SI. No. Positions Key Responsibilities Qualification Requirements

urban transport and urban/ land use

• Assist the transport modeler in reviewing and updating the travel demand forecast model

transport/mass transit and urban and/or land use planning and/or implementation, with minimum of 10 years

• Worked in a similar position in at least one project in the above relevant field in the last 10 years.

• Work experience in a minimum of two projects with funding from multilateral or bilateral development agencies required.

10. Legal and regulatory expert

• Assess the relevant policy, laws, acts, regulations, and government procedures, etc. in urban transport planning and implementation in Dhaka and advise the team regarding their implications to the updated RSTP

• Together with the team leader and deputy team leader, advise the DTCA from legal and/or regulatory perspectives in proposing reforms in the project screening process in the urban transport sector in Dhaka through establishing the updated RSTP as the key project screening tool

• Review the relevant draft law prepared by the DTCA for the above stated purpose, and help the DTCA draft guidelines and/or procedural rules for such law

• Master’s degree in law

• Professional qualification and/or license to practice legal services from the relevant authority within Bangladesh (i.e., the Bar Association)

• Relevant field experience in advising and/or working with public agencies on legal matters, assisting in legislation, etc., with minimum of 15 years

• Experience of advising or working with public transport agencies a big advantage.

ADB = Asian Development Bank; BRT = bus rapid transit; DMC = developing member country, DTCA = Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority; RSTP = Revised Strategic Transport Plan; TOD = Transit-oriented development; VCF = value capture financing.

51. Qualification requirements for non-key personnel are as follows:

Table 3: Qualification Requirements for Non-Key Personnel Non-Key International Experts Non-Key National Experts

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent closely related to the assignments of the TOR, preferably master’s degree

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent closely related to the assignments of the TORs, preferably master’s degree

More than 10 years of work experience in the relevant field

More than 7 years of work experience in the relevant field

Preferably work experience in a similar position for at least one railway project in ADB developing member countries

Preferably work experience in a similar position on projects with funding from multilateral or bilateral development agencies

ADB = Asian Development Bank; TOR = terms of reference.



52. The consultants shall also have expertise qualification required under ADB’s Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and its associated regulations, specifically related to the Request for Quotations procurement method. This is in consideration of Task 6 wherein the consultants shall procure software for updating and/or developing a traffic demand model.

VI. OUTPUT MILESTONES 53. The reports required from the consultants are outlined in Table 4. The consultants shall organize a workshop shortly before submission of each report. Prior to submission of outputs to ADB, the consultants shall consult the DTCA and reflect their feedback in the final version submitted to ADB.

Table 4: Reporting Requirements

Report Description

Submission Deadline

(month/s after signing of the contract)

Inception report Work plan, methodology with initial analysis of data and available information, team organization, mobilization schedule of the team members, output milestone targets, initial proposal for implementation organization and arrangements


First interim report Progress of data and information collection, updated transport model, discussion on future development scenarios


Second interim report All the tasks under phase 1 and an updated urban transport policy and strategy


Third interim report All the tasks under phases 1 and 2 and progress of the activities under phase 3


Draft final report All the tasks under the assignment 28

Final report All the tasks under the assignment 30

54. The consultants shall submit drafts of separate supplementary reports on the following items together with the draft final report; finalize incorporating comments from ADB, the DTCA, and key stakeholders; and submit them with the final report:

(i) summary report; (ii) updated urban transport policy (under Task 9); (iii) institutional development (under Task 31); (iv) relevant survey reports; (v) report on updated and/or modified traffic demand forecast model including the software; and (vi) a list of output requirements for three priority projects (under Task 30).

55. The consultants shall also update the working papers, manuals, and/or guidance notes on specific steps in the transport planning process, which were developed as part of the previous RSTP. 56. The consultants are also required to prepare minutes of the meetings that took place during the assignment and submit these to ADB within 5 working days.




57. This contract is a time-based, and is subject to maximum amount ceiling that will be set out in the contract, based on the total cost for the services proposed by the consultants of the winning proposal. Accordingly, the Consultants will be required to utilize the entire person-months for each personnel as set out in the proposal (for both the homebased and field-based assignments) and produce all deliverables stipulated in the TOR. For example, if an international expert is not mobilized in the field for the field-based person-month indicated in the proposal, no payment will be made for the unaccomplished field-based person-month. All disbursement related procedures will follow ADB’s Technical Assistance Disbursement Handbook (2020). 58. During the contract implementation, each partial payment will be made subject to accomplishment of both the (a) actual mobilization of personnel, and (b) delivery of specific deliverables linked with specific milestone, which must be acceptable to both DTCA and ADB. reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenditure and expense from provisional sum will be made, based on actual occurrence of the expense, when concerned withdrawal applications are processed.

59. Partial payment, computed as certain percentage of total remuneration as in the Table 5, will be made when linked milestone events are made or deliverables are submitted to and accepted by DTCA and ADB. At contract negotiations, personnel schedule breakdown linked to each deliverable will be confirmed, referring to the percentages in the table 5, and based on technical proposal of the consultant. Amounts of partial payment will be computed based on actual home/field inputs and respective remuneration of home and/or field.

Table 5: Partial payment linked to milestone/deliverables Report Percentage of total remuneration

Mobilization 10

Inception Report 10

First Interim Report 15

Second Interim Report 15

Third Interim Report 15

Draft Final Report 15

Final Report 20


60. ADB will administer the TA, including the selection, supervision, and evaluation of the consultants, while the Road Transport and Highways Division, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges is the executing agency. And the DTCA is the Implementing Agency (IA). The consultants will be attached to the DTCA and will work in close consultation with ADB and a project implementation unit within the DTCA. It is assumed that minimum 25% of total inputs by international consultants will be in field to secure close collaboration with and knowledge transfer to DTCA. Actual field inputs by them will be confirmed with the IA during implementation considering the ongoing pandemic situation brought about by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Also, the consultants are advised that all international travels will be deferred until further advice by ADB. The consultants shall consult ADB prior to any plans for international travel. The consultant is responsible for their own health and safety in relation to the consulting services assignment and shall comply with the country specific requirements and regulations in relation to COVID-19.



61. The implementation period of the assignment has factored in the (i) potential impacts of COVID-19 on activities of the consultants, and (ii) potentially prolonged period for consultation with the government on the approval of an updated RSTP. The consultants shall propose measures of travel that are feasible and ensure quality of their outputs through careful assessment of the prevailing circumstances and subject to consultation with ADB and the DTCA. 62. The DTCA will provide the following counterpart support to the consultants:

(i) office space within its headquarters for meetings with consultants; (ii) access to data, records, and other information required to perform the assigned

tasks; (iii) access to the transport demand model developed for the most recent DTCA

project, including TAZ analysis database, highway road network database, public transit route network database (including station location), land use database development based on the Detailed Area Plan, etc.;9

(iv) counterpart staff and engineers to coordinate with the consultant’s team; and (v) miscellaneous costs associated with meetings, workshops, and trainings to be

organized as part of the assignment. 63. The Table 6 summarizes expected mechanism for project supervision and stakeholder consultation during TA implementation which ensure adequate participation of the relevant stakeholders in the process of updating the RSTP and necessary quality control. The project implementation committee and technical working group are project-specific and will be established. The consultants shall propose effective, efficient, and optimal arrangements for TA implementation involving these bodies and agree with ADB and the DTCA under Task 1.

Table 6: Implementation Bodies

Name Mandate and/or Functions Meeting


Project steering committee

• Review the recommendation of the project implementation committee on addressing problems that arise during project implementation and take decisions accordingly.

• Provide guidelines or formulate policies that are required for implementing project activities.

• Attend to any other matters related to project implementation.

• The committee may appoint members, if necessary.

Min. 3 times: At inception, Interim report finalization, and completion

Project implementation committee

• Give necessary assistance or suggestions for implementing project activities.

• If any problem arises during project implementation, make necessary decisions to solve the problem.

• The committee may appoint members, if necessary.

Every 6 months (Minimum 2 times consultation/reporting are required for each task)

Technical working group

• Solve technical issues regarding the project on a regular basis.

• Provide guidance and suggestions to the consultant’s experts and assist the project implementation committee and steering committee for successful implementation of the study.

As needed

9 Please see Appendix B for the overview of the travel demand models developed for the recent transport projects in

Dhaka. The DTCA used the TransCAD software for the most recent project. It procured five licenses of TransCAD for one of those projects, the feasibility study of the Clean Air and Sustainable Environment Project.



Name Mandate and/or Functions Meeting


Advisory committee

• Provide advice from a third-party perspective on select technical issues as needed.

• Foster support for the TA and updated RSTP for a wider community of urban transport and land use planning agencies.

Minimum 2 times (ex. Inception and completion)

Note: Members of committees, WG and Third-party advisors will be firmed up by the EA at inception phase, based on existing committees under DTCA. Member list of existing project steering committee is in Appendix for reference only.





1. In October 2019, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh requested the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP) to accommodate the rapid changes that have taken place in Dhaka since 2016 and to also enhance the capacity of the Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) in urban transport planning. The knowledge and support technical assistance (KSTA) on Updating the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka is currently being prepared by the government and ADB. The Road Transport and Highways Division, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges (MORTB) will be the executing agency of the KSTA. Recruitment is underway for an international consulting firm for the assignment of updating the RSTP, which is expected to mobilize in May 2021. An updated RSTP under the KSTA will aim to maintain the framework, target area, and methodology of the existing RTSP in principle. 2. Part of the proceeds of the technical assistance (TA) will be used for engaging individual consultants with special expertise as advisors to ADB and the DTCA to facilitate implementation of the TA and to ensure the quality of an updated RSTP by providing advice on specific issues encountered during the implementation of the TA.


A. Urban Transport/Planning Expert (International, 8.0 person-months)

3. The consultant shall have a master’s degree in transport planning and/or engineering, urban transport planning, civil engineering, or other relevant fields. He/she should have at least 20 years of relevant experience in planning, designing, and implementing urban transport projects with mass transit services and multimodal requirements. Experience of conducting the said relevant work in a similar geographical, socioeconomic, and urban development conditions as Bangladesh is highly preferred. Experience of working on similar projects financed by international development agencies for a similar urban transport projects and/or master planning projects is required. 4. The consultant will assist ADB and the DTCA in providing (i) advisory support in overseeing the preparation of an updated RSTP, especially for necessary quality control; and (ii) advice on specific issues encountered during the preparation of the updated RSTP. 5. The consultant shall submit (i) monthly reports, and (ii) special reports upon requests by ADB. B. Urban Planning or Transport Planning Expert (National, 5.0 person-months) 6. The consultant shall have a master’s degree in transport planning and/or engineering, urban transport planning, civil engineering, urban planning and/or development, or other relevant fields. He/she should have at least 13 years of relevant experience in transport/urban transport and/or mass transit and urban and/or land use planning and/or implementation, or integrated planning of transport/urban transport and/or mass transit and urban and/or land use planning and/or implementation. Experience of working on similar projects financed by international development agencies is required.



7. The consultant will assist the DTCA and in particular its dedicated project implementation unit (PIU) for the TA by providing (i) advisory support in its activity of overseeing the preparation of an updated RSTP for necessary quality control, and (ii) advice on specific issues encountered during the preparation of the updated RSTP. Under the prevailing pandemic situation, the consultants shall also assist ADB project team and the individual international consultants in maintaining smooth and effective communication with the DTCA. 8. The consultant shall submit (i) monthly reports, and (ii) special reports upon request by the PIU.