Download - Term Project S 12

  • 8/2/2019 Term Project S 12



    Spring 2012


    1. Design and analyze an engineering part and provide the followings:

    a. A complete Static Analysisb. Optimization for the lowest mass

    Project Selection:

    1. Select a simple mechanical structure, e.g., a street lighting structure, a support

    frame, workbench, project from ME 154, 157, 195, etc.

    2. Write a detailed proposal for the project you are interested in working on. Nocredit will be given for unapproved projects.

    3. Select a partner for the project.

    4. Once a team is formed, you can not change the team member (so choose the

    team member carefully).

    Progress ReportThe progress reports must be submitted according to the schedule, on or before the duedates. As a minimum include the followings:

    1. The cover page: Same as the proposal cover page, but add the Due Date at the

    bottom.2. Description of the work performed: submit all the work done in this phase and

    include any modeling, research, calculations, etc.

    3. Problems incurred.4. The Gantt Chart

    NOTE: To receive full credits on the project, the timeline, progress report, and FinalReport must be submitted on or before the deadlines.


    Proposal Due date: Tuesday, April 10, 2012Progress Report Tuesday, May 1, 2012Final Report Due Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 5:00 PM

    Grading Criteria:

    a. Depth of FEA knowledge applied 30%b. Novelty of ideas, research, references, external support, etc. 20%

    c. Compliance with the Final Report Guidelines 10%d. Report quality: Layout, grammar, relevance, etc. -10%e. Meeting deadlines. 10%

    f. Team of two must choose a more complex project and show more effort than a

    single person.g. How easy and user friendly are the instructions for recreating the complete FEA

    model 20%

  • 8/2/2019 Term Project S 12


    Preparing the ProposalWhen preparing the proposal, you must follow the guidelines given below.

    1. Title page

    a. Project Titleb. Team members

    c. Isometric view or sketch or photo of the structure

    d. Todays date

    2. Describe the proposal using the following Headlines

    a. Objective: State, in detail, what is the objective of your project. describe the

    problem to be solved, the method or procedure use appropriate sketches,diagrams or photographs 1 to 2 pages

    b. End product or deliverables List the deliverables

    c. Timetable (Gantt Chart see below)

    An example of the Timeline Chart (You need to fill in the necessary titles):

    April through May, 2012

    April May

    Week/Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. Prepare Proposal

    2. Initial Design

    3. Part

    4. Part

    5. Assembly6. Drawings

    7. Analysis

    8. Final Report