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Recreational Sports: Intramural, Fitness, Open, and Sport Club Programs



After reading this chapter the student should be able to:

Define intramural, fitness, open, and sport club programs and name the

objectives each is designed to achieve.

Prepare a list of policies -that, if followed, will enable a person to organize

and manage intramural, fitness, open, and sport club programs.

Understand the roles played by various managerial personnel in conducting

intramural, fitness, open, and sport club programs.

Discuss how intramural, fitness, open, and sport club programs are

administered in elementary schools, junior high or middle schools, secondary

schools, colleges and universities, and other representative organizations.

Organize various types of competition for intramural and extramural


Show the importance of and the procedures for managing sport clubs, co

recreation, and programs for faculty and for persons with varying disabilities.

Discuss the importance cf open or self directed recreational activities.

Chapter 3 discussed basic instructional physical education programs, one of the

triad of components of a well-rounded offering for students in drools and for

members of other representative organizations. This chapter discusses the second

component. the intramural, fitness, open, and sport club programs. which are

often referred to collectively as recreational sports. By tradition, the term

intramural denotes programming and competition "within" the institution,

whereas the term extramural depicts competition with "outside" schools. Sport

clubs fall in-between the two definitions offering both instructional and social, as

well as competitive experiences for their members. Recreational sports offer

competition and other types of physical activities for individuals of all levels of

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skill and ability. A 1999 recreational sports student interest survey at a Big Ten

institution revealed that 82 percent of the students participated in recreational

sports activities. The survey indicated heavy interest in fitness activities (50

percent), and in intramurals and open play (28 percent each), whereas sport clubs

attracted about 10 percent of the students polled. In universities and colleges, as

discussed in-chapter 2, recreational sports is usually organized into a department

separate from physical education. This separation is also the case i n some

elementary and secondary schools. However, for many schools recreational sports

programs are considered an extension of the physical education program.

Recreational sports make up that phase of an activities program in a

school, college, corporate, or other representative organization that is geared to

the abilities and skills of the entire student body or all the members of the

organization. Recreational sports consist of voluntary participation in games,

sports, fitness, open, outdoor, self-directed, and other activities. Recreational

sports offer intramural activities within a single school or institution as well as

extramural activities such as play days, festivals, sports days, and extravaganzas

that bring together participants from several institutions.

Each club within a sports club program is usually devoted to one activity,

such as handball, rock climbing, sailing, skiing, squash, or volleyball, and it

encourages students and other individuals to participate at all levels of skill.

Sometimes two or more clubs combine (cross-training club) for more effective

management. Clubs compete within their own ranks as well as with other outside

clubs. Sport clubs may be managed by members of the organization, such as

students in schools and colleges, or by the central management of the

organization. Members, advisors, or community volunteers usually provide

instruction and coaching. Clubs are popular in school; and colleges as well as in

other organizations. Many communities have tennis, golf, swimming, running,

hiking, racquetball, riding, rowing, and other types of clubs.

Recreational sports in the form of intramurals were started many years ago

(circa 1850s-1870s; Princeton's Nassace Baseball Club, Yale's Boat Club, and

Minnesota Football) as a result of student initiative in schools and colleges. At

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first they received little central administrative notice or support and were poorly

organized. However, as student interest grew, the demand for departmental

control kept pace. In 1913, intramural sports came under faculty control and was

departmentalized at the University of Michigan and Ohio State University. Dr.

Elmer D. Mitchell of the University of Michigan is considered the "father of

intramurals." The University of Michigan opened its Intramural Sports Building

(IMSB) in 1928. Since that time, intramurals, extramurals, and sport club

programs have continued to grow and develop and in most educational institutions

today are under the management and direction of fully trained professional

personnel (see figure 4-1). The National Intramural-Recreational Sports

Association (NIRSA) (formerly the National Intramural Association founded by

Dr. William N. Wasson at Dillard University in New Orleans) was formed in

1950 and is considered the major professional organization concerning the

conduct of recreational sports. Its Recreational Sports Journal is published twice a

year and its official magazine is Recreational Sports & Fitness.



Recreational sports programs (school, university, industry, public and private

sector) have evolved and expanded tremendously throughout the country. This

may be directly attributed to the fact that properly managed recreational sports

programs meet the many important needs of the participant. In order to meet these

needs, recreational sports programs should strive to satisfy the following


The objectives of the programs may be classified under four headings: (1)

health and fitness, (2) skill, (3) psychosocial development. and (4.) recreation.

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Figure 1. Organizational structure of a large university recreational sports


Health and Fitness

Recreational sports activities contribute to the physical, social, and emotional

health of the individual. They contribute to physical health through participation

in activities offering healthful exercise. Such fitness components as muscular

strength and endurance. agility, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, speed, and

body control and composition are developed and enhanced. Recreational sports

contribute to psychosocial health through group participation and working toward

achievement of group goals. Participation also contributes to emotional health by

helping a person achieve self-confidence and improve his or her self concept. It is

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estimated that over half the students at colleges and universities are involved with

health and fitness-related recreational sports activities that range from aerobics to

strength training.


Recreational sports activities allow every individual to develop and display his or

her skills in various physical activities settings. Through specialization,

instructional programs, and voluntary participation, recreational sports offer

individuals the opportunity to excel and to experience the thrill of competition and

the satisfaction of open or self-directed activity. Most individuals enjoy activities

in which they have developed skill. Recreational sports help participants develop

proficiency in both individualized and group activities in which each person is

grouped according to skill, thus providing for equality of programming or

competition, which helps guarantee greater success and enjoyment. These

programs also enable many persons to spend leisure time profitably and happily.

Psychosocial Development

Opportunities for psychosocial development are numerous in recreational sport

activities. Through many social contacts, coeducational experiences, and playing

on and against other teams, desirable qualities are developed. Individuals learn to

subordinate their desires to the will of the group; they also learn fair play,

courage, cooperation, group loyalty, social poise, discipline, and other desirable

traits. Participation in such a program is voluntary, and people who desire to

participate under such conditions will do so by group codes of conduct. These

experiences offer training for lifelong learning, citizenship, and human relations.


Recreational sports programs help participants develop an interest in many sports

and physical education activities. They also serve to develop and enhance

appreciation, attitudes, and habits that help lay the foundation to an active, healthy

lifestyle that will last a lifetime. Besides the physical, skill, and psychosocial

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development benefits derived from participation in recreational sports programs,

the mental process through a continuous 11 re-creation" of beliefs, values, and

attitudes assure the fun, enjoyment, and social meaningfulness of active

participation. It is crucial that recreation opportunities be accessible and

"inclusive" for all.

Relation to Basic Instructional and Highly Organized Athletic Programs

Recreational sports activities and interscholastic and intercollegiate sports are

integral phases of the total sport program in a school or college. This total

sporting package includes the intramural and extramural programs, sport clubs,

and varsity sport as well as the basic instructional physical education program.

Each makes an important contribution to the achievement of educational

principles and physical education objectives. It is crucial to maintain a proper

balance so that each program phase enhances and does not restrict the others.

The basic instructional program in physical education is viewed by many

physical educators as the foundation for recreational and competitive sports

programs. The instructional program includes teaching such fundamentals as sport

skills, concepts, rules, and strategies. Recreational sports programs provide

opportunities for all students and others to employ these basic skills, concepts, and

strategies in games and contests that are usually competitive. This part of the total

Physical Activity and Sport Continuum is sometimes referred to as the laboratory,

where the individual has an opportunity to experiment and test what has been

learned in the physical education program.

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Community Recreation

and Leisure Activity

Recreational Sports

(Intramurals and Sport Clubs)

Figure 4-2. A modern conceptualization of the interaction of school and

community physical education and sport.

Whereas recreational sports are for everyone, varsity sports are for those

individuals who are highly skilled in sport-specific activities. The intramural

phase of the recreational sports program is conducted on an intrainstitutional

basis, whereas sport club and varsity sports are conducted on an interinstitutional


Very little conflict should exist among the three phases of the total sports

program. However, shared facilities and equipment, land and space, time,

personnel, and finance, among others, offer managers a creative challenge so that

all those involved can share equitably in the benefits of physical activity and


If conducted properly, each phase of the total sports program should

contribute to the other, and through an overall, well-balanced sports program, the

entire student body or all members of an organization will gain appreciation for

physical activity and sport and the great potential it has for improving physical,

mental, psychosocial, and emotional growth (Espinosa 1994).

The philosophical model that was shown in figure 3-1 illustrated the

placement of recreational sports within the province of physical activity. This

triangular-shaped model depicted an interdependence and a building of skills from

the basic instructional physical education level to the recreational sports level and,

finally, to the level of varsity and elite competition. This model conveyed the

philosophy that instruction and opportunity in school and community recreation

programs are basic to the other programs and that recreational sports skills are

essential to producing the high level skills found in varsity and elite play.

The diamond-shaped model in figure 4-2 is presented because of its

implications for viewing the phases of the physical education program as both

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interdependent and equal. It establishes each phase as independent of the others.

Recreational and varsity sports are placed close to each other because each is

related to the other more closely than are leisure activity and basic physical

education instruction. Community recreation is included in the model because of

its contribution and conceptual link to recreational and varsity sport activities,

both of which have as a primary objective the satisfaction derived from


Although the basic physical education and recreational sports programs in

a school or college are designed for every student, in practice they generally

attract beginning students or those with moderate levels of skill. The highly

skilled person usually finds a niche in the club sport or varsity program. This

system has its benefits in that it is an equalizer for competitive structuring. In

some cases further recreational sport skill divisions (e.g., "Jag" leagues, co-rec,

first division, Division 1) may be instituted.


Many management personnel are needed if a recreational sports program is to be a

success. Some key persons involved are the director, associate and assistant

directors, program managers, student le2ders, recreational sports council

members, and officials.

The Director and Management Team

Many larger schools, colleges, corporations, and other organizations have

established the position of director of recreational sports. In some cases other

titles are used. The director is responsible for establishing programs, securing

adequate funding, involving the community, and assessing program outcomes.

Some of the more specific duties of the director include planning programs;

organizing tournaments and other forms of competition; supervising the

maintenance of facilities, equipment, and supplies; attending and planning sports

council meetings; interpreting the program to the membership, the administration,

and the public in general; supervising the program in action; preparing budgets;

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and evaluating the needs and worth of the program.

In larger institutions (see figure 4-1) besides a director, there may be an

associate, assistant, and program directors or managers. The associate and

assistant directors work closely with the director on responsibilities such as

budgeting, facility maintenance, and strategic planning. Program directors and

managers are usually responsible for specific program areas such as health-related

fitness, sports clubs, racquet sports. and aquatics. Again the further from the

director's position, the more activity -specific technical skills are required.

Place in Management Structure

The director or person in charge of recreational sports in an elementary, junior

high, middle, or secondary school is usually responsible to the director of physical

education or athletics and activities. In some schools, these various components

are not all under the same department.

At some colleges, the recreational sports de partment might also fall under

the control of a director of physicai education or athletics and in some instances, a

student activities director. These program administrators usually appoint one

person to manage the entire campus recreational sports program of which

intramurals, fitness, open, and sports club activities are integral parts. In many

schools, partial responsibility for recreational sports activities is delegated to

students themselves.

In some larger colleges and universities, recreational sports departments

maintain separate divisions, similar to the physical education or athletic divisions,

and receive the same considerations concerning staff members, finances, facilities,

equipment, supplies, and other departmental essentials. The department is usually

headed by a director well schooled in physical education and sport or recreation

management. Working with the director (when conditions warrant) should be

associate and assistant directors, program managers, graduate assistants,

supervisors, student managers and assistants, and other staff members as needed,

depending on the size of the organization. There should also be an adequate

number of trained officials and support staff.

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Student Leaders/Employees

Student involvement in all phases of education has been steadily increasing.

Involvement in the management of recreational sports has been happening in high

schools and on college campuses since the 1850s. Student leader roles may range

from serving as board members to being managers, office assistants, team or

sport-specific unit leaders, coaches, and officials. For example, many colleges

have drop-in or information centers where student supervisors am available to

establish programs, reserve equipment, answer questions, and arrange additional

usage hours for the gymnasium, multipurpose areas, or swimming pool. In

addition to student leaders, many larger colleges have outstanding opportunities

for well-schooled graduate assistants to help in nearly all phases -ofprogram

delivery, control, and assessment. It's vital that student leaders, graduate

assistants, and other employees be carefully screened and selected, thoroughly

trained, and appropriately certified (i.e., first aid, CPR/AED, NSCA-CPT, WSI,

CRSS). This has serious implications concerning safety, legal liability, and risk

management (see chapter 13).

Recreational Sports Council Members

An important feature of the overall management of a recreational sperts prograrn

is a recr--ational sports council, which is usually an elected body with

representatives from the participants, central administration, and recreational

sports staff. The council is influential in establishing policy and practices for a

comprehensive recreational sports program. The council assists and advises the

person in charge as well as the staff members. In some cases, the council plays an

important role in the decision-making process. The council also helps make

decisions about program operation and policy, financial allocation, and fee

structures and serves as a sounding board for ways in which the program may be


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Excellent officials are necessary for a quality recreational sports program. They

should have special qualifications, including a knowledge of the activity, the

participants, the goals of the program, the organization's philosophy of

competition. Some of the responsibilities of the managers of the recreational

sports program are to find sources for competent officials and then to recruit,

select, and train them so that they enhance the program. Some of the duties

performed by officials are to have game equipment ready before the contest, see

that accurate score sheets are prepared, check for an) safety hazards, prepare

accident reports if needed, and officiate the game or activity objectively and

impartially. Some institutions put officials through training sessions, supervise

them during the playing season, and evaluate their performance after the season

(Schuh 1999). Whereas most colleges pay their officials, elementary and

secondary schools usually do not have the budget to provide compensation. Many

schools seek voluntary help from students, staff, parents, and the community;

these volunteers need close supervision, should be offered high-quality in-service

training, and in some instances go through background checks.

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A list of policies and procedures governing the various features of the program

should be in writing and well publicized, perhaps in handbook form NIRSA

possesses a large database and serves as an excellent resource for this undertaking

(NIRSA 1996).

Policies and procedures for recreational sports should be developed in at

least the following areas: student involvement in program organization and

management, health and welfare of all participants, activities that meet the

interests and needs of the participants, officiating, coaching, protests, eligibility

standards, fees, forfeits, postponement.;, point systems, and awards. Policies and

procedures concerning user groups, guest fees, rental structure, noise, food

consumption, key control, equipment control, travel, and facility use should also

be on record. The health and safety of the participants must be a top priority, and

policies concerning emergency and disaster procedures should be well publicized.


The management ot recreational sports at the elementary, junior high, middle, and

secondary school levels presents some problems that are pe culiar to these

programs. In many colleges and universities, students live in dormitories and on

campus, but students in K-12 systems do not have such living arrangements.

Some students in K-12 systems have after-school jobs or need to catch a bus to

take them home and cannot stay after school to participate in recreational sports.

College students are more often able to participate because they are not faced with

such problems, at leas: in institutions with dormitory living. Also, many times the

parents of elementary, junior high, middle, and secondary school students do not

see the value of recreational sports and so do not encourage their children to

participate after school. College students, on the other hand, usually make their

own decisions. Another prob lem faced by managers of K-12 recreational

programs is the lack of facilities. Most schools have limited gymnasium and

outdoor space. Varsity sports are often given priority in the use of these facilities,

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which causes a hardship on the recreational sports program. The question of

financial and human resource support also exists in many schools, but recreational

sports, especially at the junior high, middle, and high school levels, are clearly on

the "most needed" list for many school districts.

In light of these problems, managers of school recreational sport programs

need to be creative when trying to initiate such programs. Some schools, for

example, form partnerships with other schools, private fitness clubs, community

centers and parks, YWCA/YMCA swimming pools, and Boys' and Girls' Clubs to

provide facilities that meet the programmatic needs of their students (Miller


Recreational sport provides students opportunities to participate and promote fair play

through officiating.


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Recreational sports have grown so large on the college campus that they present a

different pattern of concerns and challenges than recreational sports in the K-12

school setting. It is estimated that 40 percent to 80 percent of college students

participate in recreational sports. Despite this increase in participation, finances

remain a prime concern. Most programs' primary sources of revenue are

institutional funds and student fees. A tienu toward aecreasing institutional-

funding has challenged many programs to create alternative sources of funding

(e.g., opening facilities to the public, providing instructional classes. operating

sport camps).

Although recreational sport has mushroomed in the last decade, there is

still a tremendous need to attract and retain students with various disabilities.

Professionals clearly need to take the initiative to become more inclusive.

Facility development and renovation, however, remains alive and well-one

just has to visit Georgia State, Haverford College, Johns Hopkins, Pittsburgh,

Ohio State University, or the Universities of Houston, North Texas, South

Carolina, Tulsa, or Wisconsin-Madison, to mention a few that have invested in

architectural showcase facilities. Furthermore, with the development of new and

refurbished facilities. myriad opportunities exist for qualified and well-trained

professionals to provide leadership in rccreational sport management.


The organization of a recreational sports program involves selecting activities,

scheduling, determining eligibility, establishing awards and point systems,

maintaining records, plannit..g health and fitness assessments, financing, and

directing publicity and promotion.


The activities constituting the recreational sports program determine the amount

of resulting participation. It is therefore important to select the most appropriate

activities. The following are recommended management guidelines that will help

in selecting activities:

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Activities should reflect the needs and interests of the students or the members

of the organization. These may include faculty, staff, and alumni. Annual

institutional needs assessments should be initiated.

Activities should be selected in accordance with the season of the year and local

conditions, culture, and influences.

Coeducational recreational activities and recreational activities for students with

varying disabilities should be provided.

The activities included in the school physical education program should be

coordinated with the activities included in the recreational sports program,

which could serve as a laboratory experience for physical education.

Activities offered should require little special equipment and not require long

periods of training to prepare the participant for appropriate playing condition.

Consideration should be given to such recreational activities as field trips, rock

climbing, camping, canoeing, backpacking, hiking, road racing, bicycling,

orienteering, and other outdoor and adventure pursuit activities.

Activities should be selected with special attention to the ability, safety, and risk

management of the participant as well as the provider.

Open, self-directed, or informal recreational sports activities should play a

primary role when organizing a program. Indeed, this phase of recreational sports

programming is the most popular and rapidly growing phase. Opportunities

should be provided for students to come to a well-kept faciliry and work out

without having to enter a competitive environment, particularly in light of the

physical fitness and wellness movement and of today's stressful lifestyle. Box 4-I

illustrates some offerings that have been employed successfully in various

recreational sports programs throughout the nation.


Recreational sports activities schedules will depend on student needs, student and

faculty availability, facilities, season of year, community culture and support, and

budget constraints.

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One of the most popular and convenient scheduling times for schools is

late afternoon, especially in the fall and spring. This time has proved best for

many elementary, junior high, middle, and senior high schools. It is an

economical time because lighting is not required, outdoor space is available, and

faculty, staff, and adult supervision is readily available.

Evenings have been used quite extensively at colleges, and this trend has

been followed in many high schools. This time is not recommended for

elementary, junior high, or middle schools. Some schools that have flexible or

block scheduling use selected hours during the school day. Physical education

classes, however, should have priority and use of this period for intramurals or

extramurals does not conform to the standards set by the profession. Some schools

have satisfactorily used free periods, activity periods, club periods, and even

before-school hours for recreational sports programs when facilities were


The noon hour has also been utilized in some schools, especially in

elementary, junior high, middle, and secondary schools and particularly in rural

schools in which students do not go home or off campus for lunch. Because

students will be active anyway, the lunch period offers possibilities in selected

situations if moderately strenuous activities are offered.

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Safety is always a concern in any sporting activity, especially those involving

slippery conditions.

Saturdays have also been used for recreational sports programs. On

occasion, special weekend days are set aside in many schools for track and field

days, on May Day, for example, when all the students participate in a day or a half

day devoted entirely to the program's activities.'Ihese traditional sports days re

main quite popular, especially at the K-6 level. For the most part, however,

recreational sports programs. especially at the school level, have remained sub

dued in their weekend sports activity programming. Recreational sports activities

in the corporate setting, youth-serving agencies, senior com

munities. and other organizations are scheduled at various times to meet the

convenience of the members. Activities might be scheduled at any time during the

day or night. With more single parents and more dual working-parent households,

after-school activities have become standard rather than an experiment.


A few simple eligibility rules are needed. These should be kept to a minimum,

because the recreational sports programs should offer something for all students.

It is generally agreed that in schools and colleges players should not be

allowed to participate in like activities when they are on the varsity team or squad.

A student should be allowed to participate on only one team in a given activity

during the season. Students, of course, are eligible to participate in more than one

activity during a -season (e.g., flag football, coeducational soccer) and should be

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enrolled in or affiliated with the school and conform to the institutional and

NIRSA rules for participation.

Unbecoming conduct should be handled in a manner that is in the best

interests of the individual concerned, the program, and the established code of

student conduct. On occasion a student's eligi-, c: bility may be forfeited for

serious or repeated rules ' infractions.

Certain activities by their very nature are not appropriate for individuals

with certain health problems. Therefore such individuals should be cleared by

their personal physician or the school health service or department before being

permitted to participate.

Several states have instituted policies linking academic achievement

(GPA) and, attendance of students with their eligibility to participate in ex-

tracurricular activities. However, some controversy has developed about whether

a student should be denied the right to participate in such activities because of

poor grades. In some cases, state officials have threatened to challenge such action

iii the courts. It is important to have written policies in place concerning all phases

of one's total sports program and eligibility.


There are arguments for and against granting awards for recreational sports

involvement. Some recreational sport administrators argue that awards stimulate

interest, serve as extrinsic incentive for participation. and recognize achievement.

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