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  Tenderly Touching Our Attachment Experiences:

Deepening Understanding and Supporting Personal Healing

a 3-day workshop/retreat for those with

a body-based practice and those wishing to incorporate body awareness into their therapeutic work


with  Bonnie  Badenoch  and  Coease  Scott  

September  25-­‐27,  2014    

 Our  earliest  attachments  are  deeply  embedded  in  our  bodies  –  our  muscles,  belly,  heart,  and  nervous  system  as  well  as  the  brain  in  our  head.  Whenever  we  enter  into  relationship  with  each  other,  our  own  earliest  relational  experiences  

awaken  in  our  bodies,  coloring  our  way  of  being  with  the  people  who  come  to  us.  


Understanding  the  role  of  attachment  in  our  work  and  taking  the  additional  step  of  touching  into  our  own  early  experience  can  help  us  

• notice  when  we  feel  drawn  to  rescue,  save,  or  fix  to  alleviate  emotional  pain.    • increase  our  capacity  to  support  and  allow  rather  than  lead  or  direct.  • become  aware  when  vulnerable  parts  of  ourselves  and  our  clients  emerge.  • expand  our  trust  in  and  reliance  upon  the  wisdom  of  the  body.  • discover  and  begin  to  heal  our  own  attachment  wounds.  • explore  the  7  streams  of  essential  nourishment  as  doorways  to  healing.  • develop  ways  of  being  and  speaking  that  can  support  healing  the  torn  attachments  of  those  who  honestly  and  vulnerably  come  to  us  seeking  healing.  

• begin  to  cultivate  a  reservoir  of  stillness  as  the  foundation  of  practice.    

Based  on  their  combined  55  years  of  experience,  Bonnie  and  Coease  offer  contemplative  practices,  listening  partnerships,  relational  work  with  sand  and  miniatures,  non-­‐dominant  hand  drawing,  and  hands-­‐on  experiences  (fully  clothed)  to  provide  the  nourishing  soil  in  which  deep  understanding  and  

personal  healing  can  unfold.  

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 Bonnie Badenoch - author, therapist, educator, mentor – is co-founder of the nonprofit agency, Nurturing the Heart with the Brain in Mind in Portland, Oregon. Her work as a therapist has focused on helping trauma survivors and those with significant attachment wounds reshape their neural landscapes to support lives of meaning and resilience. She takes particular joy in offering longer-term immersion experiences for therapists, people with a body-based practice, and interested others at her home in the Pacific Northwest, sensing that these experiences foster personal transformation through embodiment of the principles of interpersonal neurobiology. Bonnie’s ongoing embodied exploration with Coease of the possible cross-pollination between the quiet space of hands-on work and early attachment experience has led to the creation of these retreats.  


Coease Scott is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Registered Craniosacral Therapist with advanced study in nutrition, digestion, bio-detoxification, and energy medicine. Coease is known for his depth of presence as well as his ability to use his hands to reflect and support the resources and rhythms for self-healing inherent in each person’s body. Craniosacral Therapy has become a foundation for his practice because he has found it to be the gentlest, most respectful and effective method of treatment. He has also developed a deep respect for the powerful influence that stress, the deeper mind (particularly the patterns developed in early childhood), and food can have on our level of energy, mood, and digestion.

The  Particulars    

Setting:    a  private  home  and  garden  in  Vancouver,  WA,  15  minutes  from  Portland  International  Airport  Dates  and  Times:    September  25-­‐27,  2014,  8:30  –  5:00  


Space  limited  to  12  participants    

Cost:    $700  with  a  $50  discount  if  paid  in  full  by  August  1,  2014  To  hold  your  place  –  a  $100  non-­‐refundable  deposit  sent  to  

 13108  SE  Forest  St,  Vancouver,  WA  98683  Cost  includes:    Tuition,  Art  Supplies,  Breakfasts  and  Lunches.  Dinners  and  lodging  on  your  own.  


For  more  information  and  questions:    Contact  Bonnie  Badenoch,  [email protected]    or  Coease  Scott,  [email protected]  

 To  register:  Contact  Bonnie  Badenoch,  [email protected]  

 “Feel  the  motions  of  tenderness  around  you,  the  buoyancy.”    Rumi  



At  the  heart  of  his  work,  deep  respect  for  the  wisdom  of  the  embodied  and  relational  brain;  dedicated  to  the  development  of  stillness  in  relationship  as  the  foundation  for  transformation;  providing  support  for  true  nourishment  of  all  the  streams  of  life.  

Devoted  to  cultivating  presence  in  the  midst  of  a  busy  world;  dedicated  to  supporting  warm  attachments  as  the  gateway  to  a  healthy  and  meaningful  life;  committed  to  being  with  those  in  the  helping  professions  to  provide  a  healing  environment  for  their  inner  worlds.