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TenderTenderTenderTender WriterWriterWriterWriter –––– SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills requiredrequiredrequiredrequiredbybybyby aaaa qualityqualityqualityquality tendertendertendertender writerwriterwriterwriter

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� Tender writing is not rocket science and you don’t need a degree ineconomics BUT the quality tender writer will have significant relevantskills and abilities which most “lay” people just don’t have.

� You can learn some of the skills and techniques by attending trainingor being mentored but unless you are a creative person with aboveaverage written and research skills well you probably are going tostruggle being a good tender writer.

� Following is a list of skills and attributes that most really good tenderwriters will possess:-

� Patience Of Job – Tender writers have to have patience that only asaint or Job can match.

� The need to be able to wait to gather information, they need to waitfor tenders to be released, they need to rely on others in theorganization – they have to wait wait wait.

� Impatient tender writers will jump in, they wont read all thedocuments required to understand the tender requirements they willbe overly quick to commence writing – they will make mistakes plainand simple.

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Interpersonal/CommunicationInterpersonal/CommunicationInterpersonal/CommunicationInterpersonal/Communication SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills :-:-:-:-

� if you need to coordinate with others within and external to theorganization to gain information, documents, statistics etc you willneed to have great interpersonal and oral communication skills.

� People don’t mind helping someone friendly and engaging and whocan communicate their requirements properly.

� They tend to refuse to help those with poor communication skills orthose who are abrasive.

� In fact some people will go out of their way to subtly hinder progressand help if you are viewed with suspicion or anger within theorganization.

� Notice that at no stage yet have detailed the great written skills yourequire to be a quality tender writer.

� Yes you do need good written skills however you can have the bestwritten skills but if you don’t have these supporting skills andattributes it won’t matter how great you can wordsmith – yourtender responses will generally be found wanting.

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ResearchResearchResearchResearch skillsskillsskillsskills:-:-:-:-

� tender writers require great research skills to find tenderopportunities and to undertake research to identify data, information,statistics etc to support their tender proposal. At times theseresearch skills are vital within their own organization so thatdocuments and vital information can be found which will be essentialin preparing the tender.

OrganizationalOrganizationalOrganizationalOrganizational skillsskillsskillsskills:-

� these skills are vital in preparing tenders. Tenders have specificdeadlines and therefore you need to be organized and virtuallyproject plan the preparation of the tender from start to finish takinginto account the closing date for the tender and the method oflodgment required. Tender writers with organizational/projectplanning skills obviously will be better placed that the tender writerwho is not organized and is managing chaos.

CoordinationCoordinationCoordinationCoordination skillsskillsskillsskills:-:-:-:-

� again these are vital. Information will need to be gained from avariety of different internal and external sources in order to preparea comprehensive tender response. You will need to coordinate withothers, coordinate timelines and coordinate information and as suchyou will need to have great communication and interpersonal skills.

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� ContactContactContactContact usususus atatatat RedRedRedRed TapeTapeTapeTape BustersBustersBustersBusters:-:-:-:- should you require moreinformation about this article or if you require specialist grant or tenderwriting experience to help your organization or business win grantfunding or achieve successes with tenders.

���� WeWeWeWe areareareare specialistsspecialistsspecialistsspecialists inininin providingprovidingprovidingproviding thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing services:-services:-services:-services:-

� Lobbying� Tender Writing� Grant Writing� Resumes/Job Application� Organizational/Business Development

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