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Answering the Call for Mobile AttributionA Guide to Bridging the Online-to-Offline Mobile Gap

Page 2: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

Today’s consumers use more types of media in their purchase process than ever, with mobile leading the way.

The pervasive nature of mobile is reinforcing the opportunity for advertisers to pursue mobile’s ready-to-buy audience. Mobile is pivotal in the way consumers make purchase decisions and often generates measurable offline actions – from in-store visits to calls. Capturing and measuring these offline engagements is imperative for marketers who are trying to understand the full impact of mobile ad performance. The key is to gain attribution for the valuable offline activities that take place beyond the click and bridge the gap between mobile engagement and actual purchases.

In this eBook, we discuss how measuring mobile-driven calls goes beyond tracking call counts to capturing deeper insights from these calls and the actions leading up to the calls. Offline actions help marketers comprehensively evaluate mobile lead quality and make better campaign content and investment decisions. We also explore the importance of local relevance in the context of mobile engagement. By linking multiple forms of online and mobile advertising to offline actions, call tracking technologies can help marketers discover which ad investments are paying off and how to make strategic modifications to generate a stronger ROI.

Mobile accounts for >50% of time spent online.

1/3+ use mobile exclusively for purchase research.

An Essential Everyday ToolMOBILE

60% of mobile-driven purchases happen

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xAd/Telmetrics Mobile Path to Purchase Study 2014

Page 3: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

Calls are Paramount to Mobile Marketing Success.Mobile is often the only media that consumers use in their purchase research and decisions. Yet, 60 percent of mobile-driven purchases happen offline. That’s a big number!

While offline has traditionally referred to in-store metrics – specifically for retail – there are many categories where calls are the dominant consumer ad response and a key engagement point for marketers. Unlike traditional online metrics, offline calls can reveal a lot about consumers and their purchase activity in the local marketplace.

The phone call is a ‘moment of truth’. Whether it’s a plumber, pest control service, auto repair franchise location or another business, calls are key as they indicate an engaged, ready-to-transact consumer. Measuring these calls can help advertisers and ad providers evaluate ad campaign success and bridge the gap from mobile engagement to purchase conversion.

Calls reveal valuable demographic data often lost through traditional click tracking.


(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

of mobile searchers book appointments or

reservations via the phone

73%of mobile shoppers

rank the ability to call a business very important


• Age• Gender• Peak Call Hours• Caller Location• Call Duration (Lead Quality)

Google ‘The Role of Click to Call in the Path to Purchase’ - Sept 2013

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Calls are a universal metric that tracks consumer engagement all the way along the path to purchase.From initial interest, through the research and purchase phase, and even post-purchase, consumers find it extremely helpful to be able to call the business during their decision making process. Along with consumers’ strong mobile engagement and high intent to purchase, calls are an effective way to bridge the post-click engagement gap.

Advertisers have confirmed these findings, often stating that phone calls are a key currency for getting a complete attribution picture of mobile ad performance.


of advertisers rate calls most



(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

Where Should I Start?Bridge the online to offline mobile attribution gap with 4 best practices ...

BIA/Kelsey Local Commerce Monitor™ (LCM) Wave 18, Q3/2014 (and prior waves, if relevant)

Page 5: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

4 Best Practices for Harnessing the Post-Click Attribution Opportunity


LOCAL Contact Info Upfront

1 2


Calls are Delivered


MEASURE Calls as Calls


SOURCESDriving Calls



Page 6: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

Businesses that value calls are businesses whose success largely depends on local consumers. A ringing phone is the sign of a healthy establishment. Given this, it is no surprise that clear business contact information is one of consumers’ most sought-after mobile features. Why advertise if consumers can’t easily connect with you?

In fact, more than 60 percent of mobile consumers say it is very important to be able to call a business in the purchase phase. Featuring phone numbers prominently in mobile direct response ads is essential to aiding attribution efforts.

Also, local relevancy and content are critical drivers in mobile ad engagement, so choose local numbers when possible. If an ad or listing doesn’t have local relevance at the time of action, the consumer will likely move on to the next business. Local phone numbers provide locality cues and generate 4x the number of calls than local ads with toll-free numbers.

0.1 mi

If an ad or listing doesn’t have local relevance when

they are ready to take action, the consumer will

likely move on to the next business!


P R E F E R LOCAL #’S 3 1to

BEST PRACTICE #1: Include Local Contact Info Upfront

Local Relevancy

Local Offers

Features a Known Brand

Consumers Engagewith Mobile


(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

xAd/Telmetrics Mobile Path to Purchase Study 2012

Page 7: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

Spam and telemarketer calls, as well as wrong number calls, are not only a nuisance but can dilute advertiser call response data. With as many as 40 percent of local ad-driven calls being spam, a call-blocking feature is essential to negating these irrelevant calls before they reach the advertiser. Marketers should test their provider’s success.

Also, category-specific benchmarks can help ensure that quality calls are delivered. Proactively define what makes a quality call. Keep in mind that this definition is unique to the business category.

BEST PRACTICE #2: Ensure Quality Calls are Delivered

Establishing Quality Call Benchmarks: One Size Does Not Fit AllEvery business has its own unique needs that require careful consideration when defining a ‘quality call’.

(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

Pizza Delivery

• 5:42 pm (Dinner Rush)• 1.5 min call• Placed an order• Weekly caller

Insurance Provider

• 1:15 pm (Business Hours)• 6 min call• Scheduled a 2nd call• Unique caller

Pest Control

• 7:08 AM (Emergency)• 2 min call• Same-day appointment• Unique caller

Page 8: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

While click to call, or tap to call for mobile, is commonly used to track how many consumers connect to the business they are searching, attribution shouldn’t be based on clicks on call buttons alone. How do you know the call was completed or was even answered? Advertisers using a last-tap approach don’t know, as there is no visibility into what happened beyond the tap.

Marketers should ensure they are using end-to-end call measurement technology with unique trackable phone numbers placed in ads and call monitoring for the duration of the call. This will help marketers glean rich lead generation data and more accurately evaluate lead quality. Treating calls as calls (and not taps or clicks) and understanding the call-through rate illuminates consumer purchase behaviors with deeper insights about engagement.

Tracking clicks lets you know someone may have called. Tracking calls let you know someone called and the quality of the lead.

Clicks Calls

Did someone click/tap on the phone number? P P

Did the call connect? - P

Who called? What was their name and phone number? - P

Was the call answered? - P

How long did it last? - P

Did they make an appointment? - P

Was the call routed to customer service? - P

Was it a unique lead? - P

BEST PRACTICE #3: Measure Calls as Calls

(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

Page 9: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

Just as it is important to understand insights gleaned from calls, Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) can reveal pre-call engagement behaviors and trends. This allows marketers to tie calls back to the specific originating digital or mobile campaigns. Enabling advertisers to match calls placed from websites back to the mobile source that delivered the call can reveal the specific search engine, display ad, web page or keyword that generated the inbound phone lead.

While search engine marketing (SEM) and mobile display campaigns provide click-through data, they provide little insight into activity beyond the click.

DNI connects the dots on call-related consumer behavior and helps complete the ad performance picture by enabling marketers to:

• Capture pre-call consumer touch points to understand behaviors that drive calls• Determine which search engines, keywords, networks and distribution partners or display ads generate the most calls and optimize programs for increased calls• Combine call analytics with click and session data for a comprehensive view of lead attribution and quality• Gain immediate lift in measured leads for a more holistic view of mobile ad performance

BEST PRACTICE #4: Identify Source Driving Calls




DNI is a technology that seamlessly replaces selected contact phone numbers on a web page with call tracking numbers.

Call tracking numbers associated with a certain lead source will

dynamically populate throughout a company’s website and/or landing pages once the user clicks on the

website link in the ad or search result, revealing the true originating lead source once a call is placed.

(Dynamic Number Insertion)DNI:

(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

A Local Search Directory Provider with 000’s of

cross-category SMB advertisers implemented

DNI with dramatic, tangible results.Increase in Call Attribution


I N - P L AY 37%+

Telmetrics Customer Success Story

Page 10: Telmetrics: Answering The Call for Mobile Attribution

The call for attribution in determining ad performance is getting louder, and mobile’s role in the consumer purchase process continues to grow. There’s no better time to maximize the mobile lead generation opportunity and that means closely evaluating the role calls can play in your attribution strategies. Calls have long served as a trusted ad performance metric – and the original and primary use of most mobile device is, after all, to make a call.

We hope this eBook and the best practices we’ve offered are helpful as you refine or kick off an impactful calls-driven mobile attribution program to help track all the great things that happen after the click or tap.

About Telmetrics

As a leader in call tracking and attribution technology, we’re committed to helping marketers monetize the offline phone leads generated by their digital campaigns. We work with leading local media publishers, search providers and agencies, providing them with the call intelligence and attribution insights needed to prove and optimize the value of their digital and mobile advertising programs.

We deliver what our clients need to grow their business:

• Local numbers anywhere to drive increased local response• The highest number of clean calls delivered, providing trustworthy call analytics and data reporting• The most reliable and scalable services in the business, ensuring all phone leads are delivered and captured• Call tracking expertise to provide guidance and help optimize lead generation and attribution


(800) 255 3224 [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Telmetrics Inc.

Visit us at www.telmetrics.comContact us to discuss your mobile attribution needs.