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Page 1: Telephone Etiquette Helpful Guidelines and Hints.

Telephone Etiquette

Helpful Guidelines and Hints

Page 2: Telephone Etiquette Helpful Guidelines and Hints.


Enhance your professional etiquette How to speak How to listen How to be courteous

Page 3: Telephone Etiquette Helpful Guidelines and Hints.

Why is this Important?

Display courtesy and respect Project professionalism Telephones are a daily business tool

Page 4: Telephone Etiquette Helpful Guidelines and Hints.

How to Speak

Slow Clear Smile Pleasant Lower mellow pitch No gum or food Avoid slang or complicated language Concise

Page 5: Telephone Etiquette Helpful Guidelines and Hints.

How to Listen

Turn off background noise Listen carefully Mentally imagine the other person

Page 6: Telephone Etiquette Helpful Guidelines and Hints.

How to be Courteous

Call between the hours of 8am and 10pm unless you have prior permission

Remember time zones Ask for permission before placing

someone on speaker phone Maintain a calm attitude

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Answering the Phone

Answer with 2-3 rings Use a professional and pleasant

greeting Identify yourself and your


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Answering Quiz

Phrase Correct Incorrect Questionable

Accounting, this is Mary.

Accounting, what do you want?

Good morning, STC, may I help you?


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Placing Callers on Hold

Do you mind holding? Periodic checks (30-45 seconds)

Offer options: Continue to hold or call them back

“Her line is still busy, do you wish to continue waiting or may someone else help you?”

Thank them for waiting Take a message, transfer or arrange a

specific call time if caller cannot hold

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Transferring Calls

Know how to transfer calls Provide the reason for the transfer

Give the name, department and phone number of where they are being transferred to

Ask if they would like to be transferred

Call ahead Not sure where to transfer them?

Investigate and call them back

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Screening Calls

Not good for public relations Announcing calls

“Yes he’s in. May I tell him who’s calling, please?”

Screening calls “May I say who’s calling?...Thank you.

Let me check and see if he’s in.” “She’s away from her office; may I take

your name and number?”

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Taking Phone Messages

Use telephone forms Name of person for whom the message

was left Caller’s name, company/department,

phone number Date and time Message Action Always repeat messages for accuracy

“Will you spell the name, please?” “Will you repeat the number, please?”

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Closing the Conversation

Talk in past tense Use “closing phrases” State follow-up action Thank them for calling and say


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Telephone Etiquette
