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Data Security and Cryptography

• Legal data protection• Risk analysis and IT Baseline

Protection• Data security• Cryptography• Smart card

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Data Security and Cryptography

Data protection, Privacy (legal)Protection of personal dataProtection of persons against not

authorized processing of data concerning that person

Data Security (technical)Protection against

Loss, dammageNot authorised reading, changing

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Data protection

Legal data protectioninterdiction with conditionally allowanceGerman Data Protection Act Federal State Data Protection Act special Data Protection Act :

Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz (health structure act)

Personalvertretungsgesetz (staff / workers council Data Protection Act )

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Privacy failure - an example The Hampshire hospital system provides a good example of the

failure to fully address privacy issues raised by information technology in the National Health Service (NHS). Because the then health minister held the constituency of Winchester (in Hampshire), new information technology systems were implemented more quickly there than elsewhere. These new systems had the feature that all laboratory tests ordered by general practitioners were entered into a hospital information system, which made them available to all staff on the wards and to consultants in the outpatient department. The stated goal was to cut down on duplicate testing; but the effect was that even highly sensitive matters such as HIV and pregnancy test results were no longer restricted to a handful of people (the general practitioner, practice secretary, the pathologist and the lab technician), but were widely available.

As with the London Ambulance Service, a timely warning of impending disaster was ignored, and the system duly went live on schedule. A nurse who had had a test done by her general practitioner complained to him after she found the result on the hospital system at Basingstoke where she worked; this caused outrage among local general practitioners and other medical staff, and may have contributed to the health minister's loss of his seat at the 1997 general election. The eventual outcome was that the relevant parts of the system were turned off at some hospitals.

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Data Security safety requirements

Reproduction of destroyed datacomplete, fast, consistent

Substitution of destroyed processesBackup of destroyed hardwareBackup of programs

Protection of the communication Not authorised reading, changing

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IT Baseline Protection Federal Office for

Information Security

Consulting of Federal- State- and Local authorities

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Uninterruptable Power supply

(UPS)• Which devices shall be supplied?

– Server– Disks– Clients– Network

• How long ?– Only for shutdown– Continue the appliations

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emergency power supply

Stationärer Stromerzeuger 800 kVAFür die Notstromversorgung eines Krankenhauses

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Server + Monitor 1kW

Disks 3*1.5 kW

USV ca. 7 kW for 15 Minutes

At a power failure the UPS signals an interrupt to the CPU which shuts down

UPS must support the operating system!

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24 hours operation on 7 days means:

Time between two downtimes

Accepted downtime by system stability

99% 99,9% 99,99% 1 day 15 minutes 1,5 minutes 8 seconds 1 week 1 ½ hours 10 minutes 1 minutes 1 month 7 hours ¾ hours 4 minutes 1 year 3 ½ days 8 ½ hours 52 minutes

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Causes of failure

Hardware and operating systeme

20 %

Faulty application programs


Human failure 40%

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attacks on the communication

Man-in-the-middlethe attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays

messages between them, making them believe that they are talking directly to each other over a private connection when in fact the entire conversation is controlled by the attacker.

Spoofing-Attackea situation in which one person or program successfully

masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining an illegitimate advantage

Denial-of-Servicemake a computer resource unavailable to its intended users

Replaydata transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed

Combination of attacks

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Protection against attacks





Reception control

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Computer between the internet and

the local network. It analyses the

data stream and locks or opens the

passage depending on the

services, addressee and sender.

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Local network







All access allowed

e.g. departmentcertain access


e.g. departmentNo access allowed

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encryptionCryptologyScience of coding messages

CryptographyMapping a message on an incomprehensible text

CryptoanalysisDecryption of an incomprehensible text

SteganographyHiding a message in a harmless text

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Cäsar Chiffre





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Cäsar Chiffre

Decoding by counting the frequency of letters DERSCHATZLIEGTINEINEMEISENKASTEN

E 7 7 GN 4 4 PI 4 4 KS 3 3 UT 3 3 VR 1 1 TA 2 2 CD 1 1 F


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Frequency of letters


english ETANORI


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Cipheringsymmetric key

plain textEncryption plain textCipher text




Exchange of keys

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Cipheringasymmetric key

Plain TextEncryption Plain TextCipher textDecryption


b B




Pub Bob

Certificate AuthoritiesPublic keyAlice Bob

Pub AlicePub

Private keyP Alice

Private keyP Bob

%&G(=Plain Text


b A


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RSA-CIPHERRivest Shamir Aldemanrequired: two prime numbers p,q=> Public key (encrypt)

n = p*qe relatively prime with (p-1)*(q-1)

Private Keyd with d*e = 1 mod(p-1)*(q-1)

encrypt: c = me mod ndecrypt: m = cd mod n

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RSA-Examplep = 47; q = 59; p*q = n = 2773(p-1) * (q-1) = 46*58 = 2668e*d = 1 mod 2668 <=> (e*d) / 2668 Rest 1n = 2773; e = 17; d = 157HALLO ... => 080112121500...080117 mod 2773 = 2480121217 mod 2773 = 23452480157 mod 2773 = 8012345157 mod 2773 = 1212

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RSA-CIPHER time to decipher

Digits Bits Year Computer Duration


140 1999

200; 300MHz

1 Monat 9 Jahre

155 512 1999

300 3,7 Monate

37,5 Jahre

160 530 2002

100 20 Tage

200 663 2005

80; 2.2 GHz 3 Monate

55 Jahre

The RSA Factoring Challenge

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Pretty Good Privacysending



Private keyof sender

Symmetric key

Public keyof receiver

Random number

EncryptedRandom number


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Pretty Good Privacyreceiving




Private keyof receiver

Symmetric key

Public keyof sender

Random number

EncryptedRandom number



= ?

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Digital Signaturprocedure





Private key






Public key

Checksum ?=


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Roles of a Signature

• Closing• Identity• Authenticity• Evidence• Inhibition threshold

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Regulation concerning Digital Signatur

(Signaturverordnung - SigV)§ 16 Anforderungen an die technischen Komponenten

(1) Die zur Erzeugung von Signaturschlüsseln erforderlichen technischen Komponenten müssen so beschaffen sein, daß ein Schlüssel mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit nur einmal vorkommt und aus dem öffentlichen Schlüssel nicht der private Schlüssel errechnet werden kann. Die Geheimhaltung des privaten Schlüssels muß gewährleistet sein und er darf nicht dupliziert werden können. Sicherheitstechnische Veränderungen an den technischen Komponenten müssen für den Nutzer erkennbar werden.

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Regulation concerning Digital Signatur

The technical components which are necessary for the production of signature keys must be in a condition that a key will appear only once and that a private key can not be calculated from the public key. The privacy of the private key must be ensured and it should be not possible to dublicate the key. Safety-relevant changes in the technical components must become recognizable for the user.

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Realisation of SigG, SigV und SigRL

• Linking the public key to its owner• Safe storage of the private key• Building of the digital signature in

a safe environment• uniqueness of the key

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certificate• A certificate links a public key to a specific person• A reliable third party (Certification Authority - CA) signs these data

• The public key of the CA is known

Serial number

Name of the owner

Public key of the owner


Signatur of CA

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Certification Authority

Die Erteilung von Genehmigungen und die Ausstellung von Zertifikaten, die zum Signieren von Zertifikaten eingesetzt werden, sowie die Überwachung der Einhaltung dieses Gesetzes und der Rechtsverordnung nach § 16 obliegen der Behörde nach § 66 des Telekommunikationsgesetzes


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Kinds of digital signaturesSimple Signature

• Sign under the document • scanned signature• elektronic business card

Uncontrolled use, no authenticity

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Kinds of digital signatures

advanced Signature• exclusively related to the key owner• Permits the identification of the key

owner• Is generated under the exclusive control

of the key owner• Is related to the signed data in that kind

that subsequent change of the data can be detected

• examples: PGP, Verisign, Sphinx• May be used inhouse

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Kinds of digital signatures Qualified Signature

without accreditation of provider

• advanced Signature with:– A certificate which is valide at the time of

signature– Created with a safe program to create

signature keys

• The provider registers at Bundesnetzagentur, but will not be reviewed periodically

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Kinds of digital signatures Qualified Signature

without accreditation of provider

• Qualified Signature• The provider will be checked by

Bundesnetzagentur • Longterm reliability is ensured• The signature is equivalent to a

signature by hand and the opponent must prove that it is forged

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Smart card for the Digital Signatur

• tamper-proof and confidential storage

• security relevant operations are executed on the smart card

• Simple transport and high availability

• Highly accepted

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Smart card Mikrocontroller

• CPU + Co-Prozessor (Crypto-Unit)• RAM (~2k), ROM (~32k) und

EEPROM (~32k .. 64k)• I/O Crypto







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Data Security and Cryptography

• Legal data protection• IT Baseline Protection • attacks on the communication• Symmetric - asymmetric

encryption • Digital signature• Smart cards