Download - Teknik Asepsis Otopsi

  • 7/26/2019 Teknik Asepsis Otopsi


    Rahmadaniah Khaerunnisa -130120150002

    Mata kuliah : Forensik Odontologi

    Pengampu : Yuti Malinda, drg., MM., M.Kes.

    Program Magister Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar

    Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

  • 7/26/2019 Teknik Asepsis Otopsi


    safe working in a mortuary and post-mortem

    facility requires a high standard of trainingand education, and visitors should be guided

    in all aspects of health and safety

    the guidance represents what is consideredto be good practice

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    those in charge of health and safety in the mortuary

    should be able to : identify and assess risks

    ensure such risks are avoided or adequately controlled

    prepare comprehensive standard operating procedures

    specific to the facility

    there is a potential, through poor hygiene, totransmit infections to the environment outside

    the mortuary setting adherence to the appropriate health and safety

    principles greatly reduces this risk

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    forensic dentists/odontologists working in the

    mortuary will be advised how to conduct their

    examinations safely a risk assessment is required for each case and

    the precautions to be followed are decided

    factors to consider include the following :

    known or suspected infection hazards

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  • 7/26/2019 Teknik Asepsis Otopsi


  • 7/26/2019 Teknik Asepsis Otopsi


    strictly controlled access using ID badges an organized methodical workflow to prevent

    excess manual handling restricted movements between clean and dirty

    areas appropriate cleaning and disinfection of

    instruments, workstations and floors designated working hours and rest breaks to

    prevent human error due to tiredness appropriate use and disposal of personal

    protective equipment (PPE) radiation protection

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    standard operating procedures in the mortuary will set out strict standards of personalhygiene which all staff must follow, measures for personal hygiene include :

    change into protective clothing before carrying out any post-mortem examination always wear the correct protective clothing (high-risk cases may require respiratory

    protection) remove protective clothing when leaving the post-mortem area, and dispose of it

    appropriately open wounds, cuts, skin abrasions or active dermatitis on exposed skin should have

    the area adequately protected by waterproof dressings actions that bring the hands (gloved or otherwise) into contact with face, eyes,

    nose and mouth should be avoided

    hands should be thoroughly washed prior to leaving any of the designated dirtywork areas of the mortuary, and showering ensures that skin and hair are free fromcontamination

    smoking, drinking and eating are strictly prohibited in areas that are not specificallydesignated for that use

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    protective clothing usually supplied is : surgical shirt and trousers (scrubs)

    long-sleeved surgical gown or coverall (TYVEK)

    plastic apron which extends outside boots

    waterproof boots with non-slip soles

    disposable surgical gloves (double gloving may be appropriate in high-risk cases)

    visor or mask with goggles (a ventilated visor/hood should be used for high-risk cases)

    disposal of PPE is strictly controlled and the changing area should have adirty and clean side

    reusable PPE such as scrubs should be placed in an appropriately labeled

    laundry container on the dirty side reusable PPE such as visors or boots should be cleaned and disinfected atthe end of each session as detailed in standard operating procedures

    disposable PPE such as gloves, aprons or gowns/overalls can be disposedof in a clinical waste bin on leaving the post-mortem area

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    the mortuary and post-mortem room environment must beregularly cleaned and disinfected so that all infectiousagents are kept to a level which is not harmful to health.

    all surfaces should be washed down with detergent and

    rinsed prior to application of the disinfectant the most commonly used disinfectants in the mortuary andpost-mortem room are clear soluble phenolics, chlorine-based hypochlorites, quaternary ammonium compounds(quats) and halogenated tertiary amines

    instruments, after use, decontaminated using a washer-disinfector

    non-disposable protective equipment such as visors andboots should also be cleaned and disinfected at end of eachsession

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    waste generated from the post-mortem room isclassified as clinical waste

    all clinical waste is required to be contained within thecorrect sack and appropriately sealed and labeled

    contaminated sharps which are disposable should bediscarded in a solid container

    protective clothing that is reusable is divided into threecategories : used (soiled and foul)


    heat-labile (fabrics that would be damaged by normal heatdisinfection processes and likely to be damaged at thermaldisinfection temperatures)

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    all those working in the mortuary should be

    immunized, as a minimum, against hepatitisb, tetanus and tuberculosis

    immunization procedures for staff are based

    on guidance in several relevant departmentof health publications