Download - TehnoDent. Dental materials.


TehnoDent Dental materials

Company establishment.


Issuance of registration certificates for the group of materials (8 products).

Design and star-up of production.

Supplies of laboratory and quality control department.

Research of import analogue products.


Participation in the International Exhibition Dental Expo.

Development of preventive materials.

Registration of medical devices.

Batch production of dental materials.

Start of sales at the territory of Russian Federation.


Registration of materials (9 products).

Active participation in Russian dental exhibitions.

Registration of dental materials at the territory of Ukraine.

Active development on the territory of Russian Federation.

Implementation of innovation: product based on arginine for dental hard tissues hyperesthesia reduction.


Production of new materials.

Participation in Russian and Ukrainian exhibitions.

Enlargement of manufacturing. Batch manufacturing of new materials.

Registration of the production at the territory of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Cooperation with trading companies from these countries.

Growing number of Russian regions, working with production of TehnoDent.

Enlargement of production areas of cements and raw materials preparation.

Issuance of new products. Glass-ionomer cements development.

Production certification matching with QMS enterprise according to GOST ISO 13485-2011 (for the production of medical devices).


Participation in major international exhibition in Cologne (Germany).

Certification of the products according to CE and ISO.

Signed first foreign trade contract with the clients from: Egypt, Tunisia, Greece.

Launching of new manufacturing facilities. Mastery of new filling and labeling equipment.

Expansion of glass melting area.


Participation in 9 large international exhibitions:Russia, Brazil, UAE, China, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Senegal. Geography of foreign supplies expanded up to 30 countries with the common number of distributors more than 500.

Re-equipment of industrial areas (reorganization of warehouses, provision of raw materials preparation area with screening equipment).

Cooperation with scientific centers, and with Russian dental association.

Registration of dental materials according to the requirements of Russian Healthcare Federal Service.


Participation in dental art championship in Vladivostok.