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My writingGoal for this

Term is to remember That speech marks

usally come after saidshouted and yelled

My spelling goal forThis term is to get

to 450 by the end of this Term. I am currently on 350 on this day the 29th

Of may

The steps I took to achive these Goals are

My first club was 203 Then 240 and

Now Im on 350 and360

Teachers comment

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Page 3: Teds Eport

I was born in Hamilton. I lived there for 7 yearsI think Hamilton is cool because most of my family lives there. Now I live in Gisborne, I have only been living in Gisborne for 3 years here are some of the streets that I have lived in they are called Fairfield street I lived there for about 3 years. I also lived in Gordonton but that is not a street it is like a small

town, I lived there for 4 years. I lived there with my Nan and Koro when I was 6. I moved here to live with my mum I now live at 39 lyell road down the

road from Waikirikiri school.

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In the holidays I went to Raglan and Hamilton. I went there to spend time with my Nan and Granddad, cousins and my other brothers and sisters. I spent most of the time with my cousin Ammaron, my brother Boston my sister Tyrah and cousin Shai. On the Thursday of the second week we played on the motorbike all day but we still had breakfast and lunch. It was funny because my cousins kept on making it breakdown. On Saturday my uncle, my cousin and I went opossum shooting. We shot 8 opossums and me and my cousin Ammaron got to kick its head. It was cool when my uncle broke its skull. I broke a opossum skull but only once. We had to pluck its fur off and we got paid for it too. We got paid $10 dollars each. My favourite part of my holidays was going opossum shooting because I’ve never been opossum shooting.

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Me and vern

Me and gerry


Me getting


Me when I was a baby

Us on our trip


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This term we are learning to write narratives like Folk tales and Fairy tales.

Narratives need...


Solve the problem

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I can find all my own errors

I use a red pen to edit my work I underline a mistake and cross out a word with my ruler

I use a dictionary to correct those errors

I need to work on this

I know when to use a capital letter and I use them correctly

I know when to use a full stop I am working on this

I know how and when to use a comma

I don’t know how to use these yet

I know how to use speech marks I don’t know how to use these yet

I know how to rework my draft I am working on this

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Term 1 2009290

Term 2 2009 430440

Term 3 2009 Club

At the moment I am learning to read and write these words by

Every week we practice our spelling words with our spelling buddies.

On Friday we test each other.

Next term I need to practice and learn 450.............. so that I will be on club ...460 and 470.....................

Term 4 2009 Club