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PowerPoint Presentation

What have you learnt about Technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout this course, I have used a range of technologies to create a more efficient means of working. This meant we could produce our product to the highest level possible.


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Organising my work

In order to organize all my notes and documents for the course, I created a folder on my outlook email, called 'Media Notes'. This meant that I could email myself all the notes made in lessons, and move them all to one folder. Allowing me to easily locate my work when I needed it. This method was efficient because I could access my notes from any device and at any time.

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I also kept a record of notes and files on my personal computer at home. This meant only I could access my work, preventing it from going missing or the files corrupting

Screen Shot 2016-03-20 at 14.06.08.pngScreen Shot 2016-03-20 at 14.11.55.pngA screenshot of the folders on my personal computer

Collecting research for my evaluation

Whilst conducting my evaluation for our product. I used a voice recorder to record my focus group feedback. I then uploaded this recording to 'Sound Cloud' which gave me an easy way to embed it onto my blog for evaluation.

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As a group we decided to find a way to communicate efficiently and regularly so that we were able to plan things that needed to be done as a group (eg. Filming /editing). To do this we used an application called Whatsapp messenger. This was an simple way to keep in touch as a group if anyone had any queries or ideas. The app was free to download on all of our devices and was therefore easy for everyone to get hold of.


Production stage

For the production stage we used several software packages.The package we used the most was 'Adobe Premier Pro'. This is where 95% of our editing was done. The other 5% was creating our titles on 'Adobe After Effects'.

Premier Pro was extremely helpful in many ways. It allowed us to adjust certain parts of our clips. Such as the saturation, if one of our clips stood out more than others because it looked too 'warm', then we were able to dim that warmth and make it less noticeable. Also the stability tool. Some of our shots were handheld, and this tool reduced some of the movement in the clips.

A more advanced technique that we used was the green screen. This allowed us to place the younger version of Angus in the mirror looking back, whilst having the older version looking in.


Adobe After effects was the software we used to create our titles. We could control factors such as the size, font and transition of our text. Any transition or font we placed on our text would be the way it appeared when added to our sequence.We decided to use an effect called 'Camera Lens blur' this made our text blur out like smoke in the wind. This was effective as it fitted with the horror genre for our film.


Finally, in order to present all our Research, Planning, Construction and Evaluations, we created an online blog on Wordpress.This was our own personal site that we uploaded all of our workand progress onto throughout the course.

For most of us blogging was a completely new task. Many of us had never used a blog or started our own. So getting used to updating it regularly and categorizing each blog post was tricky to start. However it allowed us to become more organized and independent.

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