Download - Technion lecture @T2med- Patients and ePatients are not third person word

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Uri Goren

T2MED 2013

Patients and ePatients are NOT

a 3rd person word

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“Patient” is not a third person word! e-patientDave


Patients are the most under-used resource in HealthcareDaniel Z. Sands, MD

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At its core is maximizing value for patients: that is, achieving the best outcomes at the lowest cost. We must

move away from a supply-driven health care system organized around what physicians do and toward a

patient-centered system organized around what patients need.

“The strategy that will fix healthcare”

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Patient-focused Drug Development

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DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1310132

Overall, our experience suggests that doctors initially feel safest when they can choose what patients can see, but as they evaluate feedback from patients and colleagues and learn to discuss choices with their patients, their preconceived limits tend to fade away. Ideally, both patients and providers should be able to set preferences about sharing information, but current health information systems can't handle such nuance.

Regardless of the setting, open notes can help improve patient safety by allowing contributions from patients and families who may catch questionable statements or clinically important mistakes in notes or find lapses in follow-up that need to be rectified. Indeed, the very existence of an environment in which patients are encouraged to identify potential errors may increase patients' trust. But policies and processes for amending records remain in flux and vary widely among record systems and practice settings.

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Shortage of doctors Turning from acute and infection based medicine to long

term care Information overload (Over 2,000 papers a day) Online information and social networks Rising costs Quality and access

It is a necessity

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People Powered health in England: Turning patients in to a asset £4.4 billion savings are expected Social prescriptions, holistic approach, dealing with patient


“patients have an 88 percent reduced risk of dying of a cardiac-related cause when enrolled within 90 days of a heart attack, compared to those not in the program.” And, “clinical care teams reduced overall mortality by 76 percent and cardiac mortality by 73 percent.

When patients are engaged

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Smartphones Social networks Sensors Tele health Big Data

And Digital?.…

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When thinking of digital tool – think about value to patient

Start working with patients when you are still development

So what?

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