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Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang


How many of you are active on Facebook?

(active ~= login at least once a week)

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Did you know?

• People who “like” a Fan page are publicly visible• If a friend comments on a photo on your wall, it shows

up on their wall and their friends?• Apps may be vulnerable to malicious attacks• Facebook may use your Connections information even

after you delete them

“More than 60 percent of Facebook users have considered quitting the site because of privacy concerns…” ,

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

“But the reality is that no matter what these social networks do, they’ll never have the technology or the manpower to stop every threat. Which is why they need to stop pretending that they’re safe. Facebook’s (and MySpace’s) goal is to connect as many people as possible, and the sad truth is that many people are very naive when it comes to online safety.” -- TechCrunch (2/8/09)

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

Is it safe to be on Facebook? By DJ Chuang

• How do you use Facebook with care?

• And your questions & comments…


• Email: [email protected]• Website:•

Tell us what you think! Send comments and questions [email protected]

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