Download - Tech Ed Earned Media 4 18-10



Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.

ALL - TIME THIS WEEK APR 12 - 18Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 110,578 Direct Visitors 13,400

WOM Visitors 12,331 WOM Visitors 1,422Total Visitors 122,909 Total Visitors 14,822

3,615 217 * row spaces

Meteor Metric 10.0% Meteor Metric 9.6%

2.9% 1.5%

ALL - TIMEAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.,01,13-2010,04,18

Visitors Who Shared

Visitors Who Shared

% of Visitors Who Share

% of Visitors Who Share

MAIN TAKEWAYS:1. Visitor counts this week were the highest EVER (14,822 visitors). Meteor Metric up slightly 9.6% from 8.9%. > Direct Visitors: 13,400, WOM Visitors: 1,422 > Traffic increase this week was caused by Wave 4 email which brought 2600 new visitors to the site > Traffic from "No Referrer" doubled week over week from 2500 to 5000 visitors. This reflects visitors from email usually and is consistent with the visitor numbers we are seeing from the mtag tracking the Wave 4 email > Traffic from remains the same week over week > 4, new Top Traffic sites showed this week:,, &

2. Meteor Mtag is accurately tracking traffic from Wave 4 email! > Over the 3 days since the email was sent in this reporting period, 2637 visitors came from the email to the site > So far, visitors from Wave 4 email are sharing at a lower rates than the average TechEd visitor > We expect sharing from Wave 4 to increase as users have more time to click on shared links > We will continue to report on on this next week to see how many days it takes to drive WOM from email send date 3. Traffic from Mtag placements is up significantly but all sharing and engagement metrics are below All-time Mtag averages > 5000 visitors came from mtags this week, 1800 last week > Increase in visitors is due to Wave 4 Email > Visitors from Wave 4 email drive less sharing (so far): Email created a Yield lift of 0.6%. All-Time average for Yield Lift is 8% > 0.6% of visitors from Wave 4 Email shared content. All-Time average: 1.5% of visitors from mtags share content

4. Impact from Social outreach (Facebook and Twitter mtags) increased this week > This week Social outreach brought in 110 visitors and 3 conversions > Last week Social brought in 8 visitors and 0 conversions

Detailed Highlights for April 12 - 18:* Meteor Metric All-Time continues to be at 10% *C:50* Conversion rates dropped this week. WOM visitors converting at higher rate. *B:78 > Direct Visitor Conversion Rate: 1.8% vs. last week's 4.1% *E:86 > WOM Visitor Conversion Rate: 2.6% vs. last week's 5.0% *E:87* Top shared content varied compared to last week: > "Spread the Word" page went from a 0% Meteor Metric Weekly to 88%! *H:122 > "Featured Speakers" page contnues to be one of the top 5 shared pages this week (for the 4th week in a row)!* New featured speaker (I. HUSSEIN) had a spike in WOM results: 2 total visitors last week to 6 this week.* Sharetool results: This week visitors chose to share via the Facebook, Twitter and Email icons equally: 41, 40 and 40 clicks > All-Time, TechEd visitors prefer to share via facebook and Email, and click on Twitter icon less

Questions / To Do:

1. Conversions: How do RIO and Meteor counts compare to CRG's?

2. Top Traffic site - was not available for viewing. Is this an internal site?

3. MTag "VS" is beginning to drive traffic- what is this traffic source?,01,13-2010,04,18

Conversion Tracking APRIL 12 - APRIL 18,01,13-2010,04,18

This is the first full week of conversion-tracking with the new pixel. We purposely did not include historical data.


APR 12 - APR 18 ALL - TIME

Type Paid Conversions Visitors Type UnPaid Conversions Visitors

Direct 247 13,400 1.8% Direct 1,899 902 1,289 4,090 110,578 3.7%

WOM 37 1,422 2.6% WOM 246 86 97 429 12,231 3.5%

Paid Conversions Percentage

Paid Conversions

UnNamed Conversions

Total Conversions

Conversions Percentage

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdAPRIL 5 - APRIL 11

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.,01,13-2010,04,11

ALL - TIME THIS WEEK APR 5 - 11Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 97,957 Direct Visitors 8,015

WOM Visitors 10,692 WOM Visitors 783

Total Visitors 108,649 Total Visitors 8,798

3,348 154

Meteor Metric 9.8% Meteor Metric 8.9%

3.1% 1.8%

ALL - TIMEAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.

Visitors Who Shared

Visitors Who Shared

% of Visitors Who Share

% of Visitors Who Share


1. Overall Traffic is the highest it has been in three weeks (8,798 visitors). However, sharing is at its lowest level in weeks(783 visitors). > Direct Traffic increased from large sources but WOM traffic did not > /events up 3k direct visitors compared to last week > ATLAS/Display ads delivered 200 additional direct visitors this week and they did not contribute much WOM. > As a result, Meteor Metric decreased week over from 13% last week to 8.9% this week

2. All-Time 3.1% of visitors to TechEd share content. This is excellent: Meteor average is less than 1% > Those who share have driven 9.8% of TechEd traffic all-time > This week only 1.8% of visitors to TechEd shared content, driving 8.9% of this week's traffic

3. For the 2nd week in a row, WOM visitors are converting (paid registrations only) at a higher rate than Direct visitors. (5% vs. 4.1%) *G89 & G90*

4. NEW: All-Time, users choose to Email and Facebook in the sharetool to share TechEd content at almost an identical rate. *Row 287 > 407 clicks on Email (29%) , 404 on Facebook icon (28%) > This week, more users chose to share via the Facebook icon *C289 > On Weekend days, users click to share via Sharetool 49% more frequently than on weekdays (ROW 302) > Weekday Click-thru rate = 0.58% > Weekend CTR = 0.82%

Detailed Highlights for April 5 - 11:* Meteor Metric All-Time continues for the second week, to remain around 10% (9.8%). *C:50* Meteor Metric Weekly (Apr 5 - Apr 11) lowered to 8.9%. *G:50 - lowest we've seen since mid Feb* Conversion rates remained similar this week, dropping slightly (Direct or WOM): *B:78 > Direct Visitor Conversion Rate: 4.1% vs. last week's 4.9% *E:86 > WOM Visitor Conversion Rate: 5.0% vs. last week's 6.1% *E:87 > Paid Conversion Rate Total: 4.2% vs. last week's 5.1% *E:88 * WOM visitors to each page on TechEd decreased across almost all pages from last week > "Contest" page went from a 50% Meteor Metric All-Time to 0% this week *H:122 > "Navigating TechEd" page dropped vastly going form a 23% Meteor Metric to 0% this week. *F:123* Two new featured speakers appeared this week in WOM results: Marcus Murray & Iftkekhar Hussain pages each had WOM visitors* Yield from Mtags is down significantly this week. Last week's yield: 42 visitors. This week's yield from Mtags: 12 visitors. * This week, 12.5% of visitors from Twitter mtags to TechEd shared TechEd content successfully *All-Time, 1.5% of visitors from Mtags shared TechEd Data, driving 8.7% of visitors

Questions / To Do:

1. Meteor paid conversions dropped this week which is a good sign the CRG fix is working to reduce the number of inaccurate conversions. How would you like to us to check Meteor numbers against RIO and CRG's?

2. Sharetool clicks are available as of this report and we are collecting downstream sharing data (yield) per share icon but it is not ready to present yet. Hoping it will be ready in 1-2 weeks.

3. Can we see a sample of the Wave 4 email as soon as a draft is ready? Need to triple check the links to make sure they are set up correctly.,01,13-2010,04,11

Conversion Tracking APRIL 5 - APRIL 11,01,13-2010,04,11

This is the first full week of conversion-tracking with the new pixel. We purposely did not include historical data.



Type Paid Conversions Visitors Type Paid Conversions Visitors

Direct 329 8,015 4.1% Direct 1,652 811 1,289 3,752 97,957 3.8%

WOM 39 783 5.0% WOM 209 77 97 383 10,962 3.5%

Paid Conversions Percentage

UnPaid Conversions

UnNamed Conversions

Total Conversions

Conversions Percentage

PLEASE SEE 4/4/10 .ppt

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdMARCH 22 - MARCH 28

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.

ALL - TIME LAST WEEK MAR 22 - 28Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 83,859 Direct Visitors 5,922

WOM Visitors 9,271 WOM Visitors 1,305

Total Visitors 93,130 Total Visitors 7,227

Meteor Metric 10.0% Meteor Metric 18.1%

ALL - TIMEAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.,01,13-2010,03,28,01,13-2010,03,28

Highlights for March 22-28:

* Meteor Metric all-time continues to increase: 10%, this week up 9.3% last week* This week had the single highest Meteor Metric since we started tracking: 18%! * Total site traffic to the site is similar to last week, at approximately 7,200 visitors. > WOM visitor totals were up considerably this week: 1305 vs. 818 last week! This larger number increased the overall Meteor Metric.* Conversion rates varied this week (Direct or WOM): > Direct Visitor Conversion Rate raised this weeks: 9.5% vs. last week's 9.1% > WOM Visitor Conversion Rate subtly dropped: 4.4% vs. last week's 5.6% >>Paid Conversion Rate raised : 6.1% vs. last week's 6.0% * Direct Visitors are still converting higher than WOM visitors: 9.5% vs. 4.4% * Featured Speakers page was the most shared page for the sencond week in a row > This week, the Pre Conference Seminars page sharing percentage nearly doubled going from 25% to 41%.* Sharing data for specific speakers did not change.* Several new Top Referring sites popped up this week:, and * Conversions from mtags basically the same week over week: 16 last week to 15 this week. > Majority of Mtag conversions continue to come primarily from Internal placements.* We are now picking up trafic from the mobile campaign which has delivered 93 visitors with no sharing or conversions* Infleuncers: our top influencer this week brought in 214 new visitors to TechEd thanks partially to his post on Microsoft Student Lounge site

Recommendations:1. Our top influencer brought in 214 new visitors, ,several of which came from the Microsoft Student Lounge! Perhaps reaching out to the Microsoft Student site and encourage both sharing on the forum but also link to other sharing facets i.e. individual Twitter and Facebook pages would be beneficial?

2. Reaching out to the new, Microsoft-based Top Traffic sites and mentiong the benefit their posting/support of TechEd made(i.e. It Pro, Channel 9 and Student Lounge).

Questions / To Do:

1. and show up in top referring sites this week. We suspect these are mobile sites and a result the recent launch, correct?

2. Our conversion counts for March 15-21 are high again and outside of the margin of error that we'd like to see. Anne to follow up with Brandy and Sonja directly with a couple of data requests to try to determine the route of the discrepencies.

Conversion Tracking MARCH 22 - MARCH 28

This is the first full week of conversion-tracking with the new pixel. We purposely did not include historical data.


MAR 22 - MAR 28 ALL - TIME

Type Paid Conversions Visitors Type Total Conversions Visitors

Direct 409 5,922 6.9% Direct 1,085 480 1,289 2,854 83,859 3.4%

WOM 42 1,305 3.2% WOM 129 33 97 259 9,271 2.8%,03,22-2010,03,28

Paid Conversions Percentage

Paid Conversions

UnPaid Conversions

UnNamed Conversions

Conversions Percentage

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdMARCH 15 - MARCH 21

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.

ALL - TIME LAST WEEK MAR 15 - 21Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 77,937 Direct Visitors 6,183

WOM Visitors 7,966 WOM Visitors 818

Total Visitors 85,903 Total Visitors 7,001

Meteor Metric 9.3% Meteor Metric 11.7%

ALL - TIMEAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.,03,15-2010,03,21,03,15-2010,03,21

Highlights for March 15-21:

* Meteor Metric all-time continues to increase: 9.3%, up from 9.1% last week* For the week of March 8-15, Meteor Metric is down slightly from 12.5% last week to 11.7% this week.* Total site traffic is down 30% this week from approximately 10k last week to 7k this week. > Caused by drop in traffic from and Mtag (paid) placements * Despite traffic drop, overall conversion rates increased greatly this week: > Direct Visitor Conversion Rate more than doubled week over week: 9.1% this week up from 4.4% > WOM Visitor Conversion Rate also increased: 5.6% this week up from 4.1%* Direct Visitors are still converting slightly higher than WOM visitors: 9.1% vs. 5.6% * Sharing for the Featured Speakers page sky-rocketed this week: 77% of visitors came from a shared link compared to last week's 14%. 66% All-Time compared to last week's All-Time of 25% > Featued Speakers knocked out the former front-runner the TechEd home page (formerly holding an 80% Meteor Metric for two weeks). * Sharing data now availble on specific speakers: Shannon Bray and Ted Neward were shared but no visitors came to Laura Chappelle's page from a shared link. Traffic was relatively low on these pages: 5 visitors or less per page.* Very little change in the actual referring sites this week with the exception of new site - a certified Microsoft partner who is offering a chance to win a free pass to TechEd in exchnage for providing contact info. Looks to be a leadgen vehicle for them. * Traffic from to TechEd was down significantly this week, accounting for most of the 30% visitor drop week over week. * Both Yield Conversions and Direct Conversions from Mtags increased this week. 11:5 (direct:yield) vs. 5:0 last week > like last week, all mtag conversions came from internal placements* Infleuncers: our top influencer this week posted a shared link on MSDN and brought in 449 new visitors to TechEd * See screen grab of Imanami Blog site which is a new traffic source as well

Recommendations:1. Reach out to the Imanami site and thank them for the link on their blog 2. Determine why traffic from dropped this week. Utilize Meteor data to go back to stakeholders to see if that can be reversed.

Questions / To Do:

1. Cause of last week's discrepencies between visitor figures from not matching Top Traffic figures has been identified and fixed. Discrepency was caused by a DB bug in Meteor that only impacted that one view.

2. Conversions - our numbers are closer. Continue to compare Meteor conversion counts to Sonja's weekly report and calculate the difference.

Conversion Tracking MARCH 15 - MARCH 21

This is the first full week of conversion-tracking with the new pixel. We purposely did not include historical data.


MAR 15 - MAR 21 MAR 15 - MAR 21

Type Paid Conversions Visitors Type Visitors

Direct 381 6,183 6.2% Direct 381 182 6,183 563 9.1%

WOM 37 818 4.5% WOM 37 9 818 46 5.6%,03,15-2010,03,21

Paid Conversions Percentage

Paid Conversions

UnPaid Conversions

Total Conversions

Conversions Percentage

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdMARCH 8 - MARCH 14

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.,03,07-2010,03,14

ALL - TIME LAST WEEK Mar 8-14Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 71,754 Direct Visitors 8,909

WOM Visitors 7,148 WOM Visitors 1,214

Total Visitors 78,902 Total Visitors 10,123

Meteor Metric 9.1% Meteor Metric 12.0%


* Meteor Metric all-time continues to increase: 9.1% all-time, up from 8.6% last week * For the week of March 8-15, Meteor Metric was 12.5%, up from 11.5% in previous week * This is the first full week of tracking we've had with new conversion pixel in place. Interestingly, Direct Visitors are converting slightly higher than WOM visitors: 4.4% vs. 4.1%. > It's unusual for Direct conversion rates to be higher than WOM. We will be watching this closely as we get more data from the new pixel. * For the 2nd week in a row, the Meteor Metric for the TechEd home page is above 80% this is outstanding. > The Nightlife page was also shared heavily with a 80% Meteor Metric this week, up from 14% last week >>Your techEd audience is registered and ready to party!* Top Referring sites all-time and this week have not changed significantly* We did deeper analysis this week of the sites from the domain that are driving traffic to TechEd > is the site that is driving the most visitors to TechEd: 21k directly, plus a yield of almost 1300 more > the 2nd highest number of visitors with 324. Big falloff between /events and /techedonline > Overall traffic to TechEd from is growing steadily week over week, with a large increase in March * The only conversions this week from Mtags came from Internal Microsoft traffic sources > New Mtag for RogerJenn is tracking as of this week. So far he has driven 8 visitors to TechEd and no conversions.* Infleuncers: our top influencer this week posted a shared link on the home page of the "GITCA", Global IT Community Association, a group representing over 700 organizations and 3.7 million IT professionals. >So far this link has brought in 16 new visitors but we expect that number to increase and will continue to monitor.

Recommendations:1. Reach out to the GITCA and thank them for the link & front page billing for TechEd on their homepage. 2. Continue to Increase exposure across MSCOM & other internal properties if possible - this traffic is sharing and converting at the highest rate and evidenced in new deeper data into as a referring site. 3. Since is the top driver of organic traffic to TechEd, utilize Meteor traffic figures to prove value of this traffic and ask for more

Questions / To Do:

1. - what is this? Its showing as one of the pages in the TechEd site when we look at sharing by page. Traffic was negligible: less than 5 visitors per page. Is this important to track?

2. Conversions - still sorting out the 20% discreency between TechEd paid registrations and Meteor's numbers. We are looking at this daily and expect to have more answers next week.

ALL - TIMEAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.,03,07-2010,03,14

Conversion Tracking,03,07-2010,03,14

This is the first full week of conversion-tracking with the new pixel. We purposely did not include historical data.


MAR 8 - MAR 14

Type Visitors

Direct 257 136 8,919 393 4.4%

WOM 41 9 1,214 50 4.1%

Paid Conversions

UnPaid Conversions

Total Conversions

Conversions Percentage

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdMARCH 1 - MARCH 7

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewAccess this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.

All-Time Jan 14-Mar 7 Last Week Mar 1-7 Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 62,845 Direct Visitors 7,870

WOM Visitors 5,934 WOM Visitors 1,027

Total Visitors 68,779 Total Visitors 8,897

Meteor Metric 8.6% Meteor Metric 11.5%

JAN 14 - MAR 7

Access this information in the Meteor dashboard. Login required.

Conversion Tracking,03,01-2010,03,07

MAR 1-MAR 7,03,01-2010,03,07,03,01-2010,03,07

Highlights: * Meteor Metric all-time continues to increase: 8.6% all-time, up from 8.2% last week * For the week of March 1-7, Meteor Metric was 11.5%, down form 16.2% in previous week following Wave 3 email * Now tracking paid and unpaid. Dashboard display of conversions is still be sorted out. See "Questions/ToDo" * Overall, sharing of most TechEd pages dropped as measured by Meteor Metric per page. > Sharing of most other TechEd pages dropped. Example: 15% of visitors this week came to Birds of a Feather page from a chared link. Last week 37% came from a shared link. >Sharing of the home page (default.aspx) up dramatically this week. Meteor Meteric for March 1-7 is 80% vs. 47% for the prior week. 422 visitors came to the home page from a shred link compared to 102 who came directly. this is huge!* Last week as in all previous weeks, visitors from, Google and Bing brought back the most visitors to TechEd from sharing (Yield) > Visitors from MS sites are still sharing TechEd content as measured by the Yield from wach site. * For the first time, ads placed on MS properties drove more visitors to the TechEd site than display efforts. > # of Visitors from display dropped from 2000 last week to just 976 this week > # of Visitors from ads on MS properties is almost identical to last week > # of visitors from seeding efforts down from 76 last week to 29 this week > Ads on MS properties still driving the most conversions. New Influencers identified, and we came across some old favorites: > Mark Parris, IT Pro in the UK. Blog is > Justin: MVP from New York. @Dutchie27 on Twitter.

Recommendations:1. Reach out to Tech Ed evangelist Mark Parris and Justin. 2. Continue to Increase exposure across MSCOM & other internal properties if possible - this traffic is sharing and converting at the highest rate.

Questions / To Do:

1. # of visitors from display is down by 50% this week. Is this the result of dropping publishers last week that were not performing? 2. Conversions - still sorting out this display in our dahsboard. We are seeing that some visitors register multiple times, like when 1 person signed up an larger group. Need to discuss best way for us to report on these numbers. We can show how many visitors performed the act of registering. And we can show how many registrations occured. SONJA - I assume your report measures total # of registrations per day, not how many visitors registered?


PLEASE SEE 2.28 .ppt

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdFEBRUAY 15 - FEBRUARY 21

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic Overview

All-Time Jan 14-Feb 21 Last Week Feb 15-21 Last Week Feb 8-14Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 44,820 Direct Visitors 10,086 Direct Visitors 7,144

WOM Visitors 2,943 WOM Visitors 1,274 WOM Visitors 398

Total Visitors 47,763 Total Visitors 11,360 Total Visitors 7,542

Meteor Metric 6.2% Meteor Metric 11.2% Meteor Metric 5.3%

JAN 14 - FEB 21

Conversion Tracking

All Time Week Over Week

Highlights: * Meteor Metric all-time continues to increase: 6.2% all-time, up from 5.3% last week * For the week of Jan 15-21, Meteor Metric was 11.2% - best week ever * Steady increase in MM can be seen as of Feb 19 when Wave 3 email went out * Best single day MM was on Feb 20th when 23% of all traffic to the site came form a shared link - 382 WOM visitors on the 20th alone * Conversion rates for all visitors decreased for the first time last week * We frequently see conversion rates decline temporarily during times of increased traffic - conversions tend to grow again over time as influx of new users have the chance to convert > WOM conversion rate decreased week over week from 8.4% to 4.0% the week of Jan 15-21 > Direct conversion rate decreased from 7.4% to 6.2% * Sharing rates on specific content pages remained consistent or dropped slightly week over week > Spread the Word is the only page to get an increase of WOM visitors week over week * Last week as in all previous weeks, visitors from, Google and Bing brought back the most visitors to TechEd from sharing (WOM influence) * Display media continues to drive the most visitors in total counts to TechEd, but Internal and Social tactics are both driving more WOM visitors and conversions

Lowlights:1. Wave 3 email tracking did not capture activity from the email specifically - we can see WOM growth in the agregate visitor counts from Feb 19 forward, but we can not drill down to see exactly how many visitors came from the Feb 19 email2. Upgrade to Meteor V2 has been bumpy

Recommendations:1. Reach out to Tech Ed evangelist AppAssure via Hootsuite 2. Continue to Increase exposure across MSCOM & other internal properties if possible - this traffic is sharing and converting at the highest rates

Questions / To Do:

1. Meteor team to audit conversions in our system and remove duplicates once all data is transferred from V1 to V2 2. Once this is done, Anne will request a conversion tally by day from Sonja so we can validate the Meteor conversion data 3. Test new conversion pixel sent on 2-26 as soon as they are live

JAN 14 - FEB 14

TypeVisitors Conversions Conversion Rate Feb 15-21 Feb 8-14 Feb 1-7 Jan 25-31

Direct 34,735 1,550 4.46% 6.29% 7.47% 5.61% 5.04%

WOM 1,669 106 6.35% 4.00% 8.83% 8.40% 9.15%

Total 36,404 1,656 4.55% 6.04% 7.54% 5.77% 5.19%

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdJANUARY 14 - FEBRUARY 14

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic Overview

All-Time Jan 14-Feb 14 Last Week Feb 8-14

Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 35,692 Direct Visitors 7,144

WOM Visitors 1,716 WOM Visitors 398

Total Visitors 37,408 Total Visitors 7,542

Meteor Metric 4.6% Meteor Metric 5.3%

JAN 14 - FEB 14

Conversion Tracking



* Meteor Metric all-time continues to increase: 4.6% all-time, up from 4.4% last week * Meteor Metric for last week (Feb 8-14) has maintained a steady percentage - 5.3% (last week - 5.9%) * Conversion rates for all visitors increased again last week to 7.4% > WOM conversion rate increased slightly from 8.4% to 8.8% > Direct conversion rate increased more from 5.6% to 7.4% * Sharing from PreConference page continues at a very strong rate > 26% of entrances to this page came from a link that was shared with them, yet this is down from 39% last week * Users are finally sharing the "Spread the word" page * The list of Top Referring sites is basically unchanged from last week. Next week we'll show a week over week view to see if that adds more insight * Twitter is no longer one of the top 25 referring sites to TechEd * Downstream sharing (WOM Influence) continues to increase across more sites * Display media, Internal and Social tactics are all driving WOM conversions * Social graph examples this week are all from international visitors to the site planning to attend TechEd NA Recommendations:

1. Reach out to Tech Ed evangelists who are promoting the event on Twitter and Facebook (examples at the bottom)2. Increase exposure across MSCOM & other internal properties if possible - this traffic is sharing and converting at the highest rates3. Bloggers and Tech Influencers seem to be missing from top referring sites list. Consider increased outreach efforts to reach this critical segment and let them advocate for you

Questions / To Do:

1. Meteor team to audit conversions in our system and remove dupicates when all data is transferred from V1 to V2 next week

2. Confirm Wave 3 email is going out with correct link - Anne, Kaya and Jessica

All Time Last Week Two Weeks Ago Three Weeks Ago

JAN 14 - FEB 14 FEB 8-14 FEB 1-7 JAN 25 - 31

TypeVisitors Conversions Conversion Rate

TypeVisitors Conversions

TypeVisitors Conversions Conversion Rate


Direct 34,735 1,550 4.46% Direct 6,187 462 7.47% Direct 8039 451 5.61% Direct 7,328

WOM 1,669 106 6.35% WOM 351 31 8.83% WOM 500 42 8.40% WOM 284

Total 36,404 1,656 4.55% Total 6,538 493 7.54% Total 8539 493 5.77% Total 7,612

Conversion Rate

Word of Mouth Summary - TechEdJANUARY 14 - JANUARY 24

Word of Mouth Visitors - Traffic OverviewJANUARY 14 - JANUARY 24


Visitors came from links like these:

Direct Visitors 13,180

WOM Visitors 534

Total Visitors 13,714

Meteor Metric 3.9%



* Meteor Metric is 3.9% all-time. * 534 visiotors came to TechEd from link that was shared with them. * More sharing happens Mon-Fri, when audience is at work - large fall off on weekends * Audience coming to TechEd site from social sites (Twitter & Facebook) share more frequently - are more engaged * Search engines creating significant WoM influence (coming in 2nd and 3rd to * Conversion rate for WOM Visitors is increasing, but still lower than conversion rate from Direct Visitors...for now * 11% of visiotors to home page came from a shared link (386 of 3304) * The registration page saw the most visitors as an entrance page, but these users are not sharing this page frequently Recommendations:

1. Continue inviting guests to join Facebook and Twitter accounts - these users sahre the most frequently. 2. Continue to update content frequently - current content is compelling and vibrant across owned assets and social assets3. Implement V2 Dashboard for real-time earned media results.4. Too early to optimize paid media - it is driving little engagement: sharing or conversions 5. Consider optimizing content based on most-shared pages results > wait to collect another week or two of data

TO DO / Questions:

1. Pixel placed twiced - has this been remedied?2. Email for Wave 2 > Wave 3 tags3. Meteor V2 > New code, url shortener, training4. Email subject line is off still when users share via email using share tool5. What is the traffic difference between MSCOM and MSCOM, Newsletter? 6. Are Facebook and Linked in Mtags being used? Results are not be recorded for these.

Conversion Tracking JANUARY 14 - JANUARY 24This section serves as a good proxy for conversion rates only due to current double counting of registrations caused by duplication of pixel

Type Visitors Conversions Direct 13,180 268 2.03%WOM 534 7 1.31%Total 13,714 275 2.01%

Conversion Rate