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Conventions of a teaser trailer

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The Disclaimer and Producers and Distributors

The first conventional part of a teaser trailer is the disclaimer title. This appears at the very beginning of the trailer to show what audiences the footage about to be played is suitable for.

Another conventional set of titles are the film producers and film distributers. The logo of these usually appear at the beginning of the trailer or at the very end of the trailer. This is included so each institution gains credit for the film, as well as promoting the company as well as showing the credibility of the film. For example audiences will recognise top conglomerate institutions such as ‘Warner Bros’ or ‘Twentieth Century Fox’. As these companies have a well known and great reputation, audiences will know that the trailer they are about to view will be worth watching and professional.

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Other conventional titles include the actors and director of the film. This is important in attracting audiences as actors hold large fan bases that could attract audiences. Directors also build up a good reputation if their work is good therefore when audiences notice that a certain director has directed a film, they are more likely to go on to watch the film. For example James Cameron directed both ‘Avatar’ and ‘Titanic’, the two top grossing films of all time. If audiences notice his name in a title sequence, they will recognise him for his other successes.

A title telling the audience when the film is released at the cinema is very important and always included in the teaser trailer. This is often shown towards the end of the trailer so it is the last thing the audiences see, this is so that the date is memorable for the audience.

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• Varying camerawork is used in a teaser trailer. Conventionally, teaser trailers tend to show the equilibrium stage, the complication and disruption stage of the equilibrium as well as parts of the ‘repair’ of the equilibrium. These are parts of the Todorov’s theory of narrative and teaser trailers never show the new equilibrium. This is because if this was shown in the trailer audiences would not feel it necessary to go and watch the film.

• Due to the different parts of the film teaser trailers often include, trailers conventionally include many types of shots and movement. Small glimpses are often shown of dramatic close ups, extreme long shots or establishing shots so audiences get an idea of the setting of the film.

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• Teaser trailer often use different transitions in editing to convey certain messages. For example when analysing ‘The Great Gatsby’, I noticed many fade to white edits, or fades. This gave the trailer a calmer and smoother tone helping to convey the idea of romance to the audience.

• However, depending on the genre of the trailer, teaser trailers are edited in different ways. For example quick changing cuts are used in more action based films for example thrillers such as ‘Inception’.

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• A voice over in teaser trailers are very common because they help to progress the trailer narrative and give audience a better understanding to what is happening. Often the voice over is a character from within the narrative, allowing the audience to become familiar with the protagonist and their situation fairly quickly.

• A soundtrack is nearly almost used during teaser trailers. This sound is usually parallel sound, matching the music to the scenes. This provokes emotion for the audience. For example during the teaser trailer for ‘Dear John’, the romantic scenes had a romantic soundtrack accompanying it.

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Applying theories

• Teaser trailers can be argued to follow Audience Reception Theory. This is the idea that audiences decode the messages conveyed in a trailer and audiences will either reject or accept messages given to them throughout the trailer.

• The Hypodermic Needle Theory is the idea of media messages being injected into audiences. The theory states that audiences are powerless and accept these messages. Teaser trailers therefore convey messages throughout them and messages are received and accepted by their audiences.