Download - Team 2 Group Project menbers: Chris Jenney Karen Quinnie Rae Tina 2011-10-16.


Team 2

Group Project

menbers: Chris Jenney Karen Quinnie Rae Tina 2011-10-16

1.Employ one or more approaches of marketing research to uncover campus-wide brand awareness and brand loyalty of shampoos and bodywash products.



--- telephone interview

--- field survey

--- QQ interview

QQ survey questions

Q:1. What kind of shampoo and bodywash you are using?

2.When you are questioned about three kinds of shampoos and bodywash , the ones you think of are?

3.Your consideration of buying them? 4.Have you used the same kind more than t

wice? If have, what are they?

Q1. What kind of shampoo and bodywash you are using?

Q1. What kind of shampoo and bodywash you are using?

Q2.When you are questioned about three kinds of shampoos and bodywash , the ones you think of are?

3.Your consideration of buying them?

Price 38.2% Function 34.3% Comfort level 11.7% Quality 10.8% Taste 7.8% Brand 5.9% Advertisement 0.98% Others 5.9%

Q4.Have you used the same kind more than twice? If have, what are they?


2.Investigate the product differentiation methods used by the firms on question.



Functions Price ( RMB )Prevent hair 防掉发 51.9

Bake oil nursing 焗油护理 42.8

Ginseng nourishing人参滋养

Crumbs bake oil to焗油去屑

Very hot catch repair烫染修护


Vitamin hair care 维他命护发

High purity for oil 高纯焗油 32.5

Functions differentiation

Price differentiation




Rejoice( Family pack)Functions Liquid volume Price (RMB)

Long-term relaxed to crumbs 长效清爽去屑

750ml 28.9

Long-term itching to crumbs 长效止痒滋润Long-term clean suitable moist 长效洁顺水润Long-term salubrious oil-control 长效清爽控油Long-term compliant nourish长效柔顺滋养Long-term compliant to crumbs 长效柔顺去屑

Price temptation

Thank you