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What is tea leaf reading?

My journey

Psychic connection

How to open the doorway to your intuition?

Exercises to open the doorway to your intuition

Exercises in symbology

Tea leaf eadi g The ‘itual

Letters and numbers

Symbols and meanings

Sample readings

Final word


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Thank you for choosing my ebook on tea leaf reading and psychic

development. Together we will embark on the journey into the

wonderful, truly magical art of tea leaf reading. But before I speak of my

jou e a d all of the thi gs that ha e ought e to this poi t, I d like to point out a few facts about myself and my book. Firstly, I am an ordinary

everyday type of person, and I hope you understand this book is written

in plain English for the average person. There are no big words or

pretentious language used here. This ook is just like e; What ou see is hat ou get . “econdly, I hope to share some of my wisdom and

knowledge to assist you on your journey into the realms of higher

consciousness. In some respects this book is an up front and honest

(autobiographical) account of my life. I say this because tea leaf reading/

coffee reading is where my psychic development began as a young girl. I

was born into this intuitive world and it will always be a big part of my

life. Therefore to betray the art through the presentation of false or

misleading information would be a betrayal of me. Lastly, you will only

get out of this book what you put in. If you feel that by just reading this

book you will become an expert tea leaf reader then you are going to be

sadly mistaken. Most worthwhile things come through hard work. The

art of tea leaf reading is no different. The words on these pages will

certainly point you in the right direction; nevertheless, as you will soon

find out, your success will depend on your own focus and commitment.

Learn the symbols, practice the exercises and most importantly attend to

your own spiritual development. Practice hard with both an open heart

and an open mind and success and good fortune will be yours.


My journey into tea leaf reading began many years ago as a young child.

I d sit a ou d the kit he table watching my mother reading tea leaves

for family, friends, neighbours and even strangers who had heard about

her from someone else. My mother came from a long line of tea leaf

readers. This relatively obscure art has been passed down through the

generations on othe s side of the fa il th ough the fe ales. Needless to say I was very intrigued and drawn to this and the

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connection I had was overwhelming to say the least. I felt a calling from

my inner being or soul. It was so powerful and mesmerising. I knew then

that my life would undoubtedly be changed forever.

I have two daughters who are also very intuitive and have a deep

understanding and respect for tea leaf reading. Knowing my daughters as

a mother always does, I have no hesitation in saying that they will carry

the art through to the next generation.

While tea leaf reading and in fact several other forms of divination have

always been a part of my life, I have also had the privilege to associate

with many like minded people. As the saying goes, most people come

into your life fo a easo . I grateful of the many people who have

crossed my path and helped me in terms of my spiritual development.

Many years ago I felt I needed to become involved with a psychic

awareness group. It was at this point that I began to unlock my potential

as a psychic. Regular meetings with this group gave me reassurance that

my psychic abilities were becoming stronger and stronger. My spiritual

journey was evolving at a faster pace and my everyday life was showing

me signs that I was on the right path. My intuition was opening more

and more each day. I began sensing when things were going to happen

a d he thi gs did t feel right. I would sense a feeling of foreboding.

From then on my life was being lead mostly by my intuition. This comes

from deep within your inner being.

Time spent with these people and the wise words and philosophies they

espoused changed my perspective. Whereas before I had been a good

tea leaf reader, enhancing my own spirituality made me a much better

tea leaf reader. The openness in my heart and mind allowed me to see

symbols far more clearly. In fact after a while I was seeing symbols

everywhere. I became so spiritually attuned that I was picking up energy

and clues to future events all the time. Clues and symbols I might of

picked up today quite often related to a client that I might see tomorrow

or next week. Some of the feelings and symbols I was seeing related to

people (some of them clients) that I had not yet met.

It was during this period that I truly learned that the development of

your own spirituality is the path to becoming a very good for-teller of

future events. This in fact is the central message in this book. While the

book talks a lot about reading symbols, tapping into energy is of major

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importance. Learning this takes time and patience. The right people put

me on the correct path; however, the process took time and a great deal

of effort on my part. It took me many years to realise this. I hope that by

adhering to the words and doing the exercises on these pages it will not

take you as long as it did me.

I have been reading tea leaves and coffee grounds for many years now.

Ne e a da goes he I not called upon to have a look into

someo e s up; offe guida e, help o to i te p et hat is the e. Tea leaves can be read every day if you are trying to find answers to life s p o le s, de isio s, o just to see hat a e e te i g i to o e s life i the future.

I use the o d futu e hesita tl . Quite atu all the futu e has t happe ed et. As su h e a al a s use ou f ee ill to alter our path

if e desi e. The p o a le futu e is eall hat e a e looki g at he we see a day, a week or even a year ahead, as it has t happe ed et!


The art of tea leaf reading is also known as Tasseography. This term also

refers to reading coffee grounds and can also be used for those

practitioners who read wine sediments. The reading of tea leaves as a

practice dates back hundreds of years. Most ancient communities had a

pe so efe ed to as a “ee . Tribes people or people who lived in

these small communities would visit the Seer to have their fortunes

foretold. Just like today the Seer would attempt to interpret the shapes,

symbols and pictures formed by the leaves left behind when the liquid

was drunk.

Tea leaf reading itself seems to have found its origins in Asia, the Middle

East and ancient Greece. The art itself can be traced back hundreds of

years. Coffee reading originated in the Middle East, Turkey and Greece.

Although tea leaf reading and coffee reading are similar divination


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Tea leaves, coffee grounds, tarot cards, ruins etc. are all tools used to

open up our intuitive and psychic abilities. We all have the ability to

connect intuitively. It is through practice and trust in our intuition that

we become aware that we are not just physical bodies. We; all of us, are

connected to a higher power. Tapping into this higher power allows us to

connect to everyone and everything in the universe.

Whe ou egi to ead tea lea es, it s a out fi di g shapes, pi tu es, numbers and letters; anything that stands out in the cup. Sometimes

these symbols jump out at you. Shifting your focus while looking helps to

pin point areas of interest in the cup, everything is connected. After

identifying a symbol the reader must attempt to link the symbol with

other areas of interest. This will present an overall view of coming

events. In the meaning of symbols section of my book I quite often tell

the reader to refer to nearby symbols. This is because true meaning

comes from connecting the dots. To some extent this is where your

psychic ability and intuition come in.

Tea leaf reading is a very relaxed form of divination. Most of us look

forward to a relaxing cuppa and a chat with friends to wind down at the

end of a day or on our tea break. The more relaxed you are the easier it

is to tap into the intuitive side of your brain. This is where our psychic

abilities live. Some people are very intuitive or tuned into this side of

their brain, we call these people clairvoyant. These people see things

very easily. Others have the ability to have clear hearing lai audie e

Some people can feel e e g lai se tie e a d othe s k o when

things a e goi g to happe lai og iza e . I believe we all have some

form of psychic ability.



We all lead busy lives these days with very little of what I call Me Ti e . There is precious little time to just sit down and listen to your inner self

or your intuition. We all need this time; just a few minutes out of our

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busy schedules, just a few minutes makes a big difference to opening up

your intuitive side.

Some people, perhaps the clairvoyant people I spoke of earlier are

seemingly constantly set in an intuitive mode. This is where all our bright

ideas, problem solving abilities and break through thoughts come from.

Most of us are stuck in the other side or the logical side of the brain.

Being logical is alright in some instances, however, problem solving often

relies on intuition which comes from the other side of the brain. Have

you ever come up with an answer to a nagging problem just out of the

blue? The a s e see i gl o es out of o he e, ou ha e t e e ee thi ki g a out the p o le at ha d. Well that s just it ou ha e t

been thinking about it! That means the left side or logical side of your

brain has been turned off. However, the intuitive side of your brain

which operates in the subconscious has been turned on. It has been

processing the information all along and has solved the problem without

you even thinking about it. If we listen more to our inner voice and quiet

our thoughts that keep chatting to us, our intuition can become part of

our everyday lives. With a little practice you will begin to feel your

i tuitio ki k i o e egula l .


Patience and practice are the keys to developing your intuition.

The following section contains a number of small exercises that

you can do to practice using the intuitive side of your brain.

(A) If you hear the phone ringing, before you answer it try to determine

in your own mind who it is that is calling you. Also think about why

they are calling or the nature of their business.

(B) Likewise if you go out to your letter box try to determine what mail

ight e aiti g fo ou a d the atu e of the ail that s i the o .

(C) Meditation is also a great way to develop your intuition. Put on a

meditation CD or simply start doing deep breathing exercises. Take a

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deep breath, hold for five seconds then slowly exhale. Your sole

concentration should revolve around this breathing cycle. As thoughts

come into your head mind just let them go. Focus on your breathing;

let your mind go quiet. This will allow your inner voice to emerge. You

will be surprised what your inner voice will reveal. If you practice

everyday you will begin to receive more and more intuitive messages.

What you are essentially doing is clearing your mind of everyday

clutter. In this none cluttered, empty state your mind is far more open

to receiving thoughts that matter or are relevant.

(D) You may want to light a candle and meditate whilst focusing solely on

the naked flame. If you mind starts to wander refocus on the flame.

The more you practice the easier it will become too quiet your mind.

This will in turn allow the insights to flow.

(E) Another small exercise you can do on a regular basis is to look at the

bottom of your own cup when you have finished a cup of hot

ho olate, offee o tea et . The e s al a s so ethi g left i the bottom of a cup once it has been drained. Look at the dregs left

behind around the sides of the cup. See if you can make out any

symbols, numbers, letters, faces or pictures. Even if you see just one

thing, this is a start!

(F) Think about the emotions that are arising within you after identifying

the symbols in your cup. You may feel certain emotions or a sense of

something connected with what you are looking at. Just stay in tuned

and in the moment. Think about what you are getting from the

symbols; in other words what thoughts are emerging from the

symbols you are viewing. Note these thoughts down even if it is

something quite small. Later, maybe in another context these

thoughts or revelations may be quite significant. With practice you

will pick up more and more feelings. The symbols and picture will

begin jumping out at you. After a while the whole process will

become second nature. You mind and indeed your intuition will

become permanently attuned to all that is around you.

(G) Try mixing different dry herbs. Take a few spoonfuls and scatter them

o to a plate o a hite pie e of pape . Ca ou see a thi g? It s all about focus and practice. There are symbols and pictures

everywhere. When your mind is open you will be able to pick these

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up very easily. The trick is to determine meaning. When you identify

so ethi g do t just let it go. Thi k a out the feeli gs that are

emerging from the symbol or picture. True meaning and the

relevance of each symbol is determined through feelings and the

emotions that you are receiving.

(H) Below are the names of twenty different symbols, without looking at

chapter 9 in this book, draw each symbol. After you have drawn each

symbol, write what you think the meaning might be.

Diagram Meaning






Diagram Meaning





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This exercise is used to open up your own intuitive energy. E e o e s interpretation of the above symbols is likely to be different. If you

place ten people in a room and ask them to do this exercise together,

you would be likely to get ten different responses. Although there

may be some similarities, I have found that individual responses can

be quite different. This is significant when conducting a reading for a

client. Again your interpretation of what you see in front of you

comes from the feelings and emotions you are picking up. Developing

your intuition will enable you to reach out or connect with the person

in front of you. This is a major consideration when conducting a

reading. Connecting with their energy will allow you to interpret the

meaning of the symbols before you.

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Mediums receive their information in different ways. They work with

their own interpretations of images and what they are being shown

from the spirit world. A spirit will connect through images or feelings

that the medium puts out. In other words spirit will only work with

how the medium interprets this information. So a medium may see

an image and their interpretation of that image or symbol may be

quite different from yours or mine.

It would be a good idea to start your own symbol dictionary. Fill this

dictionary with symbols and meanings. As time goes by add them

with the symbols and meanings in this book. Use this book as your

guide. Remember these are your symbols and meanings. Your

meanings may be quite different from mine or anyone else s. There is

o ight o o g he e, it s a out o e ti g ith ou i tuitio . What s i po ta t he e is ope i g up the doo a i to the intuitive

world of tea leaf and coffee reading.

Remember we are all connected to a higher energy source contained

within the universe. In order to change your life today, you need to

start tapping into this unbridled energy.

(I) Start taking note of cloud formations. Try to focus on any pictures,

animals or shapes the clouds seem to be forming. Practice this

regularly and you will find that this exercise can be used to help open

up your intuition.

Symbols and pictures are everywhere. Look at painted walls; at first

glance you may not see anything. Look again, this time look more

closely and focus. If you look hard enough you will most likely see

patterns, symbols and even distinctive pictures. Again what I see may

be quite different to what you see.

Similarly look at the remnants left when you finish a bowl of ice

cream. There will be patterns and even symbols left from where you

or the person eating has pushed, pulled and prodded with their

spoon. Life has a way of encouraging you, once you start looking

more closely at all of these everyday things more opportunities will

reveal themselves to you. Becoming more in tuned or aware of the

patterns in nature and life itself is all part of your development. In

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time your inner voice will start to communicate with you. This is the

gift of perception; it is the gateway into the world of intuitive realms.



One of the most important things about tea leaf reading, particularly

when you are learning the art, is the tea leaves themselves. Choosing

the correct tea is very important. I have found Chinese and Indian tea

to be best to start with. However, once you get more proficient at the

art; acquire more experience and practice, any tea will do.

The second consideration is the tea pot. You will need a tea pot

without an internal strainer as you want the tea leaves to pour

straight into the cups. In terms of the cups themselves, you will need

to acquire cups with a plain light or white interior. Quite naturally

these cups are best because they show the tea leaf patterns and

symbols up the best. It does t atte too much about the outside of

the cup. It is immaterial whether there are patterns on the outside of

your cups. Nevertheless, it is very important that your cups have


I like to add about 3 teaspoons of tea leaves to a medium sized tea

pot. Add boiling water to the pot then stir the tea. Allow the tea

leaves and water to seep for a few minutes. Then just give the pot a

quick stir before you pour it into the cups. You may add milk or sugar

to the up depe di g o ou a d e e o e else s p efe e e.

Pour the tea into the cups and drink in a relaxed manner. Once you

have finished drinking your tea make sure the drinkers leave enough

liquid in the bottom of the cup to swirl around. The drinkers must

then hold the cup in their hand, swirl the cup around three times in a

counter clockwise direction then turn the cup upside down on the


At this point the drinkers must leave their cups upside down on their

saucers for several minutes. This will allow all excess liquid to drain

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from the cup onto the saucer below. As the cup drains the symbols

will begin to form on the side of the cup.

The area closest to the cup handle is the personal area. This area

represents the enquirer; it s a out ho e, fa il o a thi g pe so al to the . This a ea ould also ep ese t the e ui e s health o a thi g o i g i to the e ui e s pe so al life.

The opposite side of the handle represents influences outside the

home and family. This side may pertain to strangers and outside


As we move away from the handle the leaves here represent things or

events which are happening away from the enquirer. Symbols coming

to the handle represent events and people close to the enquirer.

The rim or top part of the cup represents now or the immediate

future; events here may happen in a day or two away or perhaps a

little longer. Symbols found in the middle part of the cup represent

events which are likely to happen a week or two away.

The base or bottom of the cup represents the distant future. This area

could pertain to events that may occur months or even years away.

Symbols found on the bottom of the cup may point to events that can

change. These events have not yet been set in motion. Circumstances

may change as the symbols have not property formed. This area is

also known as sadness because it is where disappointments lie.


Numbers that appear as symbols in your cup can refer to a variety of

time frames and or situations. The appearance of a number could

relate to a house number, date or time. It could also be a number

which is associated with the enquirer. As you will see in the next

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chapter many symbols do not appear separated or totally isolated

from the rest of the symbols found in a cup. In many cases meaning is

found by looking at the symbols nearby. These associated symbols

when placed in context, will outline the full story of events to follow.

Letters which appear as symbols in a cup are just as important as

numbers. They could represent things such as initials. These initials

a elate to a pe so o people ho a e al ead i the e ui e s life or who are about to enter the enquirers life. Letters may also indicate

a particular month, perhaps a month when an important event is

going to occur. A letter could also be the initial of someone or

so ethi g of e t e e i po ta e i the e ui e s life.

Always look for numbers, letters and universal symbols such as

squares, circles, triangles and rectangles as well as long or short

springs of tea leaves which represent people. All of these symbols

when found in close proximity, quite often tie a lot of things together

in the reading. These are usually the first things to stand out in a cup.

These symbols are very important, in some respects numbers, letters,

geometric shapes and the long and short springs could be termed

linking symbols. These symbols link people, events, occurrences and

time frames together. Once again symbols depicting people or events

do t just e ist o o up i isolatio . These symbols are part of the

bigger picture. The linking symbols draw people and events together.



ACES: Ace of hearts -

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Romance, love, happiness is coming; it could be a new romance or reconciliation

with your current partner. You may become closer particularly if things have been a

little cold of late. There may also be improvements on the home and family situation.

Ace of Clubs –

An important or significant letter is on its way.

Ace of Spades –

Official documents, legal matters, time of actions, be cautious when signing legal


Ace of Diamonds –

Set your goals high. This is a positive time; take a look at your direction in life, time

for positive changes.


Out of little things big things grow. A fortunate symbol, by planting your seeds now

your future will be prosperous. A time for new beginnings or long term happiness,

and improvements in all areas of life.


This symbol indicates a journey for you or someone close. If the plane is coming

around the right side of the cup it may mean visitors are coming. If it is going away

from you, someone could be going on a trip or journey. Look for symbols around the

plane, letters, faces, initials for clarification. The length of the lines surrounding the

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symbol indicates if the journey is long or short. Look where the plane is situated, at

bottom cup could mean disappointments. If plane is pointing up, things are going to

work out. If pointing down, things are taking a turn for the worst.


Beware, false people, lurking or hiding. All is not what is seems, hidden agendas.


The anchor indicates stability or success in business or a relationship. If your

relationship has been on rocky ground, stability may be coming. You may be sailing

away somewhere. If the symbol is at the bottom of the cup or broken or faint it could

mean you are being held back in a part of your life, also an unpleasant situation

could be weighing you down.


Spiritual protection or protection from harm; can mean that good news if the enquirer

is anxious about a problem or an issue. The angel can also change a negative or

have an impact on a negative symbol in your cup.


The ant indicates hard work or the approach of a very busy time. Never fear your

hard work will bring success; know that you are on the right track.

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APPLE – The apple indicates good health, happiness and prosperity. Your health may be

about to improve particularly if you have been unwell of late. Be prepared to reap the

benefits of your labour. If the symbol is at the bottom of the cup, be careful don`t over

indulge, don`t be misguided.

ARCH – A positive opportunity is revealing itself. Look for symbols nearby this could be new

job, or money or travel. Have a look at what`s being offered nearby, shapes,


ARMY – You may need to look at the bigger picture. The symbol may indicate that you require

help or some form of back up is required in some part or area of your life.


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The arrow may be pointing in the direction you need to be following. The arrow can

also indicate that something new is on the way. An upward pointing arrow means yes

to a question or yes to a direction you have been wondering about. A straight arrow

means you are not going to change anything with your direction. An arrow pointing

down mean you are going in the wrong direction at the moment. If there is an initial

near the arrow this could indicate name of a person especially if it is connected with

a Sagittarius sign.

AXE – There may be something in your life that just has to be removed; you may have to

overcome hardship, difficult situations or cut something out of your life.


BABY- The baby can indicate new beginnings, growth in personal or professional life. This

symbol is about birth- whether it be a child or new idea. If the symbol is at the bottom

of cup – plans may be disrupted, ventures may not come to fruition.

BAG – If the bag is open you may have a lucky escape from an issue or problem. If closed

this could trap you with nowhere to go. You may have to put something aside that

cannot be helped at this moment as it could be holding you back.

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BALL- Life can have ups and downs but as you know a ball bounces. If you are having

problems in a part of your life you could be bouncing back from them. You may have

a project that just needs to take off, now is the time.

BALLOON – This symbol is all about parties, social events, and fun, celebrations and good times.

Time has come to let your hair down and enjoy.

BASKET – If the basket is full there is a gift or a good harvest to be had. There may be pleasant

surprises when you least expect it. If empty – you know the saying, “don’t put all your

eggs in one basket”, which means it’s not a good omen for anything you may be

starting or hoping for at the moment.

BARREL – If the barrel is full, finances are picking up for the better, if the barrel appears empty

finances could take a turn for the worst or your plans for the future could fail.

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BAT (animal) – You may be are coming into a busy or hectic phase. Some of this will be productive

and some slow progress. Keep focused at this time, as real changes are around the

corner. Prioritise and work diligently even if this means going out of your comfort


BAT – A time to go out ‘swinging’ as they say. A difficult situation or project requires

attention; you may require help of others to achieve your goals.

BEANS – This symbol warns of approaching or present money worries. Look at the symbols

nearby, as this may indicate exactly where your worries are; it may involve business

or be cantered around the home.

BEE – Good time for plans, sweet times ahead with good fortune. All your hard work will

finally bring all the rewards you desire.

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BELL – If the bell is close to the top of the cup good news is on its way. The new may pertain

to love, deals or business. Two bells signifies romance, wedding.

BIRD – A bird flying signifies that good news coming. Where the bird is situated in the cup

will determine how far away the new will be. If the bird is perched or stationary the

news may not be as promising or it may indicate delays.


DOVE – Peace and love.

PARROT- Idol gossip, someone talking and gossiping about you or someone you

may know. Be careful what you say as it may be spread.

CROW/RAVEN- Usually symbolises, worries, negative times.

OWL – Wisdom, mystery, magic, supernatural, knowledge, keep an open mind, use

your intuition, you may be looking at alternative therapies or wanting to study or take

on a different skill. This could involve an inner journey or a physical journey in your


CHICKEN – Happiness around family and home.

VULTURE – Look where it is in the cup and what’s near it; be cautious if you have

some great business idea, someone could be planning on stealing it. Other people

maybe planning to benefit from your hard work; look out don’t let your guard down.


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This could indicate a very important time; there may be a visit to a prominent or a

building of importance. Look for symbols nearby, for further clarification. If the

building is big it may hold more importance.


If solid and sturdy the bridge offers something new. A bridge always leads you to

something; it may be a new job, a decision or a new way of looking at a situation.

The symbol may denote a crossing from old to new, leaving behind something in

your life you don’t need. This is generally a positive sign, be optimistic, life changing

times are ahead.


CAKE – This symbol indicates celebrations, parties, and a time to celebrate a birthday or a

triumph. Look at the symbols nearby for further clarification. Happiness is coming the

enquirer’s way.

CANDLE – This symbol denotes hope! The candle is lighting your way forward. Financial help is

on its way, everything is going to work out, there’s glimmer of light on the horizon.


The car symbolises movement; a journey or visits from friends and family. The car

may indicate movement in a situation for the better. It can also denote car troubles, a

new car, or selling a car; look for symbols nearby.

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CASTLE – This symbol indicates protection, boundaries and security. Look at symbols nearby

for further clarification. The castle can be a very positive symbol if the dwelling is


CAT – If the cat is sitting or reclining it denotes good luck coming or just around the corner.

The cat symbol can also mean success or achievement in a short space of time. If

cat is pouncing it could mean untrustworthy friends, deceitful people nearby.


The chain denotes partnerships, commitments and fortunate if chain is solid. It can

also mean great commitment with great success; a marriage or engagement, with

positive outcomes. If the chain appears broken this can indicate that trouble and

disruptions lie ahead.

CHAIR – The chair may indicate a new addition to the family; if there are dots nearby it may

point to financial improvements. The chair can also indicate relaxation and

enjoyment for the enquirer.

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CHERRY – The cherry centres around the delightful and positive, as well as improvements in

relationships, with family or friends; can also be very positive in terms of young or

first love.

CHIMNEY – Where there’s smoke there’s fire! If the symbol appears with smoke and is pointing

up, no need to worry everything will work out. If the smoke is not straight up the

outcome may not be as positive. No smoke – plans may not work out or may not get

off the ground due to not enough positive energy.

CIRCLE – If circle is fully formed with no breaks it could denote a wedding or success. It may

also indicate a gift or money; this is a very positive sign. If the circle is broken or

incomplete; looking more like the letter c, this could indicate an offer or agreement,

may be paused for the moment or is ready to fall through completely.

CLIFF – A leap of faith maybe required in order to contend with a situation or problem. You

have come to a time when you may have to take a risk to move ahead. Beware of all

the circumstances before you jump.

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CLOCK – Time is important, look at the hands on the clock, they may signify a time of

importance. You may need to get on with something before it is too late. If there is a

health issue or issues with money or work the clock may signify improvements in

these areas. If the clock appears at the bottom of the cup it could indicate that there

is a sorrowful time approaching.

CLOUDS – Small light clouds mean small or insignificant problems or troubles ahead. Big heavy

clouds means bigger problems or troubles are on the way. You may need to wait till

you can see your way through an issue or problem, wait until the clouds blow away.

CLOVER – This is a very lucky symbol; good luck coming, lucky breaks, good news, very

positive no matter where it is in the cup.

CROWN – The crown symbolises achievements and success. This could be in connection with

a job or recognition of talents or skills. The crown is all about honour and/or


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COFFIN – A negative omen or symbol connected with sadness, loss or end of something.

Someone or something maybe going out or leaving the enquirer’s life.

COMPASS – Denotes direction - whether a change of direction is needed, or enquirer needs more

direction with something in their life, work, and love, business etc. help may be


COMET – An unexpected event or sudden change of a positive nature is coming. This is a

lucky symbol; a time in the enquirer’s life for great or major changes.

CORK – Celebrations coming enquirer’s way; a time of parties or social get togethers.


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A baby is coming or will soon be on the way. This will be for the enquirer or someone

close to the enquirer.

COW – The cow symbolises abundance and prosperity. Look at symbols nearby, if dots are

nearby it could mean an increase in income or a form of a windfall is coming. The

cow can also indicate fertility in the form of creativity or even physical. A relationship

or business or personal level could be very rewarding.


The appearance of a crab in the enquirer’s cup is an indication to look at a situation differently or from a different perspective. Don`t get side tracked or side step an



DAGGER – An indication that false friends and jealousy surround the enquirer. There may be

hidden dangers, proceed with caution have less hast in dealings.

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DAFFODIL – Symbolises rejuvenation and new horizons; a very good time to start something new.

DAISY – Spring is here, spring clean, and clear out the old. Take a new and different approach

to life. A new love may beckon for singles or a happy phase with someone close.

DESK – Indicates communication or news of some description is on the way.

DICE – If a dice appears, you may have to let fate take a hand. Sometimes you just have to

go with the natural flow of life and know that things will turn out for the better. Throw

the dice it’s out of your hands.


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Usually the dish is an indication of pleasant outcomes, invitations, family and social


DOG – The dog denotes loyalty. Support is there if needed; there are friends and family

around you; you only need to ask. If the dog is aggressive or barking, 'beware of the

dog' as the saying goes. Someone is untrustworthy.

DOLPHIN – This symbol is all about safety and travel. You won’t need to worry as your journey

will be good.

DONKEY – If this symbol shows up you may have to have patience and endurance if this symbol

appears near the rim there may be good luck, opportunities or promotion. If near

bottom of the cup, endurance will be needed in a part of your life, if you are to get

through it.


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The door denotes opportunities, if the door is open a new phase or chapter is about

to commence. If the door is closed the time is not right at the moment. Look at the

symbols nearby the door for clues as to whom or what you can expect.

DOTS – These usually represent money. If the dots form a shape this may have further

significance, for example a line of dots denotes a journey. A circle of dots can mean

a trip or holiday.

DRAGON – If this symbol appears, although it represents a new phase in life, it doesn’t come without warning, be careful if it looks too good to be true, it usually is. Caution, look

at nearby symbols. Don`t take things on face value.

DRAGONFLY – A positive sign, home life will be good.

DRUM – Important news, changes for the better, reap the rewards in personal or career life.

Good time to make a decision.


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EAGLE– The eagle symbolises power, opportunities, and, ambition. Pinpoint what you want

and sore high for it. Eagles sore high above, look at all angles and pinpoints its prey

and usually gets it. Keep focussed, aim high and success will come. This could also

indicate a change of address or a move.

EAR – You may hear some news, or there could be unexpected and interesting news that

just might be of benefit to you. There may be secrets spoken that you could hear

about. If the symbol appears at the bottom of the cup it could mean

misunderstandings or the spreading of gossip.

EASEL – This symbol denotes creativity, hobbies, skills, an artistic side and a time to create. If

there’s dots nearby there could be money coming in around your skill. Good positive


EGG OR EGGS – Traditionally eggs symbolise new beginnings, birth or a fresh start. This is a good

time for starting new projects a new career, or the symbol may even indicate the birth

of a new baby. If the egg is cracked or broken it’s not a good omen. Plans may not

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work out, finances may suffer or you may have to piece things together and start


ELEPHANT – Symbolises strength, slow progress, there will be support for you. Patience slow and

steady wins the race. Good time to take on a new venture or job.

ENVELOPE – News coming or is on its way. Important news; a long awaited letter or document will

finally arrive. Look at the symbols around the letter. A letter of the alphabet or a

number may indicate who the letter is from and when it may arrive.

EXCLAMATION MARK – Indicates a need to pause, think and don`t rush into anything. Decisions or actions

should be considered first. Don`t take risks in your business, work or anything in your

life at this point.

EYE – This symbol is about seeing clearly; particularly on a problem or issue that has been

bothering the enquirer. Don’t believe everything you see. Use your intuition and look

deeper into what’s in front of you.

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FACE – A smiling face denotes friendship; happiness is always a good omen. An angry face

usually means dealings with difficult people. If the face resembles someone the

enquirer knows there could be dealings or issues with this person. If there is other

symbols near the face look to see what and where these are in connection to the


FAN – This symbol indicates flirtation and indiscretion; be careful not to take this behaviour

too far. Be warned about talking too freely; be careful what you say in the jest or fun.

FEATHER - If the feather is at the bottom of the cup, it means the enquirer is lacking

concentration; stability is needed, this maybe in relation to your job but could also be

in reference to financial or personal issues. Look at the symbols nearby for further

clarification. If the feather is on the rim of the cup this is a good omen, something

good maybe coming your way or communication may be open where it was once

stopped in the enquirer’s life.

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FEET OR FOOT – This symbol may indicate a new direction or walking on strange ground. Look at

symbols nearby. Foot pointing upward are a good omen, new opportunities are likely.

If the foot is pointing downwards, caution may be needed in new adventures.

FENCE - Usually connected to limitations, restrictions, you are feeling 'fenced in', either

personally or on a professional level. You may need to look at why these restrictions

are here, something may be stopping you from moving forward. Reassess then you

may see a way of overcoming these restrictions.


The fern indicates restlessness; it may be that someone is being unfaithful to

you, look for symbols nearby.


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Look to where the fingers pointing, you may get blamed for something or the

blame lies with you. This symbol may also indicate that someone is being very

stern with you. If the fingers pointing up you are going in the right direction, if

down it s a time to change plans or circumstances.

FIRE – You may have a burning desire to achieve something, fire also represents,

passion, anger, achievement. If it is a raging fire look where it is in the cup, or

symbols nearby. If at the bottom, you may need to stoke the fire to get things

moving before the flame goes out all together.

FISH – Fish is a lucky symbol. It indicates prosperity, luck and good fortune. This

symbol also indicates travel a house move, or you will have luck in anything you

want to achieve or do. If there are two fish, it could mean a Pisces person is

coming into your life soon.

FLAG - Warning, danger, be alert and cautious in your dealings, you may even have to

be courageous with something. Look at symbols nearby.

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FLOWER – If the flower appears near the rim this is a good omen denoting happy times

ahead. Appearance at the bottom of the cup is a not so good an omen. This

may indicate delays maybe unhappiness. It may be time to move forward.


Minor irritations, domestic troubles or arguments, small annoyances around

home and family.


As the saying goes, 'you can t see the wood for the trees'. Confusion abounds

there may be no clear way to look at a problem or situation at the moment.

Don t make any decisions at the moment, slow down, think more clearly and

look at the big picture.


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Someone around you is not being honest; false friends with forked tongues. If

the fork is pointing up, you have a decision to make or a path to choose. If

pointing down reoccurring issue or problem will be highlighted; note this

problem will not go away without help.


You may be looking at a new direction in life. A choice will have to be made.

Look at symbols nearby for help as to what direction.

FOX – As you know a fox survives by being cunning. There could be someone around

the enquirer who fits this description. They may be deceitful and want to fool

you. There could be a rival where love or work is concerned. Become aware

and cautious.

FROG – This symbol indicates luck and fertility. Your circumstances, whether in love,

home or work are about to change for the better. Your circumstances are

looking much better, abundance and fertility is around you.


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This symbol denotes a very rewarding time filled with prosperity, fertility and

success. A very productive time ahead, a time to reap rewards.


GALLOWS – As expected the appearance of a gallows in a cup is not a good omen. This

symbol depicts bad luck. The symbol may indicate judgement for the enquirer

or someone around the enquirer who may have hurt them.

GARDEN – This symbol denotes celebrations, creativity and social gatherings. A lovely easy

going time will be spent at these gatherings.

GARLAND – Honours hard fought for are on their way if the symbol appears at the top of

the cup. The symbol denotes happiness and achievements, however, if it

appears at the bottom of the cup it s not a good omen; there could be a

funeral, sadness or illness.

GATE – If the gate appears open there may be new opportunities for the enquirer. Take

the opportunity before the wind blows the gate shut! No time to waste. If at

bottom, you may be able to achieve future success or achievements.

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GIRAFFE – You may need to take a look at your problem or circumstance from a very high

level and look down at the big picture to truly access it.

GLASS – Look at the glass is it half full or do you see half empty? You may need to

change your perspective on something before moving forward. If half empty,

plans or issues won t look any better for you. If the glass contains bubbles and

liquids celebrations are ahead.

GLOVE – Gloves suggest caution it may be a time to protect yourself. You may have some

challenge ahead that you must overcome. This could be related to personal,

family, work or business issues.

GOAT – This symbol is about perseverance and hard work. But don t be too strict or

hard on yourself, you need to take time to relax and enjoy. As the saying goes

all o k a d o pla akes ja k a dull o . This could also indicate a person

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born under the sign of Capricorn. Look to see if there is an initial around this


GRAPES – This indicates abundance. This could be financial, in love or in health. Look at

symbols nearby. This is a very good sign.

GRASSHOPPER – You may be swapping and changing your plans. Stay focussed and do one thing

first before you start another. You may see someone you haven t seen for a

long time.

GUITAR – The guitar indicates festivities, social get together, music and generally good

times. Also indicates happiness and a time for romance.

GUN – Not a good symbol. Quarrels, violence, danger, it s a time for protection around

the enquirer. Be on your guard from any trouble.

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HAMMER – Denotes hard work, you may need to make your point forcefully. If you really

want something bad enough you may need to be ruthless. You may have to

abandon the old ways or something unfinished, if you want to get where you

want to be.

HAND – A hand that is open is an offering. Look at nearby symbols for a clue from

where. A closed hand means there could be restrictions or quarrels. A hand

pointing up means keep going you are on the right path. A hand pointing down

means disappointments, incomplete prospects or offerings, so ethi g s not

going to eventuate. Two hands mean friendship, reliability.

HANDCUFFS – This symbol indicates that there may be problems to overcome. These

problems may be legal or may relate to restrictions. Not good symbol. Look at

what s near this for further insight.

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HAT – The enquirer may have a visitor or perhaps the symbol is a recognition of hard

work which is about to pay off for enquirer. If the hat is bent plans may not

work out.

HAWK – The hawk denotes Jealousy. Someone close to the enquirer is jealous of them

or their achievements. This may be someone the enquirer knows. Someone is

undermining the enquirer in some way for their own selfish agenda.

HEAD- The enquirer may be offered a new position involving promotion.

HEART- The heart as is well known symbolises love, romance, happiness and in this

case financial abundance.

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HEN – Symbolises a happy home life the for enquirer.

HILL – The hill indicates that there are obstacles; challenges ahead for the enquirer

but these are not insurmountable.

HORSE – If the horse is galloping news is on the way; usually good news. If horse symbol

appears to be standing still there will be delays moving forward.

HORSE SHOE – As is well known the horse shoe is a symbol denoting good luck, good fortune,

surprises and success. A very good symbol.

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HOURGLASS – You may feel time is running out with a problem or issue. Don t procrastinate

time is of the essence.

HOUSE – This symbol may indicate a move of house especially if accompanied by keys.

The symbol can also signify a new start or projects or interests.


Something is turning cold in the enquirer s life. This could lead to a sudden end

or complete stop.

INSECTS – The enquirer may be very distracted at the moment; this could be in any part

of enquirer s life. Look at symbols nearby. It s a time to concentrate and allow

the natural flow of nature to move things along.

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IRIS – This symbol indicates that the enquirer will find material wealth far away from

the family home.

IRON – Problems, issues or troubles will be ironed out or smoothed out. The enquirer

need not worry over these minor problems.

ISLAND – This symbol could indicate a holiday. The enquirer may need to take time out to

relax and enjoy life. It could also indicate a feeling of being isolated with no

where or no one to turn to. Look at symbols nearby. Sometimes you have to

offload some of the burdens to let go.

IVY – This symbol indicates that help or support may be needed, the enquirer may be

trying to be too independent, ask and you shall receive.


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Jack – in – the – box -

Surprise or a shock - This symbol jumps out when you least expect it.

The enquirer may be pleasantly surprised or shocked all of a sudden

with no apparent warning.

JAIL This symbol denotes entrapment or isolation. A jail may indicate a

feeling of being closed off. It may indicate a feeling of isolation in relation

to a problem which may be no fault of your own. Re-assess your position

and make changes for the better.

JESTER A fun time is coming. So enjoy without being too foolish as you may

regret you’re over indulgence or heightened exuberance.

JUDGE Denotes – legal matters, justice or injustice. This may be a time to

consider all options, contracts or resolutions. Don’t cut corners, play by

the rules; dot the - I’s and cross the T’s.

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JUG Generosity, good health, happy occasions. Happy or good times ahead;

a time of plenty when rewards can be shared with family and friends.

JUGLER The enquirer may be overloaded, having to juggle too many things all at

once; work, home, social life and all the responsibilities they entail. This

may lead to stress, headaches and arguments. The enquirer needs to

take time to prioritise and perhaps off – load onto others.


KANGAROO Focus is needed at a time when you may be jumping from one issue or

circumstance to another. Your energy could be impulsive or erratic.

Stand your ground and weigh up everything before bounding forward.

There could be travel associated with this symbol so look at nearby


KETTLE If this symbol appears near the handle of the cup, it could mean friends

or relatives are about to visit. There’s happiness, domestic highlights or

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someone visiting that could be special to the enquirer. If seen on the

bottom of the cup the kettle symbol may indicate illness of a minor


KEY Change in circumstances for the better. This could mean a change of

address, success or a new person entering the enquirer’s life. Cross

keys indicates increased status or recognition for previous deeds or


KING This symbol represents power; this power may come in a variety of

forms. There could be a promotion in the wings; the promotion may be

gained through the help or assistance of a powerful person or colleague.

However, the appearance of this symbol can also indicate that you hold

the power in a certain circumstance or situation.

KITE A kite requires wind to soar high or to stay aloft. It may be time to set

your sights high. This symbol indicates that the enquirer is on the right

path or direction. The time may be right to chart or follow a particular

direction in a certain area of your life.

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KNIFE The knife symbol always comes with a warning: sharp or hurtful words

that cut like a knife – you may need to hold your tongue! Negative

thinking, too much negativity around the enquirer; you may need to look

at the bigger picture to find the silver lining. Alternatively the appearance

of the knife symbol may act as a warning to be on your guard against

deceitful people. Hint! – look at where the knife is pointing and the

symbols around the knife.

KNIGHT There may be a brave or courageous person waiting in the wings, ready

to guard or help the enquirer through their current dealings or

circumstances; help may arrive when you least expect it.

KNOT This symbol may indicate: tension, restrictions or anxiety. The enquirer

may be the one putting restrictions on themselves. These ties or

restrictions may be hampering progress. Time out may be needed to re-




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Look for the detail! It is through the fine detail that we may find the

greatest success. Be patient and thorough in your dealings with others.

This symbol may also represent old values or perhaps an older person

with wise advice for the enquirer.

LADDER This symbol can have a number of very different meanings. Usually the

appearance of the ladder symbol indicates success, promotion or

reaching new heights. However, if there are rungs missing you may be

on the right track but watch your step as more effort or determination

may be required to reach your goal. If the ladder is seen at the bottom of

the cup it may indicate a financial setback or breakdown.

LADLE Like a big scoop of something nice; the ladle denotes generosity, giving,

thoughtfulness or plentiful helpings to go around. The appearance of a

ladle can also mean a partnership or a sharing or lightning of a load. A

partnership may be in the wings which could lead to great success.


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Lucky times may be coming through your door. Blowing on the wind; you

may experience an uplifting windfall or unexpected monetary rewards.

LAMP Guidance and insights are opening to you. You may be able to shed

some light on a problem or issue, which may result in a whole new way

or approach to the problem.

LEAF This symbol represents a new phase or as the saying goes “Turning over a new Leaf”. It can also mean the bringing of good news or the

starting of something new. It may be nature’s way of letting you know

that changes are coming, usually for the better. More than one leaf

usually indicates that happiness is about to enter your home.

LEG Denotes movement, progress or striding forward. You must always look

at the symbols around, look particularly for initials; alternately someone

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you know may have a problem with their legs. Otherwise the symbol

generally denotes moving ahead on something.

LEMON The appearance of the lemon symbol usually indicates bitterness or

something that has gone sour. The lemon is usually a negative symbol

which is associated with unpleasantness of some kind. Look at the

enquirer’s life, what issues or problems are they currently dealing with?

The enquirer may need to deal with their problems before they turn sour.

There is a saying “if you are handed lemons in life, make lemonade”. So turn the bitterness into something bittersweet and make the changes

that need to be made.

LEOPARD The saying “leopards don’t change their spots” comes to mind with this symbol. You may want someone to change or you be trying to change a

person, but remember you cannot change someone that does not want

to change. The enquirer may need to walk away or come to terms with

the fact that some people cannot change or indeed they may be happy

with who they are and what they are doing in their lives.

If the symbol can also represent a part of the enquirer’s life, they may

need control, strength or even a certain amount of cunning may be

needed to reach success. Look inside for that extra bit of “get up and go” needed to reach great achievements now.

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LETTER Important news is coming. Look at the symbols around the letter, dots

relates to money matters or money is coming to you. If there is a heart

symbol nearby, the letter could relate to love. Look at where the letter is

situated in the cup, this usually relates to when news will be received.

LIGHTBULB Denotes bright ideas or solutions, the enquirer may be experiencing a

period of clarity or inspiration to resolve old issues or problems. Perhaps

the enquirer has come up with a new idea or a project and is looking

forward to new things.

LIGHTHOUSE The trusty lighthouse helps ships to navigate sometimes treacherous

seas, if this symbol appears in your cup, it will help you too see all the

hidden dangers around you. The lighthouse will help the enquirer make

informed decisions and avoid the pitfalls around them.

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LIGHTNING This symbol denotes excitement, unexpected changes, energy, intuition

and in some cases inspiration. The enquirer can expect sudden changes

to occur in their life. These changes may be characterised by mind

blowing events and clear insights. Suddenly the enquirer may gain

clarity which may prompt dramatic life altering change.

LILY Indicates health, happiness and serenity; your dreams will all come true.

The enquirer can expect happiness and good health.

LINES The appearance of lines in a cup equates to journeys, roads or

movement, the straighter the line; the more rewarding the journey. If the

line is long the journey will be a long one! A number of lines together

could represent travel for work or a number of short trips for work or for

pleasure. A wavy line can represent problems or interruptions along the

journey. Wavy lines can also represent emotions or emotional problems

for the enquirer or people who are close to the enquirer.

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LION The lion symbol denotes; strength, power or majesty. The male lion with

its flowing mane represents powerful or influential people. The lioness

on the other hand represents family connections and clarity. The

enquirer may finally be able to free themselves and take control of

delicate issues or of a situation that is controlling their life. The lion

symbol may also represent the zodiac sign of Leo; particularly if is

accompanied by an initial.

LIZARD If you have a hunch about someone or something go with your instincts.

Lizards are very good at blending in or getting under the radar, the

appearance or this symbol could mean that you have overlooked

something that is under your nose. The lizard is telling you to look closer

as you may have overlooked something that’s right in front of your eyes.

LOCK If the lock symbol appears open it may be a time when you can go

ahead with your plans. Alternatively a closed lock may signify the end or

the closing of a situation or a relationship. Locks can also represent

obstructions or obstacles which may need to be overcome or tackled

from a different angle or perspective.

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LOAF OF BREAD This symbol represents sharing, expanding and nourishment. The

appearance of a loaf of bread in a cup may be a sign that the enquirer

needs to take time or pay more attention to personal issues. These

issues normally pertain to personal neglect in terms of health or perhaps

emotional problems. The bread symbol asks the enquirer to look within

or take time out to resolve lingering personal issues.

LUGGAGE The luggage symbol is usually associated with travel, movement, a trip

or a journey of some description. In most cases good luck or good

fortune has been bestowed upon the receiver. The enquirer may have

had or is about to receive a windfall of some description; associated with

this gain will be travel or a journey. It is important that the recipient of the

good fortune is open to change that maybe coming their way.


MAGICIAN This symbol is associated with magic, trickery or illusion. There are both

positive and negative aspects to the symbol. From a negative

perspective the magician symbol may be an indication that the enquirer

is being fooled or tricked. Things are not as they seem, someone is not

being open or straight with you. On the other hand the symbol can also

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have a positive side. The magician symbol can also represent

transformation. It may indicate change in an almost magical way, with

lots of surprises coming the way of the enquirer.

MAGNET As you might expect the magnet is all about attraction. Its appearance is

an extremely positive sign. The enquirer may be about to attract, people,

money, good luck or good things in general. For clarity, look to the

symbols around the magnet, these associated symbols are likely to

identify the items or opportunities coming the enquirers way.

MAN This figure usually represents someone the enquirer knows. If the figure

has outstretched arms it usually denotes opportunity. The man is

bearing gifts or offering an opportunity of some kind. If the symbol is

facing away from the cup handle the man may be leaving the enquirers


MAGPIE This symbol represents openness, friendships or the gathering of

anything that is useful. Be open to new ways of addressing a problem or

issue. You may need to go back over things to find what you’re looking for. You may find something you thought was lost.

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MAPLE LEAF This symbol may represent a connection with Canada. Opportunities of

a sweet nature may be on their way. Look at the symbols around as

these may afford clarity. The leaf itself could represent autumn; a time

when positive changes are on their way.

MASK Represents false people, hidden secrets or feelings; look for initials or

symbols around as these may unravel meanings or shed light on those

who are not being truthful. On the other hand it may be that the enquirer

is engaging in self deception. Perhaps they are hiding from the truth or

failing to face up to the reality of a situation. They must stop the charade

as no good can come of it.

MAT A mat is something people wipe their feet on before entering a building;

leaving their dirt outside. The appearance of this symbol indicates to the

enquirer that they must clean up their situation or problems so they can

start afresh. In other words the enquirer must clean up their act before

they can move forward.

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MEDAL This symbol represents achievements or rewards; its appearance

indicates that rewards will come. Your hard work, discipline and

perseverance will pay off in the near future.

MERMAID Represents the ocean, playfulness, and travel across water, delights and

a time of pleasure. This symbol can also represent a job at sea, look to

associated symbol around the mermaid as these may provide clarity.

METEOR The symbol denotes great success and opportunities that are out of this

world. These sorts of opportunities don’t come around to often; the enquirer should be urged to take a chance when these opportunities

arise as they may not last and may not come around again.

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MONK The Monk represents a time of quiet reflection, values and appreciation

of what you have. The appearance or this symbol may indicate that the

enquirer needs to look within to find answers. Look at your values in life;

sometimes it is necessary to look at what we have as opposed to what

we want or what we do not have.

MONKEY This symbol represents mischievousness, playfulness, being clever or

funny. Generally the appearance of this symbol is an indication that the

enquirer needs to lighten up, perhaps add some playfulness into their

life. The enquirer may need to think about having some time away from

their problems. This time could involve having fun or getting involved in

some fun activities.

MOON Relationships, Romance, Illusions.

The moon symbol is daring you to dream big and trust in your intuition.

In terms of illusions, the moon may be telling you that all is not what it

seems. Look at the symbols nearby to for clarification.

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The moon has many phases and cycles; a crescent moon means the

start of new things. The appearance of a half moon symbol means don’t stop now, keep things on track. The full moon signifies the completion of

a project or the nearing of the end of a cycle. For females the

appearance of a full moon can mean the completion of a fertility cycle.

MOTH This symbol signifies transformations, and subtle changes.

The moth is a positive symbol, when we sleep on our inner thoughts or

problems, an answer will be found in the dead of the night. Your

subconscious will work over time to find a solution without you

consciously trying.

MOUNTAINS You may need to move mountains to get to what you desire or want. The

bigger the mountain, the bigger the commitment. Once there your goals

will be reached, all the struggle, hardship and sacrifice will be well worth



This symbol usually appears when money issues are prevalent i.e.

financial problems, businesses are not doing well etc. You may need to

double check everything; you need to be methodical in all your dealings,

do your homework, and take nothing for granted. The mouse may also

signify feelings of entrapment. You may be trapped or may have been

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misled at some stage. This is a time to take control. Little by little you

can make some improvements but time and patience will be needed.

MULE The mule signifies stubbornness or burden. The enquirer may need to

lighten the load, or be a little more easy going. Progress will be made

but a change of some sort may be needed. Seek help from others if you

feel you need it; ask and you shall receive.

MUSHROOM Mushrooms grow in the darkness usually in rich fertile soil. One day

there’s nothing, the next day a fully formed mushroom has magically appeared. The mushroom symbol usually indicates a time of massive

growth; things are taking off quickly. Opportunities arise out of nowhere,

usually with great success attached. This symbol is a very good omen,

especially if seen towards the top of the cup.


NAIL A nail is no good without a hammer. The appearance of this symbol

indicates that the enquirer may need to be more resilient. A tougher

outer shell and harder non-compromising attitude will be needed.

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NECKLACE This may actually indicate a gift of a necklace is coming your way. If the

necklace is fully formed or unbroken, it may represent love and

happiness in a relationship. If the necklace appears in a broken form, the

relationship may be falling apart. This may be a time when the enquirer

needs to become more committed or needs to pay more attention to a


NEEDLE Indicates alertness, precociousness, recognition, a time when you may

need to do a little repair work to a particular area of your life. Look at the

symbols nearby; if you are alert you will see where the work needs to be

done. Also there maybe recognition for a project, job or an activity.

NEST Signifies protection, parents, or emotional security of some description.

The nest revolves around home life, relationships or life in general. You

may be about to reap the rewards for efforts concerning among other

thing being a great role model.

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NET Be careful you are about to be trapped into something you don’t want. Extreme caution is required during this period.

NEWSPAPER Indicates gossip, news or information. Important news in is coming your

way. Be careful about gossip as it may be totally inaccurate. Time to

reflect about what has been and to make changes for the better.

NURSE This symbol revolves around health and wellbeing. Take a look at your

overall health, have a check up perhaps. For more clarity look at the

symbols nearby.

NUT Indicates growth and prosperity usually of a financial nature.

Investments, extra income, financial growth or improvement is coming


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OAK TREE Indicates courageousness and strength, health, wealth and happiness.

The oak tree is a good omen indicating strong foundations concerning

family happiness, marriage or financial strength.

OAR Help will be needed in affairs. Never fear help is needed but it will be

near at hand. Someone will offer you a helping hand.

OBLESK The obelisk indicates that a challenge of some sort awaits the enquirer.

This challenge is likely to be of a personal nature. The enquirer may

need to tap into their inner strength in order to achieve their goal.

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OCTOPUS Denotes tangles or entrapment. This is a time to be diligent in affairs

otherwise you may get caught in a situation that you can’t escape from; what’s more this dilemma may be of your own doing.

ONION The onion emits a strong odour and people often shed tears when trying

to peel or cut this vegetable. Sometimes things are better left unsaid. Be

warned about speaking out of turn or carelessly without thought. The

appearance of the onion symbol may be a warning to be careful with

information they may have.

ORCHIDS Indicates passion in love affairs or matters of the heart. Look at where

this symbol rests in the cup. If the symbol lies towards the bottom of the

cup a relationship could end in tears.

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ORGAN This symbol indicates music, concerts or a musical invitation or some

description. The organ symbol could also mean things are not

harmonious in the enquirer’s life; for clarification look at the symbols

around the organ.

OSTRICH You need to take charge or a situation, don’t bury your head in the sand. Journey and travel are connected with this symbol. Look at where the

symbol is situated, if at the bottom of the cup travel may be delayed. You

may be travelling or making a move a little later than expected.

OWL The owl indicates mystery, magic, the supernatural or learning certain

skills. If the symbol appears towards the top of the cup the enquirer may

take a journey into a divined supernatural destination. This will be a very

deep inner journey where wisdom and learning will be central. The

symbol can also indicate study or the learning of new skills. If found

towards the bottom of the cup, there could be deceit or even scandal

surrounding the enquirer. Look at the symbols nearby for further


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OX The ox indicates strength, determination and earthliness. The enquirer

may need to work diligently with great determination and focus on the

task to get the job done. The enquirer needs to be persistent in

undertaking the problem or issue.

OYSTER A new relationship is on the way. This new union is likely to be very

passionate, long lasting with commitment on both sides.


PADLOCK If it appears open the way is clear to fulfil your dreams. If closed, things

will not turnout and the enquirer is likely to be disappointed.

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PALM TREE There may be a vacation or a holiday to a tropical destination very

shortly. The enquirer will find happy times and enjoyment for both

themselves and their family.

PARACHUTE Forget your fears, take a leap of faith. If you are unsure about a problem

or an issue and are wondering about your next commitment don’t worry, circumstances are favourable.

PARCEL A gift, present or something nice is coming to the enquirer. A surprise or

increased money and wealth are in the wings.

PARROT This symbol is all about gossip or talking carelessly. Sometimes few

words or less chatter is best. “No good will come through idle chatter”. Be discrete in dealings with people you don’t know well.

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PEACOCK The Peacock indicates pride, display, boastful beauty, marriage and

money. This is a lucky sign; luck will come to the enquirer or people

associated with the enquirer.

PEAR The Pear indicates new beginnings, success and comfort. The enquirer

will have success and a life with all the comforts provided. There may be

a relationship or marriage to a wealthy person, or opportunities of a

financial nature that may lead to empowerment.

PEN Indicates communication, writing, contacts, and expressiveness. A time

for communicating; it may be that the enquirer needs to communicate

through a letter or perhaps there is a writer or an author nearby. Look for

initials surrounding the symbol.

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PENDULUM Pendulums swing from side to side, constantly changing direction. The

appearance of this symbol means that a change of direction is in the air.

The enquirer may need to take a chance or change tack. Rest assure,

this change may at first seem daunting, and nevertheless, things will

work out in the end. Its decision time, make a decision one way or


PENKNIFE This symbol denotes warning – something upsetting or unsettling is in

the wings. Never fear there is a solution close at hand; you will make

headway on these issues.

PHEASANT = Honour, promotion, inheritance. The enquirer will soon be in for a

promotion or a raise. There may be an inheritance coming to you or

someone in your family.

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PIE In this case you can have your pie and eat it too. This symbol indicates

rewards. These rewards can be shared around.

PIG There may be jealousy from a person the enquirer knows or from a

greedy individual who is self centred in their ways. Look at the symbols

around for clues as to the identity of this person. The symbol may also

imply self indulgence. The enquirer may need to take a step back and

look at how they are treating others.

PIGEON Indicates communication or homecoming; there may be news coming

from across the water. Someone you have lost touch with may be

coming back into your life. Either way news of an arrival appears


PILLAR Denotes strength; if the enquirer is going through a tough period in their

life they will have the inner strength to overcome the odds.

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PILLOW Dreams may turn into reality. Dare to dream big, your thoughts and

dreams may just come true. The enquirer may need to focus on what

they really want from life before thinking of a wish list.

PINE TREES An extremely positive sign – happiness is coming to the enquirer.

PIPE indicates resolutions to long standing problems, issues or

family feuds. Forgiveness, talking and open communication may be in

the wings. The pipe may be a peace pipe where long standing problems

or issues are resolved.

PISTOL The pistol denotes - warning, danger, stealing, aggravation or trouble.

Beware danger is around the enquirer. This is a negative omen; the

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enquirer needs to be aware that danger is around them. Be on your

guard, you could be harmed on a physical level.


Denotes hard work or preparation of some sort; do all the ground work

first, and then you won’t be trying to fix problems later. The enquirer should not overlook what has to be done.

PLOUGH Although progress may be slow, hard work will pay off in the end. The

enquirer needs to stay focussed; stick to the task, you will get to where

you want to be.

POLICEMAN The policeman symbolises - justice, law or legal matters of some

description. The enquirer may have a run in with the law. Don’t be wreck

less in your dealings, be honest as this symbol indicates that justice is

about to be served.

POSTMAN Important news of some sort is on its way. This is usually a very good


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POSY Romance, affection or love is in the air. Look at the shapes and symbols


PURSE If the purse appears open and there is a dot nearby, a profitable period

may be coming to the enquirer. Money could be there to be made if the

purse appears towards the top of the cup. If the purse appears open and

is at the bottom of the cup, the enquirer may need to be on guard

against losing money.

PYRAMID Denotes ancient wisdom, spirituality, enlightenment and perhaps travel

to ancient Egypt. The enquirer may be about to embark on a journey of

enlightenment. There could also be achievements made that will stand

the test of time. The enquirer is coming to an important time or part of

their life.

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QUEEN A woman of integrity or influence is about to enter the enquirer’s life for the better. The person will be of great support and the enquirer may

enter into a partnership with this person. This may lead to a powerful

outcome and even a long successful business career.

QUESTION MARK There may be a big life changing decision to be made. This is a decision

only the enquirer can make and could very well change the direction of

the enquirer’s life.

QUILL Papers or documents require your attention before signing. Look at the

symbols around as inattention at this point could lead to problems further

down the track.

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RABBIT \ Indicates fertility, growth, ideas and Easter; your business may be about

to enter a prosperous period. Family matters are going through a happy

or pleasant time; there may even be a new addition to the family.

Alternately the rabbit symbol can pertain to Easter. For many Easter is a

family time or a time when families come together. The rabbit can signify

that it is time that the enquirer make plans for the Easter break. If the

rabbit’s foot is prominent in the cup this is an extremely good omen. A

lucky time is ahead. Look at the symbols around the rabbit for further


RAINBOW We’ve all heard about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the appearance of this symbol denotes happiness and prosperity. The

enquirer’s wish may be granted or come to fruition.

RAKE Indicates that hard work beckons; a cleanup of some nature may be

required. The enquirer may need to find a solution to a problem or an

issue that may be hanging over them. To clear up a misunderstanding

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will pave the way for a new beginning. Parties can then move forward

with a clearer perspective.

RAM Represents new ideas or new offerings; look at the symbols nearby for

clarification. This symbol can also represent someone born under the

sign of Aries. Look at the initials, this person could be close or extremely

important to the enquirer.

RAT Dishonesty, loss and deceit surrounds this symbol, someone you

thought you could trust could turn out to be false.

RATTLE This symbol indicates joy and laughter which in most cases is centred

around a child or children in general.

RAVEN The appearance of a raven is usually a bad omen. Bad news is

approaching; this may involve illness, loss or sadness of some


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RAZOR Indicates caution, the enquirer needs to be cautious during the period

ahead. Look out for accidents, arguments or dangerous situations. Look

at where the symbol is in the cup and the symbols around.

RECTANGLE The rectangle represents challenges or difficulties but can also represent

protection or the enquirer. A shape or something inside the rectangle it

could represent a parcel or gift. Look at the symbols nearby for


REPTILE Friendships could be tested; alls not what it seems.

RIFLE The rifle symbol is a bad omen. The enquirer needs to be cautious, there

is danger ahead; tread carefully in all of your dealings.

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RIVER This symbol indicates tranquillity and a time to go with the flow of things.

Sometimes we need to step back from our issues and problems and

perhaps stop being so controlling. When the time is right things will start

to flow in the right direction. Try not to worry sit back and take a breath;

things will work themselves out.

RING If the ring is complete it denotes a successful marriage or wedding,

especially if there is a bell nearby. If the symbol is in the middle or near

the top of the cup it could mean that there is a proposal on its way;

towards the bottom of the cup means a marriage sometime in the future.

If the ring is broken or incomplete it usually indicates that the marriage or

relationship will not last. If the ring looks more like the letter C an offer

could fall through or there is no certainty that things will go the way you


ROAD Denotes a journey, travel or perhaps a change of direction is coming!

Straight lines usually indicate a successful journey; the enquirer may be

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able to move forward with their desired plans. Two parallel lines

indicates that the enquirer’s life is about to change. A fork in the road indicates choices that have to be made and a bend or curve in the road

indicates that there may be something unexpected up ahead.

ROCKET Something in the enquirer’s life is about to take off; this something will

be very rewarding. The rocket is a very positive or good omen.

ROCKS The rock symbol denotes obstacles, holdups or blockages of some

description. You need to take things one step at a time so you don’t lose

your footing. Locate the problem or issue and carefully navigate through

these difficulties.

ROOSTER The appearance of the rooster is a wakeup call. This wake up could be

in a warning to be careful in dealings with associates or it may indicate

that changes are coming; for clarification look at the symbols nearby.

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ROSE The rose symbolises love, romance and admiration. It may indicate a

deepening affection in a relationship already established or success in

something the enquirer is passionate about. The rose can also indicate

career success or even abundance.

ROW BOAT The row boat symbol indicates effort; effort is needed to move forward.

At times you may feel like giving up but if you remain persistent and stick

to the task you’ll get there in the end.

RUG The friendships you have made are genuine. You are lucky and blessed

with the friends you have in your life. Impending social events will bring

joy and happiness.

RUNNER The runner is about movement in hast. The enquirer may need to go

somewhere in a hurry. It could also mean that the enquirer is running

from a problem or an issue. Look at where the symbol is facing and the

symbols nearby as this could hold the key to this symbols true meaning.

News is also or usually associated with this symbol.

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SADDLE You need to take control of a situation that may be confusing and/or

burdensome. The time is right to centre yourself, take charge and

control as this will push you in the right direction.

SAILOR News from across the water is heading your way. This symbol may also

relate to connections with the ocean.


The saw symbolises action or the need for the enquirer to take

immediate or direct action. Something in the enquirer’s life is past its

used-by-date. The enquirer needs to sever ties or remove themselves

from a situation that is no longer working

SCALES Look to see if the scales are balanced or unbalanced. If there is balance

your dealings will work out, if the scales appear unbalanced things will

not go in your favour. This symbol normally pertains to justice issues;

you may need to look at your actions in relations to legal matters,

however, the symbol may also indicate that someone with the zodiac

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sign of Libra is about to enter your life. Look at the symbols close by to

gain further clarification.

SCARECROW Scarecrows are used to frighten birds and scavengers away from crops.

Look at your own life, are you pushing people away? You may be

closing yourself off from truly experiencing life. Be open to new

challenges and experiences, you may be surprised what will come your

way. On the flipside the scarecrow can also be a warning; someone

maybe about to take something from you.

SCEPTRE This symbol denotes power, recognition and honours. The sceptre is a

very powerful symbol. The enquirer will soon be in a position of power or

authority which will bring rewards and the recognition of achievements.

When this happens depends on where the sceptre appears in the cup. If

there are initials close to the sceptre, it could mean someone of

eminence is about to enter the enquirer’s life.

SISSORS This symbol relates to the removal or the cutting away of something in

the enquirer’s life; it may be time to end a relationship or time to change jobs. Either way the enquirer needs to cut away the old and start afresh.

This can be a time of new beginnings where one door is closed and

another is opened.

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SCORPION This symbol can have a number or meanings; firstly, it may be a warning

for the enquirer to be on the lookout for falsehoods or hidden danger

around them. Secondly, it may be an indication that someone who was

born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio is about to enter the enquirer’s life.

SCYTHE The scythe may be a bad omen indicating the coming of illness, injury or

even death to the enquirer or someone close to the enquirer. However,

the scythe can also indicate new beginnings or a cutting away of

something from the past so the enquirer can move forward. In this

regard the scythe can be quite positive, look to the other symbols in the

cup for greater clarification.

SEAGULL You may well be going through a tough period in your life where worries

and problems abound. The seagull is a positive sign indicating the end

of tough times. The appearance of a seagull is a sign you have

weathered the storm. The enquirer or someone close to the enquirer

now has the freedom to move forward and will be stronger for having

endured their experiences.

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SEESAW The seesaw symbolises balance, sometimes in life we are up and

inevitably at other times we find ourselves on a downer. The enquirer

needs to find a balance in their life where they are not putting too much

time and effort into one aspect of their life and neglecting other aspects.

SHARK You guessed it this symbol is all about danger; there is danger not far

beneath the surface. The enquirer needs to beware; don’t proceed with if

you are unsure. Look at the motives of the people you are dealing with;

all is not what it seems!

SHEEP This symbol denotes peace and relaxation; the enquirer needs to take

time out of their day to day route to smell the roses. Don’t rush things;

you will know when the time is right to move forwards with a project.

SHELL The time is right to come out of your shell. Stop shying away; it’s the

right time to move forward. There will be success and good fortune in

finances and relationships for the enquirer.

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SHEPHERD The shepherd indicates direction and guidance; if the enquirer is lost

don’t despair help is coming. Sheep in the cup, in close proximity to the

shepherd is a good omen for financial gains. You will receive guidance

during this time.

SHIP News is coming from across the water; a journey may also be connected

to the enquirer. This symbol is a good omen if found towards the top of

the cup; your ship may be about to come in! If the symbol is found

towards the bottom of the cup, the ship can indicate disappointments

and negativity.

SHOE The shoe symbolises effort; it’s about moving forward with the knowledge that changes are coming for the better. The enquirer needs

to be reassured that they are on the right path but they must stay

resolute and determined.

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SIGNPOST This symbol usually indicates important information that needs to be

heeded. Look at the symbols nearby or the direction in which the sign is

pointed as these are a clue as to which way you need to go.

SKELETON The skeleton can be an indication of health concerns, financial setbacks

or the loss of a friend. Concerns around these issues are very real;

something that is hidden may surface with negative outcomes.

SNAIL Your life seems to be going at a snail’s pace; the enquirer may be trying

to rush things when there is no need. Things will work themselves out in

their own time and not before.

SNAKE If the snake is coiled beware, look at all aspects of the enquirer’s life, if

contracts are to be signed look at the fine print. If there are job

opportunities look closely before committing; particularly if it sounds too

good to be true. Someone may have hidden intentions; this is a time

when the enquirer is very vulnerable. However, if the snake is lying

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straight it may be a good time to make decisions. The enquirer may be

about to enter a creative phase in their life.

SPADE The spade symbolises hard work and problems solving; there is work to

do if you want to reach your goal or solve a difficult problem. The

enquirer needs to focus, work hard and most of all persevere; but never

fear they will get there in the end.

SPARROW Indicates that a fruitful time is approaching; good news and happiness

surrounds the enquirer.

SPIDER The spider relates to luck; increases in finances or a promotion at work

is on its way. Look to the other symbols in the cup for greater


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SPIDERS WEB The enquirer needs to be warned about walking into a trap. Don’t be too trusting in your dealings with others; someone close to you may not

have your best interests at heart.

SPOON Indicates there is a new baby on the way; if two spoons are visible there

may be twins on the way. While this may be seen as good news,

conversely the spoon can be a warning, indicating that someone close to

the enquirer is stirring up trouble.

SQUARE This symbol usually means protection; there may be an outside threat to

the enquirer’s material interests, however, although you may have issues to deal with, there are strong protective forces around. If there is

something inside the square it could mean that there is a gift or perhaps

information in the form of a letter coming your way.

SQUIRREL This symbol indicates hording or gathering resources for leaner times. It

is a warning to the enquirer to think ahead and focus their attention on

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coming events. The enquirer’s energy may be scattered; with too many

projects or issues occurring at the same time; the squirrel’s appearance means that more focus and attention is needed on what’s really important.

STAG This symbol is all about masculine energy; if the enquirer is female they

may need to tap into the masculine side of their nature to move forward

or get a job done. If the enquirer is male there may be a relationship

looming that will result in a friendship or a companionship rather than a

romantic liaison. In both the above situations, look to the other symbols

in the cup for further clarification.

STAIRS Stairs or a staircase is a very good omen; this symbol usually indicates

success in a venture, a promotion or improvement in salary. The stairs

can also indicate spiritual enlightenment either through an experience or

through something that has occurred in the enquirer’s dreams.

STAR Generally the appearance of a star in the enquirer’s cup is a very lucky sign. But this may vary depending on the type or variety of star that

appears. A six pointed star denotes good fortune, five points indicates

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spiritual awareness, a small star concerns children; a child in the

enquirer’s life may be gifted or have an extraordinary talent. Large stars in a cluster can indicate financial loss and a star on the bottom of the

cup can mean changes or a new direction for the enquirer.

STICKS Depending on their appearance, sticks can have several meanings.

Vertical sticks usually pertain to straight forward people, if the leaf is

dark, it can pertain to a dark haired person, and if light in appearance it

relates to a light haired person. If the stick is short and thick, it usually

represents a woman. A long stick usually denotes to a man. Sticks that

are crossed represent arguments or disagreements or even the end of a

relationship. If there is a cluster of leaves in the sticks, this usually

means bad news is on its way. Dots near the sticks indicate financial

gain and a ring in close proximity to the stick means marriage.

STOCKS This symbol is about embarrassment, you have been caught out and the

consequences are unavoidable. The enquirer will have to ‘grin and bare

it.’ Retribution is coming and there is little the enquirer can do to prevent this.

STORK If the stork appears near the cup handle, a baby is on its way; otherwise

the appearance of this symbol can mean the birth of a new venture or

idea. The stork is usually a very good omen.

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STRAWBERRIES This is a very good omen usually indicating improvements in finances or

perhaps a marriage proposal for enquirer’s who are unmarried. Either

way this symbol indicates things are looking up or about to improve.

SUITCASE The suitcase can indicate a number of things, all of which relate to

change of some description. Visitors may be on their way, the enquirer

may be about to move house or travel to a faraway destination. Look at

the symbols nearby for more clarification.

SUN The sun is another good omen, usually indicating new beginnings,

success in life and general happiness. If the enquirer has had or is

having health issues, there is relief on the way. However, the sun can

also mean the approach of summer time or holiday time; generally a

time of happiness and contentment is approaching.

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SWALLOW In nature the appearance of swallows usually indicates the end of the

rainy season; likewise the enquirer can look forward to brighter days.

Travel may be indicated, however, the swallow usually indicates

changes are coming for the better in the enquirer’s life.

SWAN The enquirer may be going through a transformation in their personal or

professional life, if this has not already commenced it will be coming very

soon. At first you may not appreciate the change as it may come in the

form of uneasiness that takes the enquirer out of their comfort zone.

Don’t despair the transformation will be for the better. If the swan appears with dots around it, there will be a financial improvement after

an initial setback. If the swan appears at the bottom of the cup, it can be

a bad omen indicating separation from the enquirer’s long term partner.

SWORD This is not a good omen; usually indicates arguments, disputes maybe

with family members or in professional life. There may be conflicts of

interests where no one is prepared to give ground. This may can

ultimately lead to problems, divorce due to differences or perhaps illness

as a result of the associated stress. Two swords crossed means

irreparable differences or battles of a physical nature. If the sword is

broken the enquirer will be defeated and will have to walk away from the


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TABLE The table symbolises discussions, openness or the need to open up or

place all your cards on the table. The table can also be linked to

generosity, social and family life. If there are dots around or near the

table, discussions may be financial in nature or more particularly

financial hardship. In this regard the table can be an omen that tough

times are ahead. Nevertheless, if you heed this warning and tighten your

belt, you may actually avoid many of the hardships ahead.

TEAPOT The teapot is about social events; it can signal a time when you can

enjoy the company of others. The teapot can also signal a time when the

enquirer may be called upon to help a friend in need. A friend or

someone close to the enquirer may ask for advice. The teapot and a

nice cup of hot tea may be a way to get the conversation started.

TELEPHONE This symbol focuses on communication; the enquirer may be about to

receive a phone call of exceptional importance. Look at the other

symbols in the cup; these could hold the key to the nature of this call.

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TEMPLE Denotes a time when the enquirer must listen to their inner voice for

sanctuary or spiritual guidance. Stop your thinking and listen to the quite

voice from within. A solution to your problem is there if you take the time

to listen.

TENT This symbol is about getting back to basics, relaxation and perhaps

getting in tune with nature. It may be time to remove yourself from the

hustle and bustle of your busy life for a short period.

THORN We’ve probably all heard the saying “a thorn in your side”; the appearance of this symbol signifies that the time has come to address a

problem once and for all. Direct action is needed; the enquirer needs to

sit down with all those involved to find a compromise or a final resolution

to that burning issue.

TIGER A direct approach is needed to get to the bottom of a problem or issue.

The enquirer needs to look at the issue directly and find the strength of

character to finally find a resolution.

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TOAD The enquirer is being asked to scratch beneath the surface, or to

disregard the uninviting appearance of a person or a situation. A little

patience and/or perseverance will soon reveal the truth of a situation or

problem. The truth may not be as ugly as the enquirer thinks.

TORNADO A period of turbulence is about to enter the enquirer’s life. Be prepared to ride the winds of change.

TORCH The enquirer may soon be shown the way forward either in a business

or in a private matter. Never fear the darkness will soon be behind you.

TOWER If a tower appears in the enquirer’s cup look at the symbols around to

determine the area in the enquirer’s life where there may be an issue. It may be that the enquirer is feeling isolated at the moment or a project or

business venture requires strong foundations in order to become a

lasting enterprise. If the tower appears at the bottom of the cup there

may be disappointments or insurmountable problems ahead.

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TRAFFIC LIGHTS Caution is required right now, the enquirer is being reminded that they

may need to stop and only proceed when the path ahead is clear and

safe. This symbol may arise in relation to a project or an issue in the

enquirer’s life; be cautious and move forward only after due thought and


TRAIN Signifies that the enquirer is on the right track, with regard to a project or

the goals they have set. As the saying goes, “Full Steam Ahead”; the time is right to move forward.

TREASURE CHEST This is a very fortunate symbol which indicates all of life’s treasures are coming to the enquirer. These treasures may be in the form of material

gratification but can also pertain to love, health and happiness. Your life

is full of hidden surprises just waiting to be uncovered.

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TREE If a big leafy tree appears in the enquirer’s cup they can expect that good things are coming into their life. You have your feet planted firmly

on the ground; this strong foundation can be used to pursue your

dreams and to build a better life. If the tree is barren with on leaves the

enquirer may be striving for unattainable things. As a result family and

personal life may suffer. Sometimes what you have is better than having

nothing at all.

TRIANGLE If the triangle is pointing up, good luck is indicated, if the triangle is

pointing down trouble is around the enquirer. Look for negative symbols

around such as clouds or rocks which may give further clarification. If the

triangle is near a heart, this may indicate a love triangle. Another person

may be interfering in your relationship. This interpretation needs to be

validated by the positive and negative symbols nearby.

TRIDENT Traditionally the trident has been associated with the sea or ocean; the

enquirer may be about to go on a voyage across water. However, the

trident can also signify good fortune and fulfilment. Look to the symbols

nearby for clarification.

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TRUCK The time to forge ahead has arrived, it won’t be easy and the load will be heavy, but it’s now or never. Be ready for the challenge; your persistence will pay off.

TRUMPET An announcement is on its way that will affect to enquirer’s life in some way. This may be related to work, home or family. Look at the symbols

nearby to gain a better understanding.

TUNNEL You’ve been in the dark far too long, only now can you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep going you are almost there.

TURKEY Festive times are coming, family, togetherness, happy reunions and

celebrations are indicated by this symbol. If the symbol appears at the

bottom of the cup your plans may be cancelled unexpectedly.

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TURTLE Slowly but steadily you will achieve your goal. Stop if you must take

refuge or time out in general; but know that you have all you need to



UMBRELLA Sometimes our plans are disrupted suddenly or need to be put on hold.

Wait until the rain has gone. You have all the protection you need. When

the time is right move forward with your plans again and know that you

will get there. If the umbrella is on the bottom of the cup your plans are

not working out. It may be time to take a different approach.

UNICORN Lucky times are coming, pinpoint your desires, dreams and aspirations.

Your time has come, time to go for the things you want.

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VALLEY You may be in a bit of a hole at the moment with no clear view. You

must work through the challenges that are ahead of you. Only then will

you reach higher ground with a clearer perspective. You will overcome

your challenges and will emerge stronger for the experience.

VINE The enquirer may be feeling trapped in some way; they may feel that

their life has become entangled. The vine symbolises a time to break

free or untangle. An aspect of the enquirer’s life may have become very complicated; it’s time to move on.

VIOLIN The violin is a good omen, seeing this symbol in a cup means success.

If the enquirer is musical there could be recognition of achievements. If

the enquirer earns their living from musical ways, there could even be

fame. Otherwise success in life or work is going to be bestowed upon

the enquirer.

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VOLCANO This indicates problems or eruptions in personal or work life. As in

nature pressures build before the volcano finally erupts, pressure has

been building in the enquirer’s life; the time is coming when a situation

will finally erupt. This eruption is unavoidable but it will clear the air and a

new calmer phase will emerge.

VULTURE The enquirer may need to protect their ideas as there is someone

waiting in the wings to take credit for all their hard work.


WHIP If the enquirer is feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities, then they

need to release the hold in order to gain a better understanding of the

issues. Slow down and free yourself of the burdens.

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WINDMILL Many hands make light work; help is at hand, the enquirer will have all

the help they need to solve problems or issues as they arise. Once this

help arrives, everything will start to flow in the right direction.

WINDOW If the window appears open, opportunities are on their way; if closed it’s

perhaps not the right time for new adventures. Look to the symbols

nearby to gain further clarification.

WINE BOTTLE This symbol indicates that there is a celebration on its way. A birthday

or anniversary of some description; either way it’s time to celebrate.

WINGS The appearance of this symbol in one’s cup is a very good omen. The wings denote messages, good news arriving soon. Don’t procrastinate,

it’s time to make a chance; just do it!

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WISHBONE The appearance of a wish bone in the enquirer’s cup is a very good

omen. A wish or something that has been longed for will be granted.

WIZARD/WITCH This symbol denotes wisdom, enlightenment, magic or spells. You may

need to ask for help from your inner self or you may need to look

towards undertaking a spiritual journey. Either way all things are

possible; never say never.

WOLF Inner strength and bravery may be needed by the enquirer if this symbol

appears in their cup. There is a challenging time ahead, you may need

help and support during this next phase of your life.

WOMAN Look for initials elsewhere in the cup to find the identity of the woman

who has shown up in the enquirer’s cup. If the identity of the woman is unknown, never fear, she is entering into the enquirer’s life at just the right time. This woman has good intentions; she will be a help and is

there to benefit the enquirer.

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WORMS The worm symbol indicates the foundations are there for good growth;

worms represent richness, this is a good time to start something new. A

period of great growth and opportunity lies in wait.

WREATH This symbol signifies loss; look at where the wreath is situated and the

symbols nearby. Dots near the wreath could mean financial loss or

perhaps a relationship is ending. If the wreath appears towards the top

of the cup the symbol should be interpreted more positively. A wreath on

the bottom of the cup is usually a bad omen.


XRAY The enquirer needs to look more closely or deeper into a problem or an

issue. On the surface things may appear to be alright but underneath

lies the true nature of the problem or issue.

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YACHT The yacht indicates success, financial success in the future and a life

style full of excitement. This is a very good omen which usually

indicates that the enquirer’s life is about to become easier with more leisure time in the future.

YARN This symbol is about having to make do! The enquirer will always need

to possess the ability to make something out of nothing. While this

symbol is not necessarily positive it does indicate the enquirer has a

certain amount of resilience or the ability to find a solution and cope in

difficult situations.

YETI Is the yeti real or is it a myth? Sometimes we create stories to make

ourselves seem more interesting usually to impress others. The enquirer

may need to be truthful or ‘come clean’ over an issue before things get out of hand.

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ZEBRA This symbol indicates that travel may be coming up for the enquirer;

Africa could hold some significance for the enquirer. The zebra may also

symbolise the need for enquirer to be true to themselves; don’t be afraid to be different.

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Here are two sample readings. By looking for symbols, pictures,

numbers or letters that stand out, you can start to piece together

symbols that tell the enquirer’s story. You will need to look at the whole cup, all the way around. What you see and how you interpret these

symbols, should answer questions or provide guidance and clarity for

the enquirer.

The enquirer, who we will call Sandra, had come for a reading feeling

she needed guidance in her personal and professional life. Sandra had

applied for a new job but hadn’t received any word back from the prospective employer. As a consequence she felt that her work life was

in limbo. She also expressed disappointment in her personal life. A

number of personal relationships had ended quite badly. She had been

quite badly hurt in her last relationship and as a consequence had been

on her own for quite some time. Time had passed and she now felt

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better in herself; although she also felt lonely and now longed to find

someone new. In terms of her personal life, Sandra wanted to know if

there was a new romance on the horizon.

Looking into the cup, Sandra had a bit of liquid swirling around the

bottom of the cup. This was connected with the fact Sandra had been

quite unsettled emotionally. There had been a great deal of sadness in

her life, burdensome memories and many emotional battles she had had

to overcome.

However, a quick glance at Sandra’s cup revealed that her life was about to turn around. There was an arrow around the handle of the cup

which was pointing upwards. This symbol indicated that things in her life

were going in the right direction. There was a question mark near the rim

of the cup which was associated with a decision Sandra would be

making in her personal life.

There was also a bird coming around the cup which is always

associated with good news. I immediately associated this news with

Sandra’s pending job opportunity. This was seen opposite the handle with the key relating to changes. Nearby was a circle beside a number 3.

The circle means opportunities and the number related to the time frame

of three months.

There was also a circle with dots next to it; dots in a tea cup always

signify an increase in finances. There was also evidence of another job

opportunity which was tied to some form of travel. A love heart along

with a straight tea leaf showed that a male was about to enter Sandra’s life, bringing the likelihood of a new romance. A decision was looming

regarding the two job opportunities; the second revolving around the job

opportunity with travel. Again this related back to the question make

pointed out earlier.

At the end of the reading Sandra felt that her questions had been

answered. She departed more buoyant, with the hope of a brighter

future. A contrast to her down cast, directionless demeanour which

marked her arrival.

The second example, as shown above was that of a young man in his

mid thirties who we will call Bret. Bret arrived feeling very despondent. A

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business he had been successfully running for a number of years had

recently collapsed. The stress and anxiety associated with the failed

business had pushed Bret’s health to the wall. So in a nut shell Bret

came to me for advice on health and money issues.

After surveying the landscape of Bret’s cup for several minutes, a

number of very obvious symbols became evident. There were a number

of symbols pointing to the fact that Bret had faced a number of

restrictions in his business life. There was also evidence that he had

been forced into doing things he wouldn’t normally do. There were several wavy lines in the cup which indicated that Bret’s emotions were

on a roller coaster of ups and downs. In fact all of the money and health

issues Bret talked about on his arrival were evident in his cup.

While Bret had obviously been through a harrowing period, several

symbols in his cup indicated that things were about to turn around. The

ant symbol represents hard work and a busy period ahead. There were

also clusters of dots in the cup which represents good news on the

financial front. The acorn symbol near the handle also represents good

news as far as finances were concerned. The acorn also symbolises

growth. From little things big things grow. In a period of about six months

a great deal of prosperity would be coming Bret’s way.

Further good news would be coming Bret’s way in the form of the open

door symbol which represents opportunities. There was also an arrow

which pointed upwards, again indicating that things were heading in the

right direction. This together with a sun symbol, also nearby suggested

that Bret’s future was looking bright.

In short the array of symbols in Bret’s cup all indicated success through

hard work. The ant symbol as mentioned above represents hard work

and a busy period ahead. The acorn, dots, open door, the sun and the

arrow symbols all indicated growth in finances and the opening of

opportunities. In other words Bret fortunes were about to turn around

and this would be driven by his own hard work and diligence.

When Bret left he was very positive about his financial situation. He

realised that his life was changing for the better and stated that he was

looking forward to happier times. The heavy burden of worry that was

obvious on his arrival had been lifted. The lightening of worry and the

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uplift of spirit would also have a positive impact on Bret’s psychical and

emotional health that had also been flagging of late.

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I hope you have enjoyed this introduction to the world of tea leaf reading.

Hopefully the hints, clues and exercises contained above will have set

you on a course to becoming an intuitive reader.

Learn at your own pace, practice makes perfect. Remember there is no

right or wrong here, whether you are reading tea leaves, coffee grounds

or tarot cards. Go with what you are seeing, feeling and most importantly

tell the enquirer what you are picking up. This is the intuitive side of the

read, which I have stressed all along as the most important part of the


My sincere hope for everyone reading this script is that they will now

have the foundation and the tools to go forward and practice this art. I

must stress you are now at the starting point of what should be a

wonderful life changing journey. This is much about your personal

growth than anything else. The more proficient you become at this art

the more intuitive you will become. The more you do this the more your

intuition will become switched on. It will be like turning a light on in a

dark room, you will start to see everything there is to see. Reading tea

leaves or anything else will become second nature. Your readings will

become a pleasurable and a more memorable experience for both

yourself and those seeking your guidance.

You’ll find more and more people will start to come to you for help and advice as word will spread. The more this happens, the more confident

you will become with your readings. There is no greater pleasure in life

than helping people who need help or guidance. As people return again

and again and offer positive feedback, the better you will feel about the

process. You may eventually want become a professional reader with a

sizable client base.

I have found that people will want you to read for them over and over.

They keep returning because they become astounded at the accuracy of

the information you are providing them. Some people such as family,

friends and even acquaintances will not think it necessary to pay you.

While you must always do what’s good for you, remember time is money. As you get busier and busier your priority will need to be your

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paying customers. Believe me word gets around very quickly. If you are

contemplating making a living out of your new found skills you must set

some ground rules. Although this may put some people’s noses out of

joint, you must be true to yourself with your time you are able to spend

with people, whilst juggling your other responsibilities your time will

become decidedly short.

Also in an effort to cope with your new found success, you must take

time out for yourself. Remember everybody’s energy is different. We can

take on some of that energy whether it is positive or negative. Retaining

negative energy in particular, can be very energy sapping in itself. You

know if you are around a negative person for too long, some of that

negativity will start to rub off. Once you have finished a reading you need

to disown it. The worst thing you can do is go over and over things in

your mind. You must let people and their troubles go. When people

leave you, they need to take their energy with them otherwise you may

be on a permanent downer.

Learn to close off at the end of a reading. Try this exercise before and

after you do a reading for anyone. See yourself surrounded by a golden

light all around your body; this is the light of protection. Protecting

yourself emotionally is very important. This will enable you to be ready

and refreshed for your next client. When emotionally or psychically

drained, your intuitiveness will be diminished and thus your effectiveness

as a reader will be affected. Taking time out, by doing everyday things or

some form of meditation will keep you emotionally and physically

centered. This is a vital component in terms or longevity within the art...

Lastly, I hope you use your new found skills with the best of intentions.

Remember to always speak the truth when conducting a reading but

never say anything to intentionally hurt an enquirer. There is always a

way of delivering bad news so as to lessen the emotional shock. If you

see something you feel is very bad, be careful how you present the

information. One of the cornerstones of a good reading is delivery or

communicating the information. So try your best to tread lightly.

We should always strive to be positive. Remember the enquirer has

come to you for guidance in regard to some aspect of their life. Think

how you would want a reading to be delivered to you! I feel that if you

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have followed the intuitive exercises in this book, by now you will have

become a more sensitive soul. I hope you feel as I do, that you have an

obligation to help or guide people who believe in you.

My wish for you is to enjoy your life’s journey. Make the most of

everyday of your life. Ask yourself every day, did I make my life special

for me today and did I change someone else’s life today,with my kind

words , my smile, my hug, my laughter, my help, my guidance or my

love? If the answer is yes, then you can truly say; today my life not only

made a positive difference to others, this also changed my life today.

I wish you great happiness in your spiritual journey.

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Aces – Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades.
















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Bat (animal)





















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Exclamation Mark













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Fork Road


















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Horse Shoe











Jack – the – box

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Light bulb








Loaf of bread







Maple Leaf




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Oak tree


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Palm tree








Pen Knife




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Pine Tree



Pitch fork









Question mark




Rabbit’s foot



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Row boat








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Scare crow






Sea saw














Spider web




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Traffic lights


Treasure chest



















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Wine bottle
















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