Download - TCS2044 Chapter6 Applet & HTML Week11

Information System Development*
1. Understand how the Web browser controls and executes the applets.
2. Creates a simple html
3. Familiar with the methods in the Applet class: init(),start(), stop() and destroy().
HTML is a method for representing the appearance and content of a document using a standard ASCII text file.
HTML consists of reserve markup directives or tags, mixed with plain text to compose a document.
Purpose of HTML is to transmit the structure of documents between users.
Can be edited using HTML editor such as notepad, WordPad, MS Word etc.
File must be saved with extension “.html”
More flexibility in how a document is viewed
Files are small
Easy to learn.
Cannot create a new tags
User don’t know exactly how a target document will appear.
Network information service, based on the Internet.
Provides a method of displaying information in different formats in a way that is fast, powerful, consistent and easy to use.
Provides a consistent interface for accessing a wide variety of information from a huge number of source.
World Wide Web
HTML has 3 tags that describe a document’s overall structure.
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <BODY>
Document structure tags don’t affect what the document looks like when it’s formatted.
Tags are included to help browsers and search tools learn about the basic structure of a document.
HTML Basic
HTML Structure
The first document structure tag that every HTML document contains.
Indicates that the content of the file is indeed HTML.
Everything in document should go inside the beginning and ending HTML tags.
Generally only a few tags go into the heading portion of a document.
The remainder of our html document, including all the document text is stored inside a <BODY> …. </BODY>
The text that we type into an HTML file outside of any of the elements marked by the <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, and <BODY> tags will be displayed as paragraphs.
<P> tag marks the end of a paragraph, and hence a paragraph break.
A web browser flows all the contents of a paragraph together from left to right and from top to bottom using the current window size.
Creating and Linking Documents
Use the line break tag, <BR> to indicate the start of a new line.
Without line break tag, all text, even text we leave blank in the HTML, file will run together into a single paragraph.
Should use the <BR> tag when we want to add a line break.
A single tag, <HR>, indicates that the browser should create a line. Which goes across the width of the display window.
Several parameter passed to the <HR> tag : SIZE, WIDTH, ALIGN and NOSHADE.
Line break
Headings mark divisions of a document and divides sections of a book into parts.
Can have up to six levels of heading.
<H1> course description </H1>
The number indicates the heading level, which can be <H1> …</H1> through <H6>….</H6>.
Text as linking source
Any time someone clicks on any part of the image, he or she will automatically be brought to the appropriate hyperlink target
<img src = “MSU.jpg" alt = “Management & Science University">
<p>MSU is one of the premier institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. Its main campus is situated in Seksyen 13, Shah Alam</p>
Faculties <A HREF = “fise.html"> FISE </A>
<A HREF = “fbmp.html"> FBMP </a>
<A HREF = “fhls.html"> FHLS </a>
Linking text
Can make a page interesting and exciting
Disadvantages of using image
Can slow down the response time because the extra data must be transmitted to the web browser.
<IMG> tag is used to embed in-line graphics into web pages
Syntax : <IMG SRC = “msu.jpg”>
Image can be in most common format s.
Any time someone clicks on any part of the image, he or she will automatically be brought to the appropriate hyperlink target by using the <IMG> and <A> tags.
Image as a linking source