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  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV


    By Brandon Ariathas

  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV



    The BCG vaccine (which stands for Bacillus Calmette-Gurin vaccine) protects againstTB. It's not given as part of the routine NHS childhood vaccination schedule unless ababy is thought to have an increased risk of coming into contact with TB.This includes all babies born in some areas of inner-city London where TB rates arehigher than in the rest of the country.BCG vaccination may also be recommended for older children who have an increased

    risk of developing TB, such as:children who have recently arrived from countries with high levels of TBchildren who have come into close contact with somebody infected with respiratory TBBCG vaccination is rarely given to anyone over the age of 16 - and never over the age of 35,because it doesn't work very well in adults. It is, however, given to adults aged between 16and 35 who are at risk of TB through their work, such as some healthcare workers.

    Who the Vaccine is given to?

  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV


    What the Vaccine is?

    The BCG vaccine is made from a weakened form of abacterium closely related to human TB. Because the

    bacterium is weak, the vaccine does not cause any diseasebut it still triggers the immune system to protect againstthe disease, giving good immunity to people who receive it.

    The vaccine is 70-80% effective against the most severe

    forms of TB, such as TB meningitis in children. It is lesseffective in preventing respiratory disease, which is themore common form in adults.

  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV


    Tests for Tuberculosis During the physical exam, your doctor will check your

    lymph nodes for swelling and use a stethoscope to listencarefully to the sounds your lungs make when you breathe.

    The most commonly used diagnostic tool for tuberculosisis a simple skin test. A small amount of a substance calledPPD tuberculin is injected just below the skin of yourinside forearm. You should feel only a slight needle prick.

    Within 48 to 72 hours, a health care professional will check

    your arm for swelling at the injection site. A hard, raisedred bump means you're likely to have TB infection. The sizeof the bump determines whether the test results aresignificant.

    Other tests may include the blood test, chest X-ray and

    sputum tests.

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    Future and Controversy?

    Despite declining numbers in most high-income countries,

    tuberculosis shows no signs of disappearing in the nearfuture. The burden of disease now disproportionatelyaffects high-risk groups such as migrants, homelesspersons, and prisoners.

  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV



    All girls aged 12 to 13 are offered HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination as part of the NHS childhoodvaccination programme. The vaccine protectsagainst cervical cancer. It's usually given to girls in yeareight at schools in England.

    According to Cancer Research UK, cervical cancer is thesecond most common cancer in women under the age of35. In the UK, 2,900 women a year are diagnosed withcervical cancer.

    Who the Vaccine is given to?

  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV


    What the Vaccine is?

    A vaccine called Gardasil vaccine is used in the nationalNHS cervical cancer vaccination programme. Gardasilprotects against the two types of HPV responsible for morethan 70% of cervical cancers in the UK.

    A bonus of using Gardasil to prevent cervical cancer is thatit prevents genital warts too.

    Current research suggests the HPV vaccine is protective forat least seven years.

  • 8/12/2019 TB and HPV


    Future and Controversy?

    The high cost of the current vaccines makes it out of reachfor most developing nations.

    Rates of cervical cancer have plummeted in countrieswhere cervical cancer screening has been implemented.Unfortunately, most developing countries continue to lackresources for cervical cancer screening.