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Page 2: Taw holonet Version 1, Issue 1


“Do or do not… there is

no try."

- Yoda

On The Terminals


2 Years, 8 Months

SW Command

Division Commander


TAW Update Page 2

The Boss ..... Page 2

Dear Darth Abby Page 3

Public Relations Page 3

Republic High Command Page 4

Imperial High Command Page 4

Schyzo’s Ramblings Page 5

Star TAW Bank Page 5

From the Cantina Page 6

Special Ops Events Page 6

Promotions . Page 7

Awards ........ Page 7

On The Terminals Page 8

State of the Game Page 9

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 June 2015


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Updates pertaining to the main community The TAW All Hands Meet was just held and the unit is going strong. There were numerous medals and promo-

tions given out and announced. This allowed many to be recognized by all of TAW for their hard work and ded-

ication. TAW 3.0 website is being developed and we were given a glimpse into our browsing fu-

ture here.

The treasury announce that the new reporting software was up and running and should help with

a better control and understandings of the communities finances. The treasury also advised that

TAW does cost money to keep up and running so this month the TAW fundraiser has begun.

Donate here


Division Commander Summertime blues and the importance of community:

Summertime can be a tricky thing in MMO's: people have vacations, changing schedules, moving, all sorts of

things that can disrupt and create challenges within our little slice of the gaming world. When you throw in con-

tent droughts and the time in-between major patches, things can start to feel pretty sparse. It's in times like

these that being a part of a big community like TAW is especially important and valuable. Despite all the ups

and downs and fluctuations in game and that players suffer in times like these, the community can stabilize,

support, and endure. Having teamspeak and our community as a safe place to build relationships with other

players really enriches everything that goes on in game and enhances our individual experience as play-

ers. Hang out and shoot the breeze in the fleet lounge, maybe consider getting involved with a fireteam. Meet-

ing new people within the guild is a great way to break up the summer doldrums- take the time this week to get

to know someone new in the guild. Who knows, they might end up being your tank partner for years! Our com-

munity has a lot to offer, why not step out just a little bit and get more involved to have even more fun in game!

—- QuiGonJinNJuice, SW DO


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Division Officer Hey gang!

In this spot I will attempt to answer a SW:TOR-related question. Or it might be an answer to a TAW-related ques-

tion. Whatever has you curious, please send me a question at: [email protected] and I will attempt to get an an-

swer for all of us to consider.

In the mean time, here's a very common question, "How do I get on a team?" The short answer is, "Talk to your

Platoon Leader. Either catch them on TeamSpeak (if they are in a channel where an orange commander light is on,

send them a text chat on TS) or email them directly. If you are a member of SW 1 (Republic) then your point of con-

tact is: [email protected] and if you are a member of SW 2 (Empire), then your contact is: [email protected]. Or, simply

contact your Drill Instructor and they can help you. Really, anyone with letters behind their name on TS is a person

who can get you started on the path to deeper involvement in our community!"

Until next month, I hope you and yours are well and that the Force is with you all!

—- Becmacde, SW DO


Public Information Officer

The TAW fundraiser is going good and I have received 4 emails from members to go into our 5 million credits raffle. I am going to select a winner 1 week after the TAW fundraiser is over to give members an extra week to donate. World of Planes is holding a TAW tournament and they would love to have players from all divisions to join them. World of Planes is a Free to Play game so if you have time and hard drive space start practicing for the tourna-ment. The first place prize is a $50 Steam card. Please send me your in game screenshots or upload them here: Google Drive. I want to get SWTOR division in the next edition of From the Battlefield! If you are interested in streaming on TAW TV send me a message at [email protected]. Please include the following in the message: What content you want to stream When you want to stream Your Upload speeds (screenshots from would be awesome) Any other info you think is important to your stream —- Taiichii, SW PIO


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Republic Commanding Officer This month is the last month for our current commanding officer. Cerjio will be stepping down to pursue other

avenues within the TAW ranks. Cerjio started in TAW two years ago with this very division. His Drill Instructor

was RaulenAndrovious and he was a full member. In less than a month he was promoted to Private First Class.

He rose to become a Drill Instructor less than a month later. Within a three month span he became the Staff Of-

ficer for the Republic Battalion. During this time he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant and Terror

(Brigadier General, Sentinel LC) stated this "Cerjio is the kind of leader that you want in your most vital posi-

tions. He sees all the work through. Saying that he works hard is an understatement. He never tires of working

and just keeps on doing it without ever needing much help. He gets it done and you always know hes gotten it

done. He loves the game he plays and is dedicated because he thrives in the culture the Division provides. I

personally can attest to him being in vital Battalion Officer positions and doing them well. I recommend him for

any support or command position." A year later he transferred to the Empire side as there Staff officer until two

months later he took on the role of Executive Officer over the Republic Division. After nine months working his

magic he became the Republic Battalion's Commanding Officer. There he has molded the unit to what it is today

and obtained the rank of Captain. Cerjio will still be about, either with us or his second home in ArcheAge, while

he waits for Camelot Unchained to become eligible for Vanguard. We all in the Star Wars Division want to thank

him for his time and wisdom and wish him safe travels in his future endeavors. He will always have a home and

place in the Star Wars Division.

—-- Ryaden, Empire TS


Empire Commanding Officer Hello and well met everyone. My name is Porq and I am the SW 2 Battalion Commanding Officer. SWTOR has

been a prominent game within TAW for a long time now. We have a strong member base, which persists even

when the game hits its slow points in between new content. Part of that reason is the community that TAW of-

fers to its members. TAW is a guild that welcomes just about everyone and provides the tools necessary to al-

low members to participate and succeed in all things SWTOR. That community which keeps TAW strong and

active is you. TAW and SWTOR is successful only because of you, the members. As a member of TAW you

play the vital role in keeping TAW successful. Success is literally based from friendships that are made by par-

ticipating with, and helping out fellow TAW members. As a new member in TAW over a year ago, the biggest

hurdle for me personally was overcoming was the social aspect. As many of you know by now, I am neither a

linguist nor a gaming expert. I know I have limitations etc. That being said TAW provided me the tools to grow in

game as well as grow into a leader that writes to you today. So from me to everyone in TAW thank you for

providing that community. What TAW did for me, it can easily do for you. All it takes is the community made up

of outstanding members to participate and lend a helping hand. We are that helping hand! As the commanding

officer, I ask that each and every one of you take this into consideration. We are only as successful as our

members and as such I charge you all to have fun and continue to help TAW and SWTOR grow. Thank you,

— Porq, Imperial CO

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European Staff Officer

This month has been pretty standard for SW3, so I will just bore you with some words I hold dear. Great leadership

isn't about shouting and appearing authoritarian but it's about inspiring and helping your troops to try to reach the top.

Also what I have noticed a bit on TS in multiple channels and I am afraid to say that even I am not blameless of this.

We all know this situation, where you tell your story about how you killed 3 republic troopers on Yavin solo when they

attacked you. Or how you just picked up the Huttball and ran straight into the scoring zone unhindered. A teammate

will then tell his story how he killed 4 Jedi shadows on Yavin or how he scored all 6 points in a Huttball game without

dying once. I understand that he also wants to share his story but its best saved for a later date. This because when

the first person tells his story he does so because he is proud of this situation. So when the second trumps it, it's kind

of demoralizing to the first. And we all love our teammate's the last thing we want to do is rain on their parade right?

So allow people to have their little moments. I'm sure they will also return the favor if you do, because in the words of

a wise Jedi:

"There is always a bigger fish"

Thank you for letting this young SO let his mouth run.

—- Schyzo, European SO


Division Bankers

The state of the guild’s finances is strong once again and regaining speed after a small set back. We have about 40

million credits in both of the banks. We also have a lot of stuff in Officer tab in Empire bank main bank if you guys

want any it at half the price of the GTN. We are also accept donation to guild bank of credit for both sides if you want

to donate go for it. If you donate one million credits you will obtain the guild bank benefactor tab. We are current work-

ing on spread sheet to make sure everyone get their bank tab done on both Republic and Empire sides. We are also

working with the training section on a future project so stay tuned for an update in the future.

—- Odwen, Imperial SA


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Training and Recruiting Information

This past month we have seen some updates within the training office. We have finished the requirements for the division

badges, added the new level of master badges, and rolled out the new conquest tabs. Each of these areas have been a

great accomplishment for the training division. We now have all the standards set so the division members can know exactly

how to obtain the awards for their page. The training division would also like to thank the training instructors for

their dedication to doing badge checks on the membership. In doing so we went from just a handful of members having their

achievements recognized to having 56% of the division inspected. If you think you are qualified for a badge just contact a

training instructor for a badge check.

—- Ryaden, Imperial TS

The recruitment office has seen an influx of new membership lately thanks to Vaalyn’s 100k bounty. Vaalyn has offered 100k

credit to anyone who recruits a new member that completes boot camp. There is currently a couple of members who have been continually trying to break him and that is NeoAngel. And Thermz They have gone above and beyond and recruited over 25 new members total since the bounty has been active. Let’s keep their streak going and get others involved in recruit-

ing to the TAW community.

I just wanted to thank everyone for tie support. Lets keep the recruiting up and welcome all the new faces to TAW. Recruits get involved! The .ore you group up the more you can have fun.

—- Mexcruiser , Republic SO


Field Specialist Information

Over this past month, we have done all kinds of different events. From TC to Xeno, hide and go seek to splat,

TAW provides fun and engaging events for the guild. We have also recently won Illum, and CZ, which are stellar

accomplishments for our guild! This all just shows that we can have fun, and be competitive at the same time! It

has been great to play with everyone, and I am excited to see what the future has for our guild.

—- SlimShady, Republican FS

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AWARDS Master Badges

Vaalyn for Economy (having more than 100 Million Credits)

Expert Badges

Porq for Economy (having 20 million credits)

Zerae for Economy (having 20 million credits)

Daevia for Economy (having 20 million credits)

Daevia for Crafting( (having 4 max game lvl schems)

NeoAngel for Recruiting (for recruiting 15 new members)

Conquest Top-5 Tabs





















Daevia for SW2

Mexcruiser for SW1



Rank Promotions



















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ON THE TERMINALS A Member Spotlight

Each month a member is chosen to be the spotlight

of the month. This month we talk with QuiGon-

JinnNJuice. He is currently the Star Wars Division


What is your history in taw?

I was a really casual member for several months

who had no clue about TAW or about SWTOR, but

eventually started signing up to raid one day a

week. From there I heard about the need for Drill

Instructors and figured I could do that to pitch in. As

I got more involved and raided more regularly, I was

asked to step up to be a SL for PVE to help others

get into raiding as well. After a few months and a

brief stint as PL we split North America into 2 battal-

ions due to our massive growth, where I took over

as CO for the republic. From there I allowed myself

to get suckered in to DO and have been on this wild

ride for over a year now.

Where did your name come from?

I like star wars, old school rap music, and word-

play. "Gin and Juice" is a great song and as a han-

dle it's goofy enough to get the point across as a

good introduction to me.

Why did you join TAW?

I joined up over 2.5 years ago playing Star Wars. One

of my good friends and roommates was playing the

game and got recruited into some weird <republic of

taw> guild after getting recruited out of a flashpoint. I

was hoping for something catchier with clever word-

play but decided to tag along as I was still leveling my

first 50 and had no clue what I was doing! Turns out

there were some pretty cool people in TAW after all.

Who most influenced you while you have

been in TAW?

I think one of the people who has influenced me the

most was Zoloft (now our CC5 CC), early on as a

mentor as I got involved in leadership and more im-

portantly as a friend who I raided with for almost 2

years and a partner in crime later as division

staff. He's taught me a lot about TAW and leadership,

but also just about the importance of our community

and making that space for people to build relationships

and friendships through their gameplay. Working to-

gether, having perspective, and enduring through trials

together is not just a testament to TAW's stability but is

actual valuable life experience that helps me to be a

better leader outside of TAW as well.

Are there any other games you play?

Currently I'm dabbling in Marvel Heroes on the

side. Play a little bit on the xbox every now and then,

mostly NBA 2K series and assassin's creed games.

Do you have any hobbies outside of TAW?

Really big into sports, especially the NBA and

NHL. Play basketball when I'm able. Also like swing

and salsa dancing from time to time.

Do you have any advice for a member wanting

to join TAW?

Just relax and take the time and get to know people

through playing. Also take advantage of the resources

of the community. If you have somewhere you want to

be in terms of gameplay or something you want to

learn there are many experienced players here who

can help point you in the right direction and help to


Continued on next page


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Do you have any advice for a member who

is interested in your position?

Ultimately leadership is about service. Every mem-

ber is important in what they contribute to the com-

munity and to member experiences. It's important,

especially at the division staff level, to maintain per-

spective all the way down to the experiences and

opportunities facing new members or members

looking to get their foot in the door playing. There's

a lot of great people who do a lot to help out, so

don't get too caught up in who's got what position or

if there's a "career track" for TAW that you might

think exists. Just focus on doing your part to make

the guild a better place, leading by example and

having perspective and maturity. Timetables in

TAW are a funny thing- sometimes they move really

slowly and then at other times things can more real-

ly really quickly. What's important through all that is

having fun in the game and enjoying the communi-

ty. If we get too hung up with the other stuff we go

astray much more easily. If you want to be division

staff then it's important to be happy being a FL or a

DI if that's what the community needs, and having

the perspective to be a calming presence wherever

you might be at.

We want to thank you QuiGonJinnNJuice for taking

the time and answering our questions. I am sure our

readers have found this enlightening.

Come back next month as we spot light another

member as On The Terminals continue.


PvP Changes

PvP Gear Cost

We think that getting a full set of PvP gear is too much of a

grind. This is so much the case that only about 2% of PvP

players have a full Dark Reaver set. Having at least Ex-

humed gear is a barrier to entry to being successful in PvP

for the majority of players, so we looked to reduce the time

and cost of getting there. We have reduced the entry PvP

gear costs by roughly a third, and a full set (not min/maxed)

will now cost about 4075 Warzone Commendations. For the

Dark Reaver/Ranked set we didn’t reduce the price as much,

but Ranked Warzone Comms will no longer be used to buy

them; pieces will now be purchased with Warzone Comms

and the previous tier gear piece. (Ranked Warzone Comms

have been removed from the game, but we’ll touch on that

more in the Ranked Reward changes found below.) A full

Ranked Gear set will now cost about 16,525 Warzone

Comms, much less than the current price of around 39,000

Ranked Comms. The exact prices are still being finalized,

but this is the spirit and intent of the changes to PvP gear

prices that you’ll be seeing. In addition, the character cap for

Warzone Comms will be raised to 200,000 and the Daily/

Weekly Missions will have increased Credit rewards. These

changes will make it easier and faster to gear up and get to

a competitive level in PvP. Our hope is that the reduced

grind makes for a more enjoyable Warzone experience.


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PvP Changes Cont.

Increased Warzone Rewards

We found that the Warzone Experience and Credit rewards were not keeping up with the rest of the game, so we’ll be giving

them both a boost. Players can expect to receive double the XP and double the Credits for a completed match.

Legacy Lockbox

When we fixed the unintended ability to transfer Warzone Comms to other characters within a Legacy, we got lots of feed-

back from players requesting a legitimate way to make those transfers. After some discussion, we have come up with a solu-

tion: Warzone Commendation Legacy Lockboxes. Each PvP Items vendor (on either Fleet), will begin selling a Warzone

Commendation Legacy Lockbox that can be purchased for 99 Warzone Comms and will contain 99 Warzone Comms. The

Lockbox can be transferred between Legacy characters.

Ranked Reward system

The current Ranked Warzone reward system indirectly promotes players to stop queueing after they have gotten to the tier

that they feel they will end up at for the Season, which lowers the amount of people who participate for the duration of the

season. To combat this we wanted to give reasons to queue for the entire season without implementing something draconi-

an-esc as rewards for playing each day of the season. We have come up with a system that we feel gives players a reason

to play all season long and keep the Ranked population competitive and having fun.

Ranked players will no longer receive specific item rewards at the end of the season for reaching a certain rating in a

Ranked Season. Instead, players will be granted a number of Season-specific tokens based on the tier of rating the player

achieved. These tokens will be used to purchase the ranked rewards the player wants after the season has ended. For ex-

ample, if you don’t like the Silver tier title, the Bronze tier title can be purchased instead for less tokens. In addition to receiv-

ing a large amount of Season-specific Tokens at the end of the season based on the tier placed (enough to buy the entire

tier of rewards), players will now receive these season-specific tokens for every match they play based on match outcome

and performance medals. A player that wins the match with max medals gets a larger amount of Comms than a player that

gets the minimum number of medals and loses, at roughly a 1:18 ratio. We believe that this system of awarding Comms

based on performance of the team and the individual will create a distinction between just playing and playing well.


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PvP Changes Cont.

The intention here is to encourage players to be engaged over the length of the season and continually attempt to improve

and compete at a higher skill level. The better you are and the more you play, the more rewards you will be able to pur-

chase. Since highly skilled players can still play the minimum number of games and earn the Gold tier rewards at the end of

the Season, we feel this is the best of both worlds of rewarding both skill and time investment.

End of Season Rewards will be available for purchase from a vendor in the Combat Training area of each fleet for the entire-

ty of the following Season. For example, Season 6 rewards will be available during Season 7 and will be removed from the

vendor when Season 8 starts. If you have unused Season tokens they will be converted automatically into Warzone Comms

when they can no longer be redeemed for Season Rewards. This gives players a large window to purchase the Season-

specific rewards and still get something back from leftover, unspent Tokens.

In addition, there is at least one Reward per tier that is exclusive to the tier (cannot be purchased) so you can still show off

that you earned the Reward based on skill alone.

As a few examples of the participation level needed for the Gold tier mount, a player who does not place in Bronze or above

would need to play more than 60 games per week for the entire season at a 50% win rate, earning max medals each match,

while completing every daily and weekly to purchase the mount (but if they lost every game and got the minimum number of

medals it would take about 5000 games in a season to accrue the Comms needed). This gets easier for players that place in

rating tiers, but a Silver rated player would still need to play more than 18 games a week, winning half their games, achieving

max medals each match, completing every daily and weekly for the entire season while not purchasing any other rewards to

afford the mount. These numbers are ballpark but we feel that they have a good balance between being physically obtaina-

ble so players will feel like they have the ability to achieve them, while still being a significant challenge and investment.

One more note, Top 96 players will be rewarded enough Season-specific Comms to purchase every reward for the season,

in addition to their exclusive reward. They are the cream of the crop and have earned it.

Miscellaneous PvP Changes

There will be two other small changes to PvP in Game Update 3.3, one for regular Warzones and the other for Ranked.

In Warzones, capturing an objective (on Alderaan or Voidstar, for example) will no longer be interrupted by AoE effects. This

change should reduce the stagnation on objectives and allow for more diverse defensive strategies.

Can be viewed here


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PvP Changes Cont.

In Ranked Warzones, in order for a character to enter the queue they will need to be wearing gear that gives them max expertise.

This will prevent inexperienced players, who may not be ready for Ranked play, from entering the queue until they have the ap-

propriate gear.

We hope you enjoy these PvP changes and look forward to your feedback!

Read Here

—- The SWTOR Combat Team

Yavin Stronghold and Togruta Update Hey folks!

I want to let you all know about our next planned developer livestream which will be happening on Wednesday, June 3rd from 4-5PM CDT. You can check out the livestream on our twitch channel,here.

What we will be showing over the course of our one hour stream is some of the new content we have talked about which is com-

ing this year. First up, we will be walking you through the entirety of the new Yavin IV Stronghold! Second, we will be doing all of

that as a Togruta.

So tune in as we showcase the new Stronghold and playable Species coming to SWTOR. Thanks everyone, we’ll see you then.

— Eric Musco, Community Manager

Temple Chair Basic to be available for 1 credit

Hey folks,

We looked into this and it turns out the chair was never intended to be in the pack, but appeared in the Decorations UI as being available from it. To remedy this, We are going to add the Decoration to the Esstran Exports Reputation vendor for 1 Credit with no Reputation requirement.

This will go into the game with 3.2.2. Thanks all!

Read Here

—- Tait, Grand Emperor of Chairs and End Tables


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12 Times XP

Hello everyone, let’s talk about the Epic Story XP Boost and how it’s an improvement over our 12x boost that we gave prior to

Shadow of Revan.

Our Epic Story XP Boost allows all subscribers to level from 1-50 by playing only their Class Missions and from 50-55 on Makeb

by playing only the Rise of the Hutt Cartel main storyline. This Boost does not affect Shadow of Revan as it was already designed

to be a more streamlined leveling experience. If you have never played the original 8 Class stories, there has never been a better

time to dive in!

With the Epic Story XP Boost we have made some exciting improvements over our initial 12x offering from last fall. These im-

provements include travel, itemization, and quality of life changes. Here are the details on some of those changes:

All Class Missions now reward a lot more Basic Commendations than before, allowing you to stay geared as you level. Also,

Modifications for your gear have had their Commendation costs reduced.

All Taxi Destinations are unlocked for all players. Allowing you to get around on each planet much easier.

Quick Travel Bind points are now automatically unlocked whenever you reveal that region. No longer will you miss a Bind


The cooldown on the Quick Travel ability has been reduced. If you are a subscriber with all 3 Legacy unlocks, you can get the

Quick Travel cooldown all the way to 0. We put the “Quick” back into Quick Travel.

The cooldown on Emergency Fleet Pass and Transport: Personal Starship have also been reduced. Just like Quick Travel for

subscribers, if you have all 3 levels of Legacy unlock you can get those cooldowns all the way down to 0.

As you can see, the Epic Story XP Boost not only brings a huge boost to the experience you gain from Class Missions, it provides

big improvements to how you travel around the Galaxy. With great quality of life improvements to both travel and staying geared

while leveling, the Epic Story XP Boost is the best time ever to play through all of our great Class stories.

If you are the type of player that wants to play through without an experience boost, to not accelerate your leveling experience

through the Epic Story XP Boost, there is an option for that as well. Simply visit your Faction’s respective fleet and purchase the

White Acute Module (it costs 0 credits). Upon using this consumable, it will suppress the effects of the Epic Story XP Boost for 8

hours. You can simply right click the White Acute Module “buff” at any time during the 8 hours to turn it off.

The Epic Story XP Boost will be live for all Subscribers as of Monday, May 4th. This boost will remain active for all subs into this


—-Eric Musco, Community Manager


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Contact Us

Division Commander

[email protected]

Division Officer

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Public Information Officer

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Republic CO

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Republic XO

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Empire CO

[email protected]

Empire XO

[email protected]

European SO

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[email protected]

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Field Specialists

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Staff Officers


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Training Specialists

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The hidden teaser image (linked above) included in the cantina tour flash drive

was uncovered with some editing to reveal a throne room.

This picture also includes the #FallenEmpire hashtag which has a date of 6.15.15 assigned to it. For those curious how the new image was uncovered. The png was actually a zip file in disguise and you could change the file extension to zip and retrieve the new pic. There was actually nothing hidden inside the image itself.


Galactic Star Fighter Howdy Flygirls and Flyboys!

I’ll be blunt. Strike Fighters need lots of love. The original design is that they are

the Jack-of-All and Master-of-None but they have filled out this role too well and

because of it are rarely a compelling option. We want to talk about how Strike

Fighters can be made into a good option to bring in any match, by any skill level.

We have some ideas of what we want to do with them but because this communi-

ty is always very impressive with communication and feedback we want to get

your thoughts on what you think is the best course of action. We know there are

some fantastic threads and posts aplenty that already covered this information but

we want to consolidate and create a focused discussion.

We want to set expectations though. This is just about gathering feedback and

creating a focused discussion on which to possibly make changes based off of.

Just a heads up and Musco made me say it

So! What are your pet peeves about Strike Fighters? If you could only pick one

section to buff would you choose to improve their Maneuverability, Secondary

Weapons, Primary Weapons or Defense? Or something different? What would

make them more effective in both game modes?

Looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts! Go here to leave feedback

—Alex Modny, Assistant Designer