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Trinity Anglican School - Cairns

TAS TimesTrinity Term (2) 2012

Page 2: TAS Times Term 2 2012


P 2 - Early Learning Centre P 3 - From the PrincipalP 4 - Trinity Day CelebrationsP 5 - NAIDOC Celebrations & TAS Environmental CommitteeP 6 - Performing Arts NewsP 7 - Grease Musical photosP 8 - Outdoor Recreation and Outdoor EducationP 9 - Marlin Coast NewsP10- Marlin Coast News P11- Marlin Coast NewsP12- White Rock Junior NewsP13- White Rock Junior NewsP14- Dalrymple & Mulligan HousesP15- Leichhardt & Kennedy HousesP16- Secondary School Sport P17- Secondary School SportP18- Primary School Sport P19- TAS Rugby Tour & Secondary School Cross-country

COVER IMAGE -Trinity Anglican School Seniors, Jordan McGregor and Aidan Davis, lay the wreath on behalf of TAS at the ANZAC Day Service in Edmonton.

EDITORSteven Blacklow [email protected]


Teaching them toobserveall things

The Kindergarten Programme has provided rich and diverse opportunities for children to explore and learn about food, the

environment and keeping safe and healthy.

“The Green Bag” project has invited children and families to contribute to the programme. Home grown fruits and vegetables, herbs, favourite foods, family recipes and foods from different cultures have been brought to Kindergarten for sharing, exploring and tasting.

The children have started planting their own vegetable and herb garden as part of this project. They have participated in discussions about conserving water, recycling paper and caring for the environment. Through play, they

have investigated the power of wind and water. As they have watched the windmills turn in the wind, they have commented, “We’re making electricity!” As they create ‘bridges’ over ‘rivers’ in the sandpit, they have observed water erode the sand away and cause the ‘bridge’ to fall.A continued focus at Kindergarten has been learning how to be safe. The children have learnt about what to do if there is a fi re. The highlight of this learning has been to have the Fire Fighters visit and, of course, to climb through the fi re truck! The children, staff and families at TAS Early Learning Centre have celebrated another wonderfully successful Term together.Mrs Emily CraigWRJ Kindergarten Teacher


Kindergarten students line up to investigate the fi re engine.Kindergarten students line up to investigate the fi re engine.

Anthony with his home grown paw-paw.Anthony with his home grown paw-paw. Kindy kids loved exploring the fi re engine.Kindy kids loved exploring the fi re engine.

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From the PrincipalFrom the Principal

My comments in the last edition of TAS Times certainly pre-figured events at the Olympic Games as

the Australian media began its inevitable search for someone to blame for a team performance that did not reach what had been predicted.

There was a great deal of emphasis and comment at the Olympics on the lack of Gold Medals for Australia – there is on the part of Australian journalists – not enough recognition of the sacrifice, the hard work and the commitment of athletes in all disciplines who have achieved the signifi cant goal of having been selected to represent their country at the highest level. There is not enough understanding of the depth of disappointment that these competitors must feel as they fall short on the most public of stages. It was pleasing to see at least a couple of athletes push back against the implied disapproval of the media for achieving Silver or Bronze rather than Gold, especially as many of those journalists have never been involved in elite competition, and particularly as winning a medal at the Olympics IS an outstanding achievementWe are so preoccupied with winning that

we lose sight of other important aspects of competition and as a society, we are so obsessed with receiving rewards that we give them for everything. This tendency devalues real achievement because we expect a return no matter what … a reward even if we haven’t won. This in turn makes obscures the very real achievement of being selected, of competing and of revelling in the contest. There are many lessons to be learned from sporting competition, not least of which is the knowledge that despite having done your best, you experience the disappointment of losing.

We send the worst kind of message if we as parents and teachers think that it is a good thing to try to minimise the pain of loss by providing a reward anyway. As parents we want to shield our children, we are programmed to care for them and to protect them but we must also let them learn. To paraphrase a recent article from the New York Times Sunday Review “… hanging back and allowing children to experience disappointment is one of the greatest challenges of parenting.” Again from the same article and used deliberately in a different context: “… To rush in too quickly, to shield them, to deprive them of those challenges is to deprive them of the tools they

will need to handle the inevitable, diffi cult, challenging and sometimes devastating demands of life.” (Raising Successful Children, New York Times, August 4, 2012).If we reward children in school simply for competing, then we may well be sending the wrong message: “… you will receive a plaque/medal as your reward and therefore the competition is only valuable because it results in the receipt of yet another souvenir ...” that will gather dust on the shelf that will itself become so crowded with bunting that it is in essence meaningless. I do note the twist that has been articulated by some elements of the media (and I am not sure that it is fair) that it appears that there are athletes who seem to think that the effort is over once the tracksuit has been awarded – they have received the plaque simply for turning up?

The single lonely Olympic bronze medal hanging in a cabinet really shines, un-obscured by the worthless frippery of the ‘thanks for turning up’ medals and trophies whose minimal signifi cance has long been forgotten.

Christopher Daunt WatneyPrincipal

Kindergarten students line up to investigate the fi re engine. Worthy Medalists - 2012 School Cross-country Record Breakers - Monique van Cauwenberghe, Ella Hargreaves, Clio Ozanne-Jaques, Alec Phillips-Turner, Dylan Lazzaroni, Callum Hermon and Kieran Samarakoon.

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Aidan Davis leads the Recessional.Aidan Davis leads the Recessional.

TUG-O-WAR RESULTS Dal. Kenn. Leich. Mull.Primary 4th 1st 2nd 3rdSecondary 2nd 1st 4th 3rd

DASH RESULTSAge Category WinnerUpper Primary Girls Tara O’KeeffeUpper Primary Boys Harrison McGownJnr Secondary Girls Alishamay CharterisJnr Secondary Boys Raho SamuelSnr Secondary Girls Monique van CauwenbergheSnr Secondary Boys Nick Hamill


TAS Voices take the stage to perform at the Trinity Day Service.TAS Voices take the stage to perform at the Trinity Day Service.

Marau Cuttance receives a blessing from Marau Cuttance receives a blessing from Father Jeff at the Trinity Day Service.Father Jeff at the Trinity Day Service.Bishop Bill delivers the sermon.Bishop Bill delivers the sermon.

Kennedy House claims the Trinity Day Interhouse Dash Trophy.Kennedy House claims the Trinity Day Interhouse Dash Trophy.

Monique wins the Dash - her 4th year in a row !Monique wins the Dash - her 4th year in a row ! Kennedy Junior Secondary Tug team in action.Kennedy Junior Secondary Tug team in action.Lions’ Junior Secondary team take the strain.Lions’ Junior Secondary team take the strain.

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Lent Term 2 saw many events in which the TAS environmental committee reached out to promote environmental sustainability and initiative through the school community. A sports-themed senior social was organised in order to raise funds for recycling bins for each classroom.

Coinciding with this, an inter-tutor poster competition concieved by Kate Gersekowski allowed students to become assertive of the items that are able to be recycled and a more environmentally conscious attitude was endorsed into many classrooms. There were many colourful and artistic entries, with the winner being declared to tutor group DMGO and the winning piece being submitted by Emma Austen of Year 11. The most notable milestone of the term was the acknowledgement of WRS becoming a Reef Guardian School. This program is another initiative that will encourage students, teachers and parents to generate educational, personal and reef-related benefi ts that come from caring for self, the community and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. As a Reef Guardian School we provide leadership in reef guardianship education, developing partnerships at community, state and national levels that will assist school communities with resources, strategies and networks to develop reef guardianship programs and projects to inspire people to take action in their everyday lives to protect the GBR. TAS students are encouraged to show environmental stewardship in the community to promote the change for the well-being of the planet – because each student can really make a difference!

Tamaya Peressini (Year 11 student), Committee member

Kia and Meridah present Aboriginal and Torres Kia and Meridah present Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands fl ags to Mr Daunt Watney.Strait Islands fl ags to Mr Daunt Watney.

assembly, speaking in language, explaining the signifi cance of NAIDOC week to them as young Aboriginal women and handing over Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands fl ags to Mr Daunt Watney. The assembly then concluded with dancers from the Torres Strait performing with beautiful costumes and fabulous music. Throughout the assembly, Pauline Lampton coordinated the stage crew and the dancers. The day ended with an inspiring dance session with Marcus Pedro, teaching the 70 plus students dance moves that were a fusion of traditional Torres Strait dances and modern dance moves. Heaps of fun and lots of energy.

The Junior School were also treated to a sports morning led by the trainees from PASS Australia, young Indigenous trainees studying for their Certifi cate III in Sport and Recreation. A great morning of games with a base in traditional hunting methods.

Thursday saw John Hunter returning to school to run Master classes for the art classes in the senior school, explaining the context, history and style of Indigenous art and craft. All grades benefi tted from his expertise and patience.

So, the fi rst NAIDOC week has passed. Hopefully, it will leave a lasting legacy in the memories of all the TAS community. It could not have been possible without the support and love of Pauline Lampton and John Hunter, PASS Australia, Marcus Pedro, Rod Jensen, Peter Harrison, Troy Dennis from the Yarrabah Arts Centre and the TAS NAIDOC Committee. Next year will be bigger and better!


In the fi nal week of Term 2, TAS celebrated NAIDOC week for the fi rst time. The concept was initiated by Year 12 student,

Kia Yeatman, a young Aboriginal woman from Yarrabah. In Term 1, she made connections with the other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the senior and junior school to establish the NAIDOC committee. Meetings were held, involving Pauline Lampton and John Hunter (parents of Meridah and Joseph Hunter), as well as TAS staff. Much planning and discussion took place to incorporate as varied a programme as possible. Art work from the Yarrabah Arts Centre was hung in the school to give a colourful lift to the reception and staff rooms.

Monday started with John Hunter working with the entire White Rock Junior School population to create an Aboriginal artwork to tell the Trinity Anglican School story. The fi nished products are outstanding. Wednesday was the highlight of the week, with Rod Jensen (Program Manager for Learn Earn Legend Take Pride Program) spoke at House meeting about what celebrating NAIDOC week means to him. He spoke with a sporting context that made it clear and accessible to the sports mad TAS community. At midday, we held the fi rst NAIDOC assembly. Aboriginal dancers opened proceedings with Janet Singleton, a traditional owner for the country on which TAS stands, delivering an inspiring welcome to country. Kia and Meridah then ran the

Torres Strait Islands dancer.Torres Strait Islands dancer.

Aboriginal dance being performed for TAS NAIDOC Celebrations.Aboriginal dance being performed for TAS NAIDOC Celebrations.

Kennedy Junior Secondary Tug team in action..

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Singers really came ahead in leaps and bounds at the Choir Camp. Expert vocal technician and conductor, Mr

Kim Kirkman, taught us all how to produce and project our voices. His exper t ise quickly reinforced the excellent work Mrs Hamill has done with TAS Voices and then took us on an incredible journey with our performance pieces for Trinity Day and the Cairns Eisteddfod. This choir camp produced an excellent concert held in the Chapel at the end of the long weekend. Thank you to Mrs Hamill for organising this vital weekend.Grease is the word and it was a spectacular show that highlighted the many talents of our students. Accolades go to our cast and crew who demonstrated the values of teamwork and dedication to create and deliver two entertaining performances to packed-out Bishop Centre audiences on the 18th and 19th of May.It was a joy to co-direct these energetic and cooperat ive young students with Mrs Fiona Hamil l , Sarah Thorne (FNQ Dance Academy) and Bridgette Lowden. Congratulations to our leads: Tom Ash, Bronte Calligaro, Matthew Church, Ben Coxon, India Furse, Nick Hamill, Jesse Hermon, Eleanor Horsburgh, John Kyriazis, Jordan McGregor, Grace Morton, Zane Neal, Kate O’Donohue, Amy O’Farrel l , Katie Schmidt, Madi Vanzella and Gianni Vecchio. They were ably supported by an enthusiastic and committed chorus. Led by Mrs Dickson, Father Jeff and Andrew

George (AVLX), the three tech crew students - Loic Leray, Brandon Froude and Mikhail Samoylov played vital roles in sound and lighting and never missed a beat.

Backstage, Matthew Ash, Sophia Booij, Ryan Davis, Jarrah Harrison-Lof thouse, Rory Johnston, Louis Jungnitsch, Nicholas Kershaw, Liam Lentas and Mitchell Yensch were well organised and expertly timed by Ms Livett and Mr Donohue.

Many parents and students were guided by Art teachers Ms Wendy Ashburton, Ms Leanne Shead and Ms Kim Rheuben to create colourful backdrops. Connor Beu and Friends of TAS Music provided a sumptuous “Burger Palace” in catering for the show.

Drama students attended and reviewed a performance of Shakespeare’s As You Like It at the Rondo Theatre during Term 2. Congratu lat ions to Cai t l in Lowden, Bronte Calligaro and Julian Cullen for their commitment as actors in the play.

Art students have experienced success in “Part of the Process Exhibition” at Crate 59 which will be shown at 59 Sheridan Street, Cairns. They are Gaia London, Phoebe Lewis and Bronte Calligaro. Lily Byrne was selected to participate in two photography workshops with visiting artist Carolina Furque who is resident artist at Tanks.

At the time of writing, students were busy with Eisteddfod preparations and we wish them well for their performances.Mrs Alison FalkHead of Performing Arts


Teen AngelTeen Angel Jesse Hermon and the Beauty School Drop-outs in Jesse Hermon and the Beauty School Drop-outs in GreaseGrease..

Rizzo & DoodyRizzo & Doody in in GreaseGrease - India Furse and - India Furse and Gianni Vecchio.Gianni Vecchio.

The whole cast in the fi nal scene of The whole cast in the fi nal scene of GreaseGrease..

Mrs Hamill leads TAS Voices in song at the Mrs Hamill leads TAS Voices in song at the Trinity Day Service.Trinity Day Service.

TAS Strings played for the Trinity Day Service.TAS Strings played for the Trinity Day Service.

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Top of the morning! Cert. II 2nd Year Top of the morning! Cert. II 2nd Year students atop the summit of Mt Emerald.students atop the summit of Mt Emerald.

James O’Donohue about to abseil at Mt James O’Donohue about to abseil at Mt Emerald (Cert. II 2nd Year).Emerald (Cert. II 2nd Year).

Certifi cate II - First YearsWhite water canoe expedition down the Mulgrave River. Catering for large groups. Leadership. Certifi cate II - Second YearsHiking expedition to the summit of Mt Emerald followed by a traverse of the range to a waterfall abseil to exit this region.

Tom Sefton and Callum Hermon take on the Tom Sefton and Callum Hermon take on the Mulgrave River (Cert. II 1st Years). Mulgrave River (Cert. II 1st Years).

GrGrace Morton - seal-launching into the river.ace Morton - seal-launching into the river.


Emiko Binst runs the rapids during the Emiko Binst runs the rapids during the Year 4 Camp.Year 4 Camp.

Good food, good friends! - Year 4 Camp.Good food, good friends! - Year 4 Camp.

Year 4 Camp - consists of three days and two nights camping, rafting, hiking and experiencing low ropes initiatives on the Mulgrave River.

Year 6 Camp - consists of four days and three nights in the historic town of Chillagoe. Adventure caving, exploring local historical sites and swimming in the weir.

Tayla Gilbert explores the famous Chillagoe Tayla Gilbert explores the famous Chillagoe caves - Year 6 Camp. caves - Year 6 Camp.

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Community News

An important part of school life is getting involved with the community. During Term 2 at Marlin Coast there were a

signifi cant number of events embracing the wider community. The Year 1 students were enthralled as a large fi re engine arrived at school. The students were shown the equipment that the truck carries but it was the fi re hose that demanded most attention.Year 1 also looked at life in the past. The children had to fi nd something old and bring it into school. They saw an old telephone, iron, camera, record, wagon wheel and compass. Zac Parker brought in a big metal pedal car that his father had played with as a child.Year 1 also reported on the following :

Troy’s grandma, Mrs Audley also visited the classes and spoke about her life when she was in Year 1. Mrs Audley walked to school. She showed us a reader which didn’t have colourful pictures like our books of today. She played hopscotch and had her own cubby house. Mrs Audley had a radio, but no television or computer. There were no supermarkets. The bread and milk were delivered to your house. You could buy ice cream from a shop. There were only 4 fl avours - vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or pineapple. To have a bath, the water was warmed in a copper tub and all the family used the same water. The copper tub was also used to wash clothes.Meanwhile, the Year 2LTH students invited Bishop George Tung Yep into the classroom to talk about our school. Bishop George gave

them an inspirational history lesson! He told how his father Yee Tung Yep had come from Canton China and settled in Cairns in 1878. The children were a little surprised that thirty years ago there was no TAS! Ben and Naomi Wilson asked one day in 1981 why wasn’t there an Anglican school in Cairns and Bishop George suggested that they write to Bishop John Lewis to see if one could be built. Bishop George talked about his further involvement with the planning and building of TAS. His family has had a long involvement with the school. When the Marlin Coast Campus Library was named the Tung Yep Library, it was also in recognition of his sister, Ruby Tung Yep, who is 90 this year, and she has given very generous donations to the Schools Management Fund annually. His grandchildren, Stephanie and Thomas, currently attend TAS - White Rock. Bishop George says that TAS stands for excellence and reminded the children that, “We have a body to work with, a mind to think with, a soul to love with, a will to make choices and a conscience to help us make the right choices.” It was a truly memorable visit.

Environmental NewsOur Environmental Club is entering the Hastings Deering Scarecrow Competition at the Cairns Show. Our scarecrow is going into the Traditional Category and has to be made from hay, hessian, old farm clothing, vegetables, etc. Students have been working hard throughout the term to fi rstly design and then create the scarecrow. He is approximately 2m tall and is just waiting

Bishop George Tung Yep has the full attention of Year 2 LTH.Bishop George Tung Yep has the full attention of Year 2 LTH.

A visit by the Fire Brigade was a big hit with A visit by the Fire Brigade was a big hit with Year 1 students.Year 1 students.

Zac Parker brought in this old metal pedal Zac Parker brought in this old metal pedal car to show the other Year 1 to show the other Year 1 students.

Eddie Dziov and Nicholas Berther had a Eddie Dziov and Nicholas Berther had a blast when the Firies visited Year 1.blast when the Firies visited Year 1.

Rose Belson brought in an old kettle for Rose Belson brought in an old kettle for Year 1 students’ look at life in the past.Year 1 students’ look at life in the past.

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for the fi nishing touches to be added. The Environmental Club will be holding a competition to fi nd a suitable name before he is transported to the Show Grounds.The school grounds continue to look magnifi cent, whilst a number of projects have sprung up. The Preparatory vegetable garden is fl ourishing with lettuce, rocket, eggplants, cucumber, spinach and tomatoes. Alongside is the coffee bush, the strawberry plants, rosemary, parsley and chives and the slender lemon tree, generously donated by the Paino and Sanderson families. The weeding of the native garden is almost completed and we are very grateful to our band of volunteer weeders. Mrs Wonnacott and Sarah have been regular attendees and have seen enormous changes take place. Next is the growing of native plants ready for replanting in the garden.The frog pond has its new base and is now ready for the water. The environmental club have done an excellent job at cleaning the pond and the surrounding area.

Academic NewsNAPLAN testing was held for Years 3, 5 and 7. The data obtained from the results is used to help monitor where there is need for support and extension work. A number of Year 6 and 7 students also elected to sit the ICAS Science, Writing and Spelling tests this term. All the Year 7 students took part in the rigorous Big Science Competition.Excursions play an important role in supplementing classroom studies and

the Year 5 students from across the Junior School visited Davies Creek. They were met by Willie Brim who shared his outstanding local knowledge. Science was a focus as the transit of Venus caught the attention of the world. Students were busy making their pinhole cameras and then watched the very slow shadow move across their paper.‘Excuse Me I was Here First’ was an outstanding production by School Performance Tours that the whole school enjoyed. It gave the children ideas and strategies that would be helpful in times of confl ict. There was much laughter as the performers successfully engaged with their young audience.

Readers’ Cup

On Friday 8th June four teams from Trinity Anglican School competed in the Readers Cup at Malanda High School.The Readers Cup involves teams of four students reading 6 set books and then competing against other school teams to answer quiz questions about the books.Readers Cup competitions challenge students to read widely, work collaboratively in a team and continue developing a love of reading. It allows readers to compete at a regional and state level similar to sporting competitions and to meet other students with an equal passion for books.TAS has been competing for 6 years and although we are yet to take out a trophy the students thoroughly enjoy reading the books and being part of a team.

The Marlin Coast Year 7 team achieved our best result this year, coming 7th out of 22 schools.Our representatives were: Nick Lade, Nic Meir, Lilia Walsh and Tayla-Jane Commins.Sporting NewsThe Townsville Sports Tour was a success despite the reported ‘cold’ weather! Well done to the hockey team, who won their games and to the rugby and netball players who played exceptionally well.Basketball FinalsReport by Craig Houston, Coach“Another great season of TAS Basketball has come to an end with four of our fi ve teams making the grand fi nals. There were tremendous result for all. Our U12/14 girls teams lead the grand fi nal run with a game on Monday that was re scheduled due to Tara Okeffee being unavailable due to Peninsula commitments. In a great show of sportsmanship, the TAS Peanuts agreed to change the game time so Tara could play, a decision they possibly regret! In a high standard game, the TAS Coconuts won 39-31. Well done to all the girls.The TAS Kings U/12 Boys were not expected to make the fi nal, after losing Charlie Geddes with a broken wrist for over half the season, but no one told them that. With two great sudden death wins to make the fi nal, they were outclassed by a well drilled and much bigger Lakers side. Well done to all the boys, with a bit more hard work, next season is ours.The U14 boys were facing an uphill battle. Having not beaten their opponents this season, and losing big gun Nathan Waterhouse to Peninsula duties, it was a tough ask. But they were up for it. With a packed crowd of supporters, Riley Houston stepped up to the plate with fantastic support from Hayden Keily and Adam Baumann. Apart from some jitters in the last quarter, these boys never gave their opponents room to move and went on to win 59-49. Thank you to all the students and parents who made the effort to come and watch the fi nals. Your support for these children is noticed by all and is helping build this club into something special. Special thanks to Robyn Howser and David Kelly for coaching this season. Bring on next season.” Outdoor NewsYears 3, 6, and 4 have met the challenges offered by camp this term. Peter Menzel - ready for yabbying.

Winning girls’ hockey team (WRJ/MCJ) in Townsville with Townsville Grammar girls.Winning girls’ hockey team (WRJ/MCJ) in Townsville with Townsville Grammar girls.

Marlin Coast Year 7 Readers’ Cup team.Marlin Coast Year 7 Readers’ Cup team.Charities Fair - a hit as always!Charities Fair - a hit as always!

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International News

Learn to Mingle - be Bilingual Report by Emma Wonnacott, Lily Clements-Markham and Emily Christoffelsz.

“Over 30 Middle School students from White Rock and Marlin Coast participated in the 2012 Languages Camp, held from Friday afternoon until Saturday afternoon. Members from Alliance Francaise patiently taught us the French game of Petanque. “You need to develop skill and focus all the time,” said Sophie Baumann, Year 6 student, “and the girls beat the boys!”

Yamada Sensei taught us how to eat food with chopsticks, as well as teaching us about Japanese mealtime etiquette. This was very useful as later we went to the Japanese restaurant, Cherry Blossom. According to Madeleine Houston, the food was delicious. “I enjoyed tasting foods for the fi rst time, like chicken teriyaki, miso shiru and tempura.”

Most of us had never seen a French movie before, so we enjoyed watching the humorous movie “Rio”, in French. Luckily, there were English subtitles. The next morning we cooked a French breakfast, Pain Perdu and Chocolat Chaud. The problem was the recipe was written in French so it was very interesting to make!

After watching a DVD where a French chef cooked an omelette, we had to do a vocabulary matching game. La danse des canards, or the duck dance was fun and our teachers were surprised how quickly we learnt the words in French.

We split into three groups and did various

The Year 4 students were on tenterhooks as the weather seemed destined to delay their camp. However, all was well as the sun came out and the adventure was able to go ahead as planned. Despite the lower than normal temperatures the camp was a great success. Year 3 knew all about wet weather on their Tinaroo Camp but a lot of fun was had all the same.The Year 7 students ventured much further afi eld. They left for Canberra at the end of term, where they plan to visit the War Memorial and Parliament House as well as Mt Selwyn, which they hope is covered in an abundance of snow!Musical NewsThe Marlin Coast choir were delighted to be invited to perform at the Regional Achievement and Community Awards, held at the Rydges Hotel. They were selected after the organisers were informed that the TAS choir had an excellent reputation. The Cairns Mayor, Bob Manning, was very impressed by their performance.The Awards were a great rehearsal for the Eisteddfod which took place in the last week of Term 2. This year the choir competed in four sections after working solidly towards this big event during the semester. Although the Year 7 students missed the Eisteddfod (due to Canberra Trip) our Year 4 students stepped up to fi ll the gap and after learning some complicated pieces returned victorious with three 1st places, a 2nd place, as well as being the overall trophy winners at eisteddfod that morning.

activities. In a short time we all learnt the Japanese ‘Oni no Pantsu’ song, with actions. Another activity was preparing a skit in Japanese titled Omusubi Kororin. For this, we enjoyed learning a rap song in Japanese about an old man, mice and rice balls.

For Saturday lunch, everyone prepared an obentou lunch box, which we fi lled with omusubi and other foods.

We were entertained by the Yamagishi Happy Eggs group who demonstrated traditional mochi making to us and our parents. Some of us helped, but it wasn’t as easy as it looked. The mochi tasted good though.

To end the day, we showed our parents what we had learnt in French and Japanese by putting on a short concert and enjoying afternoon tea.

The camp was a great success! We learnt lots and had fun at the same time! We think it is important to learn other languages because it helps you to relate to other cultures.

Thank you to our teachers and the other Japanese and French speakers who came to help us. We hope that there will be another camp next year.”

Charities Fair

Students embraced the Charities Fair and showed delightful entrepreneurial skills and astute business acumen. Parents should be suitably proud of the students’ many and diverse achievements for the term.

Ms Imelda SpenceHead of Junior School - Marlin Coast

Marlin Coast Choir with their trophy haul from the Cairns Eisteddfod.Marlin Coast Choir with their trophy haul from the Cairns Eisteddfod.

Students make mochi at Languages Camp.Students make mochi at Languages Camp.

Peter Menzel - ready for yabbying.Peter Menzel - ready for yabbying.

Cheque PresentationCheque Presentation

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After a fantastic start to the year and fi rst place in the Swimming Carnival, Mulligan stampeded through the gates of Term 2

and all the way into second place in the House Competition!The term started off with a study-date with the Interhouse Cross-country, where the Mustangs used a ‘Beauty and the Geek’ theme to show off their inner (and outer) beauty. Despite the numerous glasses slipping down noses, participation levels were high as Mustangs galloped through the cross-country course, with several even coming out on top, such as Kieren Samarakoon, Liam Simpson, Dylan Lazzaroni and Imogen Lewis, who all placed within the top three of their age division. Although fi rst place was just snatched out

of our grasp, the Mustangs are still holding strong when it comes to the House Cup!Refusing to let our spirits be dampened by the loss, The Mustangs banded together with those in Year 6 and 7 and let rip an amazing show of spirit during Trinity Day. During the many dash races, Mustangs cheered on their fellow team mates as they raced head to head against the Lions, Crocs and Dolphins. As a house we are tremendously thrilled with all of the Mustangs who ran with spirit and pride for Mulligan House, such as Melva-May Eremas, Dylan Lazzaroni, Imogen Lewis and Kieren Samarakoon to name a few!Apart from a rope, a few heart-strings were also tugged as Mulligan lost out in a close tussle with Dalrymple in the tug-of-war, after winning against Leichhardt.



Term 2 was busy and fun-fi lled with the Dolphins competing in several events, the fi rst being the Cross-country. A narrow

loss in the overall standings was eclipsed by great individual performances that portrayed our fi ghting spirit. One individual stands out particularly - Clio Ozanne-Jaques (Yr 8) placed 5th overall out of all students, smashing the current U13 Girls record. This event really showed the amount of individual talent we possess which is a very important building block for a great team.The Trinity Day celebrations in May began with a Chapel Service, during which Dalrymple Dolphins, Kate Gersekowski from the Senior School and Gordon Milne from the Junior School - Marlin Coast, won the prestigious

Spirit of TAS Awards. This is an outstanding achievement. After the service the House gathered for a pizza lunch and cake to celebrate the School’s birthday. It gave the opportunity for the Senior school Dalrymple members to meet and get to know dolphins from the junior schools.The activities in the afternoon began with the Trinity Day Dash. All the Dalrymple runners put in a tremendous effort. Special mentions go to Raho Samuel from the junior boys who placed 1st and Clio Ozanne-Jaques who placed 2nd in the junior girls category. Finally it was time to fi ght it out in the legendary tug-of-war. We managed to put up the most resistance against the undefeated, winning Kennedy House, placing us second after an

absolutely amazing fi nal. Here’s our recipe for Dolphin Domination:Step 1: Get pumped up and zinc up!Step 2: Get in front of other coloured shirtsStep 3: Cheer on all House membersInfected by an undying House spirit and enthusiasm, Dalrymple is itching to score another win. This term has been fantastic for our House and we can’t wait to get stuck into the next one!Cameron Milne, Henry Jungnitsch – CaptainsStephanie Payet, Eleanor Horsburgh- House Vice Captains

Despite this, we still aim to keep our spirits high as we prepare for the Interhouse Triathlon. With an Hawaiian theme, Mulligan is ready to say aloha to victory.

I speak on behalf of all the Mulligan Captains when I say Good luck Mustangs! We wish you all the best for the rest of the year, be it in your academic, sporting or social endeavours. We’ve had an explosive start and can’t wait to fi nish the year with just as big of a bang!


India Furse - House Captain

Fast-fi nishing Dolphins - Cross-country.Fast-fi nishing Dolphins - Cross-country.

Mulligan boys cross the line - Cross-country.Mulligan boys cross the line - Cross-country.

Dolphins’ Junior Tug-o-War team.Dolphins’ Junior Tug-o-War team.

Junior Mustangs compete in the Tug-o-War.Junior Mustangs compete in the Tug-o-War. Mustangs - Trinity Day Senior Tug-o-War.Mustangs - Trinity Day Senior Tug-o-War.

Maddie Fox in the Senior Girls’ Dash. Maddie Fox in the Senior Girls’ Dash.

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Sing OOH AAH Kennedy House, sing OOH AAH Kennedy House!

SECOND in the Cross-country,FIRST in the Dash,

FIRST in the Tug-o-War,The House is lookin’ FLASH!!!

Term 2 has been huge for Kennedy, with the Cross-country and Trinity Day events sparking energetic determination in all

Crocs. Kennedy celebrated many achievements in the Cross-country, but HUGE praise goes to our winners Alisha-May Charteris, Ella Hargreaves and Alec Phillips-Turner. These wins, and all other point-scorers, led to Kennedy placing second overall in the Cross-country.

From there it was full speed ahead to Trinity Day, which involved both the Dash and Tug-o-War events. Kennedy House won BOTH events and the Trophy Cabinet is looking good again. The Dash produced brilliant wins for Nick Hamill and Alisha-May Charteris but the efforts of Kaitlyn Forster and Josh Place again showed the great spirit and determination that we have in the House of Crocs. As for the Tug-o-War, well, just ask a member of any other house, and they will merely shake their head. With the fastest victory in recent history – winning the fi nal in under 2 seconds - our Tug-o-War team were frightening! It is safe to say that our 2012 Tug-o-War team will go down in history as one of the strongest teams ever. S-J Park and Izzy Johnston dragged all before them, and they were brilliantly supported

by the strength of Damien Puluschkin, Aya Ibanez-Hara, Ben Dawson, Mikayla Stirling, Ashleigh Brayshaw, Darcy Swain, Loic Leray and Caitlin Lowden. Onward and upward! The Triathlon will test the spirit, determination and confi dence of the Kennedy Crocs. So at the halfway point, with 2 terms to go, Kennedy spirits are high, and we look forward to the challenges that term 3 will bring.

Winners never quit and quitters never win - anon

Mr Hennessy - Head of HouseCaptains andVice Captains


The Leichhardt family has run, cooked, tugged and cheered its way through Term 2. To add to our contribution to OXFAM

in Term 1, the Lions baked up a storm for the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Different year groups were allocated food groups to provide on the day; hot savoury, sweet cold and the like. To add a bit of competition to the event (we are all about having a go!), we instigated the Leichhardt Lions Masterchef competition for the dish that received the most votes on the day. Break one saw an expansive spread set out in the main staff room for the teachers and administrative staff to enjoy. Voting was hotly contested with the eventual winners being Gianni Vecchio for his mini quiches and Ashleigh Thurstans

for her grandmother’s sausage rolls. By the end of the day, we had raised nearly $400, once again demonstrating our immense capacity for teamwork and helping others less fortunate.The Interhouse Cross-country saw all the Leichhardt Lions set off through the suburb of White Rock. Our theme of leopards and cheetahs was embraced by all, particularly the wearing of leopard print frocks and tops … by the boys! After some tense moments, a memorable result was achieved. Leichhardt had won the Junior and Senior sections, the overall House Shield and the Dragonheart Trophy for highest participation ... teamwork again!As the title holders of both the Dash and

the Tug-of-War, Trinity Day threatened to be a highly competitive event between the Houses as they attempted to knock us off the throne. Our dashers started extremely well. Emily Houston and John Dwyer ran their hearts out in the Junior division. Sean Thomson came second in the Senior Boys division. But it was the queen of the event that held us in awe of her skill and talent. For the 4th year in a row, Monique Van Cauwenberghe won the Senior Girls division, establishing a record that will be hard to break. At the end of the running, Leichhardt had placed a healthy second. However, Mrs Elphick’s regime of hommous and carrot sticks did not bode well for the Tug-of-War. Facing the insurmountable challenge of tugging against Houses with signifi cant weight advantages, the team dug deep and tried their best. Jessica Norbury, Jesse Burton, Ben Simpson, Jordan Taylor, Kate Atkinson, Ben Grace, Tom White, Tamaya Perissini, Rachel Ramsay and Guy Devlin did the House proud. We didn’t manage to hold on to the title, but with Matthew Church inspiring the troups with his Braveheart rendition, we had fun trying!

Mrs Rachel Elphick -Head of House

Lions held the Lions held the Biggest Morning Tea.Biggest Morning Tea.Leichhardt - winners of the Cross-country.Leichhardt - winners of the Cross-country.

Flat out Crocs! - Cross-country.Flat out Crocs! - Cross-country. Nick Hamill takes out the Senior Boys’ Dash.Nick Hamill takes out the Senior Boys’ Dash. Crocs in action - winners of Snr Tug-o-War.Crocs in action - winners of Snr Tug-o-War.

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managed to edge out the team from Marlin Coast Rangers to win their age group at this carnival for the second consecutive year.Sport Captain Charlie Beverley and Captain of Football Kaitlyn Forster represented the Peninsula region recently at the U19 school State Football Championships, as will Year 9 student Nicholas Mooney for the U15 team. Nicholas has also been named in the training squad for the Queensland Country team.HockeyOur two U13 and U16 Girls teams are progessing well in their season, with the fi nals games happening early in September. The senior girls’ school team look forward to contesting the School’s Cup later this term and are determined to improve on their third placing from last year. A third U8 club team has also been formed recently, taking the total number of TAS Hockey teams to ten. Mr Long has also been working closely with several junior teams fi ne tuning some important skills. This year the U12 Cairns Independent representative girls hockey team was almost made up entirely of TAS students, and the Peninsula Regional team contained an incredible six TAS students and one more as a shadow/reserve.

Rugby Our U14 schoolboys team did exceptionally well last term to fi nish second on the ladder and play the grand fi nal game against St Augustine’s. Our team was the only team to score points against St Augustine’s all season and we scored two tries against them in the grand fi nal. Our U15 team did one better to

Football (Soccer)

The TAS Football club hosted its inaugural club carnival in late April. Thirty teams aged from U6 to U11 entered the

carnival, totalling almost 300 players. The day was a huge success from all perspectives and we look forward to running many more carnivals which incorporate the excellent facilities at the multi-purpose hall.

Our U15 Bill Turner Cup Football Team trained hard all term and contested their playoff match against Good Counsel College in Innisfail. After being tied at half time our team lost 3-1 at full time in a tough match.

Our U11 club football team from Marlin Coast returned to the Silkwood Carnival to defend their title from the previous year. They

win their Ballymore Cup playoff game against St Augustine’s, after also beating St Mary’s. This team now travels to Townsville in early August to contest the northern playoff game against William Ross SHS and if successful, they will travel to Ballymore to contest the state fi nals of this prestigious schools rugby competition.Three students from the fi rst XV participated in the U18 Rugby State Championship as part of the Peninsula team and four of our students are currently training with the Peninsula U15 team. The TAS Rugby Club will again be entering junior rugby teams in the local club rugby competition which begins in September. It is the School’s intention to enter a team from each campus in divisions including U6, U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16.There have been several invitational matches played recently, including visiting schools from both New Zealand and Emerald High School in Central Queensland.

NetballUnder the direction of our new Head Coach and former NZ Silver Fern Elisa Robati (nee Taringa), our eight netball teams are progressing well in the Cairns Netball Association competition. At least three of our teams look set to make appearances in the fi nals which begin in August.A highlight for the season has been the games against three touring school teams early in term 3. Rugby School from Rugby in the UK played us fi rst in netball (not rugby). There were three fantastic games in the multi-

TAS U14 Boys Rugby team after their Grand Final game.TAS U14 Boys Rugby team after their Grand Final game.

Emily Houston, Isabel Paterson and Clio Emily Houston, Isabel Paterson and Clio Ozane-Jaques - after taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ozane-Jaques - after taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd

in the U13 Peninsula the U13 Peninsula Cross-country.

U18 Girls Futsal team - after Grand Final.U18 Girls Futsal team - after Grand Final.

TAS U15 Bill Turner Cup Football team.TAS U15 Bill Turner Cup Football team.

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purpose hall and our TAS Dragons played well to defeat their top team. Blue Mountain College from New Zealand arrived the very next day and our TAS Dragons were again victorious in a spectacular display of quality schoolgirls netball. Emerald High School also came to play us in U14 girls and U18 mixed netball. The mixed game was very exciting and quite physical and our open mixed team, the TAS Turtles, were victorious, after having recently won their grand fi nal in the Cairns Indoor Netball Mixed Competition.

BasketballOur basketball programme at TAS continues to expand. The fi ve primary teams at Marlin Coast last term did exceptionally well, with four of these making the grand fi nal and two of them winning. Well done to all involved, and especially to the coaching staff including Mr Craig Houston and Ms Robyn Howser. Our U18 boys and girls teams had great seasons and showed much improvement. The season continues for the team playing in the open mens competition and we are currently working on skill development for students at White Rock under the directon of Mr Tom Dunsmuir. We have thrown out the challenge to St Augustine’s for a senior boys game at the end of this term in our multi-purpose hall (and to St Monica’s for netball at the same time). Our senior team will also play Ignatius Park College from Townsville this term when they tour Cairns and the Year 8-9 JSS Interschool Sport team is looking to defend the title of champion team from 2011.


Our 48-strong chess team competed well in the second round of the FNQ Interschool Chess Championships in May. Our teams won the primary premier division and Brendan Leong took out fi rst place in the primary premier individual category. In the secondary age group our team won the open division and Captain of Chess Robin Wei was the individual champion in the premier division. Our teams will contest round three of the regional championships later this term and we hope to send several teams to the state fi nals in September.

SwimmingAfter the hugely successful MS Swimathon event in late April, the Aquatic Centre underwent a major refurbishment. It opened for the start of this term and the water is

glistening and all programmes have now resumed. Our swimming squads took the opportunity during their off season to work with the REPS strength trainers in our gym and the results of this should become apparent in the coming season.

Captain of Swimming Mark Ragel and Ciara Cescotto represented FNQ at the Malaysian Swimming Championships in Kuala Lumpur in May. The new season of swimming is just beginning with the TAS Swimming Club sign on being held at the Aquatic Centre on 28 July.

Errors and Omissions

There are two corrections to be made to the 2011 TAS Sporting Honour Board which appeared in the 2011 Trinitas publication. The winner of the 2011 Secondary Interhouse Swimming Carnival was in fact Mulligan and not Leichhardt.

Also on the 2011 TAS Sporting Honour Board the name of one of our U6 football team coaches, Mr Stephen Paino, was omitted in error.

Mr Darren Osmond,Director of Activities

Overall House Points Dalrymple Kennedy Leichhardt MulliganJunior Points 487 519 532 452Junior Placing 3rd 2nd 1st 4thSenior Points 383 344 373 318Senior Placing 1st 3rd 2nd 4thOverall Points 870 863 905 770Overall Placing 2nd 3rd 1st 4thParticipation # 81 74 80 76Participation % 91.0% 74.7% 87.9% 80.0%Participation Place 1st 4th 2nd 3rd

Individual Age ChampionsAge Grp 1st 2nd 3rdU13 Girls Emily Houston Clio Ozanne-Jaques Isabel Paterson U13 Boys Liam Simpson Johnson Donald-Wood Max Miejluk U14 Girls Alishamay Charteris Imogen Lewis Chantelle Winstanley U14 Boys Kevin Jackson Kieren Samarakoon Adam Simpson U15 Girls Ella Hargreaves Isabella Pozzi Ciara Cescotto U15 Boys Callum Hermon Darcy Swain Stephane Leray U16 Girls Ashleigh Gunn Taleeta Fisher Danielle Goodwin U16 Boys Dylan Lazzaroni Sam Hennigan Max Gerrard 17+ Girls Monique van Cauwenberghe Kaitlyn Forster Tia Armit 17+ Boys Aidan Wright Sean Thompson Nick Hamill


The TAS Cross-country team celebrate their 6th consecutive Interschool victory.The TAS Cross-country team celebrate their 6th consecutive Interschool victory. Ty Stone and William Harding contemplate.Ty Stone and William Harding contemplate.

Isabel Byrne - awarded for raising over Isabel Byrne - awarded for raising over $5000 for the MS Swimathon.$5000 for the MS Swimathon.

TAS Boys Tennis team - Regional fi nalists. TAS Boys Tennis team - Regional fi nalists.

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Primary School Interhouse Athletics Age ChampionsAge Grp 1st 2nd 3rd8 Girls Abigail Anderson Eleanor Merchant Sophie Kirk8 Boys Liam Bruce Guy Edmonson Kyle Wynne 9 Girls Jaimee Murray-Hunt Georgina Harris Lila Horobin 9 Boys Braiden Brosseuk William Layton Bayse Campbell 10 Girls Sarah Wonnacott Charlotte Harris Sara Niebling 10 Boys Joel Sutherland Rhyan Wallace Jason Herrmann 11 Girls Olivia Taifalos Charlotte Gregory Emma Simpson 11 Boys Benjamin Nott Ryan Bourguignon Djava Chamberlain-Salaun12 Girls Amanda Chigeza Tara O’Keeffe Emily Benck 12 Boys Harrison McGown Nathan Waterhouse Gordon Milne 13 Girls Emma Wonnacott Brooke Thurstans Antoinette Garrone 13 Boys Tak Stapleton Riley Houston Nic Meier


Combined TAS junior school students in Townsville for the Primary Sport Tour.Combined TAS junior school students in Townsville for the Primary Sport Tour.

2012 Primary Interhouse Athletics Carnival Age Champions.2012 Primary Interhouse Athletics Carnival Age Champions.

NEW SCHOOL RECORDS SETName Event Old NewLiam Bruce U8 High Jump 0.95m 1.00m U8 100m 13.18 12.46 U8 200m 34.92 33.25 U8 Long Jump 2.83m 2.94mHarrisonMcGown U12 Long Jump 4.36m 4.40mJaimee Murray-Hunt U9 High Jump 0.98m 1.00mCharlotteHarris U10 Shot Put 6.22m 6.78m

On Wednesday, June 6th, thirty-four students from Years 5 and 6 departed Cairns for the inaugural Primary Sport Tour to Townsville. The group consisted of girls’ netball and hockey teams and a boys’ rugby team. After departing their overnight accommodation in Townsville

the group had breakfast on the Strand in wonderful north Queensland winter weather.

The games were hosted by Townsville Grammar Junior School and they showed us fantastic hospitality. Our girls’ hockey team dominated in their game against a mixed team and spent 99% of their time in the opposition’s half. Townsville Grammar went out to an early lead in the rugby, however TAS closed the gap after half time, only to have two late tries scored against them in the dying minutes. Our netballers had a tough game against a very polished team, however it was great to see improvements in each quarter. Matches were followed by a BBQ and presentations ceremony and then the long drive home began.

Our students enjoyed the trip thoroughly and highlights included mixing with students from the other campus, playing in a team other than their normal TAS sporting team and also interacting with Townsville Grammar students.

Rest stop - the Golden Gumboot, Tully.Rest stop - the Golden Gumboot, Tully.

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The inaugural TAS Japan Rugby Tour departed in the June/July school holidays after more than a year of fundraising. We arrived at Meiwa High School in Nagoya to a very warm welcome from the whole school, followed by a Japanese afternoon tea, some class visits and demonstrations including Kyudo and Kendo. Our students then met their host families and began their true Japanese experience.

Over the next 5 days the team played a total of 8 games of various formats, including some sevens rugby on the last day. Of the three full 15-a-side games, TAS won two, improving with each experience, despite team captain, Luke Hare, being unable to play after receiving two cuts requiring stiches in the very fi rst game.Games were played against Nagoya, Miyoshi and Meiwa high schools and Toyota Technical Skills Academy. The fantastic venues used included the artifi cial turf at Nagoya High School and the beautiful grass fi elds at both the Toyota Sports Centre and the 30,000-seat Mizuho Rugby Stadium.Our students had a day of classroom integration at Meiwa High School which they enjoyed greatly. A particularly unique experience was a visit to sumo training, where our boys had the chance to give sumo wrestling a try and then experience a traditional sumo brunch. Other experiences included a visit to the Toyota factory and a tour of the Toyota Technical Skills Academy, travelling at 300km/h on the Shinkansen (bullet train) to visit famous temples and shrines in Kyoto, having a traditional Japanese Kaiseki dinner and getting constantly spoilt rotten by their host families with food and presents. We were incredibly well looked-after in all aspects of the tour and on one particular day the dentist from Aichi Rugby Union (the prefecture to which Nagoya belongs) provided our whole team with custom-made maxillary mouthguards.The sayonara (farewell) feast on the last night was also a highlight and there were some tears of sadness, but also of joy and laughter as the Meiwa rugby team performed some hilarious acts including a beauty pageant, a play and a magic show.On the way back to Kansai Airport we spent the afternoon at Universal Studios in Osaka, which was a thrilling way to end a great tour.Meiwa High School will again be visiting Cairns in August 2013 (their 3rd time) and our boys look forward to re-uniting with their Japanese friends and returning the wonderful hospitality shown to them.

OVERALL - HOUSE RESULTS Dal. Kenn. Leich. Mull.Participation 96% 91.9% 98% 96%Juniors 4th 2nd 1st 3rdSeniors 4th 2nd 1st 3rdOverall 4th 2nd 1st 3rd

St Mary’s Catholic College hosted the 2012 Trinity Coast South (TCS) Secondary

Interschool Cross-country during Term 2. Eight schools competed on the 4km course. For the 6th consecutive year TAS took out the Overall Perpetual Trophy.

Place School Overall Points1st TAS 1603 2nd Trinity Bay SHS 9343rd St Mary’s College 748

An amazing 29 out of 60 students from TAS qualifi ed for the Peninsula Regional Cross-country Championships. The following students earned top three placings, which includes a

Peninsula Regional Cross-countryEighteen students ran at the Peninsula Regional Secondary Cross-Country Carnival in Mareeba in May. Ten of these students fi nished in the top 6 for their age group, earning places in the Peninsula regional team. They were: Ella Hargreaves, Clio Ozanne-Jaques, Emily Houston, Isabel Paterson, Hannah Lambert, Alishamay Charteris, Kieren Samarakoon, Kevin Jackson, Sean Thomson and Alec Phillips-Turner. Top performances included: Clio Ozanne-Jaques, Isabel Paterson & Emily Houston placing 1st, 2nd & 3rd in the U13 Girls race respectively; Alishamay Charteris with a 2nd in the U14 Girls; and Alec Phillips-Turner’s 2nd in U17 Boys race.

State Cross-countryTAS White Rock was selected as the State U12 Primary Cross-country Championships venue. Around 800 people attended on the weekend of 14-15 July. Our very own Year 5 student Toby Gillen placed 8th in the state. Around 400 runners from all over Queensland competed at the carnival.

WRS Interhouse Cross-country Age ChampionsAge Grp 1st Record 2nd 3rd13 Boys Liam Simpson Johnson Donald-Wood William Beverley 13 Girls Clio Ozanne-Jaques 17.33 Emily Houston Isabel Paterson 14 Boys Kieran Samarakoon 17.26 Kevin Jackson Ryan Smith 14 Girls Alishamay Charteris Hannah Lambert Imogen Lewis 15 Boys Callum Hermon Joshua Place John Dwyer 15 Girls Ella Hargreaves 18.55 Isabella Pozzi Lucy Philp 16 Boys Dylan Lazzaroni Max Gerrard Samuel Ottosen 16 Girls Tamaya Peressini Rachael Gilholm Mackenzie Kwort 17 Boys Alec Phillips-Turner 16.15 Aidan Wright Nick Hamill 17 Girls Monique van Cauwenberghe 19.52 Haylee Brodin Kaitlyn Forster

The WRS Interhouse Cross-Country was held on Wednesday May 2, 2012.

Conditions were favourable for fast running and of the ten school cross-country records

fi ve were broken, by Clio Ozanne-Jaques, Kieren Samarakoon, Ella Hargreaves, Alec Phillips-Turner and Monique van Cauwenberghe.

clean sweep of the top three placings in both the U13 and U14 girls divisions -U13 Girls 1st Clio Ozanne-JaquesU13 Girls 2nd Emily HoustonU13 Girls 3rd Isabel PatersonU14 Girls 1st Alishamay CharterisU14 Girls 2nd Hannah LambertU14 Girls 3rd Chantelle WinstanleyU14 Boys 2nd Kieren SamarakoonU14 Boys 3rd Kevin JacksonU15 Girls 1st Ella HargreavesU15 Girls 3rd Lucy PhilpU15 Boys 2nd Callum HermonU17 Girls 1st Monique van CauwenbergheU17 Girls 3rd Haylee BrodinU17 Boys 2nd Alec Phillips-Turner


The TAS team and their Japanese friends after their matches at Mizuho Rugby Stadium.The TAS team and their Japanese friends after their matches at Mizuho Rugby Stadium.

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PO Box 110E, Earlville Queensland 4870email [email protected] 07 4036 8111 fax 4036 8222

TAS - White RockProgress Road, White Rock

TAS - Kewarra BeachPoolwood Road, Kewarra Beach

Trinity Anglican School LtdABN 69 090 630 149CRICOS No. 0077OBTAS was founded in 1983

On your marks. Get set ...! Senior boys burst into action at the start of the Trinity Day Dash.On your marks. Get set ...! Senior boys burst into action at the start of the Trinity Day Dash.