Download - Tallis, Thomas - If Ye Love Me (2)

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Part of the gospel for Whitsunday

John 14: 15-17

 Edition prepared by Ted Dean for the Northamptonshire Grammar School Chamber Choir.

If Ye Love MeThomas Tallis

(c. 1505-1585)







If ye love me keep my com mand- ments,-

If ye love me keep my com mand- ments,-

Ü If ye love me keep my com mand- ments,-

If ye love me keep my com mand- ments,-


and I will pray the fa ther,- -

and I will pray the fa -

Ü and I will pray the fa ther,-

and I will pray the


and he shall give you a no- ther  - com for  - -

ther,- and he shall give you a no- ther  - com for  - - -

Ü and he shall give you a no- ther  - - com for  - -

Fa ther,- and He shall give you a no- ther  - com for  - -

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ter, that He may bide with

ter, that he may bide with you for ev er,- with

Üter, that he may- bide with you for e ver,- that he may bide with

ter, that he may bide with you for ev er,- may bide with



you for e ver:- E'en the sp'rit of truth

you for ev er:- E'en the sp'rit of truth, e'en the sp'rit of  

Ü me for e ver:- E'en the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth, e'en

you for ev er:-E'en the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth,



e'en the sp'rit of truth, e'en the sp'rit of truth,

truth, e'en the sp'rit of truth, e'en thesp'rit of truth, that

Ü the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth, that he may

e'en the sp'rit of truth the sp'rit of truth, that He


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that he may bide with you for ev er,-

he may bide with you for ev er,- with you for ev er:- e'en

Ü bide with you for ev er,- that he may bide with you for ev er:- E'en the

may bide with you for ev- er,- may 'bide with you for ev er:- E'en




e'en the sp'rit of truth,e'en the sp'rit of 

the sp'rit of truth e'en the sp'rit of truth, e'en the

Ü sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth, e'en the sp'rit of  

the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth, e'en

37 ¡


truth, e'en the sp'rit of truth.

sp'rit of truth, e'en the sp'rit of truth.

Ü truth, the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth.

the sp'rit of truth, the sp'rit of truth.