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  • 1. Taking the Red Pill:The Official Story of 9/11 is a LIE!2007 By Torin Wolf

2. NOTICE DO NOT simply believeany statement made in this presentation. You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to do your own research to rebut anything and everything stated. This presentation may be copied and distributed in theFULL and COMPLETE form only . ASK QUESTIONS! DEMAND ANSWERS! 3. WARNING! Persons found to be in possession of this information are subject to arrest as Domestic Terrorists under section 802 of the American Patriot Act.Such persons are subject to indefinite imprisonment without charges , legal representation, or any of the other protections guaranteed by the Constitution. 4. So who is Torin Wolf and what makes him think that he has any sort of knowledge in this area?

  • 12 years as a hazardous materials and asbestos consultant licensed by the Texas Department of Health.
  • 12 years as a demolition contractor and consultant.
  • Designed and implementedwellover 100 commercial demolition projects and hazardous materials management and abatement programs.


  • Certified structural welder with 5 years of experience in heavy construction.
  • Served with honor and distinction with 21 stCombat Support Hospital (CSH) in Mosul, Iraq during OIF 1.
  • Earned the Bronze Star with V device for valor in combat.
  • Earned the Combat Medical Badge by providing medical care to US, allied, and enemy soldiers/civilians under combat conditions saving over 120 lives.


  • Stage 1 Denial
  • Stage 2 Anger
  • Stage 3 Bargaining
  • Stage 4 Depression
  • Stage 5 - Acceptance

5 Stages of Grief as defined by Elsabeth Kubler-Ross In her book "On Death and Dying", Macmillan Publishing Company, 1969 7. 9/11 Pre-Presentation Quiz

  • How many buildings were in the WTC complex?
  • How many WTC buildings collapsed on 9/11?
  • How many buildings were destroyed or rendered completely unusable on 9/11?
  • How many of the intended hijackersdidntdie on 9/11?
  • At the peak, how many planes were reported by NORAD to have been hijacked?

8. 9/11 Pre-Presentation Quiz

  • How many buildings were in the WTC complex?7
  • How many WTC buildings collapsed on 9/11?3
  • How many buildings were destroyed or rendered completely unusable on 9/11?8
  • How many of the intended hijackersdidntdie on 9/11?11
  • At the peak, how many planes were reported by NORAD to have been hijacked?29

9. The Official Story - Review

  • 19 hijackers from al Qaeda, at the direction of Osama bin Laden, used weapons to take over control of 4 civilian aircraft.
  • Although the hijackers were mediocre pilots, they hit 75% of their targets.
  • WTC 1 and 2 were structurally damaged so severely that they suffered complete loss of structurally integrity and collapsed in pancake fashion.

10. The Official Story - Review

  • When WTC 1&2 collapsed, they damaged WTC 3,4,5,6,7 so badly that they were also destroyed.
  • The fires from burning jet fuel and office furniture became so hot that it caused the structural steel of WTC 1 & 2 to weaken and fail.

11. What was the death toll of 9/11? 12. What was the death toll of 9/11?

  • The answer lies somewhere between 2,948 and 3,213 (a difference of 240 lives) depending upon the source.
  • According to the exhaustive 9/11 Commission Report, More than 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center; 125 died at the Pentagon; 256 died on the four planes.
    • So officially, more than 2,981

13. Conspiracy Theories conspiracy theory noun - a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. Source: 14. The Least Likely Conspiracy Theories Could have some validity under some (usually extremely unlikely) circumstances. 15. The Least Likely

  • Particle beams from Space-based weapons.
    • a.k.a. the Death Star theory
  • Why not?
    • Atmospheric distortion
      • Too much even with assist from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
    • Visible wavelengths approximating solar-surface intensity
    • Localized and top-down destruction
    • Insufficient energy
      • 5x total world production required

16. The Least Likely

  • Missile Strike
  • Ground-to-Ground
    • Firefighters reported possible launch from roof of Woolworth Bldg.
    • Cops responded but found no evidence of any such launcher
    • Video evidence of both strikes

17. The Least Likely

  • Missile Strike
  • Air-to-Ground
    • Video of both WTC strikes.
      • No known air-to-ground missile has the size and appearance of a Boeing 757 or 767

18. The Lunatic Fringe Conspiracy Theories Not provable scientifically but still have fans due to their belief in the phenomena. 19. The Lunatic Fringe

  • The No-Planers
    • Holograms were used to simulate planes while bombs planted inside did the damage.
  • The Ghost Planers
    • When video footage is watched frame-by-frame, the planes disappeared completely inside the buildings before exploding, therefore they werent really planes.
  • The Plane-In-Missile-Outers
    • A plane went in and a missile blew out of the other side.
      • Significant evidence suggests that these are psy-op disinformation plants.
        • > $28 Billion in conformed Whitehouse press manipulation since 9/11 against Federal law.

20. The Lunatic Fringe

  • Orbs
    • No scientific proof of damage to any building before, on, or since 9/11 due to orbs.

21. The Lunatic Fringe

  • Pterodactyls
    • No scientific or 1 stperson eyewitness evidence of pterodactyls being present in lower Manhattan on 9/11.
    • No scientific evidence of live pterodactyls present in lower Manhattan within the last 65 million years.
    • Images shown are often based upon video images compressed for internet distribution.

22. The Truly Unhinged Conspiracy Theories Despite overwhelming scientific evidence, sworn testimony from highly credible sources, video and photographic evidence, these are the TRULY bizarre theories/explanations about 9/11. 23. The Truly Unhinged

  • Fire
    • No multistory steel-framed structure in the world has ever collapsed due to fire prior to nor since 9/11.
      • WTC 6 burned for over 6 hours on 9/11 anddidntcollapse
    • On February 13 th1975 WTC 1 had a fire which started on the 11 thfloor and burned for over 3 hours.
      • Thatthe 1975 fire wasmore intense than the 9/11 fires is evident from the fact that it caused the 11th floor east side windows to break and flames could be seen pouring from these broken windows. This indicates a temperaturegreater than 700C . In the 9/11 fires the windows were not broken by the heat (only by the aircraft impact) indicating a temperature below 700C.

24. 25. The Truly Unhinged

  • The Official Story
    • Cannot be scientifically recreated by ANY experiment not even by their own scientists.
    • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created 16 separate physics programs to simulate the WTC 1 & 2 collapses and only got 1 to collapsepartially .
      • The NIST was unable to reproduce the collapse of the cores inanyof their experiments.
    • No experiment which has used the official story as its basis has ever been successful in recreating the observed events of 9/11.

26. The Truly Unhinged

    • The exhaustive 10,000 page 9/11 Commission Report (9/11 CR) spendsless than 1 paragraphon the collapse of the WTC Towers.
    • The 9/11 CRdoesnt even mentionWTC 7.
    • 9/11 CR fails to mention any of the over 50 sworn statements by police and fire officials that they witnessed multiple explosions other than the plane strikes.
    • 9/11CR fails to mention the statements of William Rodriguez, Key Master of Tower 1, who reported explosions in the basementbeforethe plane impacted the tower.

27. The NIST

  • NIST was charged to look only at the eventsup tothe collapses but not the collapses themselves.
    • NIST has yet to release its report on WTC 7
    • Has changed its position 5 times so far on WTC 7
    • Most recent NIST explanation: the use of explosives

28. Tower Construction

  • 47 structural steel box columns (36 x 16) at the core of each tower down to bedrock.
  • Above the seventh floor there were 59 perimeter columns along each face of the building. (236 total)
  • The perimeter columns had a square cross section, 14 inches on a side, and were constructed of welded steel plate.
  • Aluminum covering on each exterior column for appearance.

29. Rare Truss Design

  • Trusses also ran the length of the floors as well as the width to provide additional support.
  • This is a highly unusual and costly design to help spread load stresses efficiently.

30. Why did they make is so strong?

  • On July 28, 1945 a B-25 bomber struck the 79 thfloor of the Empire State Building.
  • Damage statistics:
    • 14 dead
    • 26 injuries
    • 4 floors burned with high-octane aviation fuel
    • $1 million in damage
    • No collapse

31. Structural Design

  • The towers were designed and built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 which is similar and comparable to a 767 within about 25%.
  • Many engineers stated before 9/11 that the towers could withstandmultipleimpacts from comparable planes.

32. What is wrong with the official story? 33. Pancake Theory

  • Pancake Collapses
    • Occur usually in geologically unstable areas of the world.
    • Caused by failure of primary vertical support while auxiliary support often remains intact.

34. 35. Pancake Collapse

  • No definition listed at:
    • Institute of Architects)
    • Webster Online)
    • (Cambridge Universitys online dictionary)

36. Pancake Collapse

  • Actually referred to by architects and structural engineers as a progressive collapse.
  • Definition found at
    • FEMA developed an early explanation On this view, when the connections between the floor trusses and the columns broke, the floors fell down, one on top of the other,quickly exceeding the load that any one floor was designed to carry (emphasis added)

37. So whats wrong with the pancake theory? 38. The Biggest Problem: Time

  • Speed of Freefall in a Vacuum
    • Time = Distance/Acceleration
    • A billiard ball dropped from the top of one of the WTC towersin a vacuumwould take 9.2 seconds to hit the street

39. How long did the collapses take?

  • The longest recorded collapse time of either tower is 14.2 seconds.
  • Most observers time the collapse of tower 1 at about 10.4 and tower 2 at 8.6 seconds respectively.
  • This is very near free-fall speed!

40. So why is that a problem?

  • Economy of Momentum
    • The pancake theory requires that each floor fail individually due to increased mass from the floors above failing.
    • Worst-case scenario would require 0.5 seconds per floor for collapse.
    • 86 thfloor x 0.5 seconds =43seconds for WTC 2 to have fallen not 8.6 as observed


  • For the towers to fall at so close to freefall speed, over 110,000 separate and independent structural support points had to failsimultaneously .
  • Pancake theory doesNOTexplain the failure of the cores.
  • NIST / NOVA animation shows coresNOT failing.

42. NONEof the laterally ejected debris counts as mass falling onto lower floors. 43. The Other Big Problem: Powdered Concrete

  • Conservatively, more than 28,500 cubic yards of concrete was pulverized to 100 microns or smaller in size in less than 15 seconds.

44. How does the NIST or the 9/11 Commission Report explain this? They dont even try. 45. How is a building demolished? 46. The 3 Steps of Building Demolition.

  • Start where you want the building to end up.
  • Remove auxiliary support.
  • Remove primary vertical support.

47. Tower 1 48. Tower 1 49. Tower 1 50. Building 7 51. Building 7

  • Was not hit by a plane.
  • Was the primary emergency command center for NYC (reinforced).
  • Had its own power, air cleaning andventilation, and provisions.

52. Building 7 Tenants (Short List)

  • Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
  • US Secret Service
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    • Including documents regarding WorldCom and Enron investigations.

53. Building 7

  • Was reported thru multiple media outlets to have collapsed as much as an hourpriorto the event.
  • Fell perfectly within its own footprint less than 7 seconds.

54. Building 7

  • Had been evacuated ofall personnel (including fire and EMS) by 10:30AM despite fires on only 2 floors.
    • Why?Because someone warned (them) to get out.
  • 30 second countdown was given over EMS radios prior to 7s collapse.
  • No casualties are confirmed at WTC 7 because police and EMS cleared the area warning people that the building was about to blow up and about to come down.

55. Building 7

  • Federal investigators (FBI, etc.) were barred from the WTC 7 site by FEMA.
  • NIST has stated that it has had to do its study of the collapse of WTC 7 using video and photo analysis.
  • No samples of the WTC 7 debris are known to have been collected for forensic testing.

56. WTC Debris A HazMat Nightmare 57. WTC Debris

  • Contains dangerously high levels of:
    • Asbestos
    • Lead
    • PCBs
    • Mercury
    • Radioactive materials
    • Powdered concrete (caustic)
    • Human remains
  • Allof the 9/11 rescue and recovery dogs are dead.
  • Hundreds of NYC employees have serious physical ailments and disabilities.Allrequests for aid have been denied.

58. WTC Debris

  • To date, over 1,000 individual bones and body parts have been found and identifiedoutsideof Ground Zero.
    • Some remains have been found on rooftops as far as 2 blocks away
  • The families of 9/11 victims have filed suit against the State of New York to stop the use of WTC debristo fill potholes .

59. WTC Debris

  • The State of New York continues to use the WTC debris as fill and refuses to cease the procedure without a court order.
  • One family member is quoted saying that she hopes that the state doesnt throw the suit out as frivolous.

60. WTC Debris

  • Emissions from the WTC piles were recorded to be hundreds of times above the legal Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) as established by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for more than 2 weeks after 9/11.
  • Airborne dust samples had a pH of >12
    • about the same as drain cleaner

61. The EPA Lied 62. The EPA Lied

  • On9/13U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Todd Whitman, under orders from the Whitehouse, told the public that the air was safe to breathe and that people should return to work although at the time theyrefusedto release the data from their testing to substantiate their declaration.

63. The EPA Lied

  • According to the USEPA Asbestos in Air Dataset available the EPAdidnt begin monitoringfor airborne asbestos levels until8:00pm September 14 , 2001 a day and a halfafterthey told everyone that it was safe to return.
    • Violation of Federal law punishable by up to 10 years in prisonper incident .

64. The EPA Lied

  • Coincidental independent analysis samples were occluded (too full of material to read).
  • EPA checked for benzene once, September 29 th .Not surprisingly, none was detected.

65. The EPA Lied

  • Sampling of bulk materials and dust foundgenerally low levels of asbestos .(emphasis added)
    • There is no such thing as a low level of asbestos.
    • Bulk samples, by Federal law, either are (>1%) or are not (