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Taking a gap year in Ukraine

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A gap year 

What I want to do is to taking a gap year in Ukraine, it’s topic of my presentation.

A gap year is time out to travel between life stages. It is also known as a sabbatical, time off, time out and a year out, referring to a period of time (not necessarily 12 months) in which people disengage from curricular education and/or work and undertake activities such as traveling, volunteering or working abroad.

In the field of college applications, a gap-year is a year taken between high school and college. During this gap-year, students engage in extra-academic and non-academic courses, language studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more, all for the purpose of improving themselves and their resumes before going to college.

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A gap year  Many students decide to take a gap year before they

begin university. This can be a productive way to spend a year and is viewed as a positive experience by many universities and employers. However, you must use your year productively in order to show universities and employers that it was worthwhile.


Travel Teach abroad Volunteer to work on a project at home or abroad Work in a paid position to save some money for

university Gain some unpaid work experience Undertake further study or training Get a working holiday visa to work and live abroad

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A gap year 


If you want to take a gap year, make sure you understand your reasons, decide what you want to do and then plan it carefully. Here are some of our top recommended sites to check out when planning your gap.

In Ukraine, the most common occupation in the gap year are traveling. This gives the opportunity to relax, gain strength, to see the world, a fellow with the thoughts and decisions. Although, I believe that it is in Ukraine is not as common as, for example, in the UK.

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A gap year  A gap year is not very popular in Ukraine, but still in use.

What is the future of gap years in Ukraine?

What is the gap year to become? Pre-university gaps, during and post-university gaps, career-gaps (fastest growing gap year market), pre and post-baby gaps, 'stag' and 'hen' gaps, post-wedding gaps, pre-retirement gaps (second fastest growing market) - the list goes on, but do you see the one thing in common? Gap years. One thing's for certain is people love em and they're becoming more and more popular.

From the age of 18, people will now become 'serial gappers' as they head through each life stage, taking a gap year to prepare themselves for the transition ahead. The result will be a change in the mentality of society, away from the 'live to work, work to live' routine of a slow climb up a career ladder to a more exciting life path which simply involves doing what they enjoy in life and achieving that dream.

People will forever want to travel, to experience and to share. After all, life is short. Why waste your time doing things you don't enjoy?!

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A gap year  Top Tips for your Gap Year: Do your research - speak to people who've been there and done

it. Have a search around the site and ask questions. We're here to give you the best possible gap year advice and information, so get stuck in!

Take time to plan and prepare - it can take 9-12 months to plan your gap year and to raise the funds, so make sure you give yourself time to prepare.

Budget, but don't get hung up on saving money at all costs so that you miss out on once-in-a-lifetime opportunities - have a reserve of money to fall back on. A gap year is about enjoying yourself - don't forget you can do that at home too!

Be open-minded - a gap year is all about new experiences. Often you'll find that the word you use most is 'yes'.

Use the time to make contacts - this is an important time to develop networks that could help you in your future career. Get on the messageboards and see if anyone is planning a similar kind of trip as you. Be friendly, get chatting, and start planning your gap year!

Enjoy - oh, and most importantly, enjoy it...

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In the end, I want to say that gap year is gaining in popularity, though not very fast. Generally, it is pretty convenient and necessary, helps to determine the goals, gain experience, a fellow with the thoughts become more confident.

Well, that’s all I have to say.