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Takagi Yoshin Ryu

Jutai Jutsu



You and opponent sit in SEIZA. He steps with right foot and grabs MUNE with right hand. Secure grabbing hand with your left hand (in usual Takagi yoshin ryu way). Step forward with your right foot and strike URA SHUTO to his right KASUMI. Take grabbing hand with your right

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hand (in URA GYAKU grip), stand up, kicking with your right foot to SUIGETSU. Land from the kick backwards while taking him down with URA GYAKU. Secure him using your knees, leaving hands free.


Opponent grabs as before. Secure and URA SHUTO as before. Rock your body back slightly to break his balance, and right kick to his chin. Land from the kick with your knee next to his (his inside), and take him down backwards with pressure on his knee. Shift your feet when he's halfway down in order to change his direction to fall face down.


Opponent grabs MUNE and pushes to take you off balance backwards. Go round with the push (turning anti-clockwise). Step around with the right foot and take him down with URA GYAKU. If you don't have time to do this when pushed go back in the direction pushed, kick and take him over you. (Experiment with this situation).


Try the above techniques from a standing position.


You and opponent sit in SEIZA. He steps in with right foot and punches to SUIGETSU with right fist. Step out to left and block with right hand. Step back in with left leg (with your left knee on the outside of his right knee), grabbing the left side of opponent's gi near his neck with your left hand (palm outwards), and securing his punching hand with your right (palm down). Twist your left hand clockwise to choke with the knuckles of your little finger and ring finger, and take him down backwards (If he is difficult to take down, you can also use your left elbow on his right JUJIRO or bicep). Turn him over onto his face by levering his arm on your shin.

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You sit in SEIZA. Opponent walks up to you and kicks with his right foot to CHUDAN. Step out to left and block with your right hand. Put your left arm under your right arm (over his shin), and twist his leg in URA GYAKU motion while standing up and jumping back onto your left foot, pulling him onto his face. Strike to the back of his calf with right SHUTO.


Opponent sits in SEIZA. You walk towards him and he punches you to CHUDAN. Shift to his outside, taking his fist with your right hand, and his elbow (or the skin of his upper arm) with your left hand. Keep his momentum coming forward with an URA GYAKU movement, pulling him onto his face. Pin him down, supporting his right fist on your right thigh, and kneel on his elbow with your left knee.


Opponent attacks as before. As you try to take him as above, he resists. Right kick to his right KAKU (inside), and pull him down as before.


Opponent attacks as before. This time, as he resists, kick with your left foot to KAKU (outside), causing him to fall onto his back. DO GAESHI.


Opponent grabs right MUNE. Secure hand as always. Step in right, and right URA SHUTO to KASUMI. Take his hand for URA GYAKU, and step back left, pulling your clothes out of his grip and raising his hand. Right kick to KAKU (front), and pull him directly forward (not enabling him to roll). Secure his shoulder.


Opponent grabs as before. URA SHUTO as before. This time he is too strong when you try to release his grip. Take his right shoulder with your right hand, right kick to KAKU (inside), and take him down as before.


As before, but after kicking to KAKU, without landing, kick to his (now lowered) face. Take his right shoulder with your right hand (don't grab), and take hime down as before, pushing right BOSHI KEN under his shoulder blade as he goes down.


Opponent grabs MUNE with left hand and puches with right. Step out left to avoid punch, and right URA SHUTO to UKO. Right kick (toes outwards) to right outside KAKU (or left inside KAKU if that one is forward). Land behind his right leg and take him down O SOTO. Immediately secure his neck with your left knee and twist your hips to strike him in the kidneys with your right knee.

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Opponent grabs and punches as before. Avoid as before. Left arm goes under his right in preparation for GANSEKI. Step across him (using YOKO ARUKI if he has long legs), and take him down with GANSEKI, smashing his head into the floor and not letting him roll.


Opponent grabs both MUNE. Step back right, striking downwards with both SHIKAN KEN to the backs of his hands. Right uppercut type FUDO KEN to ASAGASUMI (without stepping. Using the hips and picking up your right heel). Right kick to KAKU (front), and take him down as as in KATA MUNE DORI.


Opponent grabs as before. Strike his hands and ASAGASUMI as before. Step in and across him (your right), securing. both hands, and applying NIHON ZEOI (Very dangerous. For practice, do not throw him).


Opponent grabs as before. Strike his hands and ASAGAUMI as before. Take his right arm and throw him with GANSEKI (not allowing him to roll).


Walk up behind the opponent as he is walking along. Tap him on the left shoulder with your right hand. At the moment he turns around to the left to see who it is, grab the back of his collar with your right hand, and pull downwards, simultaniously kicking the back of his left ankle with your right foot, taking him down (taking care he can't kick you as he's falling).


Walk up to the opponent as before, and tap him on the left should as before. As he turns to the left, punch to his left YUGASUMI with right FUDO KEN. Take his collar with your right hand and his belt with your left hand. Your right foot goes down to the right (YOKO NAGARE), pulling your left hand to your right (raised) knee (in order to be sure that your knee will strike him into SCHICHIBATSU) as he falls.


Walk up to the opponent as before, and tap him on the shoulder as before. As he stops and turns, jump with both feet onto the backs of his knees, taking him down directly onto his knees with your whole body weight. (VERY DANGEROUS)


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Opponent grabs you from behind in a kind of a full nelson (but without his hands joined). Pull your elbows inwards, to cause him to resist by pulling them back out. As he does, rock backwards and hit him in the face with the back of your head. Take hold of his right with your right hand in an URA GYAKU grip, step out to the right, and strike to his face with the back of your left fist. Bring his arm over your head, and throw him forward with GANSEKI or URA GYAKU.


Opponent attacks as before. Head butt and strike to his face as before. Step with your left foot behind his right foot. Twist to your left, down to your right knee, causing him to fall over your knee.


You and opponent walk towards each other to pass on right. On the timing of his right arm swinging forward, take it and help it foward with your right hand, while left elbow strikes his (now exposed) right BUTSUMETSU. Swing his arm back and downwards while sweeping his right foot with your right foot. (HANETSURUBE feeling).


After you take opponent's right arm, he kicks with his right foot. Take his hand straight down behind him (HANETSURUBE).


Opponent walks up to you and punches with right hook punch to your face. Step in right, simultaneously blocking with your left forearm and punching up to the bottom of his nose with right FUDO KEN (with body twist), knocking his head back. Right kick to left KOE (stamping downwards).


Opponent attacks as before. Block and punch as before. Right URA SHUTO to UKO, then using your body weight, strike to his URA KIMON with your right elbow, knocking him down backwards.


Opponent attacks with two hook punches (right-left). Block first punch with your left (inside). As second punch comes, avoid slightly to the inside, and drop down to your left with YOKO NAGARE (left foot up), throwing the opponent across your body (to your right).


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You stand in SHIZEN NO KAMAE. Opponent punches to JODAN. Avoid to the inside of the punch (90 degrees to the strike) and block with your left. Step in between his legs with your right foot, landing behind his right foot and putting pressure on his right knee, and simultaniously striking with HAPPA KEN to ASAGASUMI, pushing his head back. Increase the pressure on his knee with your knee, and kick his foot forward with your left foot (KO SOTO) taking him down backwards.


Opponent attacks as before. Avoid and block as before. Punch to ASAGASUMI with right fist. Step on his right (forward) foot with your left foot, and kick to his right KAKU (inside) with your right foot in a YOKO ARUKI movement to your left. Continue the YOKO ARUKI movement.


Opponent standing very close, and punches to CHUDAN. Twist your body to the right, sliding to the outside of the punch, taking his hand with your right hand and his elbow wiht your left hand. Twist his arm in a URA GYAKU movement and walk him down to the floor with JIGOKU DORI. When he's face down on the floor, drop your weight, breaking his elbow. At the same time his elbow breaks, left toe kick to BUTSUMETSU.


Opponent sitting in SEIZA. You walk up to him and right kick to SUIGETSU. He steps out left and blocks with his right hand. Sink down your left knee, and take his blocking hand with your right. Lift his hand directly over his head in OMOTE GYAKU, stepping forward on your knees, taking him down directly backwards. Secure him with UDE JIME.


As above, but instead of taking opponent down with OMOTE GYAKU, take him down forwards with O GYAKU.

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Opponent right grab to MUNE and tries to take hold of your right hand with his left. Cover his grabbing hand, and as he attempts to grab your hand, step out to the left, and strike his hand with your right fist. Shift in and punch his face with your right fist. Take his grabbing hand and take him directly down with OMOTE GYAKU.


Opponent grabs both MUNE. Cover his hands as usual. Right shin kick to SUZU, and apply armlock to take him down. (any armlock, ie OMOTE GYAKU, URA GYAKU, MUSHA DORI, ONI KUDAKI, O GYAKU etc.) Secure.


After kicking to SUZU, step in with your left foot, turning around with


Uke grabs the right collar, Tori checks the grab with the left hand. Right step forward and Ura Shuto to Uke’s Kasumi. The left hand comes down to Uke’s right wrist, turn over into Ura Gyaku, move the left hand to the elbow as it passes your face right Sanshin kick to groin, bring the right foot back, and turn anti-clockwise dropping Uke to the ground in a spiral motion.


Uke grabs both Mune. Tori covers Ukes hands as usual and applies right shin kick to Suzu. Then applies an armlock (Omote gyaku, Ura Gyaku, Musha Dori, Oni Kudaki, O Gyaku etc) to take Uke down, and secure.


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Uke strikes from Ichimonji with right Jodan Tsuki, Tori is in Shizen, left Jodan Uke. The left hand stays with the Tsuki, the right hand comes in under Ukes forearm, with simple movement and the palms of the hands placed togher, Ukes arm with bend. Step in with the right foot and place at the rear of Uke’s right foot. Apply pressure to the arm, and drop to the ground.


Uke punches with the right hand. From Shizen no Kamae, Tori steps out to the right and blocks with the left, Tori then shifts to the left and puts the right arm under Ukes punching arm and grips own left wrist in a kind of Oni Kudaki. Tori steps with the right foot between Ukes legs from behind and throws with Seoi.


Uke grabs both Mune, Tori covers with the right hand, Uke does a right Tsuki, Tori moves to the right and blocks with the left hand, simitaneously slides the right hand up under Ukes left arm to the Hoshi Nagare area (underneath). Secure Ukes left hand to the chest with the left hand, and steps between Ukes legs with the right foot while pushing up on the elbow and holding the hand in place (The Densho says Tsuki Agaeru or thrust upwards with the right hand breaking the elbow). Using Koshi Nage, throw Uke forwards.


Both in Fudoza, Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand, go up on the right knee, and punches with right Tsuki. Tori responds by grabbing Ukes arm, leaning back, and using his right knee to apply pressure to the back of Ukes straightened left elbow. Tori rolls to the left and continues pressure with the knee.


Uke steps forward with the right foot and grabs the collar with the right hand. Toris left hand grabs the underneath of Uke hand, and twists it so the palm is on the outside, lifts it to shoulder height. Tori steps in with the right foot and strikes with a flesh grab to just above Butsumetsu. Ukes arm is held high, Tori steps in with the right foot to the rear outside of Ukes right foot, Ashi Barai, at the same time drop the arm, to throw.


Uke does Ryomune dori. Tori steps in with the right foot and grabs with both hands Ukes jacket on the chest, Tori then does Ryote Boshi Ken (keep hold of the jacket), and also does Kikaku Ken. Tori then pivots to the left (anti clockwise) until he is with his back completely to Uke, goes down on the right knee and throws Uke on the shoulder.


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Uke grabs Toris right lapel with the left hand, Tori uses his right hand to apply a Take Ori to Ukes left arm, and punches a Fudo Ken to the ribs with the left hand, Tori pivots to the right while going under Ukes left arm and then grabs Ukes left shoulder with his left hand. Tori then kicks Ukes support leg out throws him.


Uke does a left grab. Tori grabs Ukes left elbow with the right hand from under, and with the left hand from above. Tori steps forward to his right and turns so that he is standing next to Uke (right side to left side during the turn) Tori moves the elbow up and down so that Uke is bending over forwards. Tori then turns to the left and goes down on the right knee, putting Ukes elbow over his right shoulder, and throws Uke, onto his back.


Don't throw during practice because it is very dangerous.

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Uke and Tori stand in a kind of Kumi Uchi but with the left hand holding the belt on the back and the right on the belt at the front. Tori does a right Tsuki to Ukes face, and drops down to the ground, before Ukes fee, on his right side, this will pull Uke down and over, and next to Tori. Uke will fall on his back.


Uke and Tori stand in a kind of Kumi Uchi but with the left hand holding the belt and the right on the left lapel. Uke now pulls and does three steps back with the left foot. Tori does three steps (right foot in front), and the third time he slides his left foot between Ukes legs. Puts the right foot into Ukes hip and does Tomoe Nage.


Ukes does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Ukes belt with the left hand and left shoulder with the right hand. Tori steps back with his left foot and pushes Uke back and steps back in with his left foot. Uke does a right step back, Tori now falls to his back left leg between Ukes legs and does Tomoe Nage.


Uke stands behind Tori and grabbs the jacket at the collar with the right hand. Tori grabs the hand with his right hand turns to his left and strikes with left Shikan Ken to Ukes face. Uke now pulls and takes three steps back with the left foot. Tori follows three steps sideways, at the third step steps further in to his left, takes the grabbing hand over with his left hand and strikes with a right Shikan Ken to Suigetsu, Tori now pulls Ukes right (left) shoulder drops back and does Tomoe Nage.


Uke and Tori are standing in Kumi Uchi but Tori has his left hand on Ukes belt. Uke comes in and tries to do Koshi Nage (right hip). Tori puts his right foot between Ukes legs and strikes with a right Shikan Ken to Suigetsu. Tori grabs Uke’s belt at the back with the left hand and does Yoko Tomoe Nage. He drops down left leg between Uke legs, right against Ukes left hip. And throws him sideways.


Uke does Ryomune Dori, Tori grabs both Uke’s shoulders from above and does a left Yoko Nagare, Uke lands on his back next to Tori.


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Uke does Ryote mune Dori. Tori does Hon Jime (over Ukes arms), drops back and does Tomoe Nage.


Uke grabs Tori and applies a double hand choke to the sides of the neck, Tori responds by dropping his hips while stepping back with the left foot and pushing up on th underside of Ukes elbow. Tori suddenly pivots to the right and kneels on the right knee, while pulling down on Ukes left elbow, and pushing up on the right, to flip Uke onto their back. All this in one movement.



Uke grabs Tori’s collars with both hands. Tori grabs one shoulder and the opposite ribs area, unbalance Uke by pulling on the side and pushing the shoulder, put one foot up into Ukes stomach area and perform Tomoe Nage.



Uke steps forward with right Jodan Tsuki. Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae, Tori shifts 45 degrees back to the left while applying a right Jodan Uke to the outside of Uke’s right arm. Uke then executes a right heel kick and Tori counters by pulling Ukes right wrist down to interfere with the kick and Tori follows with a right Keri Kaeshi to the outside of Ukes right leg. Take Ukes right hand down while doing this movement. Tori then applies a left Shikan Ken to the right ribs, lifts Ukes right arm and steps under with a clockwise body pivot, and then applies an exagerated Omote Gyaku to pull Uke to the ground, or throw him on his back with a flip.





Uke grabs pressure points in the neck with both hands. Tori attempts omote gyaku. Uke counters by stepping to the opposite side of the omote gyaku. Uke strikes Tori in neck to unbalance him. Uke drops onto one knee (the same side as omote gyaku). The body weight will bring down Tori.



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Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori takes a left step back to unbalance Uke and kicks with his right foot to Uke's right knee. Tori then comes in for a right Koshi nage, but instead of the throw, he kicks Uke's left leg out with his right (uchi mata).


Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori executes a left boshi ken to Uke's right uko to push him off balance (take a right step out). Tori then comes back in with his right leg and pushes Uke's left elbow straight up with his right hand (to put him out of balance) and Tori the executes a koshi nage in the same direction as he was walking. Uke falls onto his back.


Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori applies an omote gyaku with his left hand to Uke's right hand and at the same time executes a right boshi ken to Uke's neck. Tori then puts his right arm over Uke's right hand (arm) (like in ura onidudaki) and grabs his own jacket. Tori then goes on with the omote gyaku and Uke falls on his back. Tori falls down with his back on Uke and uses koho kaiten to break the arm. The hand is still in omote gyaku with Tori's right arm over the arm.


Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori steps back with his right foot to put Uke off balance, and comes back in and applies musha dori to Uke's left arm. Tori clasps his hands together and drops back down to his right knee. Uke will fall onto his back.


Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori checks Uke's right hand with his left hand and takes it in omote gyaku (steps back with his left foot). Tori then exectues a right boshi ken to Uke's left uko and grabs him there by the shoulder. Tori steps with his right leg behind Uke's right leg and throws with osoto gake (pull with omote gyaku and shoulder). Uke will fall onto his back.

RYOTE KATE (2 Hand Trap)

Uke grabs Tori and applies a double hand choke to the sides of the neck. Tori responds by dropping his hips while stepping back with his left foot and pushing up on the underside of Uke's elbow. Tori then suddenly pivots to the right and kneels on the right knee while pulling down on Uke's left elbow and pushing up on the right, to flip Uke onto his back, everything in one movement.

Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori steps back to the side with his right foot and lets his right hand slide until it is on the left wrist of Uke (on top of wrist, from the inside). This is not a grab, just a control of the arm. With his left hand Tori grabs the underside of Uke's left elbow and pulls it down while he is pushing up against the wrist with his right wrist (Tori has his wrist bent) and steps beside Uke (right side to left). Tori takes the hand in omote taki ori with his right hand and grabs the left shoulder with his left hand (between Uke's bent arm). Tori now pushes Uke's elbow

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up with his left elbow to put him off balance and drops down to his right knee. Uke falls onto his back. Tori puts Uke's hand in take ori on the ground and push his elbow.


Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori steps back and to the right with his right foot and applies musha dori to Uke's left arm. Tori is now standing next to Uke. Tori exectues a left boshi ken to Uke's throat, then he clasps his hands together and drops down to his right knee. Uke falls onto his back.


Tori and Uke stand in kumi uchi. Tori steps back and to the side with his left foot applies Muso Dorii to Uke's right arm. Tori then steps back in with his left foot and grabs Uke's right shoulder with his right hand and steps back and down to the right dragging Uke onto his stomach. Tori now drops down with him on his back. The arm is still locked, and he execute a koho kaiten to break the arm.


Uke and Tori stand in kumi uchi. Tori steps back with his left foot and applies a muso dori to Uke's right arm. He also steps back with his right foot and goes to stand like in ganseki nage, instead of doing ganseki, Tori steps back in with his right leg and puts it behind Uke's right leg. At the same time he slams his right forearm into Uke's throat. The right arm of Uke's is gripped under Tori's throat. Tori is now standing behind Uke with his right foot and executes koshi nage. Uke falls on his back.


Uke grabs ryo muna dori. Tori takes Uke in hon jime and takes a right step forward. Uke takes a left step back. Tori now takes a left step forward. Uke steps back with his right. Tori executes a right kick to Uke's knee and puts his foot up against Uke's left hip (from the kick). Tori lets himself fall backwards to the ground and applies a tomoe nage throw.


Uke grabs with his right hand and attacks with a left tsuki. Tori checks the hand with the left hand and steps back and to the left and execute a right jodan Uke. Tori takes Uke's right hand in omote gyaku and pivots in a clockwise manner and puts the arm onto his shoulder (still in omote gyaku). Tori now drops to his left knee and executes a gyaku seoi nage. Uke fall onto his back.

(Another way do this is when Uke punches, go immediately (pivot) in instead of blocking so that he punches his own right arm, and drop to knee to throw).


Uke grabs Tori : right hand takes the belt on Tori's left side, left hand takes the lapel. Tori takes his left arm under Uke's right arm (at the elbow) and grabs the lapel. This is an elbow lock (keep Uke's

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hand pressed against the body and push the elbow up). Tori passes his right hand under Uke's arm and grabs the other lapel. Tori now pivots to his left until he is completely with his back to Uke, and drops to his right knee and applies seoi nage.


Uke grabs ryo muna dori. Tori takes a left step forward (next to Uke) and grabs with both hands under each armpit of Uke, first a stabbing boshi ken then a grab. Tori now takes a right step forward (turn Uke a bit) so that he is almost behind Uke (back to back) and executes a koshi nage. Uke lands on his back.

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Tori crosses his wrists and grabs Ukes right lapel with the right hand and left collar with the left hand. Toris palms face Ukes body, and the thumbs are inside Ukes collars. To apply the choke Tori applies a scissor action, twisting the knuckles down into the side of Ukes neck.


Tori grabs Uke as in Hon Jime, but with the palms facing out and the fingers insides Ukes lapels. To apply the choke, Tori applies a scissor action, twisting his knuckles up into the sides of Ukes neck.


When Uke does a right arm grab, Tori then does Ura Oni Kudaki, and goes down with Uke, and falls on Ukes arm to break it.


Uke grabs Toris left lapel, Tori places left hand under Toris on the lapel, and steps back with the left leg, then steps forward with the left to the outside of Uke. The right leg follows to the rear of the left, the body weight is dropped, use the forearm and elbow to lever Ukes arm up. Place the right hand on Ukes shoulder by placing to the outside of Ukes right arm. Move behind Uke placing the left hand on the left shoulder. Grab the flesh either side of the neck/shoulder, grip and pull back. Place the head in the back of Uke’s neck to help with Jime.


Push Uke to the ground and roll over the head to break neck.


Tori grabs Ukes lapels with both hands, the right to the left the left to the right, with the palms down, Tori then pulls forward while pushing back and inward with the tips or extended middle knuckles of this thumbs, on both sides of the neck.


Tori grabs Uke with both hands on the shoulders, and pushes with boshi ken just above the collar bone, in a downward forward motion, on both sides of the neck.


Tori grabs Ukes left Mune, with the right hand and the right Mune with the left hand (the grab is high in the neck) Tori then pushes with the thumbs in the neck in a backward/upward motion.


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Tori grabs lapels with the right hand and walks around Uke to the left, so that the forearm is in front of Ukes throat. Tori is now standing behind Uke. With the left hand Tori grabs his own right elbow, and with his right his left elbow, so that the left forearm is pushing against Ukes neck, Tori then pushes with the left and pulls with the right arm, Tori can also use the head for more pressure.

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Uke grabs Toris lapel with the right hand and the right sleeve with the left hand. Tori steps in to apply a Muso Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori then pivots to his right while applying elbow breaking pressure to Ukes left arm, and uses the gack of his left heel to kick back into the fact of Ukes leg. As Uke's leg is knocked out, Tori pushes down on Ukes left arm forcing him to a sitting position or breaking the arm.




Uke does right Jodan Tsuki, Tori does left Jodan Uke, Uke does left Jodan Tsuki, Tori does right Jodan Uke. Uke does a right Zenpo Geri, Tori does left Gedan Uke, Tori grabs the left wrist with the right hand and the right shoulder with the left hand. Tori then kicks with the right heel to Ukes left thigh, then Tori places left foot in Ukes right knee and applies Uchi Mata Uchi Gake.


Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand, Tori holds the underneath with the left hand. The fingers encircle the hand. Using strength the hand is pulled away, with a sudden and instant move with a Kiai step forward with the right foot, right Taisho Ken to Uko.





Uke does right Jodan Tsuki, Tori shifts 45 degrees to the right, Uke then does a right Zenpo Keri, Tori shifts back to the left 45 degrees and does Chudan Uke to the outside of the knee. Uke follows with a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori shifts more back and to the left and grabs the right wrist with the right hand. Tori reaches over the arm with the left hand and grabs the collar, but Uke removes hand, in turn Tori grabs Ukes left hand with the left hand, Tori then moves his left shoulder under Ukes right arm and does Seoinage.


Uke grabs Toris right collar with the left hand, and does right Jodan Tskuki, Tori responds by checking the grab with the right hand and does left Jodan Uke, Uke does right Keri and tori responds with left Gedan Uke. Tori then grabs the right shoulder with the left hand or Boshi ken to Uko ("door of rain" rear to the Jaw bone). Press with the thumb, pull with the hand and drop to the right knee in a circular motion. Uke will fall to the ground.

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Uke grabs right collar with the left hand, and does right Jodan Tsuki, Tori checks grab and does Jodan Uke. Uke does right Keri and Tori responds with Gedan Uke. Tori changes hand grab from the right hand to left hand to apply Ura Oni Kudaki on the left arm. Tori kicks with a right heel strike to back of Ukes left thigh, and then steps back on the right knee.



Both in fudoza. Uke grabs the left lapel with his right hand and attemps a punch. Tori covers the uke's right hand with his left hand and executes a right ura shuto to the uke's face before the punch extended while rising up on the left leg first then take omote gyaku twisting anti clockwise and lock up when uke is grounded.


Both in fudo za. Uke grabs the left lapel with his right hand and attemps a punch. Tori covers the uke's right hand with his left hand and executes a right ura shuto to the uke's face before the punch extended then take your right hand back and take ura gyaku as you rise. Lock up on the ground by kneeling on uke's arm.

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Both in fodoza. Uke executes a right stomach punch. Tori responds with a right gedan uke then grabs uke's right hand at the wrist with his right hand as you are riesing on the outside of the uke's arm you strike with a left ura shuto to the face then place your left hand on the outside of the uke's elbow and circle in a clockwise direction to bring uke down.


Both in fudoza. Uke executes a right jodan tsuki. Tori responds by dropping to the right using his right hand as a third leg, and grabs the inside of uke's right wrist with his left hand then as you rise off your right hand you strike with a right shako ken to the face and sweep the leg with your right leg to take him down.


Tori is in fudoza uke is in shizen. Uke executes a right zenpo keri Tori moves to the left and executes a right gedan uke whilst grabbing the foot and twisting it inwards then change hands and strike downwards on the calf with an omote shuto then fold the leg into his rear end as you fold them you tuck your right leg round his legs and then lean forward to create pain.


Tori is in fudoza Uke is in shizen. Uke executes a right zenpo keri tori moves to the left and executes a right gedan uke to the outside of Uke's leg, Uke responds with a right punch tori executes a left jodan uke as tori rises he brings the uke's right arm down then circles anti clockwise bringing the uke's leg over the top of uke's arm and punch to the face.


Both in ichimonji. Uke uses a right jodan tsuki tori responds with a right ohsoto jodan uke then grabs hold of the outside of the uke's right wrist and kicks to the uke's butsumetsu with his right leg then push down on the uke's right elbow with the left hand whilst stepping back out of the kick.


Uke grabs the right lapel with the left hand and executes a right jodan tsuki. Tori responds by covering uke's left hand with his right hand while moving forward 45 degrees to the right and striking with a left ura shuto to the kasumi then taking an ura gyaku and executing a left kick to the solar plexus.


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Uke grabs both lapels. Tori responds with a double fudo ken to the back of uke's hands then striking a left shako ken to the face while taking an omote gyaku or taki ori on uke's left hand then twist clockwise to take down.


As uke walks in front of you, you make a grab for the legs (lower part) as uke turns to see what is happening you then take (left arm in front) hold of the uke's leg and pull them away using a yokonagare type movement so that you end up laying on his knees then pull the legs up to lock the legs and you can strike with a backfist if so desired.


As uke walks in front of you you creep up and execute a double happa ken to the ears then strike with (fudo, happa, boshi, shuto) to the back.


Uke walks up behind you and attemps a full nelson, tori responds by dropping his weight and bringing his elbow inwards then peel off both arms and take ganseki nage on one of the arms.


Uke walks towards you tori takes hold of uke's right hand with his right hand and executes seoi nage as you step under the arm backfist to the face then throw.


Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with right jodan tsuki, tori responds with a left jodan uke then steps in and executes a right shako ken to the face with a tsuki motion.


Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki tori responds with a left jodan uke taking hold of uke's right arm then steps in and executes a right shako ken to the face then take your right arm over the uke's right arm and grab your own wrist to lock the elbow then step behind and ohsoto nage retaining the arm.


Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki tori responds by executing a right ohsoto jodan uke grabbing the wrist and pulling uke through as you go into migi ihen no kamae.


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Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki, tori responds with a right ohsoto jodan uke and grabs the wrist at the same time as stepping and striking with a left shako ken to the uke's right elbow then twist clockwise making sure that your left leg is behind uke's right knee.


Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki, tori responds with a right ohsoto jodan uke and takes hold of uke's wrist then grabs then traps with the right hand and kicks to the uke's throat then steps back and drags uke down.


Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki, tori responds with a right ohsoto jodan uke and grabs the wrist and steps in and takes his left arm over the top of uke's arm and grabs his own wrist to bar the uke's elbow then drop to the left knee to throw uke back.


Both in ichimonji. Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki, tori responds with a right ohsoto jodan uke and grabs the wrist and steps in and grabs the back of uke's elbow with his left hand and twist clockwise to throw uke face down then put your right knee into the back of uke's right elbow and strangle uke with the left hand by grabbing uke's right lapel and pulling the lapel across his throat keeping your left knee on his spine as you strangle.

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DEFF Kukishinden ryu hira ichimnoji no kamaeATT Katana Daijodan no kamaeATT Steps forward with the right foot and cuts verticallyDEFF The right foot moves to the rear turning the body clockwise to avoid the cut. The left hand goes on top of ATT right hand right fudo ken to ATT right hand (do not move the feet). Step forward with the right foot and right Fudo ken to the right bicep. ATT drops the katana. DEFF left hand takes ATT right wrist, and the right hand takes the right shoulder, the right hand then drops to ATT right wrist. Now facing ATT turn clockwise dropping ATT to the ground. Finish on ATT right side with the right knee in ATT arm pit and an armlock.


Start the same as in Ken jiya dori.When ATT steps forward and cuts, DEFF steps slightly forward with the right foot and drops the body weight low. Right Fudo ken to the stomach. Jump back as far as possible finish in a low Ichimonji.


DEFF Right Ichimonji no kamaeATT DaijodanATT Steps forward with the right foot and cuts downDEFF Steps forward to the left and drops the right knee to the ground. Both hands come up to ATT wrists. DEFF stands up pushing ATT hands into the air and the Katana back. DEFF turns to the left keeping the sword in the air. Turn clockwise the right hand comes down to the sword handle, the DEFF should now have his back to ATT chest, the arms are over the left shoulder and throw. As ATT lands the sword is released from his hand, turn the blade and cut ATT.


DEFF Soshin no KamaeATT DaijodanATT Steps forward with the right foot and cuts downDEFF Step forward with the right foot and go under the cut, block the cut with the hands, pushing both of the elbows back to put him off balance. Then a right Shikan Ken to the solar plexus, again take hold of both elbows and pivot to his left, so that you have your back to Uke, drop on the right knee and Seoinage.

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DEFF Right Ichimoniji no kamae leaning forwardATT DaijodanDEFF As Att steps forward and cuts DEFF steps to the left, the right hand then comes up and down with Shuto to the right elbow. Right rising kick to ATT arms. As the foot lands on the ground in one movement a right Fudo ken to the face. Lean forward when striking.


DEFF Has his back to ToriATT Daijodan no Kamae, vertical cutDEFF As the cut comes in Tori steps to the left, comes back and grabs Ukes arm under the elbow (between the arm and the body. With the right hand grab Ukes right hand, grab the left with the left. With the left apply Omote Take Ori, and Omote Gyaku to the right with the right, turn to the right. During the turn give a right Shuki ken to the face. Keep turning until you are standing with your front to Uke. Right kick to Sutsumetsu.


ATT Daijodan, Cut and Migi TsukiDEFF Shizen, steps back with the first cut and Soto Sabaki (left foot in front) with the tsuki for the tsuki. Put your right hand on Ukes right hand and a left Fudo ken to the left elbow (under the right arm). Ukes left arm is now away. Tori has Ukes right hand in Omote Gyaku. Lift it up and step under it with Yoko Aruki. Keep the Omote Gyaku and make a full clockwise circle. Uke falls back.


Be totally aware of the sword at all times in this technique.

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KOMEKAMI : Temporal Lobes

MIMI : Ears


HICHU : Base of the throat

KYOEI : Area below the armpits

DANCHU : Sternum

GANCHU : Area below the nipples

SUIGETSU : Solar Plexus


SOTOJAKUZAWA : Outside of the forearm

KINTEKI : Testicles

YAKO : Inner thigh


KOKOTSU : Shin bone

KORI : Instep

DOKKO : Sterno mastoid process

SHOFU : Side of the neck

KEISHU : Nape of the neck

SODA : Area between the shoulder blades

WANSHU : Back of the armHIJIZUME : Elbow joint

BITEI : Base of the spine

KOTE : Wrist

SHUKO : Back of the hand

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FUKUTO : Side of the lower thigh

SOBI : Back of the calf

AKIRESUKEN : Achilles tendon

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According to the DAI NIHON BUGAI RYU HA, the techniques and ideas that would evolve into TAKAGI - RYU were organised by a man known as Sounryu in the year 1569. Sounryu lived in Rikuzen - Funagawa near Sanroku mountain. Not much is known about Sounryu, but there is reason to believe that he may have been a wandering Taoist sage. In the beginning, the ryu contained the techniques of taijutsu, bojutsu and shuriken jutsu. This may be a more symbolic historical notation than an accurate description as it is widely accepted by japanese martial scholars that man's first fighting arts consisted of unarmed tactics, fighting with sticks of various lengths and hurling stones. It should be noted that the original Shaolin temple taught a fighting art that was famed for its use of the very same elements.

The techinques of the system passed through a couple of generations where it finally came to be headed by Oriemon Shigenobu Takagi. Takagi is considered the founder of the actual system, thus the ryu still carries his name.

Oriemom did much to put Takagi - ryu on the map. He successfullly concluded a number of practice matches with the Yagyu - ryu (who, at the time (ca. 1600), were the instructors to the Shogun, ie the Tokugawa family). In addition, Oriemon further refined the system.

Later he passed the leadership of the ryu to Umannosuke Shigetada Takagi. Umannosuke took the development of the ryu even further by adding elements of the Takauchi style of Jujutsu and the Zen school of thought that he was exposed to while training with the monk Gudo - Washo of the Chuzan temple. By the end of his life, Umannosuke had travelled and taught widely, thus the Takagi - ryu came to be passed down to the present day in a number of forms. The form practiced within the Bujinkan style of Ninjutsu stems from the teachings of one Yagi Jigero Hisayashi who founded the Takagi Yoshin ryu four generations ago.

The actual structure of the Takagi Yoshin - ryu is of interest. It should be noted that one of the trademarks of Jutaijutsu (as opposed to Judo or Aikido) is that the techinques are delivered in such a way as to make the opponents receiving skills (breakfalls, rolls, etc) very difficult for him to execute. This is important because many of Takagi - ryu's techniques go back to a time when armour was worn and standard punches and kicks did not have much effect on their recipients.

The curriculum of Takagi Yoshin - ryu jutaijutsu has a number of levels. Such basic skills as breakfalls, blocks, counter strikes and hold releases are covered in the Kihon Waza (basic techniques). After the Kihon, there are another six major areas of concentration. These are Shoden no gata, Chuden no sabaki gata, Chuden no tai gata, Okuden no gata, Eri shime gata and Moguri gata.There is an additional set of techniques specifically designed for dealing with weapons while unarmed and a number of techniques with which to counter all of the techniques in the sections named above. Each of these sections of the Takagi - ryu's curriculum has a number of lessons to offer the marital artist and just learning the basic forms of each technique is really only the beginning.

A number of techniques within the system are worthy of note as they are stand - outs in terms of combative application. Various ways of taking an opponent down using surprise attacks (kicking his legs out from under him), using various pain hold and chokes (itami jime) to simple grabbing attacks combined with nerve strikes and throws (iki chigae) in some techniques, the idea of a quick

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drop to the ground to throw an opponent or counter a throw is employed. Often these throws are executed by dropping to one knee and dragging the opponent down with the weight of ones own body. Of course, Takagi Yoshin - ryu is far too complex to cover in a simple article, however, this introduction to the ryu's history and techniques may spur further interest in an art which has influenced the fighting style of many a Ninjutsu practitoner.