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Taiwan Teacher Professional Development Series:


July 20, 2010

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As a result of this discussion, students will be able to: Discuss Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions, Look at MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES and

LEARNING STYLES Make emergent connections and applications of the

model to the foreign/second language learner with

implications for the classroom.


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Who is Geert Hofstede?

IBM work in countries around the world

Thousands of work related studies conducted

Made connection to potential impact on classroom setting

Work also carried on by son

“Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are often a disaster."     

Prof. Geert Hofstede, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University. 

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Five Identified Areas of Cultural Distance

Power Distance◦ Approach to authority is vertical (high) or horizontal

(low) Uncertainty Avoidance (Clarity)

◦ High need for certainty or a low need for certainty Individualism

◦ Need for individual high (individual) or low (group orientation)

Competition/Cooperation◦ High (competitive) or low (cooperation oriented)

Long Term Outlook◦ LTO Values vs. Short term Outlook (respect for


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Line 1 - a one word noun that is the opposite of the bottom noun in Line 7 

Line 2 - 2 adjectives that describe the top noun  

Line 3 - 3 verbs that the top noun does 

Line 4 - 4 nouns that the top noun and the bottom noun both have  

Line 5 - 3 verbs that the bottom noun does 

Line 6 - 2 adjectives that describe the bottom noun 

Line 7 - a one word noun that is the opposite of the top noun in Line 1

Write a Diamond Poem

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TV  Boring, Predictable  

Sells, Preaches, Teaches  Words, Pictures, Sounds, Action

Entertains,  Thrills, KillsThoughtful,  Meaningful


Sample 1

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Bilingualismindigenous, international

conflicting, interacting, coexistingas an answer to lingua franca ---

spreading, homogenizing, eliminatingprominent, dominant


Sample 2

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MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Theory developed and expanded by Howard

Gardner in the mid 1980s that helps explain how learners approach learning

According to Gardner, an “intelligence” is a set of brain functions that can be developed and expanded

Each of the 8 “intelligences” consists of skills that help individuals access and learn material and solve problems or difficulties

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Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence Logical/Mathematical Intelligence Visual/Spatial Intelligence Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence Interpersonal/Social Intelligence Intrapersonal/Introspective Intelligence Naturalist Intelligence (Spiritualist/Existentialist Intelligence - in


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A Closer Look A closer examination of

the use of the multiple intelligences in our lesson planning, coupled with an understanding of varied learning styles, can enable classroom teachers to understand how a learner might more easily grasp and acquire a new concept if it is presented in a format that he/she can access.

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Verbal /Linguistic Intelligence

The “Word Player” Intelligence related to words and

language Enjoys reading, writing, telling stories Learns best by seeing and saying In class, provide:

◦ language-based materials, books, journal activities, diaries, word games, listening activities, story-telling activities

◦ lectures, books on tape and discussions

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Logical/Mathematical Intelligence The “Questioner”

Deals with inductive and deductive thinking/reasoning, numbers, recognition of abstract patterns

Enjoys experiments, working w/numbers, calculating, exploring patterns, sequential thought activities

Learns best by thinking & reasoning In class, provide:

◦ brainteasers, number games, critical thinking activities, manipulatives, equipment, problems

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Visual/Spatial Intelligence The “Visualizer”

Relies on sense of sight and visualizing an object; can create internal mental images/pictures

Enjoys drawing, designing, creating, visuals Learns best by thinking in images and pictures,

colors in presentations Loves mazes and puzzles, imagining and creating

things In class, provide:

◦ art activities, visual presentations, mind-mapping, video, graphs, maps, posters, charts

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Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence The “Mover”

Related to physical movement Enjoys active learning, jumping, talking, moving

about the classroom Learns best by interaction with space, tactile

activities and touch, movement Excels in sports, dance, physical movement In class,provide:

◦ TPR, gross motor & whole body activities, physical games, tactile experiences, hands-on learning, interviews

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Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence The “Music Lover” Recognizes tonal patterns & has a

sensitivity to rhythm and beats Enjoys singing, tapping feet/hands to

rhythm, listening to/engaging with music Excels in picking up sounds (accent) and

melodies, singing In class, provide:

◦ music in the classroom, ways to incorporate rhythm & melody, rapping, songs, instruments

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Interpersonal/Social Intelligence The “Socializer”

Operates primarily through person-to-person relationships & communication

Enjoys lots of friends, talking, group work, organizing, partying, relating

Learns best by cooperative learning, collaborative projects, relating

In class, provide:◦ board games, peer tutoring, simulations,

social role plays, group projects, interactive activities

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The “Individual” and “the Quiet One” Relates to inner states of being, self-

reflection, introspection Enjoys working alone, setting goals,

meditating, dreaming, planning, being quiet Learns best by working alone, individual

projects, self-paced instruction, “own” ideas In class, provide:

◦ independent study & projects, options, self-checking materials, journals, diaries, quiet time

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Naturalist Intelligence The “Nature Lover” Taps into interest in nature and ability to

classify plants, minerals, animals Enjoys the out of doors, all natural

artifacts, environmental issues & science Learns best by working with natural

plants/animals in any setting In class, provide:

◦ discovery-based activities, natural topics

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Spiritualist/Existentialist The “Thinker” Related to the individual who feels the

intangible & abstract, philosophical realm Enjoys meditating, helping others spiritually Learns best by having time to think, relate

to self, journal writing, reading philosophy In class, provide:

◦ journals, diaries, individualized learning, analysis

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Connecting MI and Learning Styles is Important

MI Theory helps to explain how learners approach their learning

AND Learning Styles research provides

to teachers and students insight into the ways in which they

approach teaching and learning

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LEARNING STYLES Research shows that effective learners

use specific strategies to enhance their learning retention and application of the knowledge. Students can be taught to use these strategies to become more able learners and to develop a sense of control over their own learning.

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Implications for the Classroom Potential mismatch between a teacher’s

learning style, strongest intelligences and those of her students

Assess students’ learning styles and your own. Use this information to inform teaching and assessment practices and to help understand classroom dynamics

Be willing to change your teaching behavior and strategies - provide multiple opportunities for learning and assessing

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Implications for the Classroom

Help students become aware of their own MI and learning styles and to acquire knowledge about how they can use this information to help them learn and to aid in group dynamics.

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Implications for the Classroom There are positive results with working

with learners of the same MI or learning style, as well as with different ones.

Help students change, too - use their knowledge to move beyond their current comfort zone and to be flexible. These are important transferable skills!

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So, in conclusion . . . . . .•EXAMINE




LEARNING STYLES RESEARCHin your lesson plan???