Download - Taitz Report 01.26.2014 Judge Wingate is Seeking a Criminal Investigation of Person or People Who Posted Defamatory Statements


Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2013

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.

Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.

Mail donations to:

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy,

Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

92688. Contact Dr. Taitz at

[email protected]. In case of emergency, call


When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth

becomes a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. --

Mahatma Gandhi

Judicial Council of the 3rd Circuit is investigating a complaint regarding a cover up by the court of the major/egragious falsification of records by the court reporter in my case. 14 pages, the whole cross examination, was removed. Judges covered it up. The Judicial council of the 3rd circuit is reviewing a request to transfer the complaint to Chief Justice Roberts to reassignement to another circuit due to inherent conflict of interest Posted on | January 26, 2014 | No Comments

Thomas Hill 1 approved

Submitted on 2014/01/26 at 4:23 am

God Bless you Orly! Someday the truth will come out because of your patriotism, love for our country and your unwaivering dedication in exposing this con-artist of all con-artists. His whole life has been one con job after another and the democrats and the haughty brain dead pundits cheered and roared!

Press release: Attorney Taitz submits to Bill O’Reilly of FOX news requested questions for Obama interview

Category: Uncategorized

USDC Judge Henry Wingate, who is presiding over the RICO case, dealing with Obama”s use of fabricated ID’s and a stolen SSN, is consulting with the U.S. attorney and asking U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of MS to open a criminal case against an individual who made a defamatory statement about the judge and about Attorney Orly Taitz. The statement is below. additionally, he intends to serve the Internet provider with the subpoena, issued directly by the court, ordering the provider to release the identity and address of the person, who made this comment. Posted on | January 22, 2014 | 26 Comments

Press Release

Law office of Orly Taitz

USDC Judge Henry Wingate, who is presiding over the RICO case, dealing with Obama”s use of fabricated ID’s and a stolen SSN, is consulting with the U.S. attorney and asking U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of MS to open a criminal case against an individual who made a defamatory statement about the judge and about Attorney Orly Taitz. The statement is below. additionally, he intends to serve the Internet provider with the subpoena, issued directly by the court, ordering the provider to release the identity and address of the person, who made this comment.

The case before Judge Wingate was filed originally in the state court in MS and later transferred to the Federal court. It was filed before the 2012 primary. From July of 2013 Obama operatives were taunting Orly Taitz, claiming that they are talking to someone in court of judge Wingate

and claiming that they already have the decision by the judge and claimed that the judge already ruled in favor of the defense. Comment below is from someone, who attended to intimidate attorney Taitz and claimed that the judge is talking to him and that the judge will rule for Obama, but he is” making the b*tch squirm a little first”. The judge of course, stated that there was never such a conversation and he wants a criminal investigation and prosecution of the person making this statement.

Attorney Taitz is trying to find other similar statements in order to forward them to the court and the US Attorney. Taitz is asking the people, who followed her blog, to forward to her to [email protected] all of these statements that they can find on her blog, particularly starting from July of 2013. She will search for the corresponding IP addresses in the control panel and hopefully the individuals that are involved in defamation of the judge and harassment and intimidation of Taitz, will be ID-ed and prosecuted.

More information is on the web site of Attorney Orly Taitz: or

Virgil E. Byrd

Submitted on 2014/01/20 at 6:02 am

I spoke at some length to Henry at our once-a-year Yale Club (he was class of ’72 and I was ’70) get together in mid-December at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson about you and your shenanigans.

I advised him to throw the book at you. He laughed and told me I have nothing to worry about as “everything is proceeding on schedule. She won’t get away scot-free.” He added, “We’re making the b*tch squirm a little first.”

Press release: requested response was provided to Judge Wingate in MS on July 20 2013. Response was requested via e-mail from chambers and was not docketed 26View Post

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Press release: Notice of additional material facts was filed in USDC for Southern District of MS Posted on | January 21, 2014 | 15 Comments

Press release: Notice of additional material facts was filed in USDC for Southern District of MS, see PDF file attached.

Category: Uncategorized

Snowden states that NSA is engaged in economic spying Posted on | January 26, 2014 | No Comments

Snowden is saying what we knew all along, that NSA and the regime are using spying for economic reasons.

This is the reason, why it is time to end the NSA spying. Hundreds of decent, law abiding Americans reported to me that they lost income, livelihood, jobs and believe that there is a connection to their political views. We are seeing how prosecution is targeting conservatives: Anti-Obama journalist and film maker Dinesh D’Souza, Governor of VA Mcdonald. Do you believe the information was not obtained using spying by federal agencies which had no legal right to spy on Americans? Think again. NSA, DOJ, DHS, IRS, EPA, FBI are acting like Soviet KGB or German Gestapo: targeting dissidents and political opponents of the regime. We have to fight it before it is too late


Claims NSA uses data it collects — for economic purposes…

Category: Uncategorized

19 year old student from Russia was caught in PA with a bomb. Based on the last name and face features he might be from Chechnya region Posted on | January 25, 2014 | 2 Comments

Search Results

News for vladislav miftakhov bomb

WJAC Johnstown

1. Russian national arrested in Altoona for possessing suspected bomb

Tribune-Review ‎- 5 hours ago

Mug shot of Vladislav V. Miftakhov, 19, of Altoona, who is accused of assembling a bomb inside his Altoona apartment. He was arrested Friday, …

I looked at Rambler, which is a Russian version of the Drudge report. They are saying that bail for Miftakhov was set at $500,000. what I I am questioning, is why did they set bail at all for someone who was caught with a bomb and bomb making equipment. why didn’t the judge rule “no bail”. The boy is a recent exchange student, high flight risk. It makes no sense at all unless CIA knows about this young man and was planning to use him somewhere else, such as Syria or Libya.

On the other note, Russian media does not seem to give much importance to the matter. On top of the article on this bomb-maker they posted an article about an oligarch in Hong Kong who promises 2 billion dollars to a man who would manage to marry the oligarch’s lesbian daughter. Go figure!


Гонконгский олигарх обещает два миллиарда долларов любому молодому человеку, который сможет жениться на его дочери-лесбиянке

Девушка уже отказала 22 тысячам претендентов.


В США задержан 19-летний россиянин, собравший бомбу по инструкции из интернета

Ему уже предъявлены обвинения.

Гонконгский олигарх обещает два миллиарда долларов любому молодому человеку, который сможет жениться на его дочери-лесбиянке

Гонконгский олигарх Сесил Чао, занимающийся торговлей недвижимостью, объявил, что отдаст 2 млрд долларов тому молодому человеку, которому удастся уговорить его дочь-лесбиянку выйти за него замуж. Как передает Russia Today, первоначальная сумма «приданного» была более скромной, однако после того как его дочь, 33-летняя Джиги Чао, отказала 22 тыс. претендентов, миллиардер повысил ставки.

Сообщается, что предприниматель собирался передать свою компанию девушке. Однако если она так и не выйдет замуж, бизнес достанется ее братьям. Сама же Джиги Чао, которая почти девять лет живет со своей сожительницей, считает, что «все эти деньги не смогут привлечь мужчину», который бы ей понравился.

Category: Uncategorized

Posted on | January 25, 2014 | 2 Comments

Soros in Our White House – Jarrett Demoted & Plouffe Gone

• Posted by Marcia Wood on January 25, 2014 at 1:14pm • View Blog

Basically there’s been quite a shake – up in the White House and the Democrats and George Soros are doing the shaking. They’ve been the brunt of all Obama’s political blunders and have grown weary of their Commander in Chief’s screw ups for the past five years.

Senate and House Democrats are venting their frustrations over the ACA and worried that if it keeps self -destructing the November 2014 Elections are going to be a nightmare for Democrats.

For starters, here are a few disgruntled Democrats who aren’t happy with their Commander in Chief. Mary Landrieu (D – La), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va), Mark Pryor (D – Ark) and Senator Sherrord Brown (D – Ohio.) Only 31 percent of Democrats strongly approved of Obama in a recent Reuters poll.

Obama the community organizer has Democrats breathing down his back saying basically – you ain’t getting the job done “pres” and we have an election coming up in 2012. Obama, the community organizer decided to reopen his internal political operations office and gave a warm “fuzzy” to the Dems by putting David M. Simas, his current assistant in charge of the operations office.

So Obama just assigned another “junk yard” dog (David Simas) to run his new operations office, but that didn’t seem to appease the restless Dems. Obama is frantic and desperate –“desperate men do desperate things.

Stage left in comes George Soros and guess who he brought with him? Old George brought John Podesta his personal hatchet man. John Podesta is without a doubt one of the most vicious evil political progressives in our Nation. In fact David Simas and John Podesta are now the “go to” men who will be running our Country now.

One of John Podesta jobs was to remove the NSA monkey from Obama’s back – John will do a comprehensive review of big data and privacy. Wow, doesn’t that just give you a safe, warm cuddly feeling?

Obama’s base is dwindling, he’s tanked in all of the polls and George Soros isn’t happy with Jarrett or Obama – they aren’t getting the job done that he hired them to do.

Now that Soros is taking over – Americans better watch out, because our worst nightmare has just occurred with Soros in our White House. Soros isn’t desperate, he’s waited patiently for this day to arrive and believe me when I say all of his “ducks are in a row.”

Soros works quickly Valerie Jarrett just got demoted and David Plouffe received his pink slip and will be leaving tomorrow. Simas will handle the upcoming campaigns and elections while Podesta will try to hypnotize America and lull us back to sleep pretending that all is well while he works by candle light with Obama and Soros to take us down the lonely path of Socialism.

The phrase Obama uses lately on National TV about having a pen and telephone is a threat to Congress and Americans. It is a warning loud and clear that more executive orders are on the way and Soros and his buds are just a phone call away.

The income inequality, executive action and economic mobility all smell of John Podesto’s after shave along with his dirty fingerprints. Podesta, not Jarrett will craft the State of the Union Address regardless of the story the Liberal News is pitching.

The five zones, climate change and that new public-private manufacturing institute in North Carolina will be some of the highlights of Obama’s State of the Union Address, because Obama once again is going to try to play the middle class like a fiddle. The State of the Union Address will have Cloward/Piven written all over it – bottom line is it’s purely economic terrorism.

In 1961 Ronald Reagan warned Americans about Socialized medicine aka (Obamacare.) He said one of the traditional ways to impose socialism on people is via medicine because it will be disguised as a humanitarian project knowing that few people will oppose it because it is to give medical care to those who can’t possibly afford it. Does that sound familiar America?

Reagan said if the people don’t stop this healthcare ploy that “behind it will come other government programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country until one day as Norman Thomas said we will wake to find that we have socialism.”

If Conservatives, Libertarians, tea parties and all the other small groups who are fighting to take back our Country can’t find common ground and work together our children, our grandchildren and generations to come will be owned and controlled by the Government. They will be the ones

left to suffer under the bloody tentacles of Socialism and America will no longer be “One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all.”

Together we can win this war on our turf, but if we all go our separate ways and remain disconnected and fragmented we will be the problem and the reason that our Nation fell victim to Socialism.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” ― Margaret Thatcher

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Are the Feds taking over 401K retirement accounts starting with federal employees? Posted on | January 25, 2014 | No Comments


Those who have been delaying moving their retirement funds out of the system on the

account of early withdrawal taxes may want to take notice. If the official 2012 year end notification an SD reader received from the TSP is any indication, it appears that our prediction of forced movement of 401k, IRA, private & public pension funds into US Treasury bonds may be closer than ever. As can be clearly seen via the document below, the retired former employee of the Social Security Administration has received official notice that all future 401k contributions have been moved from his prior allocation into 100% US treasury bonds! 1 oz Gold Maples As Low As $32.99 Over Spot at SDBullion!

Hey Doc, I just heard from a friend of mine that who worked for the Social Security Administration for a few years that

his entire 401k has been moved from where he allocated it into US treasury bonds. He just received his annual statement that shows all of his funds have been moved, without his permission or even notice! This is what Max Keiser and Jim Sinclair have been predicting for over a year now. As far as I know, thus far this has only been applied to non-active employees, but it looks like the tip of the iceberg, and smacks of desperation. I thought you guys could take a look at this. Silver Dragon

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Megyn Kelly is as complicit inthe cover up and Bill O’Relly, maybe more as Kelly is an attorney. Kelly’s producer has recorded about 20 minutes interview that I made, same with O’Reilly’s producer. They are censored and are not reporting the truth Posted on | January 25, 2014 | 28 Comments

hapnHal 9 approved

Submitted on 2014/01/24 at 9:18 pm

Forget the fruitcake O’Reilly, submit your questions to Megyn Kelly. This would make a blockbuster show. Best of luck.

Press release: Attorney Taitz submits to Bill O’Reilly of FOX news requested questions for Obama interview 34 View Post

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Press release: Criminal complaint submitted to the US Attorney fo NJ, seeking to prosecute ongoing hate crimes against Catholics in NJ Posted on | January 25, 2014 | 7 Comments

Press release

Criminal complaint submitted to the US Attorney for NJ, seeking to prosecute ongoing hate crimes against Catholics in NJ. More info on






PH 949-683-5411 FAx 949-766-7603


Paul J. Fishman

US Attorney

District of New Jersey

970 Broad Street, 7th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 Phone: 973-645-2700 TTY: 973-645-6227 Fax: 973-645-2702




Statement of facts

Since September of 2013 parishioners of several Christian, specifically Catholic churches were victims of acts of domestic terrorism and hate crimes. Perpetrators have decapitated and hacked heads of statutes of Mary, Joseph and Jesus and otherwise desecrated multiple churches in multiple townships in New Jersey.(see attached news article). Aforementioned acts of domestic terrorism were reported in Camden, Malaga and elsewhere. Aforementioned crimes were committed with the clear goal of terrorizing the population. As of now there was no action on part of local and state authorities.


18 U.S.C. §2331

As used in this chapter – (1) the term “international terrorism” means activities that – (A) involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum; (2) the term “national of the United States” has the meaning given such term in section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act; (3) the term “person” means any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property; (4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of – (A) declared war; (B) armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or (C) armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and (5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that – (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Aforementioned acts of desecration of Catholic churches and beheading of statutes of Mary, Joseph and Jesus fall within 18USC 2331 (i) as those acts were perpetrated with the clear goal of intimidating Catholics in multiple townships of New Jersey, which are located miles apart and such acts took place starting from September 3, 2013 through January 25, 2014. This amounts to a systematic campaign of intimidation of population and coercion of population into not attending Catholic churches.

Further, considering the fact that these occurrences took place in multiple townships, and the fact that the damage is extensive there is a high likelihood of a RICO enterprise where a number of individuals have colluded in perpetrating such acts of domestic terrorism.

Further, aforementioned acts might also fall under 18 USC §249 Hate Crime act. Here a specific group was targeted: systematic targeting of Christians, specifically, Catholics. While Hate crime act typically involves bodily injury to a person, in the past acts of burning of crosses, swastika and other acts of vandalism involving signs of hate towards specific groups were prosecuted as hate acts.

The state and local government have not acted upon those acts of hate and the US Attorneys’ office for the District of New Jersey is requested to act and prosecute aforementioned acts. While local townships are lacking resources, the U.S. Attorneys’ office has vast personal and financial resources to investigate and prosecute such acts of hate and domestic terrorism.

US Attorneys’ office for the District of New Jersey was in the news for successfully prosecuting theft of millions of dollars in counterfeit credit cards. Mr. Fishman, you should be commended for that success. However, robbing citizens of New Jersey of their dignity and terrorizing them is important too and as a President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, I implore you to show the same zeal in prosecuting these acts of hate crimes and terrorism, and restoring the citizens right to live free of fear as well.


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

President Defend Our Freedom Foundation

Vandals Hack and Decapitate Religious Statues in New Jersey (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:51 AM

Vandals hacked off the hands and heads of religious statues in New Jersey at two Catholic Churches this week.

CBS Local reported:

Police Department, officers were dispatched to the Sacred Heart Church at 922 E Landis Avenue for reported criminal mischief. An investigation revealed that sometime during the night, the suspects had vandalized several religious statues on church property.

The vandals hacked off the head of a statue of the Virgin Mary. In addition, the vandals also chopped a statue of Joseph in half.

A few hours later, officers were dispatched to St. Francis of Assisi Church at 23 W Chestnut Avenue for the same incident. A subsequent investigation revealed statues at this church had been damaged in the same manner as the ones at Sacred Heart.

At the St. Francis of Assisi Church, the vandals hammered in the faces of Jesus, Mary and Joseph on a statue.

“They are not just statues, but pictures and images of people that should be remembered,” parishioner Jose Rodriguez said.

For the faithful, it is an emotional attack.

“I cannot imagine what is going through the mind of a person that would deliberately go deface statues that are dedicated to our savior,” Deacon Richard Sampson of Christ the Good Shepherd said.

Latest News

Religious Statues Vandalized At 2 Churches In Vineland

January 24, 2014 4:40 PM

Field Code Changed

VINELAND, NJ (CBS) — Police in Vineland are searching for the suspects who vandalized statues outside two churches overnight.

According to the Vineland Police Department, officers were dispatched to the Sacred Heart Church at 922 E Landis Avenue for reported criminal mischief. An investigation revealed that sometime during the night, the suspects had vandalized several religious statues on church property.

The vandals hacked off the head of a statue of the Virgin Mary. In addition, the vandals also chopped a statue of Joseph in half.

A few hours later, officers were dispatched to St. Francis of Assisi Church at 23 W Chestnut Avenue for the same incident. A subsequent investigation revealed statues at this church had been damaged in the same manner as the ones at Sacred Heart.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph statue vandalized in Vineland, NJ. (credit: Cleve Bryan)

At the St. Francis of Assisi Church, the vandals hammered in the faces of Jesus, Mary and Joseph on a statue.

“They are not just statues, but pictures and images of people that should be remembered,” parishioner Jose Rodriguez said.

For the faithful, it is an emotional attack.

“I cannot imagine what is going through the mind of a person that would deliberately go deface statues that are dedicated to our savior,” Deacon Richard Sampson of Christ the Good Shepherd said.

In September, statues were also vandalized at St. Mary’s in Malaga (See Related Story).

It is not just violent manner in which these statues were attacked, it’s the fact that these parishes are several miles apart that leads Catholics to believe that they are clearly being targeted.

“This is not just someone randomly in a drunken spree, decided to be, a wise guy. This was something that someone decided they wanted to make some kind of a statement, and what that statement is kind of weird and ugly,” Peter Feuerherd of the Diocese of Camden said.

The parishes intend to rebuild and pray.

“It is bad, but all we can do is pray for that person so they can really realize that the way they are going is not right,” Rodriguez said.

Anyone with information is asked to call Vineland Police at 856-691-4111

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Posted on | January 25, 2014 | No Comments

The Stench of the Regime Is Thick: A List of Latest Conservative Targets

Vandals Hack Off Faces Of Mary, Joseph Statues; Decapitate Baby Jesus Outside Church...

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January 24 article in provides the public with a link to Taitz v Colvin and quotes from this case relating to Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number Posted on | January 25, 2014 | 6 Comments

Citizens ask countless questions, but get few answers

• Citizens ask countless questions, but get few answers –

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Mary Jewell

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January 24, 2014

Government scandals continue to be reported in the news.

Amazingly, the result is always the same: ‘No accountability.’

Earlier this week, Texas Senator Ted Cruz submitted a list of five questions, and he suggested that President Obama should answer the questions at the upcoming State of the Union Address.

“Americans all over the nation are asking questions about the economy, Obamacare, the IRS, Benghazi, and the NSA that aren’t being answered. However, as the President prepares his State of the Union address, he has signaled he has no intention of clearing the air,” stated Sen. Cruz, according to the article, Cruz: President should hold his Administration accountable to the American people. “The lack of accountability in Washington is creating a crisis of confidence in this country, and under President Obama, trust in government is approaching record lows. It no longer seems like Washington is protecting America. Washington is protecting Washington.”

Senator Cruz described his concern for citizens by stating, “These are the questions I hear when I’m home in Texas, and these are the questions the President should answer in order to restore credibility with the people. The State of the Union will be stronger for it.”

Cruz lists his questions, along with his reason for asking each one, as follows:

1. Will the President allow the Department of Justice to appoint a special prosecutor to fully investigate the IRS’s illegal targeting of conservatives? The President should be eager to prove he has clean hands on this issue. He professed to be angry and outraged by the IRS abuse. Will he pledge to stop new IRS rules that restrict the free speech of non-profit groups?

2. Will the President act to ensure that the privacy of law-abiding citizens is protected from unjustifiable violations by arms of the federal government such as the NSA, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Internal Revenue Service, and Department of Health and Human Services.

3. Will the President recognize that his economic policies have failed to create the millions of jobs that he promised and have, instead, reduced the labor force participation rate to its lowest level in decades? Will he commit to commonsense, job-creating policies such as the immediate authorization of the Keystone Pipeline, a moratorium on new regulations, and fundamental tax reform for every American?

4. Will the President call on Congress to form a Joint Select Committee to finally discover the truth of why four Americans perished in a preventable terrorist attack in Benghazi 16 months ago?

5. Will the President finally recognize that it was a mistake to ram through Obamacare on a party-line vote and that it is — right now — hurting millions of Americans? Will he take real responsibility for misleading the American people when he falsely promised “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” and “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”? Will he acknowledge that he doesn’t have the power to unilaterally rewrite the health law for powerful favored interests such as big business and Congress? And will he finally work with Congress to repeal Obamacare and start over, adopting instead reforms that will make healthcare more personal, portable, and affordable?

The State of the Union Address is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2014.

Among other concerns for citizens who are apprehensive about the direction of their country are delays in scheduling hearings for questions regarding concealed records of Obama.

In a recent response to US Attorney of Maryland Allen F. Loucks’ Motion for Extension of Time in the case, Taitz vs Colvin 13-cv-1878, Attorney Orly Taitz stressed the needs of U.S. citizens for a timely answer. Regarding allegiance to our country, Taitz stated, ” . . . this nation cannot wait any longer . . . . . we are seeing Mr. Obama making decisions that endanger the U.S. National security, such as recent agreements with Iran, which allow Iran to enrich uranium, build ballistics weapons and ultimately develop nuclear weapons, Mr. Obama’s support of Muslim brotherhood leader in Egypt, furtherance of TPP and TAFTA, 10 million Americans dropping out of labor force during the last 5 years and 6,6 million dropping below the poverty line in the same 5 years while the National debt nearly doubled.”

Will Obama answer the many questions and concerns of American citizens at the State of the Union Address?

Writer Peggy Noonan believes that people will not even be listening. Rather, she suggests that many will more likely be ‘sleeping.’

Peggy Noonan states in her Wall Street Journal article, Noonan: The Sleepiness of a Hollow Legend, that “No one’s really listening to the president now.” Referring to Obama’s speeches, Noonan says, “No one’s really listening to the president now. He has been for five years a nonstop wind-up talk machine. Most of it has been facile, bland, the same rounded words and rounded sentiments, the same soft accusations and excuses.”

Noonan summarizes, “The bigger problem is that the president stands up there Tuesday night with ObamaCare not a hazy promise but a fact . . . . . . . . . And—as we all know now but did not last year—the program was passed only with the aid of a giant lie. Now everyone knows if you liked your plan, your doctor, your deductible, you can’t keep them.”

Describing the upcoming State of the Union, Noonan visualizes, “I see a handsome, dignified man standing at the podium and behind him Joe Biden, sleeping. And next to him John Boehner, snoring. And arrayed before the president the members, napping.”

Americans continue to suffer, worry and search for answers.

Should citizens expect the annual ‘State of the Union Address by the U.S. President’ to address their questions?

Or will the President tell us, as Peggy Noonan suggested, “It’s hard to anticipate events over the next three years . . . . . . . ”

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Corruption in the Department of Justice Posted on | January 24, 2014 | 1 Comment

Rod Riddle 617 approved

Submitted on 2014/01/24 at 11:06 am

A US Attorney is putting out subpoenas in the Chris Christie GW Bridge incident yet no subpoenas in the biggest RICO case in American history!! No subpoenas for Benghazi, Fast & Furious, iRS hit jobs on Conservatives, Murder of our Navy Seals, etc. these are sick Communists running the show!

Producer of anti-Obama movie is being prosecuted for elections fraud. Contact director of FBI and demand prosecution of Obama abd his accomplices for elections fraud and for use of a stolen Social security number and fabricated IDs

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o 19 year old student from Russia was caught in PA with a bomb. Based on the last name and face features he might be from Chechnya region


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• Recent Posts o Judicial Council of the 3rd Circuit is investigating a complaint regarding a cover

up by the court of the major/egragious falsification of records by the court reporter in my case. 14 pages, the whole cross examination, was removed. Judges covered it up. The Judicial council of the 3rd circuit is reviewing a request to transfer the complaint to Chief Justice Roberts to reassignement to another circuit due to inherent conflict of interest


Historic DVD Now Available! DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz $22.50 each +$2.50 for shipping and handling. --------- To order these DVDs, donate $25.00 by credit card on the website and email [email protected] with you name and address. Or send a $25.00 check with your name and address to: Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012, 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100, RSM, CA 92688.

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Alan Keyes - Loyal to Liberty

Please make a donation to Dr. Orly Taitz for CA U.S. Senate 2012 Campaign --------------------------------------

29839 Sta Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 92688 orly.taitz @gmail. com (949) 766-7687


Videography by Barbara Rosenfeld --------------------------------------

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The People's Senator. She fights for America!

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