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  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    Tailored to your 

    company’s needs. Training

    Overview of Steel Metallurgy

    Has been taught in segments ranging from two hours each to entire course in seven hoursTopics Covered 

    • Fundamentals of steelmaking

    • Basic mechanical properties

    • Elements of steel metallurgy

    • Heat treatment of steel

    • High strength low alloy steels

    • Gray and ductile iron• Welding of steel

    • Formability of sheet steel

    • Powder metallurgy

    • Hot and cold forging

    • Corrosion of steel products

    • tainless steel and superalloy metallurgy


    In response to the declining skilled workforce in the steel industry, the International

    Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) took the initiative by creating a collection of web-

    based E-learning resources on metallurgy in a pilot project named Internet earning

    of Steel !pplications and "rocesses (IS!")# Initially two introductory modules$

    Secondary Steelmaking and Steel for !utomotive !pplications were launched in

    partnership with the %!&&E' project at the niversity of iverpool on !ugust

    *++*. /ollowing the success of the pilot project, the IISI board of governors approved

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    a budget of 0 *#1 million for development of an e2tensive set of E-learning resources

    and the project was renamed steeluniversity#org in 3ctober *++4 5.#

    [edit]E-learning resources

     &he E-learning modules on the website cover major aspects of iron and steelmaking

    grouped in four di6erent categories7

    Steel applications



    Engineering teels



    Steel processing

    Process #oute "verview

    Basic "$ygen teelmaking

    Electric !rc Furnace

    econdary teelmaking

    Continuous Casting

    Hot #olling

    Heat %reatment of teel

    Ferrous metallurgy

    %hermodynamics and


    'echanical Properties

    trengthening 'echanisms


    [edit]Steel applications

     &he modules in this section address the selection of steels for di6erent steel markets

    8 such as automotive, construction, engineering and o6shore applications# !cting as

    the materials advisor in a multidisciplinary team, the user aims to select suitable

    steel in order to satisfy design speci9cations for a particular application# &he major

    engineering design e:uations are studied during this process in order to select and

    compare the performance of steel and other metals and materials#

    ;-< "rocess 3verview of a Steel "lant

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    E!/ Steelmaking simulation

    Secondary Steelmaking simulation

    [edit]Steel processing

     &his section contains a series of interactive simulations of major steelmaking

    processes from raw materials,=asic o2ygen steelmaking (=3S) and Electric arc

    furnace (E!/) steelmaking, secondary steelmaking,>ontinuous casting and ?ot


  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


     &he learner can check mechanical properties of a given grade of steel by conducting

    virtual tensile, >harpy impact and hardness tests as well#


     &his section introduces the environmental aspects of steelmaking, usage and

    recycling processes# &he learner gets a basic idea of ife >ycle &hinking and the

    method of ife >ycle !ssessment (>!), and its practical application# In addition

    selected >! scenarios facing the steel industry and its customers in the automotive

    and construction sectors can be e2plored#

    [edit]Available languages

     &he e-learning modules were initially only available in English# >urrently, several

    modules can be found in di6erent languages such as Spanish, >hinese (traditional C

    simpli9ed), Dorean, 'ussian and erman# &he process of translation is not yet

    complete and a number of modules are in various stages of proof reading#

    [edit]Annual Virtual Steelmaking Challenge

     &he Virtual Steelmaking Challenge is an annual competition organiBed by

    steeluniversity#org for students and steel industry employees# sing one or more of

    the steelmaking simulations on the steeluniversity#org website, the entrants are to

    produce a particular steel grade at the lowest cost# &he competition runs for a *;

    hour period during which multiple attempts are allowed# !wards are given for the

    best, one for the best industry entry and the other for the best university entry# 3ther

    local priBes sponsored by steel companies are also presented at the even

    Eternal links


    Forld Steel !ssociation

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    Welding Metallurgy

    • Microstructure of steel welds

    • Stress and microstructure of

    steel welds

    • Mechanical properties of steelwelds

    • Reliability ofcalcuations: paper , slides

    • Towards Weld Property

    Prediction• Superduplex stainless steel

    welds• Molybdenum in steel welds

    • Modelling strong weld metal

    • Type I crac!ing• "riction


    • "riction

    stir#weldingof steels

    • "rictionstir#weldmicrostr 


    • "rictionstir#welding,re$iew

    • Spot#welding e%uipment

    • MI& welding e%uipment

    • Robotic welding e%uipment

    • 'lectron beam welding e%uipment

    • (aser welding e%uipment

    • (aser welded components

    • )eyhole TI& welding process

    • *arrow gap welding, laser cladding, hybrid plasma#laser techni%ue+

    • o$e#tail -oints in steel+

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    • (aser cutting of stents+

    • .#axis pulsed /0& profiler aimed at surgical tools+

    • 1ole drilling using laser+

    • (aser welding of -ewellery+•

    Tool repair using laser welding• (aser spot and seam welding+

    • (aser welding of battery cases+

    • (aser welding of aluminium car+

    • Remote laser welding of automoti$e components+

    • ariety of laser welding applications at Porsche+

    • 1igh#speed cutting

    • 2ra3ing using a laser as the heat source+

    • M+Phil+ in Materials Modelling

    • 4oining of 5ommercial 0luminium 0lloys 6P"7

    • "ull list of mo$ies showing welding

    • 2oo! re$iews

    •  0WS meeting, 899

    •  0achen Welding Meeting, 899

    Research Papers

    • ;The &rowth Rate of 0llotriomorphic "errite in (ow#0lloy Steel Weld

    eposits;Proceedings of The Third Scandina$ian Symposium on Materials Science,?., pp+ @9.#@9?1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    • ;0 Model for the e$elopment of Microstructure in (ow#0lloy Steel 6"e#

    Mn#Si#57 Weld eposits; 0cta Metallurgica, ol+ @@, =>?., pp+ =8=#=8?@1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    • ;"e#5r#5 1ardfacing 0lloys for 1igh#Temperature 0pplications;

    Proceedings of the "irst International 5onference on Surface 'ngineering,ed+ I+ 0+ 2uc!low, TWI, 0bington, 5ambridge, A+)+(+#'+ S$ensson, 2+ &retoft, 2+ Alander and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;"e#5r#5 1ardfacing 0lloys for 1igh#Temperature 0pplications;

    4ournal of Materials Science, ol+ 8=, =>?C, pp+ =9=.#=9=>(+#'+ S$ensson, 2+ &retoft, 2+ Alander and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;e$elopment of Microstructure in the "usion Done of Steel Weld


  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


     0cta Stereologica, ol+ ., =>?C, *o+ =, pp+ @C.#@=2+ &retoft, 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson

    • ;The 0ustenite &rain Structure of (ow#0lloy Steel Weld eposits;

    4ournal of Materials Science, ol+ 8=, =>?C, pp+ @>B#@>.=1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    ;0n 0nalysis of 5ooling 5ur$es from the "usion Done of Steel Weldeposits;Scandana$ian 4ournal of Metallurgy, ol+ =., =>?C, pp+ >#=9@(+#'+ S$ensson, 2+ &retoft and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;5omputer#0ided esign of 'lectrodes for Manual Metal 0rc Welding;

    Proceedings of an International 5onference on 5omputer Technology inWelding, =>?C,editor W+ (ucas, published by The Welding Institute, 0bington, A+)+(+#'+ S$ensson, 2+ &retoft and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Thermodynamics of the 0cicular "errite Transformation in 0lloy#SteelWeld eposits;

     0d$ances in Welding Technology and Science, 0SM, Metals Par!, ?, pp+ =?#=>=+4+R+ /ang and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;The Mechanism of 0cicular "errite "ormation in Steel Weld eposits;

     0d$ances in Welding Technology and Science, 0SM, Metals Par!, ?, pp+ 89>#8=@+M+ Strangwood and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Prediction of Microstructure of the "usion Done of Multicomponent SteelWeld eposits;

     0d$ances in Welding Technology and Science, 0SM, Metals Par!, ?, pp+ 88.#88>+

    1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft• ;The Microstructure of 5#Mn Steel Welds; 6in Swedish7

    S$etsen, ol+ B., *o+ 8, =>?C, pp+ =9#=C2+ &retoft, (+#'+ S$ensson and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Prediction of the Microstructure of Submerged#0rc (inepipe Welds;

    Proceedings of the Third International 5onference on Weldingand Performance of Pipelines, =>?C,published by the Welding Institute, 0bington, A+)+1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    • ;0n 0nalysis of the Primary Microstructure of 5r and Mo 5ontaining (ow# 0lloy Steel Welds;

    Proceedings of the Bth Scandana$ian Symposium on Materials Science,*orwegian Institute of Technology, *orway+ 0ugust 8.#8C, =>?C, pp+ =.@#=.?1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    • ;Theory for the formation of 0llotriomorphic "errite in Steel Weld eposits;Proceedings of an International 5onference on Welding Metallurgyof Structural Steels,published by The Metallurgical Society of the 0IM',

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    Warrendale, Pennsyl$ania+'dited by 4+ /+ )oo, =>?, pp+ .=#.@9+1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, (+#'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    • ;Solute#Segregation, ?, pp+ B>.#.9B+M+ Strangwood and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Reaustenisation in Steel Weld eposits; Proceedings of an International 5onference on Welding Metallurgyof Structural Steels,published by The Metallurgical Society of the 0IM',Warrendale, Pennsyl$ania+'dited by 4+ /+ )oo, =>?, pp+ .B>#.C@+

    4+ R+ /ang and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia• ;Stability, Wear Resistance and Microstructure of "e#5r#5 and "e#5r#Si#5

    1ardfacing 0lloys;Proceedings of 1eat Treatment =>?,Institute of Metals, (ondon, 4uly =>??, pp+ @>#B@+S+ 0tamert and 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;The *on#Aniform istribution of Inclusions in (ow#0lloy

    Steel Weld eposits;Metallurgical Transactions, ol+ =>0, =>??, pp+ CC>#CB+

     0+ 0+ 2+ Sugden and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;0 Model for the Prediction of Strength in Steel Welds;

    Metallurgical Transactions 0, ol+ =>0, =>??, pp+ =.>#=C98 0+ 0+ 2+ Sugden and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;*itrogen in Submerged#0rc Weld eposits;

    4ournal of Materials Science (etters, ol+ , =>??, pp+ C=9#C=8+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia, (+ #'+ S$ensson and 2+ &retoft

    • ;5omputer#0ided esign of 'lectrodes for 0rc Welding Processes: Part II;

    Proceedings of the Second International 5onference on5omputer Technology in Welding, The Welding Institute,5ambridge, =>??, paper 8B+(+ #'+ S$ensson, 2+ &retoft, 0+ 0+ 2+ Sugden and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;The esign of Submerged 0rc Weld eposits for 1igh#Strength Steels;

    Proceedings of an International 5onference on Impro$edWeldment 5ontrol using 5omputer Technology, ienna, 0ustria,B#. 4uly =>??+ Published by Pergamon Press, ??, pp+ =#?+(+ #'+ S$ensson and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • The

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    • ;5omparison of the Microstructures and Wear Properties of Stellite

    1ardfacing 0lloys eposited by 0rc Welding and (aser 5ladding;Metallurgical Transactions 0, ol+ 890, =>?>, pp+ =9@#=9.B+S+ 0tamert and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;The Microstructure of Submerged#0rc Weld eposits for 

    1igh#Strength Steels;4ournal of Materials Science, ol+ 8B, =>?>, pp+ @=?9#@=??+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson

    • ;'ffect of 0lloying 0dditions on the Microstructure

    and Properties of ertical#Ap Manual Metal 0rc Welds #Part I: Method of theoretical assessment;4oining and Materials, ol+ 8, =>?>, pp+ =?8R#=?R+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson

    • ;'ffect of 0lloying 0dditions on the Microstructureand Properties of ertical#Ap Manual Metal 0rc Welds #Part II: Results and iscussion 4oining and Materials,

    ol+ 8, =>?>, pp+ 8@CR#8@?R1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson• ;(ower 0cicular "errite;

    Metallurgical Transactions 0, ol+ 890, =>?>, pp+ =?==#=?=?+ 0+ 0+ 2+ Sugden and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;The 'stimation of *on#Aniform 'longation in (ow#0lloy Steel Weld

    eposits;4ournal of Materials Science, ol+ 8., =>>9, pp+ C=@#C=?+

     0+ 0+ 2+ Sugden and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;*ic!el#2ased 1ardfacing 0lloys for 1igh Temperature 0pplications;

    Materials Science and Technology, ol+ ., =>?>, pp+ =889#=88?+

    S+ 0tamert and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;Reaustenitisation 'xperiments on Some 1igh#Strength Steel Weld

    eposits;Materials Science and 'ngineering, ol+ 0==?, =>?>, pp+ =..#=9+4+ R+ /ang and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Microstructural 'ntropy and the Scatter in Toughness;Recent Trends in Welding Science and Technology 6TWRE?>7,eds+ S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ ite!, 0SM International,?>, B.#B?+

     0+ 0+ 2+ Sugden and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;Silicon Modification of Iron 2ase 1ardfacing 0lloys;

    Recent Trends in Welding Science and Technology 6TWRE?>7,eds+ S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ ite!, 0SM International,?>, 8@#8?+S+ 0tamert and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;5omplete Reaustenitisation in Multirun Steel Weld eposits;Recent Trends in Welding Science and Technology 6TWRE?>7,eds+ S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ ite!,

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


     0SM International, ?>, 89.#8=9+R+ Reed and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;The islocation ensity of 0cicular "errite in Steel Welds;

     0merican Welding 4ournal, ol+ C>, =>>9, pp+ @9.s#@9s+4+ R+ /ang and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    ;The Transition from 2ainite to 0cicular "errite in Reheated"e#5r#5 Weld eposits;Materials Science and Technology, ol+ C, =>>9, pp+ =99.#=989+S+ S+ 2abu and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Microstructure and Stability of "e#5r#5 1ardfacing 0lloys;

    Materials Science and 'ngineering, ol+ 0=@9, =>>9, pp+ =9=#==8+S+ 0tamert and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;5ontrol of Weld Metal Microstructure and Properties;

    The Metallurgy, Welding and Fualification of Microalloyed61S(07 Steel Weldments,eds+ 4+ T+ 1ic!ney, + &+ 1owden and M+ + Randall,

     0merican Welding Society, *o$ember =>>9, pp+ @B#C>a+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;Models for 0cicular "errite;

    International Trends in Welding Research,eds+ S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ ite!,

     0SM International, >8, pp+ 8=@#888+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Microstructural e$elopment in an 1S(0?9 (aser 2eam Weldment;Proceedings of the Society of Photo#>., pp+ =.#8B+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Modelling the Inclusion *ucleation Potency in Steel Welds;

    Modelling and 5ontrol of 4oining Processes,

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    ed+ T+ Dacharia, 0merican Welding Society, "lorida, A+S+0+, =>>@, pp+ =>.#898+4+ M+ &regg and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Model for 2oron 'ffects in Steel Welds;

    Modelling and 5ontrol of 4oining Processes,

    ed+ T+ Dacharia, 0merican Welding Society, "lorida, A+S+0+, =>>@, pp+ =.@#=C9+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson

    • ;5alculation of the olume "raction of Phases from 55T 5ur$es;

    Modelling and 5ontrol of 4oining Processes, ed+ T+ Dacharia, 0merican Welding Society, "lorida, A+S+0+, =>>@, pp+ @9C#@=@+'+ 0+ Met3bower and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Modelling of Precipitation Se%uences at issimilar Steel 4oints;

    Modelling and 5ontrol of 4oining Processes, ed+ T+ Dacharia, 0merican Welding Society, "lorida, A+S+0+, =>>@, pp+ 8=.#88=+4+ M+ Race and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    ;0 Model for Multipass Steel Welds; 0cta Metallurgica et Materialia, ol+ B8, =>>B, @CC@#@C?+R+ 5+ Reed and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Modelling of 2rittle Dones in the 10D of Steel Welds;

    Modelling and 5ontrol of 4oining Processes, ed+ T+ Dacharia, 0merican Welding Society, "lorida, A+S+0+, =>>@, =?C#=>@+S+ Su3u!i, &+ Rees and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Microstructures in 1ot Wire (aser 2eam Welding of 1/?9 Steel;Materials Science and Technology, ol+ =9, =>>B, .C#.>+'+ 0+ Met3bower, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and R+ 1+ Phillips

    • ;Thermodynamics of 0cicular "errite *ucleation;

    Materials Science and Technology, ol+ =9, =>>B, pp+ @.@#@.?+&+ I+ Rees and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;Metastable Phase Solidification in 'lectron 2eam Welding

    of issimilar Stainless Steels;Materials Science and 'ngineering 0, ol+ 0=?, =>>B, pp+ =?>#=>B+S+ Tsu!amoto, 1+ 1arada and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;5arbon Redistribution at issimilar Steel 4oints;

    International Trends in Welding Research, eds+ S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ite!,

     0SM International, >8, pp+ @=.#@89+4+ Race and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    ;0utogenous 'lectron 2eam Welds across issimilar Stainless Steel:Solidification Se%uences;International Trends in Welding Research,eds+ S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ ite!,

     0SM International, >8, pp+ =?=#=?C+S+ Tsu!amoto, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and 1+ 1arada

    • ;Simulation of Weld Metal Microstructure and Properties;

    Proceedings of 50MS' E>8 65omputer 0ided Inno$ation of *ew

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    Materials7,eds+ M oyama, 4+ )ihara, M+ Tana!a and R+ /amamoto,'lse$ier Science Publishers, 2++, =>>@, =8>#=@B+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Modelling of Steel Welds;

    Materials Science and Technology, ol+ ?, =>>8, pp+ =8@#=@@+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;Stress and the 0cicular "errite Transformation;

    Materials Science and 'ngineering 0, ol+ 0=.C, =>>8, =#>+S+ S+ 2abu and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;5rystallographic Texture and the 0ustenite &rain Structureof (ow#0lloy Steel Weld eposits;4ournal of Materials Science (etters, ol+ =9, =>>=, =B8#=BB+S+ S+ 2abu, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson

    • ;0cicular "errite Transformation in 0lloy#Steel Weld Metals;4ournal of Materials Science, ol+ 8C, =>>=, ?@>#?B.+

    4+ R+ /ang and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia• ;Solidification Se%uences in Stainless Steel issimilar 0lloy Welds;

    Materials Science and Technology, ol+ , =>>=, pp+ .9#C=+1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia, S+ 0+ a$id and 4+ M+ ite!

    • ;The /ield and Altimate Tensile Strengths of Steel Welds;Materials Science and 'ngineering 0, ol+ 88@, =>>, pp+ =?C#899T+ 5ool, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and + 4+ 5+ Mac)ay

    • ;Model for Solidification 5rac!ing in (ow#0lloy Steel Weld Metals ;Science and Technology of Welding and 4oining, ol+ =, =>>C, pp+ B@#.9+)+ Ichi!awa, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and + 4+ 5+ Mac)ay

    • ;Modelling of 0llotriomorphic "errite in Steel Welds;

    Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena#@,eds+ 1+ 5er-a! and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia,Institute of Materials, =>>, =?=#=>?+)+ Ichi!awa and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;5omputer Modelling of (ow 0lloy Steel Welds;

    Welding G Metal "abrication, ol+ CB, =>>., 8@#8B+ 0+ 4+ Summerfield, T+ 5ool, 2+ R+ )e$ille and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Model for Solidification 5rac!ing in (ow#0lloy Steel Weld Metals;

    Science and Technology of Welding and 4oining, ol+ =, =>>C, pp+ B@#.9+)+ Ichi!awa, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and + 4+ 5+ Mac)ay

    • ;Inoculation of Steel Welds with *on#Metallic Particles;

    Materials Science and 'ngineering 0, ol+ 88@, =>>, pp+ =BC#=.+4+ M+ &regg, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+#'+ S$ensson

    • ;Scatter in 1igh Strength Steel Weld properties due to Interpass

    Temperature ;Trends in Welding Research, eds S+ 0+ a$id, T+ ebRoy, 4+ 0+ 4ohnson,1+ 2+ Smartt and 4+ M+ ite!, 0SM International, >>, pp+ ?9#?.+M+ (ord and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    Proceedings of the 89th I50('< 899=, "lorida, ols+ >8 and >@, =@8=#=@@9+5+0+ Walsh, 1+)++1+ 2hadeshia, 0+ (au, 2+ Matthias, R+

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    • ;Si3e distribution of oxides and toughness of steel weld metals;

    Science and Technology of Welding and 4oining, ol+ == 6899C7 .?9#.?8+S+ Terashima and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;Transformation Plasticity in Steel Weld Metals;

    Proceedings of the =9th International 0achen Welding 5onference, 88##8.

    @#@>?1+ 4+ Stone, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and P+ 4+ Withers

    • ;5haracterising Phase Transformations and their 'ffects on "erritic Weld

    Residual Stresses with J#rays and *eutrons;Metallurgical and Materials Transactions 0 @>0 6899?7 @99#@9?+1+ ai, 4+ 0+ "rancis, 1+ 4+ Stone, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and P+ 4+ Withers

    ;Recent 0d$ances in "riction Stir Welding;Progress in Materials Science, ol+ .@, 899?, >?9#=98@+R+ *andan, T+ ebRoy and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;4oining 5eramics to Metals using Metallic "oam;

    Materials Science and 'ngineering, ol+ 0B>C 6899?7 .9=#.9C+ 0+ 0+ Shir3adi, /+ Dhu and 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia

    • ;7 =C#8=+4+ 1+ Pa!, 4+ 1+ 4ang, 1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and (+ )arlsson

    • ;5ritical 0ssessment: "riction#Stir Welding of Steels;

    Science and Technology of Welding and 4oining, ol+ =B, 899>, =>@#=>C+

    1+ )+ + 1+ 2hadeshia and T+ ebRoy

    Superalloys Titanium 2ainite Martensite WidmanstKtten ferrite5ast iron Welding  0llotriomorphic ferrite Mo$ies Slides*eural *etwor!s 5reep Mechanicallly 0lloyed Theses

    PT &roup 1ome Materials 0lgorithms

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your




    • European Steel numbering and steel designations explained

     ) (AestaPolarit!" #his site contains in$ormation on stainless steelgrades" %elding stainless steel & online corrosion #ables

    Carbon Steel 

    Carbon teel

    #esidual tress

    train !ge Embrittlement

    How to !void PWH%

    %he General Effects "f !lloying Elements

    Stainless Steel

    !ustenitic tainless teels

    Carbon teel %o !ustenitic



    'ore articles to follow soon+

  • 8/9/2019 Tailored to Your


    ) pd$ $ile containing stainless steel grades and speci$icationsSteel 'rades Wall )hart EuropeanSteel 'rades Wall )hart *orth American

    ) S#A+*,ESS S#EE,S- #heir properties and their suitability $or %elding. pd$ $ile

    ) andbook $or the pickling and cleaning o$ stainless steel. pd$ $ile

    )/ey to Steel is the %orld0s most comprehensie steel properties database"deeloped and designed $or pro$essional use %orld%ide./ey to Steel Articles

    ) ESA1 2niersity A ery comprehensie course in basic %elding technology.

    ) 2se$ul de$initions .


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